MTL - Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character-Chapter 72

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When Jiang Bojun dressed himself at home, he went out. He stopped a rickshaw and headed for the suburbs of Shanghai.

It has been a long time since Ye Chu was kidnapped. If Ye Chu is bold, then how to calm down, it is always a little girl.

In the face of a group of fierce kidnappers, Ye Churuo cried without fear. He Jiang Bojun wrote the name upside down and then squatted on the ground, calling Ye Chu a grandmother.

Jiang Bojun was in a good mood, sitting on a rickshaw, blowing a cold wind and heading for the temple. After a long time, Jiang Bojun felt that his face was freezing.

He quickly wrapped his clothes, and in order to give Ye Chu a best image, he specially wore a suit. The night wind blows his neckline and screams.

It’s so cold tonight.

The rickshaw stopped before it reached the destination. The driver said that the place was too far away and he did not want to go any further. He wanted Jiang Bojun to get off and take a few steps.

Jiang Bojun's mood suddenly became bad, and the weather was cold, his body was frozen and stiff, and Jiang Bojun almost opened his mouth.

But thinking that there is still something to do tonight, Jiang Bojun can only helplessly get out of the car.

The rickshaw driver pulled the car and left, leaving only Jiang Bojun to stay in place. It is already in the suburbs of Shanghai, and there are not many people coming.

Ye Jialiang Jiang Bojun carefully discussed, they all thought that they would tie Ye Chu to a place far away from home.

Even if Ye Chu has the ability, in a place where life is not familiar, how long it will be.

The night wind suddenly grew up, and the leaves rustled. Jiang Bojun couldn't maintain his elegant image. While rubbing his hands, he rubbed his feet and wanted to warm his body.

If he wants to break the temple, he has to go a long way.

There were no ones, and even the sound of the insects disappeared. Only Jiang Bojun’s feet wiped the subtle sounds on the ground, and Jiang Bojun could scare him enough.

The more you walk, the more Jiang Bojun’s heart is. He really couldn't stand this silence and couldn't help but talk to himself.

"Jiang Bojun, are you still unclear? The things tonight are already under your control."

"After tonight, you can talk and laugh with Lu San Shao and Shen Jiuye."

Jiang Bojun sighed on himself, for fear that he would be ugly in front of Ye Chu.

Jiang Bojun was well prepared, and he had already figured out the location of the temple. The time when things happened was at night. If he lost his way, he could not find it.

After walking for a while, the temple was only seen.

Jiang Bojun took a deep breath and pushed the door open. The temple door "Oh," opened, and the sound was in a quiet night.

The scene in front of him was the same as he and the kidnappers. Ye Chu was tied in the middle of the temple, with his head lowered and his hands tied behind him.

The first time Ye Chu encountered such a situation, she seemed to be scared. She sat down with her head down and said nothing, thinking that no one would suddenly appear and rescue her.

Jiang Bojun looked around and found that the kidnappers were hidden in the darkness. He nodded to them with approval. It seems that the kidnappers took the money to do things very well.

All of them are in accordance with their original arrangements, and they all stand in other places and give themselves a chance to show their limelight.

After he finished speaking the lines, it was the turn of the kidnappers to play, pretending to play against himself, and then pretending to lose under his own hands.

Jiang Bojun did not immediately approach Ye Chu, but began to talk about the lines prepared before.

"Miss Ye Er, don't be afraid, I followed all the way. I saw this group of gangsters who had no evils and kidnapped you. Unfortunately, I can't beat these kidnappers with my own strength."

"So I will always be behind you, waiting for the opportunity to move, don't be afraid, I will block your life and protect you."

Jiang Bojun gave the kidnappers a look, indicating that they could come forward and fight against him.

The kidnappers glanced at each other and nodded their heads, and they rushed toward the position where Jiang Bojun stood.

Taking advantage of the time of the kidnappers, Jiang Bojun is still talking about the last line: "I will not be afraid of you bad guys at all, you want to kidnap Miss Ye Er, after my permission?"

The kidnapper’s head laughed and said: “We still need your permission to beat people. What kind of onion do you count? When Lao Tzu is a rogue, your kid is still not born!”

Jiang Bojun stunned, how does it not match the expected. Who let these kidnappers arbitrarily interject, he did not give this kidnapper this order.

"Your mouth is so dirty, no wonder it can only be a rogue, nothing can happen. You have come together and killed me."

