MTL - Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character-Chapter 86

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Peace Hotel.

Lu Huai looked out the window, the night was dark and heavy. It rained in the sky, and the rain was so fast and fast that the rain hit the ground coldly.

Lu Huai’s face was cold and fainted, and Zhou’s deputy officer took a look: “Bring Joe Six.”

When Joe Six was in a coma, he took away Ye Chu. Although Ye Chu was not injured, the behavior of Joe Six completely angered him.

He clearly warned Joe Six that it seems that Joe Six did not listen at all. Before Joe 6 did not move, it was waiting for an opportunity.

Lu Huai’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light. Since Joe Six moved this idea, he could not let Joe six.

The rain was even bigger, the window opened a shallow gap, the cold wind squeezed in, and the coolness spread over Lu Huai's heart.

Lu Huai did not see any emotions at this time.

It is like the last calm before the storm.

Deputy deputy Zhou said that he went out and closed the door, ready to go to Xianle Palace.

Xianle Palace.

The night is getting darker, and the silence is so strong, but the front of Xianle Palace is brightly lit. In the silent night, it became more and more noisy.

The guests laughed, some were drinking, some were dancing, the air and the smell of the powder mixed with each other, and the atmosphere was very warm.

They don't know what will happen next, just want to enjoy this night.

After a while, several black cars stopped at the door of Xianle Palace. The door opened and a few people came down. They walked straight into Xianle Palace.

These people were all dressed in military uniforms, straight in shape, and passed through the crowd without squinting. They knew they were well trained at first glance.

The guests of Xianle Palace face each other. They don't know what these people are, and everyone's voice is smaller.

The man in the lead was Zhou’s adjutant. He walked across the promenade with no expression, passed through a room, and finally stopped.

Auxiliary Zhou opened the door with a foot and pointed the gun at the person inside. He screamed: "Joe, go to the Peace Hotel with me."

Qiao Yunxiao leaned back on the back of the chair. He didn't lift his head. He took a sip of tea slowly and placed the cup slowly on the table.

Then he looked up and said, "You are just a dog of Lu Huai. Why should I listen to you?"

A few days ago, when he was injured in Luhuai, he sent a person to block Ye Chu and let Ye Chu come to his house.

After Ye Chu tied himself, he could have subdued her and quickly recovered her.

Letting Ye Chu leave temporarily, he just wants to see how good Ye Chu is.

But what he didn't expect was that someone on the road helped Ye Chu, and Ye Chu escaped and came to the Peace Hotel. He could only give up.

Qiao Yunqi took the lead, and he underestimated Ye Chu.

When I saw the adjutant of Zhou came, Qiao Yunxiao knew that Lu Huai was almost okay, and now I am looking for my own account.

Qiao Yunzhen knows that Lu Huai is very angry, but he has something to snuggle on his hand, so that Lu Huai will not kill him. Why should he be polite to Zhou’s deputy.

Auxiliary Zhou sneered a sneer, and the gun in his hand immediately turned his direction. He slammed and smashed the teacup at Qiao Yun’s hand.

The teacup burst and the tea inside was spilled on the table.

Immediately, Zhou’s adjutant took a gun and aimed at Qiao Yunzhen, and said with a blank expression: “Joe six, do you dare not listen to the words of the three?”

When Joe Yun saw it, his eyes darkened. He suddenly smiled: "The fire is quite big, forget it, I will take a trip with you."

He knew that after Lu Huai returned to the Peace Hotel, he would definitely find himself, but he did not expect this moment to come so fast.

However, Qiao Yun is very determined, Lu Huai will not kill him, this he will be safe.

The people in Xianle Palace saw Zhou’s adjutant shot and his face changed. They also wanted to pull the gun, but the people brought by Zhou’s adjutant had already subdued them.

Qiao Yun slowly stood up and walked out slowly.

Deputy lieutenant Zhou removed the gun from Qiao Yunzhen. He took a gun against Qiao Yunhao and said coldly, "Go."

There was a cold touch on Qiao Yun’s waist. He smiled and walked forward.

I heard the gunshots, and everyone in Xianle Palace was frightened. The guests stopped laughing and laughing. The song girl no longer sang and shivered on the stage.

The Xianle Palace, which was so violent, was quiet now.

Zhou adjutant pressed Qiao Yunqi out of the Xianle Palace and sat in the car.

