MTL - Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character-Chapter 39 (thanks to the nutrient solution plus more)

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In this world, Ye Chu’s handwriting is very similar to that of Lu Huai. No, more specifically, her every move is engraved with his shadow.

But now, Lu Huai does not know the things of his life. He only knows now that there are personal names who become good people to send letters to him.

Therefore, Lu Huai will be suspicious of Ye Chu’s handwriting.

Why did the person use his own handwriting to write this note?

Lu Huai has not used this type of font. If someone wants to draw their attention, why should they use this typeface?

Somehow, Lu Huai always felt inexplicable familiarity.

He felt a feeling in his heart, he knew this person. And, this person will be his unexpected person...

At this time, the Governor's Office came to a guest, and he made the atmosphere of the Governor's Office suddenly become active.

Recently, Shen Jiu was fascinated with watching the drama. If he could not find Shen Jiu, he would be able to find him at the Cathay Grand Theatre.

On this day, Shen Jiuyi screamed at Xiaoqu, and was ready to go to Luhuai to watch the play, so that the nerd would not stay in the room all day long.

Shen Jiumen did not knock, and directly pushed the door in. He thought that he and Lu Huai were not so particular.

"Lu Huai, you can keep yourself in the study when you have nothing to do, you are not bothered, I am still panicking for you."

Shen Jiu, like he was at his own home, went to the chair in front of Lu Huai and sat down, tilting up his legs.

When the door was pushed open, Lu Huai subconsciously frowned. He quickly covered the note with a book and picked up a document on the table.

As if he didn't do anything, he was looking at the document.

A pair of bottomless eyes smashed in the past, and Lu Huai’s eyes were extremely dark and could not see the emotions.

Shen Jiuyi did not feel that he was disturbed by Lu Huai. He straightened up from the chair and shook his legs. He asked: "Lu Huai, I know a good place to take you to see you."

Lu Huai, who was interrupted by Shen Jiu, leaned back and put the things on his hands on the table. He silenced for a while before he asked.

Lu Huai picked up his eyebrows: "You jumped up and down the stairs, and everything happened."

Shen Jiu secretly licked his mouth. He was doing the thrill of Lu Huai, and he thought that Lu Huai would be in love with a female student. He felt excited.

"The Cathay Grand Theatre has a song and dance drama in a few days. The content is good. You will go with me when you come." Shen Jiu believes that Lu Huai will definitely agree to his request.

Lu Huai did not think about it: "Don't go."

Ignore the dead face of Shen Jiu, Lu Huai reached for the documents on the table.

I never thought that I would be rejected. Shen Jiuqi smiled and grinned. She looked at Lu Huai and stopped listening to him. He immediately picked up the tea cup on the table next to him and went to Lu Huai’s desk.

Shen Ji, who was rarely refuted, was uncomfortable in recent days. He was recently rejected by Lu Huai’s woman and rejected by Lu Huai.

These two people do not give him face, Shen Ji also wants to scatter the gas on Lu Huai.

In Shen Jiu’s heart, he has already positioned Ye Chu as a woman in Luhuai. It’s a matter of time, sooner or later.

Shen Jiuzheng was sullenly thinking about letting Lu Huai’s desk suffer. I didn’t expect Lu Huai’s head to be lifted. He took the cup and placed it aside.

Finally, Lu Huai also drank a cup of tea without changing his color and commented: "The tea is cold, too bitter."

Got it, he Shen Jiu did not get better in front of Lu Huai.

Shen Jiu did not care, and even carried out Ye Chu: "I heard that the little girl likes to watch the movie most. Do you say that Miss Ye Er will go there that day?"

Upon hearing Ye Chu’s name, Lu Huai raised his eyes and looked at Shen Jiyi’s eyes: “She won’t go.”

"Oh, are you a locust in the stomach of a little girl? You have been so clear about what hasn't happened yet." Shen Jiu, Lu Huai squeezed his eyes, and the meaning of ridicule was quite strong.

Shen Jiuyi said two words: "Lu Huai seems that you are really planted on a woman. Are you first moving towards her?"

Shen Jiu’s deputy secretly slammed and waited for Lu Huai’s answer, which was really owing.

