MTL - Reborn: Super God of War-Chapter 52 Expert Transfer Trial

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In the first step, the gale screamed, the blade-like gale cut its face, and the blood drifted with the wind, just like the paint in ink painting.

In the second step, the spring breeze blows on the surface, the extremely warm breeze brings a healing effect, the soft and comfortable cooling feeling from the heart makes people feel refreshed, and forgets the pain before.

In the third step, the scorching wind swirls like an oven, shaving human skin red, like a bronze pillar of fire.

This is the Temple of the Wind Spirit!

In the Era of the Era, elements accounted for a large proportion. It exists in every space. It can't be seen, but can be perceived by people.

An element of one side produces only one intelligence, which is called the Spirit of the element. When the spirit of the element appears, there will be countless living elements in this land. The strength of these elements is the strength of the elemental spirit.

At this stage, the player level is still low, these elements have a full level of 25 strength. As the historical process progresses, the element will become a behemoth. In the later period, the four elemental lords will rule the party and co-rule with other races.

Lin Jie poured a bottle of slow recovery potion, and each step was faced with a different wind, and his life value would fall more or less. If he was killed by the wind, it would be truly ruined.


The whirlwind whistled, and a wind element about a person's high tornado condensed in front of him. The eye of the hurricane saw Lin Jie's appearance.

Gale element, level 15 elemental creature. Immune recognition control effect, immune to wind attack! (neutral)

Lin Jie opened her mouth, and a strange wave swallowed from her chest, making a whine sound, this is the wind elemental language. "Hello, you can see that you are the first-class handsome guy in the wind element."

If Lin Jie is not a rebirth player, he will definitely have to die many times before he finds out this way. There is no scroll to communicate with the wind element, and to communicate with it in the wind element language, then the shy wind element in front of it will not be neutral, and it will become a level 15 monster in a blink of an eye! In the early days, it was called invincible, and the person who died came.

The hurricane eye of the howling element trembled, and the wind on the surface of the body suddenly dissipated, leaving only the light spring breeze on the surface of the body-looks like it is shy?

"You look strange but cute." Feng element said joyfully.

Oh, right. It is worth mentioning that there is no gender distinction in wind elements, in other words, they are androgynous.

"I'm looking for someone." Lin Jie smiled. His goal is to control the wind sword Saint Carthy. The old orc who admired the hurricane contributed all the power to the seal, and at this time should be eager to find a way to restore strength. As the Wind Sword Master, he will come to the Wind Spirit Temple as a matter of course.

"Cute child, come with me." Wind elements lead the way, these IQ elements are equivalent to single-celled organisms are still easy to communicate. And if ordinary people come here, I am afraid that they will be siege to death. The reason is simple. If you come as a human being, the wind element will be kind to say hello to you. And you ca n’t respond because your language is incomprehensible. In their understanding, you deliberately look down on the spirit of the elements and shoot the dead. "Yes, what is your element medium? I can go to you ..."

Lin Jie hurriedly shut up, this guy!

In the ruined palace, the former grace of the elemental goddess has not been found. The old orc in vicissitudes of animal skin, carrying the rusty broken sword gifted to him by Lin Jie, prayed sincerely, stretched out his hands, and tried to feel the power of the wind.

Howling Swordmaster, Carcy Mel!

"Master," Lin Jie flashed in front of him and said respectfully, "It's a coincidence to meet you here."

Jian Jiansheng gave Lin Jie a surprised look, and the orc's face opened with an ugly smile, "I remember you, the guy who gave the sword that day. Yes, you have grown a lot."

Lin Jie smiled embarrassedly and sighed, "I chose the warrior way and vowed to be the most powerful warrior regardless of everything. Now I finally got the qualification for trial and transfer, but the instructor only gave me Promulgating ordinary missions is an insult to soldiers! "

"I heard that the eternal hero and most powerful member of our soldiers, Yufeng Swordmaster, practiced in the Temple of the Wind Spirit, and hurried over. It seems that he has gone." Lin Jie sighed, "Yu Feng Jian Sheng is my biggest idol. His selflessness, his power, and his demeanor when he swings his sword are the most powerful reasons for me to choose the way of warriors! "

After talking, Lin Jie raised his head with a pious face, and said involuntarily, "Yu Feng Sword Master ..."

Is this acting? This is of course acting! Lin Jie almost spit out after speaking a sentence of envy and admiration.

