MTL - Rebirth of an Abandoned Woman-Chapter 17 Honest people also have temper

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"The sky is not too early to get back, we will go back first! Second uncle, two brothers, big brother, big brother, take care!" Sit a little after sitting, Sang said with a smile.

"Anxious, the niece did not say anything!" Sang Pingliang was wondering how to follow the Fengfeng set, and heard that Sang said so very unhappy, took out the elders' posture and glanced at the sang, and the words were long and long. "Hey daughter, don't be an uncle, say you, marry a husband, everything must be your own husband! Do you want to lose the face of our family!"

Mulberry and Fang’s silent look at each other, both of them saw helplessness in the eyes of the other party.

"We should go back, here is not close to Qingzhou Road, and it will be late later!" Shi Fengju only smiled and attached a sentence, and looked at Sang Hong with a busy look, then said: "The second uncle is more worried. My mother is very good, very good, and my mother likes her very much!"

Sang Hong heard the words loose, and smiled slightly and nodded.

Sang Ping was cold and smiled. "That's good, that's good! It's not that I boast, we are the girl of the sang family, that's nothing to say!"

When Feng Feng smiled, "Yes."

"It's a pity, it's too hasty! I haven't said anything yet!" Sang Pingliang regretted sighing. "Next time! Next time you come back for two nights, let's get together again, huh?"

When Feng Fen’s smile was vague, he sang two times. Chang Huan and so on had already taken the horse, and pulled the cart to get ready.

When the group went out, Feng Jian and Mulberry went to the carriage and left without saying goodbye. The car screamed and quickly left the village, and it was gone after turning a corner.

Sang Pingliang made a big breath, "big scorpion," turned and said to Sang Hong.

"I have to clean up the house. If there is nothing wrong with the second uncle, go back first! Hehe, you go to the village to see if the fence is stable and unstable. If you are unstable, make up a few!" Fang is unceremonious. Shut down the words of Sang Pingliang.

Sang Ping was cool and cool and looked at Fang’s eyes. He scolded: "What attitude do you have, your elders have your mouth to talk about it! My big sister is a show, how can you let him go to the ground to do that kind of work, insulting Do you understand!"

“Sven?” Fang’s smirk said: “It’s not that there’s no one to use is a scholar. It’s better to hold a book than to plant it! When has it become a swan!”

Sang Ping was so angry and angry that he was so embarrassed that he turned his head and looked at Sang Hongdao: "Look at your wife, what is this?"

"It’s said that the second uncle used to hang on his lips!" Fang said with a smile: "The second uncle doesn't accept the old. It's really old, and the memory is so bad! It used to be a long time." Forgot to clean!"

Li shouted: "Is it the same as before?"


"Oh, it is so!" Fang Shi suddenly realized, patted his hand and smiled: "Weird! Before the second uncle and two sorrows will come to our house one step, please please do not come!" Now, it is too late to catch up Now!

In the latter half of the sentence, Fang did not say it, but the gaze of Sang Pingliang and Li’s eyes clearly explained everything, and the two couples could not be refuted.

"Well, auntie, or ask the second uncle to enter the room to talk!" Sang Hong saw the uncle's face and screamed purple and became angry and coughed and coughed.

Fang’s low-pitched sound did not hear, but did not speak again. They are elders in the end. Nowadays, Auntie has just married into the family. If they immediately clamor with them, the outsiders will inevitably say that when they got on the road, they were unrecognizable and disrespectful. She did nothing, but she did not want to be implicated in the three younger brothers and young children who were still studying.

Sang Ping gave her a cold look, and the two of them walked into the Sang Hong Family House to sit down.

Ms. Xu has cleaned up the halls and saw that they came in and went out quickly. They told Fang to return to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

"Do you have something to say about the second uncle and the second sister?" Sang Hong asked with a polite smile.

Sang Ping Liang crossed his hands and loosened his arms on his chest. He leaned his feet against Fang's side of the door and cleared his throat and coughed twice.

"Two uncles?" Sang Hong is honest and unclear, so he looks at Sang Pingliang.

It’s stupid! Li’s secretly turned his eyes and smirked: “I said that my wife, the second uncle and the second uncle, can’t even have a bowl of tea in your house?”

Sang Hong suddenly realized that he looked at his wife, "Auntie."

Fang’s words didn’t turn around, and he held a cup in one hand and went to Sanping Liang and Li’s front. He smiled and said: “The tea is costly and fills the stomach. Our family doesn’t have the money to spoil. We only drink white water! The second uncle and the second will be there, I want to drink tea and go back to drink!"

Sang Pingliang and Li’s suffocating, but also helpless.

"That was also in the past," Li said with a smile: "This time I climbed up to the home, that wealth is not hand-to-hand! I am afraid that in the future, you are not drinking a cup of silver or two!"

