MTL - Rebirth of the Entrepreneurship Era-v2 Chapter 322 new Year's Eve party

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December 31.

The last day of the 20th century.

For everyone, today is an extraordinary day.

In more than ten hours, the people in the East Eight Districts will join hands into the new millennium and the new century.

Both writers and scientists have high hopes for the next century and believe that the next century will be the key to the rise of human civilization.

The arrival of the information age is full of magic for human beings, just like the industrial revolution.

Although Xu Yiyang has crossed the century and the millennium in his last life, he is still very excited.

Because he will soon become the only person in this world that has spanned two millennia, and even more so, it has spanned two times between 1999 and 2000.

Today is the last day of the end of the century and the last working day of the end of the century. The saleswoman who sold him the house called him and told him good news that his and her sister ’s blue seal account had come down.

After the blue seal account is down, you have to wait for the opportunity to correct the account, and then help your sister contact a high school to move the school registration.

At present, the country has not begun to crack down on college entrance examination immigration, and immigration in college entrance examinations is rare. Therefore, there is no restriction on moving your hukou to participate in the college entrance examination. The only requirement is that the student status must be officially moved in before the third grade.

Therefore, Xu Yiyang still has a year and a half to handle this matter.

Of course, in his view, the sooner the better.

Shen Lele's blue seal account is in the second batch and is expected to wait until February next year.

The settlement of the Hukou issue relieved Xu Yiyang, but others did not dare to relax because he still has a lot of things to do today.

Not only to deal with the New Year's party in the evening, but also to prepare for the competition to be held in Hongkou Stadium tomorrow.

So at noon, Xu Yiyang went to the gym with his roommates to check the current preparations of the venue.

After arriving at the venue, the cooperating executive company has built all the materials and equipment on site.

The stage of the competition is similar to the stage of the concert. There are ten game computers placed on the recessed stage, and five teams of two teams. , A team is on the right side of the stage.

On both sides of the stage, two huge display screens are hung, two on each side, and the staff is now busy debugging the large screen on site.

The large screen area is not small, but the definition is a bit sorry, and it is indeed a lot worse than later generations.

However, the visual effect is fine. At least you can see the game screen clearly, and you can see exactly what is going on in the game.

Great Wall Computer specially arranged several on-site engineers to help debug the game computer and broadcast the viewing screen.

Everyone has no experience in this kind of live game competition, so they can only fumble.

After the debugging of the big screen was completed, two viewing angles were displayed on the big screen.

The picture is OK, the fluency is OK, and the delay is also very low, basically no problem.

Xu Yiyang was relieved, and at the same time, he was increasingly looking forward to tomorrow's game.

Tomorrow, here will host the largest e-sports competition with the highest prize in the Mainland so far.

This is an unprecedented and groundbreaking game for China E-sports.

And it is possible that the history of China's e-sports industry will be recorded forever.

Maybe a few years later, when the Chinese e-sports industry is developing rapidly and ushering in the golden period, everyone will remember that the enlightenment of China e-sports started from an Internet cafe called the New Century.

This Internet cafe was created by seven freshmen less than 20 years old.


At six o'clock in the afternoon, everyone rushed to meet at the off-campus restaurant. After eating, they would return to the class and move the bench to the playground to prepare for the New Year's Day.

Xu Yiyang specifically told everyone to wear more. Although the weather in Zhonghai will not be very cold, sitting outdoors for a few hours is also enough to choke.

At the same time, he also reminded Shen Lele, don't forget to post a few warm babies back to the bedroom, it is best to bring a few more.

Everyone was fed, fully armed, returned to the class to gather, and then prepared to go to the stadium at seven o'clock.

Xu Yiyang brought a video camera and was ready to film all the programs in his class. Of course, Li Haiyang's programs should also be filmed.

The stage of the stadium has been set up. This time the school has also spent a lot of thoughts, and large screens have been added on both sides of the stage. The pictures taken by several cameras on the scene can be broadcast on the big screen in real time.