—— "Unknown swordsman favors you by 50."

It seems that these words work well.

Wu Jiansheng grinned, unpredictable, "Young man, don't be discouraged. I can post you a transfer test, the highest difficulty."

Lin Linjie's eyes widened. "You, are you ..."

"No, I'm just a disciple of Juggernaut." Juggernaut waved his hand to interrupt Lin Jie's guess. This action made Lin Jie helpless. He still refused to confess his identity.

"The difference between trials lies in the different understandings of the warrior's way. The junior is armed with heavy weapons, the intermediate is inaccessible, and the advanced is like iron ..."

"Get the approval of the three clergy, this is your trial."

—— "You have accepted the expert-level transfer trial: [priesthood trial]."

Mission difficulty: ★★★★

Mission description: You have found the mysterious unknown swordsman, who professes to be a disciple of Wind Sword Master. If you are approved by 3 clergy, you can complete the transfer trial.

Is actually a four-star mission!

Since the transfer, the task difficulty has been clearly graded. The four-star task represents a very high task difficulty. Not only the requirements for equipment, skills, and levels, but also the wisdom.

Samsung's following tasks can be easily completed directly with external hardware, such as equipment and skills. But starting from four stars, it is necessary to test the player's wisdom. And this task is often unique, even if you want Baidu or Google can not get a hint. This is the case for many players in the previous life. Even after receiving the four-star mission, they were unable to complete it, mourning.

There are three types of clergy in the Era: clerics, missionaries, and pagans. Lin Jie glanced at his red dripping **** game name and secretly swallowed.


City of Light, Holy Light Church.

As a holy place for Paladins and priests, the church's first impression on civilians is often selfless, kind, and glorious ... but Lin Jie felt a deep maliciousness.

The bishop of the church, Ernest, a high-level holy priest, walks every half an hour. Any player or civilian who prays at the door of the church will receive a small amount of experience and status. At this stage, skills such as the lowered health limit are unsolvable, and only NPCs have the ability to disarm.

Over time, even players from other cities will come to pray, and the church door can be described as enthusiastic.

Lin Jie intentionally entered the Wood Castle once, masochistically made a curse, increased the life limit by one third, came to the church to pray, and tried to get close to the bishop and got approval.

He has made up the story. In order to save a little girl named Little Red Riding Hood captured by the big wolf, he went into Wood Castle alone, besieged by thousands of werewolves, and met seven gourds to escape ...

"Bishop is here!"

"Speed, pray, quickly get rid of the state and go on a mission."

"Amitabha ..." Upon hearing this, all players immediately added a "curse" state: Five Thunder Boom.

The bishop's face is kind and holy light shines on the top of the scepter, soothing the pain for the players.

I gradually arrived at Lin Jie.

"Sinner, you seem to be punished." Cardinal Ernest White smiled slightly and tapped the scepter on Lin Jie's forehead.

"Thank you Bishop, I'm all here to save ... lie down!" Lin Jie stared. Not only did his state of lowered health limit not recover, he also added an aura.

Severely punish the halo: All your deductible statuses get an additional 200% gain ~ ~ for 1 natural day.

Lin Jie spit out old blood. Nima!

At this moment, the followers behind the Cardinal blinked and dropped a note. It was awesomely written: Moline Tavern.

What does it mean? Could this NPC fancy his handsome and handsome face? Breaking the bowl and falling, what could be worse than now?

Lin Jie thought about leaving the church, came to Moline Tavern, ordered a glass of ale and sat quietly.

A bard with an accordion, a screaming gambler, a drunken drunkard, and a businessman who pretends to have a conversation but is actually conducting a transaction ... the tavern is full of variety.

The door opened, and a believer in a pure white robe came in. It was the man who gave Lin Jie a note—the 25th-level elite priest Aubrey.

"You seem to have a problem?" Aubrey was a lady with blonde rhinitis, but a frivolous smile added a lot of malice to his face. "Maybe I can help you."

Lin Jie smiled, "Are you a clergyman?"

算 "Okay." Aubrey sniffed. "Ernest is my cousin, and I am also eligible to be a bishop."

Lin Jie knew, "I want the clergy's approval, can you give me?"

Aubry blinked and shook the empty wine glass. "Of course you can ... but I'm thirsty, and dry mouth is not suitable for business."

"Oh?" Lin Jie smiled slightly.