MTL - Rebirth of the Entrepreneurship Era-v2 Chapter 320 It's time to use force

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Hearing the bad news, Chen Xuefei burst into tears and coughed violently. The whole person was out of breath, which was more serious than asthma.

She knew that her brother would be shot, mostly because of himself. If he didn't instruct him to spoil the girls who didn't look good, his brother might not die.

At a young age, she had mixed tastes.

There is sadness, fear, regret, and daze and despair for the future.

All the memories about my brother suddenly appeared in my mind.

But she knew that this brother, who had accompanied her for more than ten years, was no longer here.

Somehow, she suddenly had a picture of her brother's head being punched in the back of her head and crying to find her life.

At this moment, she began to violently vomit. After a few clicks, she vomited involuntarily and vomited all the things that could be vomited in the stomach, until the whole person lost all strength and collapsed to the ground ...

Xu Yiyang received a call from his father at noon and learned of Chen Xuesong's Fufa.

He let out a breath and only had seven words in his heart: the right way on earth is vicissitudes.

At the same time, deep in his heart, he could not help but give him a thumbs up.

If it were not for oneself, I do not know how many crimes Chen Xuesong would commit.

If it were n’t for himself, he would be transformed in the next ten years, and he would become a well-known entrepreneur and go to the top of his life.

Moreover, what he didn't expect was that Chen Xuesong's scenery was infinite in the last life, but in this life, Chen Xuesong not only fell down during his lifetime, but also fell down after his death.

Chen Xuesong's parents came from the countryside. His hometown is in the surrounding countryside. Qilu has many customs in the countryside. One village usually has one or two surnames.

Many generations of big surnames form a huge clan. The managers of this clan have extremely high dignity in the local area, especially in marriage, funeral and marriage.

Among them, the most important thing for the clan is the ancestral tomb, which is related to the luck of the entire surname.

Therefore, each family member who will be buried in the ancestral grave after death must obtain the permission of the clan.

Normally, the clan will not prevent the ashes of the normal family members from being buried in the ancestral tomb, but Chen Xuesong is an exception.

Chen Xuesong is the only descendant of the Chen family who was shot.

As early as the news that he was going to be shot came, the elders in the clan had already discussed it collectively, and Chen Xuesong ’s ashes would never be allowed to be buried in the ancestral tomb.

There are two reasons:

First, the elders of the clan suspected that what he had done was shameful to the surname Chen, and that such a person had no face to face the Chen ancestors;

Secondly, they are worried that if he is a gangster, he will be buried in the ancestral tomb, which will affect the fortune of the descendants of the entire clan.

Therefore, all the elders united and refused to bury his ashes in the tomb of Chen Jiazu.

Although Chen Xuesong's aunt married, she still surnamed Chen, so she tried to communicate with the elders in her hometown, but the other party's attitude was very firm, that is, they would not be buried.

His aunt didn't know how to deal with it. Originally, he thought that the crematorium had taken Chen Xuesong's ashes. He would first find a temple to worship and wait for his parents to come out and make plans.

However, her husband suspected that she was running around for Chen Xuesong's backstory every day, and it was embarrassing, so she refused to live or die, and even found her in Yingzhou and made a lot of noise.

No way, Chen Xuesong's aunt can only entrust Chen Xuesong's back to his uncle, and then went home with her husband.

Chen Xuesong's uncle went to prison and asked Chen Xuesong's father how to deal with his affairs.

Now the ancestral grave ca n’t be buried. The Chen family is blocking it, so there are three options for how to deal with Chen Xuesong ’s ashes.

First, buy a cemetery and bury it, but the cemetery is not cheap, and the remote cemetery also has thousands of tens of thousands. His uncle cannot afford the money;

Second, after Chen Xuesong did not stay anyway, no one would go to Chen Xuesong ’s tomb for a hundred years after Chen ’s parents, so instead of burying it for many years, it would become a lonely grave with no one to worship. Here, a hundred;

Thirdly, he refused to take the ashes for the time being, and kept them in the crematorium. He would wait until his parents were released from prison.

Chen Xuesong's father sighed and said, "Go get the ashes out and spread them on the side of the Yellow River!"

Uncle asked: "Brother-in-law, do you want to tell my sister too?"

"Don't go to her." Chen Xuesong's father shook his head sullenly and said, "You ask her, she will not let it, you know what your sister does. If it weren't for her, Cedar might not be here today. I ’m in charge, let it go! "

So, in the afternoon, Chen Xuesong's uncle, received his ashes, came alone to the Yellow River, and scattered the ashes into the muddy water of the Yellow River.

The entire Yingzhou city is clapping for Chen Xuesong's punishment. One day, the Criminal Police Team has just collected more than 30 banners.