At this point, the rain was a little smaller, the raindrops of the cool silk fell, and the moist air came over.

The black car ran smoothly, through a quiet street, and finally stopped at the door of the Peace Hotel.

Qiao Yun got out of the car, and the wind and the wind blew on his face, and the coolness came up.

Qiao Yunqi was shot by the adjutant Zhou, and walked into the Peace Hotel and went to the fifth floor.

They walked through the quiet corridor, walking silently, silently. The shredded footsteps sounded, leaving a little noise in the quiet night.

Going to Lu Huai's room, Zhou adjutant pressed Joe Yun to go in, then closed the door and blocked the cold air outside.

Others are guarded outside the door.

Auxiliary Zhou looked at Lu Huai, and his tone was extremely respectful: "Three little, people brought it."

Lu Huai slightly decapitated, Zhou adjutant went to Lu Huai, still with a gun aimed at Qiao Yunzhen.

He is always waiting for the instructions of three less.

Qiao Yunqi stood in the middle of the room and he looked up at Lu Huai.

Lu Huai’s face does not seem to be better than usual. It seems that even if Lu Huai can sit here now, the injury will not be light.

Qiao Yunxiao sighed in his heart, and the injury was not all right. He thought about handling himself. It seems that he really cares about Ye Chu.

However, he has something to snuggle, not afraid of Lu Huai killing himself.

Qiao Yun's words are extremely warm and temperate: "Three little, Shi Wuye asked me to say hello to you on his behalf."

Shi Wuye is another big man of Hongmen. He and Joe Yunxi are in the same position. They speak very much in Hongmen.

Now Shi Wuye is working outside and has not returned for a long time.

Shi Wuye and Qiao Yunzhen are mutually restrained. Although they are not pleasing to each other, they work together for the sake of the door. The two are indispensable.

Today, Shi Wuye became the shield of Qiao Yunqi.

If one person dies, the door will be in chaos immediately. Qiao Yunzhen believes that this is not what Lu Huai wants to see.

Therefore, Qiao Yunqi has this enthusiasm, Lu Huai will not kill him.

Qiao Yunqi’s words are reminding Lu Huai that even if he tied Ye Chu, Lu Huai could not kill himself.

Lu Huai’s words about Qiao Yun’s words were unheard of, and he knew what Qiao Yun was playing.

However, Qiao Yunzhen only guessed half.

He is not going to kill Qiao Yunzhen at the moment, but he will definitely make Qiao Yunwei suffer.

Lu Huai’s eyes are heavy and his voice is extremely cold: “Qiao Yunhao, you are so bold.”

The temperature inside the house was a lot lower, and the air seemed to freeze. It was even colder than the cold wind outside the window.

Qiao Yun raised his eyebrows and said: "Three little, I just want to ask Ye Chu to have dinner. I was going to finish the meal, and I sent Ye Chu to go home."

The meaning of Qiao Yunqi is that Lu Huai’s hand stretched too long. He didn’t do anything to Ye Chu. Why did Lu Huai hold him?

Lu Huai made it clear that he didn't believe in Joe Yun's words. His voice was chilly: "Oh, please ask her to eat?"

"I told you earlier that if you move her, I will never spare you. Do you regard my words as a whisper?"

Lu Huai anger rose, there is no temperature in the fundus.

Joe Six ignored his own words and moved Ye Chu. He was very angry.

That day he was seriously injured in a coma, and Ye Chu could not contact him, and he would be very flustered. After that, Qiao Yunqi also took the opportunity to tie up Ye Chu.

These two things happened one after another, and Ye Chu must have been shocked.

With this in mind, the atmosphere of Lu Huai's body is so cold that it is even colder.

Qiao Yunzhen emphasized one point: "Three little, Ye Chu did not suffer any damage."

A female student escaped like this, and she had already lost the face of Qiao Yunzhen. Not to mention, Ye Chu is not injured.

Qiao Yunzhen is reminding Lu Huai that he does not need to punish himself.

If Lu Huai is not heard, the tone is indifferent: "Which hand did you touch her?"

The sound of the colder sound than the blade, the air in the room seems to be stagnant.

Qiao Yunkai said: "If I said that I didn't touch it?"