Lu Huai’s voice couldn’t hear any annoyance: “Nosy.”

He did not refuse, nor did he deny it.

Shen Jiu was the default for Lu Huai. After he had a satisfactory answer, he returned to his home.

On the way back to Shen Jiu, it was raining in Shanghai.

The rain fell on the ground and the air became damp.

Shen Jiu did not bring an umbrella, and drenched the rain into the metropolis. It’s just a good mood, and some have changed.

The rain outside the window was dying, and there was no stop for the whole day. The fine raindrops hit the leaves and ticking.

The cool breeze slid in through the window and gently licked the face of Shen Jiu.

Shen Jiu raised his eyes and it rained again.

Shen Jiu’s thoughts were heavy and he remembered his previous affairs.

When Shen Jiu’s father was born, Shen Jiugang died, leaving only Shen Ji and his mother.

That year, Shen Jiu’s mother had been entangled in sick beds, and the bad body was getting worse. At the end of the year, Shen’s mother passed away and Shen Jiu became an orphan.

At that time, Shen was nine years old and lost his parents. He should have been sheltered by his loved ones. I expected the so-called relatives, divided the family of Shen family, and took away everything in Shen Jiu.

Shen Jiu was also driven out of their homes and forced to go out to discuss life. Shen Jiuben was alone and lost everything. With the youthful spirit, he went to the beach.

He wants to rely on his own strength to find a piece of heaven and earth on the beach, and then take back his own things a little bit.

Shen Jiu’s heart is big, and he thought he could stand firm quickly. However, life cruelly poured a cold water on him. Shen Jiu went to the beach, not to mention doing a career, even the problem of food and clothing is only barely resolved.

That day, the sky was raining and the ground was a little damp. Shen Jiu was walking on the road and was stolen by a stolen child. Shen Jiu is penniless and walks down the street.

The rain was a little big, and Shen Jiu’s clothes were a lot wet, but Shen Jiuyi did not feel it. He was disappointed with himself and felt that he was really useless and could not do anything well.

Shen Jiu came under an eaves and kneeled on the ground, burying his head and silent.

I don't know how long it took, a crisp voice rang above Shen Jiu.

"This is so big under the rain, why don't you go home?"

Shen Jiu looked up and slammed into the bright eyes of the girl. The girl is about twelve or three years old, her face is good, her black hair is hanging on her shoulders, and she is dressed in an ordinary student, with a gentle atmosphere.

Shen Jiuyi, she is talking to herself?

The girl was a little bit stunned, and she did not expect Shen Ji to be so good. Seeing Shen Jiu did not answer, the girl thought he did not hear, and smiled and repeated: "Why don't you go home?"

Shen Jiu stood up and looked at the girl in front of her. Shen Jiu’s body is very tall, and the girl is able to reach his chest.

Shen Jiu said: "I don't have an umbrella." Shen Jiu wanted to say that his money was stolen, but he paused and did not say anything.

When Shen Jiu was on the street, the girl noticed him. I saw that Shen Jiu’s state was somewhat wrong. The girl stopped the car and followed her up.

The girl smiled shallowly: "I came by car, this umbrella will lend you."

Shen Jiu noticed that a black car was parked behind the girl.

The girl handed the umbrella to Shen Jiu, her fingers were slender and soft.

This is the first goodwill that Shen Jiu felt after coming to Shanghai.

Shen Jiu’s eyes were a little moist. He took the umbrella and said, “Thank you.” There was a hint of coolness in the air, but Shen Ji’s heart was warmer.

After thinking about it, the girl took out a little more money. She said softly: "The weather is a bit cold. If you get rain, you will get sick and grab some medicine."

The girl saw that Shen Ji’s family was not good. She wanted to help him a little more. However, she did not say that she broke, but instead changed another way.

Shen Jiu knows the girl's kindness, she said this to avoid embarrassing herself.

Shen Jiu is now penniless. If he does not accept this money, he will starve to death on the street sooner or later. If you don’t take this money, why not talk about doing something later.

Shen Jiu made up his mind, and after making money, he will return the money to the girl in front of him.

Shen Jiu took a deep breath and took the money: "Thank you."

