MTL - Rebirth Of The General’s Granddaughter-Chapter 389 The emperor was distressed, and the sons were all the scorpions who killed the father.

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The latest chapter of "The Gate of Rebirth"

Wen Chuxi said without hesitation: "I think, I want him to die, but I can't do it. Nowadays, this kind of struggle is over, and it is really enough for him to watch it." You, if you can help me revenge and leave him, I will listen to you in the future."

After this, Wen Chuyi has always revealed some of her "private things" to the Three Emperors in accordance with the instructions of Ziyou. The matter of Shangguan Lingran and Xu Yawan's affair is that Wen Chuxi told the Three Emperors.

Sun Sui's slap in the face, the "purple secluded" into the arms of the three emperors, so that their relationship has taken a big step. On that day, the two went to the other three emperors' courts; on that day, the three emperors not only got the "purple", but also got her heart.

Therefore, the three emperors returned to the house that night and came to the firewood house where the grandson was held. Showing the most charming smile, in the most gentle tone, said to Sun Xiaoxuan: "Tell you, before today, Youer has been reluctant to be with me, she feels sorry for those of you. So, the Lord wants Thank you for this slap in the face, and put her into the arms of the Lord, so that the Lord finally got the wish. Haha..."

After that, the smile converges, revealing the fierce gaze of the wolf. "Come on, the side of the sun is good, the action is vicious, the bullying is right, from today, it is reduced to a shackle, forbidden! Without the command of the Lord, not allowed to step Take a step in the firewood room."

"No!" Sun Yan screamed: "I am on the side of the royal jade, you can't treat me like this!"

In fact, she is not bad because she is beaten by her hand, mainly because she has peeked through the secrets of Ziyou and the Three Emperors. The Three Emperors have not succeeded in the success. He can’t let Sun’s side and himself The secret of private feelings spread out and broke down on his own major events. Therefore, it is impossible for Sun to see you again.

For such a woman who has enough to play, the Three Emperors will certainly not give up, and immediately sacrificed her.

Muling pretending to look up at him, affectionately kissed him on his face. "Bo Yu, you are so good! Now we just have to wait, my uncle and I will arrange everything, as long as The prince came to Subei and colluded with the Huns. We are here to force the palace. Bo Yu, I seem to be pregnant... I am pregnant, this child is yours, since we were together, I am with Shangguan Lingran separated, so you must be in the position of the child before the birth, we can not let the son shame!"

Three emperors have been married for two years, and now there are no children and half women, almost urinary yellow urine. This listens to purple and is pregnant, and has a pick-up/stay, and has a love crystallization with the beloved, and he is excited to go crazy.

Holding Muling, kissed and kissed, tears almost flowed down. "I have a son! I have a son. . . ."

It was previously suspected that Ziyou would not risk the crime of killing the head and killing the family, and helped him to go up; but when she heard that she was pregnant with her own child, he could rest assured.

Do not! I was not completely relieved. Just like the Prince, I found his confidant doctor to give Muling a pulse, until the doctor told him: "Shi Zizhen is pregnant for about forty-seven days." He was relieved.

Because "Ziyue" and his days together, it really coincides with her time of pregnancy, and, he knows that during that time, Ziyou and Shangguan were in a cold war, and they have not been together.

Besides, the prince went to the military camp where the army of the North Road of Chengguan County, south of the city, retired, and took out the imperial edict of the emperor.

From now on, Lu Linhai is the deputy coach. The North Army is commanded by him. It is necessary to defeat the Xiongnu and save the An Wang.

However, although Prince Wang stayed in the army for half a year, it was purely gold-plated. He was a treasurer. An Wang was afraid of his suffering and was prepared for him. Of course he could not teach him something substantial.

Moreover, the Prince had his conspiracy, and he was bent on destroying the confession of An Wang, and placed his two hundred dead soldiers in important positions.

Therefore, Zhang mouth said: "We are now losing again and again, and Wang Shuhe and the Dyedang cousin are arrested. The morale of the soldiers is low. Now we urgently need to win a victory and boost morale. This palace decided that Sun General, Bai General, Chiang The general, led 50,000 cavalry to attack the city, and gave Uweed a shock!"

The voice just fell, Lu Linhai first expressed opposition. "No! Your Royal Highness, you are like this, the king is in danger. When the army hits the city, Uweed will kill the hostage."

The other generals, in addition to the very few people who were bought and sold by the Shangguan, unanimously agreed with General Lu.

These people have been stationed in Subei for more than ten years, and they have the trust of An Wang. And An Wang has already told the Prince’s conspiracy in advance, they are trying to let the Prince want to let them die, how can they listen? His order?