Jiang Bojun shouted loudly: "If you want to touch a hair of Miss Ye Er, I will step on my body! Miss Ye Er, don't worry about me, I will do it."

Jiang Bojun entered the play quite deeply, and the kidnappers were all a glimpse. Then they vented the humiliation during the day to Jiang Bojun.

If it wasn’t because Jiang Bojun came over to them, they would be pointed at the gun by their heads. After a long time of hooliganism, they had never seen a real gun, let alone being hit.

Of course, they don’t want to experience the second time again.

"You think so, our brothers will play with you." The kidnappers screamed and smirked toward Jiang Bojun.

Jiang Bojun calmly watched the kidnapper rushing over, and he did not even pose a defensive posture. He snorted and gently raised his arm to block the attack of the kidnappers.

Because he knows that the kidnappers are just to play.

The next moment, Jiang Bojun, who was confident and full, couldn't smile for a moment. His arm that wanted to block the attack was **** by the kidnappers.

This force is too heavy.

Jiang Bojun immediately retracted his numbness arm and swallowed the exclamation that almost blurted out, only making a repressed sob.

He quickly licked the arm of the beggar. He thought that the kidnapper was too strong and didn't know how to control it, so he started to pay.

Jiang Bojun had to quickly turn around and change direction, launching an attack toward the kidnappers from another direction.

Jiang Bojun learned the movements he saw in the movie, set his hands up and turned into a hand knife, pointing to the direction of the coming person.

I didn't expect that this time I couldn't do what he wanted. The kidnappers arbitrarily took him a glimpse. Jiang Bojun was hit hard and took a few steps back.

The back of the kidnapper hit a punch on his back. Jiang Bojun felt that the place where he was beaten was a stiff, and the pain began to spread from the point to the entire back.

Jiang Bojun refused to let Ye Chu still be there. He lowered his voice and talked with the kidnappers: "You will not be lighter when you start. Haven't I taught you before?"

Even if Jiang Bojun made it very clear, but there was no kidnapper response, he continued to fight against Jiang Bojun.

Jiang Bojun was beaten on his back, he was stepped on his feet, and he was kicked in his leg, but he still refused to scream.

When someone punched Jiang Bojun's nose, he felt a warm liquid flowing out of his nose. He tasted **** smell.

When Jiang Bojun smashed such a fight, he wanted to cry and not wipe a nosebleed, or could not help but mourn.

"You still want to not want the rest of the money, start so heavy, be careful not to give you money afterwards!" Jiang Bojun whispered.

"Hey, your money is left to yourself, you don't know where you are going to enjoy it." The kidnapper sneered.

what's going on? Sure enough, I can't cooperate with the rogue, and I don't recognize people.

Jiang Bojun could only hide hard, but he specially hired eight kidnappers. Even if everyone punched him and hit Jiang Bojun, he was enough.

Jiang Bojun was self-satisfied and naturally could not notice that Ye Chu, who was sitting on the stool with his head down, had raised his head, untied the rope, and looked at the play.

Ye Jiarou really didn't come and cleaned herself up, but she thought she wouldn't have taken her.

Ye Jiarou has the courage to do such a thing, and should also bear the consequences.

Ye Chu felt enough and made a gesture. When the kidnappers saw it, they took it and obediently retreated to the side.

The last kidnapper who had gone away called Jiang Bojun, who was screaming, to Ye Chu. Jiang Bojun was on the ground and saw a pair of exquisite women's shoes in front.

Jiang Bojun thought to himself that the kidnappers had finally disappeared. It seems that they just wanted to play realistically, and they only took this hand.

Since Ye Chu appeared in front of himself, how could Jiang Bojun let go of this opportunity?

He has been waiting these days, and he has waited for this moment for a long time.

Although Jiang Bojun’s body hurts, he can’t climb, but his mouth is not sewed. If he can speak, he can make Ye Chu tempted.

"Miss Ye Er, don't be afraid, you are safe. Those kidnappers have been knocked down by me. I swear, I will not let Miss Ye Er you be wronged if I have a day at Jiang Bojun."

Jiang Bojun said that he was really sincere and he was almost moved.

Ye Chu smiled sarcastically, but his voice was faint: "Jiang Gongzi, are you coming to save me?"

Jiang Bojun finally got the response from Ye Chu. He was ecstatic: "Miss Ye Er, or can I call you Achu? I have liked you for a long time."

The light in the temple is dark, and the face of Ye Chu is hidden in the darkness. Half-bright and half-dark, Jiang Bojun can't see the expression on Ye Chu's face.