The eyes of Qiao Yunxiao were dark. He said the truth. When he wanted to touch Ye Chu’s eyes, Ye Chu smiled at him.

These eyes are very familiar. At that moment, Qiao Yunzhen remembered that in the past, he stunned God and then was attacked by Ye Chu.

Oh, Ye Chu’s reaction is really fast.

The next second, Lu Huai picked up the gun, the index finger fretting, and pulled the trigger.

A shot of "砰" is like a summer thunder. The icy bullets, wrapped in the anger of Lu Huai, scored into the thigh of Joe Yun.

Qiao Yunqi made a sigh of relief, he did not expect Lu Huai to shoot like this.

The intense pain has come up, stimulating the nerves of Joe Yun. He took a deep breath and bit his teeth without making a sound.

The blood immediately oozing out and dyed his clothes, and the bright red color was slowly expanding.

Qiao Yunqi looked up and showed a chill in his eyes: "Three little, if you kill me, the door will be chaotic."

Qiao Yunyi once again reminded Lu Huai that he could not kill himself.

When Lu Huai did not answer Qiao Yunqi, he sneered and his voice was cold: "You still want to touch her eyes."

The word is extremely cold, like frost and snow.

Ye Chu and himself said that Joe Six tried to touch her eyes. At that moment, Lu Huai's face was covered with a layer of frost, and the breath was very cold.

The heavy pressure of pressure flocked to Qiao Yunqi, and the whole room exudes a strong chill.

At that moment, Lu Huai’s momentum became more and more awkward, and the temperature in the room seemed to be low.

Qiao Yun's heart suddenly became cold, and a chill came up from his feet.

Ye Chu was not injured, Lu Huai shot himself. Now he knows that he wants to touch Ye Chu’s eyes and he doesn’t know what to do.

Clearly reminded Lu Huai, Hongmen can not be without himself, but Lu Huai still shot.

In the next second, Lu Huai lifted the gun again, and the black lacquered gun was aimed at Qiao Yunqi.

The gun was glazed with frost and pointed at Qiao Yun's eyes.

Lu Huai’s eyes were very dark and his voice was cold and cold: “You dare to touch her eyes.”

The overwhelming oppressive pressure flocked to Qiao Yunqi, and the light was dark and unclear, making the atmosphere more and more depressed.

The deep chill was on the heart of Qiao Yunzhen, and the heart of Qiao Yunqi was wrapped one by one. He only felt the coldness of the bones.

Although Joan’s face remained calm, his eyes had a little fear.

He knew that Lu Huai would not let himself go easily.

Qiao Yunxiao admitted that at this moment, he was finally afraid.

Lu Huai did not shoot, he just wanted Joe Yun to wait.

Waiting is the most painful suffering. Qiao Yunqi does not know what he will do. Now he must be afraid.

Lu Huai wants Joe to remember this moment forever, and his life is always in his own hands.

Every second is so long for Qiao Yunqi. Qiao Yunzhen did not know whether Lu Huai was going to shoot his own eyes or kill himself directly.

He couldn't guess the heart of Lu Huai, and the chill in his heart rushed up like a tide.

Lu Huai face shot again with no expression. This time, he played the head of Qiao Yunxiao.

The ear is extremely fragile, and the subtle wounds will magnify the pain several times.

The gunshots sounded again, and Qiao Yun slammed his eyes and closed his eyes.

At that moment, Qiao Yunzhen could detect that the cold bullet had rubbed his ear, and the ear was cold first, then it was burning pain.

The wound on the leg, together with the bruises on the ear, the sharp pain swept over and did not stop.

The pain seemed to have penetrated into the heart of Qiao Yunzhen, and then spread in the heart.

Qiao Yunzhen only felt very painful, but he did not scream with his teeth, and he had already covered a thin layer of thin sweat on his forehead.

Qiao Yun's lips were pale and the whole person was slightly trembling.

He felt as if he had gone from **** and his heart was exhausted.

There was a lot of pain in the legs and the ears. Some of Joshua’s feet were unstable. He bent his right foot and squatted on the ground.

The floor is filled with a cold touch, reminding him all the time, the bad situation now.

The shadow of Qiao Yun’s eyes was dull. After he became the leader of the gate, he was no longer as embarrassed as he is today.

Others will only ask him for mercy, and he will never bow to others.