Chen Xuesong's mischief is full, which can be seen from this.

Chen Xuesong's punishment has greatly improved the public security environment in Yingzhou, especially the crimes against students that occurred on and off campus and in the streets and alleys have been greatly reduced.

Throughout this incident, the young **** in the entire Yingzhou city received strong legal education.

In the past, they felt that they were out of money and went to the school gate to stop a student to grab three or five pieces. It was not a problem at all, but now they know that there is a crime called robbery. It is also a crime to grab a penny;

In the past, they bullied those honest children wantonly, and even treated them as punching bags and as human flesh sandbags in front of others, but now they also know that intentional harm is also a crime;

The little **** don't dare to follow Chen Xuesong's footsteps.


December 30.

Closer to the millennium.

It's not just China Overseas, the whole country, even the whole world is excited.

From this moment on, people all over the world began to count their lives in seconds.

Because, they will soon become the lucky ones across the millennium.

TV stations have been saying that less than 48 hours are left before the millennium, creating a stronger sense of expectation.

In the past few days, the four beauties of China Overseas University freshmen and the school flowers of foreign schools have worn SuperX as popular as girls.

Every day, a lot of people go to the SuperX storefront on Jinling Road to find out when the business starts.

Xu Yiyang wanted to officially open on Saturday, January 8. If it was too late, college students would return to their hometown for the New Year on winter vacation.

But before that, he will take out 102 slimmer jeans, so that the high-profile beauties in these universities will push the reputation of SuperX up.

Therefore, according to the last allocation method, he prepared 102 new jeans for Shen Lele, Gu Sijia, Tong Yuewei, Ning Ruolin and Zhang Junnan's girlfriend Wang Ying.

This time Xu Yiyang gave Shen Lele four of them, one pair of 102 pairs of jeans each, and then put out five pairs of pants, and gave them to the other five girls who performed modern dance with Gu Sijia.

At the same time, he also contacted the foreign school flowers who received 101 jeans last time and asked them to pick up new products and try them on in the store.

All the girls who received 102 jeans were very happy, including Shen Lele, Gu Sijia, Tong Yuewei, and Ning Ruolin, who had just helped. After wearing 101 models for a few days, they had fallen in love with this one and could not pick out any problems. Jeans, now with new styles to try on, is naturally very happy.

As for those foreign school flowers found on the forum, they were all excited and dancing.

SuperX jeans, for the female college students, has become a good thing that has been planted in the heart for a long time and has been sought after.

It just happened that because the New Year's party will start tomorrow, so today is the official dress rehearsal of the party, so Shen Lele, Gu Sijia, Tong Yuewei and Ning Ruolin, all wearing new jeans came to attend.

Moreover, Shen Lele's six-person modern dance, because they want to dress uniformly, so everyone directly wears 102 jeans of the same color. These girls are very thin. Putting on such pants, the temperament immediately approaches the Korean girl group in later generations. .

The 102 jeans are more slim pencil pants, because the fabric has a certain elasticity, so the tolerance for girls is not low.

And these four beauties are all in great shape, at least they are all long and thin legs, so the visual effect of wearing 102 is simply amazing, the return rate is higher than 101, almost everyone is involuntarily. Staring at the point. UU reading www.

The rehearsal is held in the school's auditorium.

This auditorium can only accommodate a total of one or two thousand people, and can't fit all the teachers and students of the school, so we can only walk through the entire party process here first. We will move to the playground tomorrow to perform outdoors.

Xu Yiyang's three programs in their class were scattered.

Gu Sijia and their girls' modern dances were arranged in a relatively high position, and they will appear around 8:30 tomorrow night;

Shen Lele's solo was arranged around 9:30.

Because Xu Yiyang became the student president, the program organizing committee also seemed to be flattering. He regarded the crosstalk between him and Chen Meng as the finale program and arranged it at 11:20.

The cross talk between them was about 20 minutes long. When the performance ended, he was followed by a chorus "Entering a New Era" performed by the school leaders.

After the singing, the school leaders will also give a speech. It is expected to finish this set, just to zero, and then count down on the spot, preparing to span the century and the millennium.

It can be said that Xu Yiyang's program time is the best time period of all programs performed by students.

Xu Yiyang took a closer look at the final sequence of the show, in order to find Li Haiyang who was chasing his wife fiercely.

What he didn't expect was that Li Haiyang and a girl named Ma Bingbing sang "For Who" in front of their cross talk.


It seems that this force is also very eager to take this opportunity to become famous.

If it were not for the sake of the name of a student president, he might not be allowed to **** his time.

Thinking of this, Xu Yiyang touched the pocket in his jacket and put the version of "For Who" on his own expense to find it. There were two sets.

The tape was recorded for so long, and the time to use the force finally arrived.