MTL - Reborn: Super God of War-Chapter 47 Qiu Yuan's teenage feelings

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"Give me an explanation."

Gao Linjiemune stood next to Gao Lu's body, and the giant werewolf Timmy suppressed his tempted appetite, sniffing Gao Lu's body from time to time, and looked at the host with a pleading look.

The saucy girl's beautiful, white and tender face, with anger, brought a touch of pink, and her **** swelled up and down between breaths. She took a deep breath and pointed at Gao Lu's body.

女孩 This girl is Qiu Yuan. The moment Lin Jie killed Gao Lu, she jumped for joy and excitedly sent a message to her elder sister. The first copy of the copy was from the Youlan team, thanks to the floating life! ... just halfway through, the incredible announcement came to my ears.

fraternity? What is a Brotherhood?

In order to show her trust and gratitude, Youlan set the ‘floating’ permission to the maximum stepped permission. If she goes offline, Lin Jie has the right to use any head authority, including changing the team name and so on.

It was for this reason that Lin Jie was able to make an announcement.

Wu Qiuyuan squeezed the staff in his hand, and Lin Jie looked up and down with a pair of eyes. The guy who seemed to be in control of everything, at this time, was in a panic. He drew his hands on both sides of his thigh and pinched his fingers subconsciously, but only caught the steel armor, and his fingers hurt.

"My elder sister paid a lot for the copy, but I also heard that her potion was provided by you." Qiu Yuan gradually calmed down, smirking, beautiful and unpredictable, but with a strange irony, "Floating, You are the first game friend I know. I thought you did so much for the team because of my friendship. Do you ask yourself, big sister, me, have you been treated badly by Bohai Water? I know your strength Strong, we are not all the same, but at least for now, we are standing in the same place! "

"We leveled day and night, and only brushed these mobs every day. I saw their faces vomiting. Until Sister Youlan said something, we will take the first kill when you come over. I was then Delighted ... "

Wu Qiuyuan wiped his eyes, "Floating, do you know? You are the most hated liar I have ever met. What team can you hire on your terms? Why?

How important is glory to the team? Maybe those who pull their feet and stand alone will never understand. Lin Jie also understands that if he does this, he will inevitably have some gap with the Ulan team, but he is fortunately thinking, maybe he can explain it himself?

Now, I find that things are contrary to my wishes. Explaining God, Lin Jie was speechless.

I could not explain.

I told Qiu Yuan, if I do n’t do this, my family may be ruined in the future?

"I have my reasons." Lin Jie uttered a few words helplessly, thought about it, and added, "I didn't lie to you."

Qiu Yuan shook his head and seemed to lose his strength. "I will be offline for a while, and Sister Youlan will not be online. You have a lot of time to think about it. In any case, give me an explanation tomorrow, reasonable A little, it's moving, thank you. "

Wu Qiuyuan disappeared.

Qiu Yuan was offline, Qiu Yuan still wore a small vest at home, but no smile. Looking at the scenes on the forum, I always feel so ridiculous.

叮 "Ding ~~ answer the phone, little dumb pig!"

Wu Qiuyuan glanced at the phone, shut down silently, lay on the edge, and sobbed low.

She still remembers that this ringtone was given to him by a boy in high school. Which girl has never imagined love in an ivory tower? She had a crazy obsession with a boy. She got up early in the morning to buy breakfast and quietly stuffed it into his desk. After every physical education class, she wore the sweetest lady's sweet skirt and stood outside the playground to deliver mineral water. The topic was a topic ... After that, the boy sent her a ringtone, but there was no more talk.

I entered the game, Qiu Yuan encountered floating life. The first time he met, he was very helpful. The second time he met, he was wise and intelligent, and had the overall situation. After that, he appeared in every corner indiscriminately, the team's play, potions ... as if he was for himself, and he was inseparable from the Youlan team.

Girls' feelings are always poetic, some are sweet and some are bitter.

The scene just now, why don't you look like yourself then? Just wishful thinking.


The door opened, and Youlan silently stole the key and stood at the door.

"Sister, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?" Qiuyuan hurriedly wiped away her tears and asked in surprise.

"Eat." You Lan said calmly, looking at the tears in the corner of her eye, adding, "By the way."


"Master ..." Timmy pleaded. A huge werewolf with a huge foot came in front of Lin Jie, and kissed him intimately, his cold teeth pointed at Gao Lu's body.

"No eating." Lin Jie frowned. Timmy's creator was Gaul, and if his body disappeared, Timmy would also disappear.

Lin Jie was in a bad mood. He needed someone to accompany him.

Looking at the empty channel list, Lin Jie played with his fingers subconsciously.

Lack of people! There were hundreds of thousands of people in the previous brotherhood, including more than 30 top 100 experts, customers are endless, and the task list is thousands of pages. Compared with the prosperity of that time, it is now a slum.

Lin Jie once joined the Brotherhood, and because of their anonymity, they didn't know much about it. The Brotherhood did not seem to have gone through the recruitment process. When the channel code was announced, it attracted countless players.

"Channel code? Now published, I am afraid all the enemies are attracted, especially the glory dynasty." Lin Jie hurriedly rejected this idea, thinking hard.

"No!" Lin Jie suddenly looked up, "No!"

Yes, that's wrong! From beginning to end, Lin Jie has entered a misunderstanding, which is to repeat the path of his predecessors! In the subconscious, he has regarded the success of his predecessors as inevitable. In this case, following this road of inevitable success, you will naturally succeed! But what if this road has no footprints?