Immediately, two senior generals said together: "The Prince's Temple, the Huns are quick to ride the Kung Fu, and the horses are better than ours. Do you let us have a hard time with them? Do you know how many cavalry they have? You will not fight?"

"Yes, this battle can't be hard. We are familiar with Yucheng. We should send people into the city to find out where the prince is being locked. Then I will rescue the prince and then attack the city."

"Let's relax!" The confidant around the prince immediately blamed the two generals: "You dare to question the power of His Royal Highness, disobeying his instructions, come and drag the two to fight the forty sticks."

The prince sat there, screaming, and acquiesced to the subordinates.

Lu Linhai suddenly became a fire. "His Royal Highness, now a military meeting of senior generals, your subordinates simply have no right to make such a decision!"

The prince listened to this and called it a gas! But I also know that I can’t get up to it right away.

His two hundred people are powerful, but the two fists are hard to beat the four hands. The heroes can't stand many people. There are 276,700 troops here, but they may not necessarily listen to his orders.

Thinking of this, he suppressed his anger and scorned his own subordinates: "Go! Who will let you speak alone?"

After that, he showed his usual gentle smile and said to Lu Linhai: "General Lu, you misunderstood the meaning of this palace. The meaning of this palace, some people pretend to attack the city, a small number of people touched the city, explored the king Uncle's whereabouts. People must be saved. This palace is more worried than you, Wang Shu's safety, blood is thicker than water!"

Lu Linhai saw the hypocrite appearance of the prince, ridiculed secretly sneer, and said the words, it is also very rude. "Since His Royal Highness is also worried about the safety of the prince, he should send people to negotiate with Uvigli and try to save the prince. We are familiar with it. It is first and foremost to save people. As long as the prince is rescued, the city can be regained."

When the Prince thought, he would bring people into the city, as long as he was going to save the people, he was once again arrested by Uvi Li. I see what you should do.

Thinking of this, the Prince nodded. "Those save people first, listen to you."

With the ventilated letter from the Prince, the soldiers who entered the city will soon be discovered by the Huns. Besides, An Wang was not arrested at all, and Lu Linhai could not make it possible for people to rush into the city and be caught by Uweili.

But with the help of Jin Ling, those who were fascinated by the confidant, hidden in the ordinary soldiers, those who were caught by Uvi Li are the dummy that Jin Ling used to make stones and branches.

In the end, Lu Linhai’s people who were sent to him were repeatedly captured and had to go out in person. Before leaving, hand over the half of the "Bing Fu" to the Prince. "If you are not able to return, you must lead the North Road Army and defeat the Xiongnu and rescue the prince!"

The Prince had a heart in his heart, but he pretended to be a tragic look. He took the half of the piece and was able to take a shot of Lu Linhai’s shoulder. He said, “Reassure, if this time, General Lu will save people. If you fail again, the palace will personally save people."

Of course, Lu Linhai could not return. After the news that Lu Linhai was also arrested, the Prince had placed his confidant in an important position. Then he told the soldiers painfully: "The soldiers who went to rescue Wang Shu were all captured by Uweili. The action failed several times. The palace suspected that someone had ventilated the Huns. After investigation, this fine is Wei Juncheng."

Who is Wei Juncheng? When Shangguan was dyed in the army, he trained a four-person general of Mingwei. The news that Shangguan was dyed and executed was passed down. Wei Juncheng was already unable to live all the time. To be honest, he could not be honest. The Prince also took him out and became a scapegoat.

In this way, the prince killed Wei Juncheng and began negotiating with Uvigli, but the two sides had just sat at the negotiating table, and they had heard from the emperor that the three emperors had forced the palace to rebel.

The exploration horse sent 800 miles to expedite, saying that the Three Emperors were in the hospital when they were infected by the Xuanwu Emperor, but they took the opportunity to poison the Xuanwu Emperor and forced him to give himself a meditation and let him inherit the throne.

The prince got the news and hurriedly signed a treaty of humiliation and humiliation with the Xiongnu, ceded five cities including the city to the Xiongnu, and then led the 300,000 North Road army and the 300,000 Huns led by Uweili. With the banner of the Qing dynasty and the sinner, he smashed toward the imperial capital.

The real situation is that when the three emperors were killed by the Prince with 600,000 miscellaneous soldiers, they just took the troops into the palace and surrounded the "Chengguang Temple."

These soldiers are of course the people of the five cities of the soldiers and horses. The small group that Zhao Kangwei bought, learned that the three emperors had to force the palace, of course, they were dying; even Rui Jianying, Yu Linwei and other important departments guarding the emperor had several emperor parties.

Each of them was the master, and they unveiled together. They vowed not to take the emperor out of the dragon chair and swear not to stop.

