MTL - Reborn: Super God of War-Chapter 369 Coquettish holy thief

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ps: —— God of War has more than 600 chapters. The master is a little white from a reader, his head is hot and he holds the pen (well, I admit that it is actually typed out with the keyboard), step by step to today, I feel really Quite a lot, most want to say: I really appreciate all the book friends who have always supported the master. Without your support, experts may not be able to persist today. Thank you!

In addition, recently I feel that writing has reached a bottleneck. I am trying to adjust and try to make some innovations and changes. So there may be some randomness in recent chapters or certain details. If you feel stomach upset, dizziness, palpitations, ears, etc. Woo and other symptomatic book friends, please have a cup of tea and take a break to look at it. Welcome to the book review area to put forward your valuable opinions and suggestions-

Savitan, which means ‘Sky’ in the devil ’s language, translated from this camp, is the city of heaven.

Savitan's shape is like a boxy square, covering an area as large as a medium-sized main city!

Around the camp, there are dense buildings like nests. Numerous magic babies are running around and returning the collected resources to the camp.

At the very center of the puppet is a huge demon statue. Next to the statue is a sudden cherry tree. This cherry tree is more than thirty meters long and can be easily seen from far away.

"This is Savitan's main camp." Lin Jie and Bu Yi stood on a more hidden half-hill slope, and Yin Yue Yin Yu carved a high-altitude reconnaissance, transmitting the picture to Lin Jie's eyes. However, the silver feather vulture cannot be too close. After all, this camp has the scale of the main city and there are many protective devices.

"Awful number of people, this seems to be a little unfair to us. Our people in Huaxia are fighting alone, and people's hearts are different. It's a big deal to fight." Said Wu Yixin. In the field of vision, the dense demon looks like an ant, and these arms belong to the same head command, and the cooperation is naturally more tacit than the Chinese players who fight each other.

Lin Jie shook his head and said. "This is just the system's compensation to them. Otherwise, with the numbers of island nations and South Korean nations, we will send players from a province to crush them in the past. What national wars are they talking about? But the weakness of the demons is very obvious. One is It is very fragile. Second, it is difficult to move! Marching in battle requires very heavy supplies, armament ... If these demons have transport devices like us, come whenever you want. If you want to leave, you are invincible. "

Bian Buyi blinked and couldn't help laughing, "Hear you say that, we still take advantage of it?"

"Yes, no. Epoch is a world with a high degree of fairness, there are advantages and disadvantages, there is a strong side, there is a weak side. Sages often say. Strengths and avoiding weaknesses, this is the truth." Lin Jie said bluntly.

"I'm a little bit confident when you say that. Hee hee. Then we're going to charge directly? Oh, no, you specially arranged the holy thieves in the team of Emperor Demon, there must be another plan. "I don't remember turning my eyes," I know. Since you say that the devil's biggest weakness is the difficulty of migration. Do you want to let the emperor demolish them as cannon fodder, forcing our enemies to migrate. Then come in!

Lin Jie raised an eyebrow. "Oh. I do n’t remember your classmates. Your learning ability really isn't covered, and you have made rapid progress. It's really a good day for three days. You can only guess my strategy with such clues. . "

"Hum, I have learned badly from you." Wu Yi cut his mouth away, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Compared with the talkative and beautiful women here, the atmosphere at the other end of the camp was much more solemn.

The Emperor Demon, the leader of the Death Concerto, is crouching here with the six hundred elite soldiers. In front of it is a boxy warehouse building, the logistical place of the demon camp. In these warehouses, there are countless foods, minerals, wood, materials ... Once destroyed, the demons will be devastated!

The Emperor Demon is waiting, waiting for the man named Fusheng to launch the offensive first! He has been playing against the devil for so long, how can he not know that the devil's biggest weakness is migration? Once the firepower is pinned down, taking down logistics is a matter of course!

"Fu Sheng, you have broken my face three or two times. It's really arrogant. We are working for the country and working with you is a last resort! What war has no victims? Once you are killed by the demons, you can stand forever Can't get up! The devil also has my eyeliner, instigating some people, it is too simple to wash you to zero while you are weak! However, I will still give you the name of a hero, even if it is mine Kindness. "The Emperor's face was embarrassed, and his heart was thinking about how to invite credit for this return.

After thinking for a while, Emperor Demon looked around, but suddenly encountered a cold look. Following his gaze, he immediately found his master—Kang Xiaoyao. This guy was staring at the open space with cold eyes. He didn't know what he was thinking ... No wonder, the fool could see that he must be right about the life he just had. The battle was agitated and could not be swallowed at a stretch.

"Well, in the end, it ’s a child with a depressed heart, and it ’s hard to lift it. It ’s like our captain, the corporal lord, and the brothers who are kind to us, even if they are being humiliated, as long as it ’s for Huaxia, I ’m swallowing everything up, and I ’m still active. Cooperate with people. This is the difference in attitude! "

At this moment, the abnormality is abrupt! The magic babies, who had been carrying various materials in an orderly manner, suddenly concentrated towards one place, and then, a giant magic babies came out of that concentration. The giant monster baby that suddenly appeared, as if guided by something, came straight to the place where the emperor and other people were lurking, opened his mouth and spit, and the black flames burned over!

"Damn, what's the matter?" Emperor patted his hands, changing his body from 匍匐 to standing, Jiao Yujian attacked a demon baby unambiguously. With a glance at the eyes, I immediately noticed the clue-behind the team, there were a few thieves standing casually! The thieves surrounded by the holy light, exuding the cool light unbridled.