He has his way, and I have my way! That genius leader can grow the Brotherhood with one hand. Now that I have stood on the shoulders of the predecessors, can't I grow the Brotherhood with one hand?

I glanced at my friend list, Lin Jie stared at a glowing name in surprise.

"Old, haven't slept yet?" Lin Jie laughed. This man was just an old jealous.

没 "I didn't sleep, I, I can't sleep in the middle of the night." The old Jiuxian smiled boldly, "So come and play around. Why? Why hire me?"


"I applied for mercenary qualification at the Mercenary Association, and I've almost been out of the bird recently."

Lin Jie knows, now the player level is still low, the conflict is not fierce, the killing task is really rare, the task of buying cannon fodder to kill advanced BOSS is basket by basket, dying about 3 silver coins. This kind of task is naturally not suitable for the aging wine god. His status and status are described in the words of the popular urban novels now, but that is the king of soldiers!

—— "People come to invite you to join the Brotherhood (channel)."

The old Jiuxian voice changed, "The brotherhood is yours? That first kill ..."

Lin Jie smiled slightly. "You don't have to look at the number?"

The aged Jiuxian also laughed. With a total of 2 people, the first kill of Wood Castle must be that this product has not run away. He took a closer look at the rules of the channel, and instantly felt the huge commercial potential. If this organization develops, it will be a terrible force!

The scattered people are weak because they are difficult to organize. If a firefly is brighter, can it be compared to a passing light? But when the fireflies around the world came together, Haoyue couldn't compete with it!

However, the number is too small! Moreover, this leader's mentality does not seem to be deep. However, this rule is very methodical and can't find loopholes ... The elderly Jiuxian thought for a long time and finally qualified Lin Jie: This is a science man with a good legal science score but low EQ. Isn't my brother a bunch of these two sisters?

He felt it necessary to remind Lin Jie, and said, "Floating life, I must tell you one thing. I am the glory dynasty."

"Oh, I believe it." Lin Jie smiled.

"Shit boy, I really am!"

"I really believe it!"

"You ..." The old Jiuxian stared with a beard and stared. "Your boy, tell me all about this without looking at how long I have known you. I'm a bad guy? You have to give me the number you sold Money. Give me a snack later! "

Lin Jie knew it, and said seriously, "I see, brother."

"It's almost the same." The old Jiuxian snorted.

Lin Linjie smiled bitterly, I still don't know your temperament? In the past seven years, the legend of the aged Jiuxian has been transformed into four words: Liver and Gall!

"What can I do for brother? Say."

Lin Jie then expressed his thoughts. He planned to set up several levels to separate the customer base from the leaders. For example, ordinary customers can hire members below the second level; donating 50,000 yuan can become a bronze customer and hire members below the third level; the highest is the gold level, allowing any member to be hired.

In order to maintain the activity of senior members, members at level 5 and above can receive a fixed salary every month, which will increase with the increase in prices. Of course, in order to ensure that you do not overcharge, run at least once a month.

In addition, the highest level ‘Legend’ is also established. The legendary level does not belong to customers and is similar to shareholders. Obtain a certain share of the organization and have lower authority than the leader of the organization. In order to facilitate the development of the Brotherhood, when the president of the National Electronic Alliance reaches more than 200,000 points, the president of the association can invest in the shares, occupy a certain share of the shares, and sign a series of treaties. Malicious measures are strictly prohibited. kill.

The current legendary level is tentatively set to 7 positions. You must search for more than 3 guilds at one time. It is up to Lin Jie to judge. With seven years of experience, it is impossible to pull in three guilds from the same faction at the same time to destroy themselves.

Lin Jie and the old Jiuxian are both legendary, occupying two positions. The seven legendary classes are also anonymous, restrained and balanced.

"There is only one thing left now." The old Jiuxian was very satisfied with Lin Jie's strategy, and nodded, "Fame! Pursue fame and profit, fame first, benefit later! I'm afraid it's hard to get recognition with just a common first kill. . "

Lin Jie nodded, "This will require the elder brother to get out of the way. I will recruit some staff in the mercenary association, and I will provide a lower-level detoxification agent, and a difficult-level copy in the name of the Brotherhood ~ ~ and provide necessary Technical support."

困难 "Difficult ..." The old Jiuxian nodded. "Okay, I'll put the name of the Brotherhood on the mercenary list."

The difficulty level is no better than the simple level. Since the werewolf hunter card only appears once, it is impossible to anger Timmy in the same way. The final BOSS battle cannot be avoided, and the difficulty is increased by more than 3 times.

This is a long-term job!

Yi Guanghua flashed, Qiu Yuan went online, "floating."

"Ah, lying down, and the voice of a girl?" The old Jiuxian gave a deep smile and hung up the call.

"I want to ask you one thing ..." Qiu Yuan's face flushed, her eyes blurred, and her slightly drunk girl's appearance made her more attractive. "do you have……"

Lin Linjie's eyes lit up, "Yes, Qiu Yuan, haven't you led the team?"

Wu Qiuyuan blinked his eyes, with a laziness in his voice, "No."

"Great, do me a favor. Without the leader, Werewolf Timmy can refresh it. You will lead the team ..."

"Why should I help you?"

Wu Qiuyuan let Lin Jie hold on.

She gradually approached Lin Jie, and the delicate girl's body fragrance was wrapped around the tip of her nose, and her flaky skin was about to touch her lips ... Qiu Yuan opened her neat white teeth and bit her fiercely on Lin Jie's neck With a sip, he grinned, "The scammers are all scammers!"

Looking at the disappearing Qiu Yuan, Lin Jiemene opened his hand and sighed.