He suspected that Ye Chu must have been so happy that he cried.

Jiang Bojun twitched his hand: "Achu, if you and I can reach Ye Gongguan safely, can you marry me? I will be good to you in my life."

Although Jiang Bojun was beaten badly, at this time his mood was very excited and he spoke very loudly. He could see a well-being in front of him.

There were no buildings in the temple, and the air was very empty. The night wind broke open the broken window paper and squeezed in.

It is clear that there is only him in this temple, Ye Chu, and a group of kidnappers that can be ignored, no one else. But Jiang Bojun had a cold back and always felt who was staring at him.

Lu Huai and his men, who were hidden in the dark, apparently heard it, and Jiang Bojun’s affectionate confession.

Although this is not the case, but Lu Huai's men could not help but sideways, looking at Lu Huai standing in the corner.

In front of this confessed woman, it is obvious that the relationship with the three is not shallow. If the three have heard these words, what is the reaction in my heart.

The heart was scratched, they could not control their curiosity, sneaking their heads and trying to see the expression of the three.

After the moon disappeared, the place at Luhuai Station was dark, leaving only a blurred outline.

Under the hands of Lu Huai, Lu Huai did not move. The next second, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the group of daring men.

Although they couldn't see the expression of Lu Huai, they quickly turned their heads and never dared to look back. They had a cold sweat on their backs.

The three little ones at this time are really scary.

At that end, Ye Chu listened to Jiang Bojun’s confession of “a deep love”, but did not respond at all.

After a long time, she opened her mouth faintly: "If you can go out from here, I will consider it."

Jiang Bojun was ecstatic in his heart. He knew that Ye Chuding was shy and did not immediately agree. It is difficult to get out of here. Ye Chu is just giving him water.

Jiang Bojun repeatedly said that he was thinking about getting up from the ground.

Jiang Bojun just wanted to hold his body up and suddenly felt the pain in his hand. The exquisite women's shoes that had surprised him so much were on his hands.

Ye Chu stood up from the stool and looked at Jiang Bojun in a condescending manner.

The pain in the hand can not be ignored, Jiang Bojun swallowed a cry, pretending to be gentle: "Achu, you accidentally stepped on my hand."

Ye Chu said: "The temple is too dark, can't see clearly, I don't know which kidnapper thought, and chose the location of the kidnapping in the temple."

Jiang Bojun had a hard time and couldn't speak. He could only swallow his complaints hard. He suddenly felt that something was wrong. No one gave Ye Chusong the tie. How did she stand up?

"Achu, how is your rope loose?" Jiang Bojun pulled his hand out of Ye Chu's sole.

"I just move it, the rope is loose. It seems that the kidnappers don't care, the tie is not tight enough, you say yes? Jiang Gongzi." Ye Chu asked.

Jiang Bojun hated in his heart, where is the needless heart, clearly is too far away, and he is labeled as this devil.

Jiang Bojun could only nod in a random way, and once again wanted to climb from the ground.

Ye Chu looked at Jiang Bojun's foot. When he stood up, he stretched out his foot and Jiang Bojun, who had just got up from the ground, went down again.

"Sorry, this day is too dark, my feet are out of control." Ye Chu said in advance.

Jiang Bojun’s tears are coming out quickly. He can’t blame Ye Chu. This place is his choice, and who is it?

"Nothing, nothing, I can understand that the light in this temple is too dark, Achu, you walk carefully."

After taking a deep breath, Jiang Bojun stood up again.

Before waiting for Jiang Bojun to take a few steps, Ye Chu once again stretched his foot to Jiang Bojun's back, this time he fell even worse.

Jiang Bojun wanted to cry without tears, and finally stopped bleeding the nose and began to bleed again.

If he has not found the strangeness of Ye Chu, he will not call Jiang Bojun.

Once, twice said it, this is so many times, Ye Chu must be mindful of himself.

"You still don't get up quickly. It's a few steps away from the door. Are you going to hurry up?" Ye Chu's voice was cold and rang behind Jiang Bojun.

Jiang Bojun felt that he was provoked. He didn't want to marry Ye Chu at all. He just wanted to leave this ruined temple and leave Ye Chu.

However, this simplest wish has become a nightmare for Jiang Bojun's life.

From the position of his station to the temple door is not far away, a few steps away from the district, Jiang Bojun took a few steps and fell a few times.

At the end, when he touched the temple door, the whole body shivered. He relaxed and let out a long breath.