However, like the large screen used in CS games, the resolution is a bit low and rough.

The staff has long divided the areas of each college, department, and class, so as soon as they arrived, they were immediately directed to the designated areas.

Because everyone moved the stool, they sat down directly in the designated area.

There were more and more people on the scene, and within half an hour, the entire stadium was already full.

Xu Yiyang's position of their class is in the front of the center, and many students around form a human wall, but they don't feel cold.

The students of the Student Union began to inform the students who had the programs one by one that they had to go to the backstage for five programs in advance.

At eight o'clock, the party opened on time.

The hosts are two senior juniors and seniors. The two seem to have great experience in hosting the campus party, and they are very fluent.

Because this year's situation is really special, the string of words also repeatedly emphasizes the good expectations for the new century and the new millennium.

After the words were finished, the first program was the opening song and dance for sophomores. The song was "Good Day" and the dance was a folk dance. Dozens of people wore big red jackets and flicked red satin. Suddenly looking at it, I couldn't help but say, "How does it feel like watching the two of them turn around?"

Xu Yiyang smiled: "The choreography may be from the Northeast."

Chen Meng smiled: "Don't say, it's kind of looking at it."

The opening dance ended, followed by the song "Story of Spring" sung by several people.

Then, it is the sketch of the first year of a class of "Preparing for the Cross-Century". It is probably a story of three generations of grandfathers and grandchildren waiting for the cross-century. Relatively bland.

As soon as the sketch is over, Gu Sijia and their modern dance come on stage.

Several girls wore uniforms, and Gu Sijia stood in the center of the front row.

Since the six girls are wearing extremely slim 102 jeans, and the stage is more than one meter high, from the bottom up, it is simply six long-legged goddesses, the visual effect is very shocking, and it caused a lot of screams on the stage .

Through the large screen, you can see that Gu Sijia also deliberately changed the stage makeup, which is rarely a bit enchanting.

The song is cheerful and energetic, and the dance is full of energy. This show has won applause from the audience, but also harvested the admiration of a lot of boys and the envy of a lot of girls.

When Gu Sijia and the women returned to the class area, Xu Yiyang even praised it.

After all, he is his own daughter-in-law and must be encouraged to encourage.

The next show is a bit lackluster.

The songs are all cover, and the dance is nothing new. UU reading has two cross talks, even from the cross talk of the cattle group Feng Gong.

Shen Lele was about to go to the waiting area, and nervously said to Xu Yiyang: "I have sweaty palms now, and I'm worried about not performing well ..."

Xu Yiyang stretched out his hand subconsciously, took her little fist, wiped her sweat with her thumb, and smiled: "Do n’t be nervous. Look at the singing programs that have been on the stage now. Any of them are amateurs. As long as you play normally, It's a lot stronger than them. "

The hand was held by Xu Yiyang, and Shen Lele felt more at ease.

Taking a deep breath, she said, "Then I will go to the waiting place."

"Good." Xu Yiyang nodded: "Don't be nervous."

"I know!"

Shen Lele left, and Gu Sijia looked at Xu Yiyang's back and the empty seat next to Shen Lele, feeling strange.

She just saw the process of holding hands between Xu Yiyang and Shen Lele just now, and she felt very uncomfortable, but she didn't dare to delve deeper in her heart. She just repeatedly told herself that she was uncomfortable because she was worried about Tong Yuewei.

Just right, Tong Yuewei's show arrived.

The violin solo "Liang Zhu", the first half was still quite the same, but the second half suddenly pulled a wrong note, but she had little experience in the performance, and she paused after the mistake, and then continued to pull back, and the mistake was all at once. Exposed to everyone.

However, a small mistake did not hurt. When he stepped down, everyone still gave a positive applause.

But Tong Yuewei burst into tears when she came back. When she returned to her class area, her eyes were still red. Gu Sijia hurried over to persuade her.

After waiting for a while, the host came to the stage and said: "Next, I invited our English college freshman Shen Lele to bring us a solo song called" BadBoy ", everyone applauded."