Only the two emperors and Shangguan Lingran have always brought people to protect Xuanwu Emperor.

When the Three Emperors and Ziyou and Mu Yingyi rushed into the "Chengguang Temple", the Three Emperors laughed wildly and pointed at Xuanwu Emperor and taunted: "You are a blind old bastard! How about the animal being a prince? If you are not dead, he will lead the squad to take you off the stage."

Emperor Xuanwu could hardly believe that this was the son who was usually filial and respectful to him. Longan is the boss, "Reverse! How dare you!"

The three emperors proudly stared at his old man and sneered at him. "Why don't I dare? You don't take me as a son. Can I still take you as the father and the emperor for love? Is your head sick?" Where can someone complain about Germany?"

Xuanwu's imperial dragon body trembled, in spite of knowing that his son wanted to be an emperor, and that his filial piety to himself might not be too real, but he was not filial to this extent, he did not expect it.

Pointing at the three emperors, when you turn over and over, you will say a word: "Reverse! Rebellious! You are not thin to you, you are all eager to die early, why? Why?"

"Not a thin fart!" The three emperors shook their heads contemptuously. "Good to me, why don't you register me as a prince? Good to me, why don't you let my mother be a queen? The shameless queen gives You brought a green hat, you still haven't abolished her, isn't it just to protect your prince who brought you a green hat? I wonder, what good is he? You can't give up on him? You trust the second child. Use? He is a waste, even the children can not come out... Oh! I know, because he is a waste, can not do the emperor, you trust him, right?"

When the three emperors said this, they shouted toward the second emperor: "The second child, did you see it? Why do you keep this cold-hearted old guy? He is using you, he never thought.

Let you be an emperor. ”

The second emperor smiled slightly and did not speak.

Xuanwu Emperor was frightened and quickly took the hand of the second emperor and explained: "The second child, don't listen to this beast. You have always liked you. If you have become a nephew, you have already taken the throne." Pass it to you."

"You lie to the ghost!" The three emperors sneered. "The second child has been stunned for years. You let him be bullied. Even the minions dare to insult him and Deyi. Have you ever asked? You still have a face. Say? You are this cold-blooded old thing!"

After that, he said to Shangguan Lingran: "Shangguan Lingran, you stupid! The old **** sent people to kill you again and again, you still protect him? Are you stupid not stupid?"

Xuanwu Emperor saw him screaming and arrogant, and the angry dragon face was green. Looking at the appearance of the three emperors, like eating him. I don’t seem to want to watch him again. I waved my hand to Ziyou and Mu Yingyi: "The national division, the general, gave this scorpion to the scorpion, and he wanted to delay him!"

"Ha ha..." The three emperors laughed and leaned forward, no image, "Old bastard! Tell you, let you die and be an understanding ghost. The National Teacher is now my woman, her belly I am pregnant with the prince of this prince...."

It is a pity that he did not finish his words, and he was beaten by a purple spirit. He fell to a dog and died. Then Ziyin waved his hand coldly, "Take the national division to tie him."

The three emperors stunned, and looked at Ziyou quietly, and asked slyly: "You are crazy, you are mad! What do you tie me to do?"

The purple secluded image is like the indifference and alienation that does not know him. He does not reply, but he looks at Xuanwu Emperor and asks: "The emperor, what should I do now?"

Xuanwu’s imperial enthusiasm. I have raised my son, and I want his life. If it is not the method that Ziyou and Shangguan think of, they can test their true intentions to themselves. I am afraid that he was quietly killed by these two beasts. I don't know.

Since they are not benevolent, they will blame him for not doing anything. Although the tiger poison does not eat, but it is also that the tiger does not want to eat tigers, the tiger can squat down to eat the tiger, the tiger does not have to get used to his problems!

Xuanwu Emperor waved his dragon claws and said with awkwardness: "This scorpion dares to rebel, and he does not believe that Yin Xian and her maiden do not know, and all the ministers and sergeants who have close ties with Shangguan Boyu are arrested, and they must personally Interrogation."

After reading it, looking at the purple secluded, I was stunned and asked: "Where is Shangguan Peng's bastard? The purpose is that Shangguan Boyu has been arrested, and he is asked to roll back to Subei and cede the city to the Xiongnu. Come back, if the resistance is not followed, he will abolish his prince! Kill his wife, children and mother!"

Speaking of Xuanwu Emperor, there is still a certain feeling for the first son of the Prince. At this time, I still want to leave a living path for the Prince. However, the Prince has been stunned by the soon-to-be-behaved beauty, and he does not cherish this last chance.