Finally, I can escape from Ye Chu’s claws. This woman who wants to marry, whoever goes, does not dare.

When the temple door opened, the moonlight came in, and Jiang Bojun thought that he had been reborn.

Suddenly, Jiang Bojun felt that his head was tight, and a cold thing arrived at his temple. Ye Chu’s figure is hidden behind the door, only one meter away from him.

Jiang Bojun has heard so many things about going to the beach, haven't seen a gun, haven't heard of it yet. At this point, Ye Chu’s thing with his temples must be a gun.

Jiang Bojun’s self-confidence has gradually disintegrated in the step-by-step fall, and now comes to this, completely defeating his self-confidence.

"Now, do you still want to marry me?" In the ear, it is the cold and cold voice of Ye Chu.

Jiang Bojun was so scared that he swallowed his mouth and squeezed his words out of his lips.

"Don't dare, I don't dare anymore, I don't deserve you at all, I beg you to let me go." Jiang Bojun pleaded for mercy.

Ye Chu suddenly laughed and screamed in the silent night.

"Are you stupid? Look at your eyes and look at what is in your head?" Ye Chu said with a smile.

Jiang Bojun twisted his stiff neck little by little. He saw that Ye Chu was holding only a pointed stone in his hand, which was everywhere on the road he had just arrived.

Jiang Bojun breathed a sigh of relief, but the next second, Ye Chu took the other hand from behind and lifted it to Jiang Bojun.

This time it was really a black lacquered gun, and the empty muzzle was aimed at Jiang Bojun’s eyebrows.

"This is a gun." Ye Chu eyes calm, there is still time to laugh at Jiang Bojun.

Jiang Bojun suddenly felt a chill in his feet, and he knew that even if he went out from here, waiting for him might be a more cruel reality.

The behavior of Ye Chu just now fell in the eyes of Lu Huai and his men.

Lu Huai’s gaze only looked at Ye Chu. She had teased from the beginning, and later ridiculed... Even when she took the gun, she was not in a hurry.

Well, the behavior of this little liar won his heart.

Lu Huai swept the man next to her coldly, and his hands noticed the anger on him, and immediately subdued Jiang Bojun.

Lu Huai walked over to Ye Chu and gave her a look.

Ye Chu still held the gun in his hand, and a familiar voice sounded behind him.

"Beware of the fire."

Ye Chuyi, she looked back and found a tall, cold figure standing behind her, he was looking at the gun in her hand.

When did Lu Huai arrive?

Was she only seen her behavior by Lu Huai?

Ye Chu panic, her fingers clenched the gun subconsciously.

Lu Huai’s hand was put up and he wanted to take the gun back. His warm palm covered it and inevitably touched Ye Chu’s fingers.

Here is the suburbs, the weather is cold, and Ye Chu’s hand is blown cold by the cold wind. His hand paused and his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

Lu Huai's face did not significantly retract his hand, and his movements looked extremely natural.

Ye Chu seems to feel cold too. She put her hand in her pocket and surrounded it with a passion. Lu Huai took back his sight.

Lu Huai asked her: "Where is the gun?"

His tone was slightly questioned, as if he was not satisfied with Ye Chu’s gun.

Ye Chu's lips: "To your hand."

She was a little nervous, her hands were tight, and she looked like a little liar who was caught in a bad thing.

"Oh?" Lu Huai raised an eyebrow. "Which person, you speak the name."

Ye Chu busy said: "There is no bullet in the gun."

The man knows that San Shao cares about Ye Chu girl, and he does not dare to take the gun directly to Ye Chu, so he unloads the bullet before giving it to her.

Lu Huai looked down and confirmed it after confirmation.

Tonight, Ye Chu touched the gun once in his life, but he was taken away by Lu Huai after not touching it for too long.

Her shooting is actually very accurate. Of course, it is also taught by this person.

Lu Huai said: "Let's go, I will send you home."

Ye Chu asked: "The reason."

Lu Huai suddenly smiled: "Miss Ye Er was almost kidnapped, but she was saved by Lu Sanshao.

Ye Chu went on to say: "The gangsters have been sent to the patrol house by three, and under the torture, there are accomplices."

Lu Huai is not in a hurry: "The rest of the matter, let yourself solve it."

Ye Chu calmly: "Of course, thank you for your help."

The two looked at each other and met each other with their eyes. They also understood each other's eyes. They smiled and tacit.

It’s really a swindler.