At this time, Lu Huai stood up and he walked over to Qiao Yun. His steps are not slow, and he walks toward Qiao Yunyi step by step.

The faint **** smell has come up to remind everyone of what happened.

The closer he got to Qiao Yunqi, the stronger the **** smell, but the look of Lu Huai did not change. He took the gun against the forehead of Qiao Yunhao.

This gun is as cold as his master.

Lu Huai looked down at Qiao Yunyu, and his eyes were cold.

His voice is very cold, very light: "Qiao Yunzhen, can you survive, all by me. If there is another time, I will directly abolish you."

"Qiao Yunhao, I want you to be born, I want you to die and die." Lu Huai's voice is like the coldest biting wind in winter.

Lu Huai’s breath is extremely strong, one word at a time: “From today, your life is mine.”

Qiao Yun's heart is a glimpse, Lu Huai means that his identity as a Hongmen leader is not worth mentioning in Lu Huai's eyes.

If he starts with Ye Chu, he will never be alive next time.

If it is not today, I am afraid that even this room will not go out.

Qiao Yunyi closed his eyes and could only say: "I know, three less."

Qiao Yunxiao left, Lu Huai sat in the position, pressed the eyebrows.

He will not let Qiao Yun hurt Ye Chu half-point, he will protect Ye Chu Zhouquan.

The Peace Hotel is so big that even if a gunshot sounds, the voice becomes far away.

Shanghai is a place where the fish and the dragon are mixed. Whether it is the turf of the mantle or the disposal of the senior officials, everyone is used to it.

Outside the window, a car drove away and the subtle sounds quickly dissipated.

What happened tonight was hidden in the night, no one noticed.


After Ye Chu returned to Ye Gongguan, he had been waiting for Lu Huai’s news.

She returned to the school. Everyone thought that she had a serious illness and asked only with concern. No one doubted.

On this day, Ye Chu let go of school. After he got home, he ate dinner and filled the room with the lessons he had left.

The night became deeper and deeper, the air was a little cold, and the air was a little cold. Ye Chu turned over the homework and wrote it carefully with a pen.

This night, the sound that has not appeared for a long time has appeared again.


Ye Chu was a little stunned. She hadn’t heard this voice for many days. She fixed her mind.

The voice told her: "I have something to say before I remind you."

A lot of things happened during this time. Ye Chu has been busy, but he has forgotten this.

Previously, she suspected the origin of this voice, but she was puzzled. This is a great opportunity.

Ye Chu asked: "Who are you?"

The voice said: "Do you remember the last life, have you been to the temple of Nanjing with the governor Lu Huai?"

Hearing here, Ye Chu lingered for a while. However, she quickly turned over that memory.

In the last life, the two of them often joined in and out.

At that time, Lu Huai was already an overseer. They both went to a temple in Nanjing. Ye Chu’s watch was broken. He also loaned his mother’s pocket watch to her.

Ye Chu nodded: "Remember."

The voice continued: "At the time, you made a wish in the temple and wanted to avenge the Ye family."

Ye Chu did not answer, she did burn a scent in the temple and made a wish. The voice is right, but how is it learned?

Voice: "The Warlord Lu Huai also has a wish, although his wish is related to you, but this is his secret, I can't tell you."

Ye Chu asked: "You know so many things, why should you help us?"

The voice did not explain too much: "They both have a kind heart and the belief in reaching a wish is extremely strong."

"God gave you a chance to come back again, giving you the opportunity to re-elect your life."

Ye Chu is a glimpse. It is ridiculous to be born again, but it does happen. It turned out that it was only because of the previous cause that it was such a fruit.

Since she was born again after the car accident, what about Lu Huai?

Ye Chu asked: "Is Lu Huai also born again?"

The voice did not answer her question: "Since the two of you have decided to cooperate, I have no need to exist."

"There will be many changes in this life, and the rest of the road is even more difficult. You need to work together to get together."


In the end, the voice only confessed a sentence, so that Ye Chu should be careful about the cold.

Mo Qinghan’s whereabouts are different, but in this world, he will come to Shanghai in advance in a way that is easy to disguise. Ye Chu and Lu Huai must be prepared and act carefully.

Mo Qinghan used a false identity, and they may not be recognized at first.

Although the world is changing, I don't know when the danger will happen. But the most important thing is that Lu Huai and Ye Chu must not be centrifuged.