In his hand, he received a letter from Ziyou, which was very clear: "If you can't bear to hurt your father, you will withdraw it, but you must be mentally prepared. After that, you will lose even more." Sacred Heart; if you want to take the opportunity, I will help you. The Three Emperors have been arrested, and the Emperor now trusts me and the Second Uncle. We should be close to each other. It is very easy to do things. What should I do, I will listen to your decision. No matter what you decide, I will support you!"

The prince read the letter and discussed with his staff: "The father told me to withdraw and take back the city that had been ceded to the Xiongnu, or else I killed my mother, my wife and children, and abolished my position as a prince. You said, I what should I do now?"

“What is the opinion of the National Teacher?” one of the aides immediately asked. He always felt that the National Teacher's Association and the Prince had been mixed up with his children. This is a bit of a mystery. How to see the national teacher, and not like the kind of kinky/swing woman who can climb the other man's bed when he is not separated from his husband.

But how dare he say this? To say it, doesn't it mean that the Prince has no charm and can't remember the heart of the national teacher?

Speaking of purple secluded, Prince's face, finally showed a touch of gentleness, "She let me make my own decision, no matter what I do, she supports me."

"So, the National Teacher is not in favor of your Royal Highness, are you going to kill it?" Another aide is more convinced to act steadily. He always feels that killing his father and sister will leave an unknown name, that is, he won the throne and his reputation is not good. .

The prince shook his head and analyzed: "You are not disapproving of me to do this. She is afraid that I will regret it. After all, it is my father. She can't force me to make such a heart-wrenching thing. People's nature, she I am also afraid of falling into blame."

The first person who answered the question nodded and said that he understood that after all, he was the father of the prince. In the future, the prince would become the emperor and fall into the ages. The prince would not blame the national teacher. No one would be sure.

Just like them now, when it comes to this step, I hope that the Prince will return to the Imperial Capital and go to God. However, I am afraid that the birds will be well bowed. The end of these ideas will be very bad.

The psychology of these people, the prince guessed thoroughly, so I immediately promised a high official. "You don't have to worry about telling the truth. In the future, I will blame you and blame you. It is impossible. I certainly know that you are For the sake of me, I will be an emperor in the future, you are all heroes."

Sure enough, after the words of the Prince finished, some people made a noise. "Your Highness, the situation is that we can't allow us to go back. The National Teacher analyzed it very well. If we withdraw this, we must recapture the five cities, otherwise we must be The emperor severely punished, and, in the future, it is estimated that His Royal Highness will be finished in the heart of the emperor."

"Yeah!" At the beginning, the aides of the speech sighed and nodded. "There is no doubt in today's holy place. After this, I am afraid of it."

Suddenly, His Royal Highness will be struggling. Moreover, if such an opportunity is lost, it will be lost forever. How easy is it to catch it? ”

Several other aides nodded together and said with a sigh of relief: "His Royal Highness, who has become a major event since ancient times, is it a horrible person, what is terrible? The emperor is not killing his own brother!"

"The king is defeated, history is written by the victors. Your Highness, what the descendants say, we can't hear."


When I saw the aides, I basically agreed that he would fight back to the emperor. The prince seemed to have seen the beauty of Jiangshan beckoning to him. He stood up excitedly, his eyes shining like a wolf, and he said with scorn: "The killing came." Minister, killing the emperor, killing the chaotic thief!"

Xuanwu Emperor looked forward to wearing the autumn water and did not expect to go to the minister of the North Road military, but sent a cruel message from Ziyou. "The prince killed the official of the mission, killing the emperor with the banner of killing the thief. coming."

Xuanwu Emperor heard the words, the difference in qi did not spit out a blood, "Xunzi! Reverse!"

When I finished, I looked at Ziyou in disappointment, and the old tears asked: "You are a failed father! You said, isn’t it good for them? Five adult princes, plus the old ones Fifth, only the second child is a filial son, and the rest can't wait to die early! You are so sad, why? Why? Why?"

At the same time in "Jingyang Palace", the Queen Mother of the Queen listened to the words of Shangguan Ling Ran, but also cried. "A throne, let them annihilate humanity, and made a beast to kill the father! The old five, In the middle of several emperors, the mourners loved him the most. You said, how can he get his hand on the mourner? Fortunately, there is no spiritual power in the secluded child. Otherwise, you are martial arts, and there is no time to save the mourner! Don't you die in his hand?"

The old lady knew this time that Purple was good for her. The three emperors let the five emperors bring people into the "Jingyang Palace" to catch her, so that she can be used as a hostage, forcing Xuanwu Emperor to write down the edict and hand over the jade; but now the vigilant goddess, the former Liu Guifei, hate the Empress Dowager She did not ask, but also followed the five emperors.

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