Li’s voice just fell, not waiting for Fang’s rebuttal of Sang Hong, but it changed his face. He said: “What is this?” Aunt’s marriage at the same time was set by me when I was a brother. I didn’t have the ability to send her scenery, but I’m sorry, my mother is in the spirit of heaven. Now she is married, and she can still give her trouble and be tired of her!”

Sang Pingliang and Li’s seeing Sang Hong, who was never angry, started the fire. Both of them suddenly stunned, and the subconscious was somewhat afraid.

Honest people are angry, more powerful than ordinary people.

Fang's mouth, I want to add a sentence, "We are married to a sister, not a sister!" Think about it.

"You don't mean anything else," Sang Ping chilled and coughed a little, and smiled reluctantly: "This is not, relatives should support each other and help each other. Is it glory and loss?"

"Yes, yes, I mean this! Anyway, they are so rich at home, and they are stronger than our waists! If-"

"Two uncles and two sisters!" Sang Hong Li said: "Sang family is a sang family, when the family is the time home, Auntie just entered the door of the time, my sang family did not have the ability to support her, it is impossible to return Give her trouble! Please see the second uncle and the second in the death of my mother, do not have this idea! Otherwise, I will be ignorant of this ignorant!"

Sang Hong’s anger stunned, and the coldness of his eyes made Sang Pingliang and Li’s life shudder. Looking at the lively Fang’s side, he couldn’t help but stand up. For the first time, he looked at his husband with a look of admiration. .

Sang Ping was so angry that he couldn’t say a word under the cold pressure of Sang Hong.

Sang Hong’s honesty is notorious in the four towns and eight villages. His words are ironclad evidence, and no one has ever believed what he said from his mouth. He has never had a conflict with people. If he conflicts with others, everyone must be one-sided and think it is the other's fault. Although Sang Pingliang is shameless, he does not dare to take this big risk and sang Hong to tear his face. He believes that if he really goes to find the mulberry, he will not say whether the mulberry will be like his wish, that is, Sang Hong, God knows what he will do!

Honest people also have the terrible things of honest people.

"I, I will say that, don't worry! You are the aunt's big brother. Even if you have any help, do you want to come out? I am an elder, I can't pull this face!" "Sang Ping said coldly and stuttering.

Sang Hong’s momentum has subsided, and he has risen to pay tribute to Sangping’s cool arch: “I’m too excited, please forgive me.”

The flat color of Sanping eased down and gently snorted and said: "Well, I will care about you, family! You are also good for aunt!"

"Yes! We are not that unreasonable!" Li said. Her eyes turned and smirked: "The words are coming back. Today, Auntie brought back a lot of money and money, saving you enough for half a lifetime!"

Come, finally got to the point! Fang's sneer, quietly.

Sang Hong said: "That is the heart of the aunt and the family. I haven't counted how many things."

"There is still a lot of things in a carriage. Big scorpion, how much do you score us? Your two sister's dowry is still not there! We are all family, you can't ignore us!" Li said immediately, mulberry Ping Liang also stared at Sang Hong with his eyes wide open.

Fang’s anger must be laughed. You are a niece, and marrying your daughter is your duty. It is difficult for us to bear it! It’s just that!

Do you know this truth? I think of two younger sisters, especially Sangrou, which is bigger than the mulberry, but even the people have no promises. So dragging them down for a year and a year, they are all old girls, and they are really pitiful!

When Fang saw him like that, he knew what he was going to say. If the dark passage was bad, he would say first: "The two sisters are hurting us. We will not be able to add makeup when we marry in the future! Every family has a difficult experience, two uncles.婶What do you know? In the autumn of August, the child’s uncle will go to the palace for examination. If he wants to go to Beijing to take the exam next year, this is a must-have! New clothes have to add a few more? Paper-books, what kind of poetry will you attend in the weekdays, visit the predecessors to ask for advice, and you can't leave your hands on the door? There are still many places to spend money! Now it's almost noon, and it's time to give gifts to the family. Where do we come from for the leisurely money? We must not sell the things that the aunt brought back to change the money. If this ceremony is light, the aunt is not going to recruit jokes? After the Spring Festival, the aunt has to return to Ning, and then the ceremony is also I don't have to prepare in advance! My family and my niece have gone a year in the past year. One has to study, and one has to prepare a dowry! I don't want to know, it's really money everywhere! I am also awkward!"

Fang's thin fingers whispered, saying that Sang Pingliang and Li's dumb voice were speechless, and Sang Hong originally wanted to open it, and this was also smashed.

"Weird roads say that you are a good-handed person. If you say this, it is too exaggerated! Don't you just don't want to give it to us! You can count this big pass!" Li said.

Fang's secret sneer, the lack of people really is so, aunt is not empty hands on their home, they seem to have forgotten!