Ye Chu is naturally clear, she is very convinced of Lu Huai. No matter what happens in this life, she will not lose her trust in him.

This evening, Ye Chu thought of many things, turned over and over, unable to fall asleep.

Lu Huai is busy with things. He said that he will come to her when he stops.

However, Ye Chu can't wait.

The next morning, Ye Chu called Lu Huai.

Lu Huai answered the phone: "Who?"

Ye Chu’s voice is extremely clear: “It’s me.”

Lu Huai: "Ye Chu, is it something?"

Ye Chu’s tone is very firm: “I want to see you.”

Lu Huai’s smile: “It’s a coincidence, I want to see you too.”

He has already finished the matter, it is time to see Ye Chu.

Ye Chu asked: "Who is the time and place?"

Lu Huai: "With you."

A few seconds later, Lu Huai and Ye Chu said in unison.

"After five days, Hengxing Tea House."

Both of them were a glimpse and then laughed.

Ye Chu put a phone call and heard the small rain. She turned to look at it, and Shanghai began to rain again, pattering, and the cold wind blew into the window.

In the last life, on the road driving in Nanjing, the sky also had such rain.

Lu Huai and Ye Chu have to rush back to the Governor's Office in Nanjing.

They passed through a mountain where the temples stood and the incense was lingering, the most clean place.

The two just passed through the temple and stopped to take a break. Ye Chu got out of the car and Lu Huai also followed.

In the temple, there are monks in the chanting, and the Sanskrit is around the ear, and the heart is naturally quiet.

Originally, Ye Chu often had nightmares, and he was in a state of tension in his daily life. At that time, things that bothered her were gone.

Somehow, Ye Chu did not consciously take a fragrance.

She clearly knew that her wish could not be realized, but in this situation, it was inevitable that she would feel empathy and made that wish.

Lu Huai asked: "Wished?"

Ye Chu looked up and nodded. "Trust or not, it doesn't matter. What matters is the state of mind."

Hearing here, Lu Huai squatted for a while, looking at her thoughtfully.

His gaze has never given her a sense of oppression. He was seen for a long time, she turned her head and took a fragrance.

Ye Chu gave Lu Huai a fragrance: "If you have a wish, you can also try."

Lu Huai’s words are hidden: "Well, I will try to know the result."

Lu Huai took the incense and worshipped.

He closed his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking.

Ye Chu can see Lu Huai's side face. His figure is as tall and cold as usual, but by her side, the temperament of the whole body has become gentle.

When Lu Huai turned to look at her, Ye Chucai found that he had watched him for a long time.

She was busy bowing her head and saw the clock that stopped moving: "The watch can't go."

Lu Huai took a look and Ye Chu’s watch did stop. The second hand seems to be stuck in the dial, shaking, but can't take a step.

It seems that the relationship between the two of them is clearly a well-made pocket watch with endless time.

But no one wants to go out of that step.

Lu Huai: "Your watch is broken. Can you use this piece first?"

Ye Chu looked at Lu Huai. She knew that the pocket watch was sent by his mother. He cherished it very much. The strange thing is that she did not refuse.

"it is good."


Later, the black car started, driving very fast, braving heavy rain and returning to Nanjing.

Both Lu Huai and Ye Chu’s life have experienced changes, but those changes have caused them to embark on the same path.

Because life is ups and downs, in a very difficult state of mind, people always have an inexplicable sense of guilt.

This sense of guilt has hindered their progress.

Along the way, they have worked together, and they have experienced hardships, enjoyed peace and joy, and lived through life and death...

But I have never really faced my emotions.

No one would have expected that the accidental car accident would occur on the Scott Road that day. The rain was too big and the two were divided.

Because of this accident, Lu Huai and Ye Chu went to death together. Before the death, the last moment before the disappearance of consciousness, I only saw each other's eyes.

When I opened my eyes again, all the changes did not happen. Ye Jia has not yet fallen, Lu Tujun has not been assassinated, and their lives have not been disrupted.

The trajectory of their destiny has finally changed and they have the opportunity to re-select.

They met each other in advance, and they did not have previous restraints and scruples.

In this world, I only hope that my life will be completed, no regrets...

The author has something to say: Interpretation: Re-emergence is because of the wish of the two.

Naturally sweet to the tooth, there is no regret.