MTL - Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths-Chapter 279 new gray wolf population

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Latest website: Raising the wolf paws on the forelegs, Su Ming caressed the foreheads of the two younger brothers, lamenting their remarkable growth.

Unexpectedly, in just a few months, the two completed the second evolution. From the perspective of body size, they are no less inferior to the four wolves.

Seeing this scene, Su Ming nodded in relief.

It seems that the alienation fruit and life core that I left behind at that time really effectively helped the rest of the ethnic group to improve.

[Name]: Xiaoliu (ranked sixth in the new generation)

[Species]: Muyue silver-clawed wolf-adult

[Stage]: Elite Tier 1

【Power】: 14.3/25

【Agility】: 15.5/10

[Ability]: Moon Claw, Speed

【Known Evolution Route】

1. Pollet's giant wolf

2. Night Wolves

3. Moon King Wolf

[Moon Claw]: The natural ability of the Muyue Silver Claw Wolf Clan can absorb moonlight at night to strengthen the overall strength and make the claws sharper and faster.

[Fast Speed]: Due to the abnormality of the creature absorbing special energy, the muscles of the limbs become tighter and stronger, and can explode at a faster speed.

After viewing the information on the panel, Su Ming also had a better understanding of the strength of the two.

Even if the potential of the little brothers is not as good as Su Ming and other wolves, they are much better than the previous hound Tianya.

No matter in the evolution route, or in the two values, they are all higher than the other party.

From this point of view, all members of the ethnic group have reached the elite level, and their status as the overlord will no longer be shaken.

After exchanging pleasantries, the two wolves backed away and let out low growls, as if they still had something to report to Su Ming's team.

The four wolves showed doubts, and never thought that during their departure, new troubles would come to the group.

Is it human?

Looking at the camp in the distance, Su Ming immediately thought of the possibility of human beings.

Although the chances are low, they are the only ones who have the power to threaten the group. The rest of the elite creatures have long since fled, died, and disappeared without a trace.

However, this guess was quickly denied by the two younger brothers.

The creatures that plagued the group did not come from the reserve, but outsiders who had only settled down in recent days.

They solved the snow leopard in the east, occupied its territory, and gradually expanded outward.

It was in the process that conflicts arose with the wolves, the overlords of the reserve.

The outsiders are quite powerful, even the wolf father is no match, if not for the help of the other wolves, I am afraid that they will be buried here.

During this inspection, the two little brothers' posture was also due to the outsiders. They mistook the four wolves of Su Ming for each other, and almost rushed away.

That's right, it was quite surprising that this group of outsiders were also gray wolves, and they belonged to the same family as Su Ming.

Although that day, the group worked together to drive away several invading gray wolves, but they did not retreat, but surrounded the periphery of the territory, looking for opportunities to attack at any time.

This also makes the wolves exhausted. In addition to taking care of the injured wolf father, the rest of the members also need to patrol the territory all the time to prevent alien gray wolves from finding opportunities and taking advantage of it.

Hearing the younger brother's report, Su Ming also knew the situation of the territory.

He didn't dare to be negligent for a moment, and decided to take action himself to completely drive away this group of alien gray wolves threatening the group.

First, he ordered the two younger brothers to continue patrolling in place, and then led the four wolves to the intruders' lair.


Muscles tightened, and he stepped out suddenly, galloping over the lawn.

The four wolves turned into a gust of wind and dissipated in front of the two wolf brothers.

In order to solve this matter as soon as possible, they all broke out with real speed, no longer have any reservations.

The powerful aura spread rapidly, making the creatures in the forest afraid to move.

Be it herbivores or carnivores, they were all trembling with fright, staring blankly at the arrival of the wolves.

Fortunately, the four wolves were not targeting them, allowing them to escape by luck.

Su Ming didn't hide his aura, because he didn't have to.

Coming back this time is to make all creatures realize that the status of the wolves here will never be shaken, even the group of powerful outsiders.

Su Ming wants to go through this battle and swear to them that the wolves still have unrivaled strength.

Under the full force of the four, the team soon arrived in the territory of the original snow leopard in the south.

For several days, the unfavorable battle gave the gray wolf group an illusion.

Perhaps there are no creatures here that would be their opponents, so they gave up the idea of ​​patrolling the territory and concentrated on invading other creatures' territories.

With the growing confidence of this ethnic group, they don't think that there will be creatures who dare to break into their territory.

Unfortunately, now, a real example is shown in front of his eyes.

The gray wolf group was shocked, and the female wolves hurried to protect the cubs, fearing that the intruders would find out, while several male wolves with combat power swarmed up and attacked Su Ming's team.

The blue light lights up, and thunder emerges.

Facing the gray wolf's attack, Su Ming quickly swung his claws, mixed with ferocious thunder flowers.


! "

In an instant, there was a roar.

Immediately afterwards, two gray shadows flew upside down and fell heavily to the ground.

In the direction of the original place, only the figures of the four wolves of Su Ming existed, standing upright like a tall and straight mountain.

The pack of wolves was silent, looking at the two wounded in disbelief. Their forequarters were scorched black, with several claw marks, and blood flowed from their abdominal cavity. Accompanied by constant convulsions, they seemed to be on the verge of death.

Seeing this, the female wolf became more vigilant, picked up the cub quickly, and moved it to a deeper position.

The male wolves in front also stopped. Under the gathering of the majestic gray wolves, they formed a formation and retreated slowly, blocking the gap left by the female wolves.

Unleashing his kingly aura, Su Ming stepped forward, meeting the eyes of the leading gray wolf.

It is not difficult to guess that the gray wolf in front of him is the leader of this group, both in terms of momentum and size, it is far superior to those of the same group beside him.


【Name】: None

[Species]: Variant Huaxia Wolf - Adulthood

[Stage]: Elite eighth rank

【Power】: 23.9/25

【Agility】: 23.7/25

[Ability]: Juli, Silver Claw, Frost Breath

[Alienation]: Frost Moon Claw (1%)

[Great Power]: The abnormality of creatures caused by strange energy, UU Reading stimulates the potential of the muscles of the whole body, making the creatures more powerful and capable of bursting out beyond their own limits in an instant.

[Silver Claw]: The mutation of the creature due to the strange energy makes the wolf claws of the limbs extremely sharp, and stores a special potential energy in the body. Whenever it is activated, the sharpness of its own claws can be increased by one Class, cut iron like mud.

[Frost breath]: The biological mutation due to the strange energy, a frost potential energy is born in the body, and it is sprayed out through the new organs formed in the mouth, freezing the opponent's vitality and body.

After closing the panel, Su Ming also had a new understanding of the strength of the gray wolf leader.

The strength of the peak elite is indeed within the protected area where the king does not come out, enough to crush all creatures.

Of course, for Su Ming, this combat power is still not enough.