Wu Shengguang warriors and demons are natural enemies who can smell each other's odors every few hundred meters. Now these holy thieves are standing behind the team and posing with a second sister-in-law. Those demons can only blame if they don't find them.

"Enemy attack! Devil baby giant. Pull the alarm!" The defensive offensive in the camp immediately started.

"He. Damn, Lao Tzu was actually used as a gun again!" The Emperor instantly thought of the truth, but gritted his teeth helplessly. "Give me all!"

Uh ...

"Wow wow wow ..."

The demon babies in Devil's Camp ‘Savitan’ suddenly became restless and swarmed in one direction. Lin Jie, who had been waiting in an ambush long ago, certainly knew what happened, and waved her right hand, "Rush!"

At this time, the Devil's Camp was a scene of fire in the backyard. Countless demon guards lifted their alert. Rushing towards the logistics camp. Demon guards, Viscount Spiders, and other middle and high-ranking arms of the demon race, all have comparable powerful combat capabilities. Of course, it is impossible for the system to make such an objectionable thing secure, they all have their own fatal weaknesses.

Take the Demon Guardian, the basic attributes are as follows:

Health 1200, energy slot 200. Attack 180, defense 200, moving speed 1.

Talent: Guardian of the City (up to 20 times the total stats in the camp, stats can be superimposed with the commander's bonus)

Demon Gear (Demon Guard has removable gear).

The demon guardian's attributes can be called bt, but the only weak point is the speed of that ‘1’ point. Only in towns. Demon guards have normal movement speeds. Once they leave the town, the speed of one step per second can definitely kill people!

The only viable method of migration is to ‘disassemble’ the demon equipment and pack it lightly. The advantage of this is that the movement speed of the Demon Guardian will be increased. The disadvantage is that it takes ten minutes to read the article while wearing the equipment. During this period, it will be directly neglected during the attack.

"The demon guards, all left!" Lin Jie narrowed his eyes. He knew that the demon guards were the strongest guard forces of the demons. Withdraw all, this town is tantamount to a shelled egg!


Instantly, Holy Archer. All the holy thieves emerged, under the blessing of Lin Jie ’s “Following the Wind”, like a tiger and a wolf, they rushed towards the devil's camp Savitan! The holy thief and the holy archer met the infant babies in a round of killing, and Lin Jie gave them the task instruction: "burn and plunder".

The harder the slam camp, the weaker the enemy's capabilities. Why not? Not to mention, there are military achievements!

Lin Jie and don't remember. Come to the center, in front of this huge cherry tree.

"Inherited war boots!" Lin Jie cast his eyes on the statue. This is the ultimate statue of the venomous King Rovi in ​​the Abyss. Floating in front of it is the heritage boots.

"Mantra Shield!"

Wu Buyi suddenly gave Lin Jie a shield of truth, and immediately followed by a cracking voice.

After coming out of the statue, came out a woman in white clothes and a good-looking face. She took a meaningful look and remembered, and praised, "Fast response ability. You have a word in Chinese called" ecstatic ". This man was just this state just now, but you have not been affected in the slightest. It seems that your mind is not in the boots ... What is it that can make you a girl, through the abyss, come here? I am very curious."

Just now, it was this woman who sneaked into the moment of distraction when they saw the inherited war boots. Unexpectedly, I was blocked by unremembering.

There was a chill behind Lin Jie. Even though he was two generations, he could not help being excited when he saw the Legacy Boots, and he was slightly negligent. If it were not for the shield of unremembered truth, this blow would probably have hit him!

On the ground, a poison dart! It's almost the same as the female ninja 'Cangma', but the colors are more vivid. The more colorful the poison darts are, the more terrible they are! The poison dart doesn't know how much poison and curse blessings there are.

"No more nonsense, hand over the inherited boots." Lin Jie said lightly, a piece of Neptune scale armor grew on his body, and as his health value dropped, his blood surged violently. During the talk, a sword spirit seemed to randomly attack this woman ~ ~ Xuan An Luo Ying Ying! The woman's face was very solemn, her hands were knotted, a ray of darkness tore off many cherry blossoms, and gathered into a shield, blocking the sword's strength.

With a crackling sound, Sakura Shield was broken, but the sword energy was undecided, leaving a wound on the woman's face. The woman could not help but take three steps backwards and withdrew from the scope of Jianqi's attack, looking very cautious. "Sorry, the Legacy Boots are very important to us. We will use it to transform the Demon Guardian. We cannot return you."

Lin Jie raised her eyebrows. "This is not something you can do." Then, Jian Qi was brewing again.

"Don't worry, I remember that in many of China's historical books, you said," Courtesy first, then soldiers, "and hit yourselves when you meet. It's not in line with the rules." The woman's eyes flickered and she calmly said, "You have to inherit the boots, it is not impossible. We can bet a lot. If you win, take the Legacy Boots. I won't send someone to stop you. If you lose, you can borrow your weapon for use. How about it? "

Lin Jie laughed, "Why? The boots are mine, and the weapons are mine. Do you bet with me? Are your islanders' brain development so weak?"

"No, this item didn't belong at all. Just like the land you are standing on, I didn't say it was my territory. I want you to get away. At most, I have some geographical advantages. But, you It's true and true. In that case, I'll add an extra bet. "The woman flipped her right hand, and a book as dark as black appeared in the palm of her hand.

"Apocalypse of Darkness, Book of Ages!" Lin Jie's pupils shrank. (To be continued) R655

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