The girl smiled deeper and her eyes were brighter: "You're welcome." The raindrops of the cool silk fell on the girl's face, and the hair was slightly wet.

She turned and got into the car.

The wolf-stricken teenager, and the pretty gentle girl, this is Shen Jiu and her first encounter.

The car is far away, and Shen Ji is still standing. He looked down and looked at the umbrella. The umbrella was light in color and a word was printed on the handle.


Taking the girl’s money, Shen Jiu first filled his stomach. There are still some remaining money, and Shen Jiu will survive. After today's incident, Shen Jiu was more cautious and the money was never stolen.

Shen Jiu found a job, although the money is not much, but it is stable. Slowly, the money accumulated a little, Shen Ji thought, to return the umbrella and money to the girl.

In fact, Shen Jiu wants to see the girl side again, but she does not admit it.

On that day, the girl was wearing a school uniform, and Shen Jiu recognized that it was the school uniform of a nearby middle school. Shen Jiu decided that after going to work every day, he went to the middle school to guard.

Anyway, I will always encounter it.

Shen Ji waited for a few days at the entrance of the middle school and finally saw the girl. The girl in blue and black dress is laughing and talking to her classmates.

Shen Jiu thought, her temper is very good.

When I got closer, the girl saw the appearance of Shen Jiu and smiled: "It's you."

The voice of the girl slowly flowed into the heart of Shen Jiu, and Shen Jiu also laughed.

"I am coming back to the umbrella."

Shen Jiubian said, passing the umbrella over.

The girl took the umbrella and said softly: "How are these days going?" Shen Jiu’s desperate look, the girl is still in mind.

Shen Jiu heard the girl’s concern and looked at her with a smile: “Not bad.”

The girl said that she bent her lips.

What Shen suddenly thought of, he asked: "What is your name?"

The girl just wanted to say: "My name is..." She thought that her family had told her that she should not easily talk to her name.

So, she softly said: "The family calls me aunt." Auntie is her nickname.

Shen Jiu thought that people are as good-looking as they are, and the name is really good.

Then, Aunt looked at Shen Jiu and asked, "What about you?"

Shen Jiu did not say his real name. He was a little embarrassed. He only said one sentence: "My surname is Shen."

Auntie asked not much, and said with a smile: "Then I will call you Shen Gongzi."

Aunt looked at his watch and said, "Shen Gongzi, time is not early, I will go home first."

Shen Jiu said: "Okay." After the aunt and Shen Ji bid farewell, they got on the car.

The car drove far away, Shen Ji murmured: "Auntie." Then smiled softly.

This is the second encounter between Shen Jiu and Auntie.

After that, Shen Jiu, because of a small incident, accidentally smashed Joe's six lords, and Qiao Yunyi asked his men to find the trouble of Shen Jiu.

At the time, Qiao Yunqi was next to a big man in Hongmen. He admired Joe Six and looked at Joe Liu’s eyes. That big generation is very high, and it is very weighty to speak in Hongmen. Therefore, Joe Six also has a certain position in Hongmen.

Qiao Liu did an elegant style of doing things, and the next time he went out, it was like a rich man. However, Joe Six looks elegant and does not care about things.

Shen Jiu is not at fault, but Qiao Liu does not let Shen Jiu. Shen Jiu was just a nameless pawn, and the gate was extremely powerful. Under the pressure of Joe Six, Shen Jiu had to avoid it everywhere.

Shen Jiu was helpless and decided to leave the beach.

However, before Shen Jiu left, he still wanted to see the aunt side again.

Shen Jiu, while avoiding the people of Joe Six, observed the middle school entrance and hoped to see the figure. Shen Jiu finally waited for the aunt, and his face showed a smile.

Shen Jiu police looked around and found that there was no Joe Six, and then he stepped forward and called.


Aunt looked back and saw that the person was Shen Jiu. She smiled shallowly: "Shen Gongzi."

Shen Jiu, who has been avoiding Joe Six these days, has not slept well for several days, and his face is awkward.

Aunt looked in his eyes and frowned slightly: "You are not very good-looking?" She saw that Shen Jiu and she had lost a lot of time ago.

Shen Jiu said: "I angered Joe's six lords and immediately left the beach. Today is to say goodbye to you."

Shen Jiu looked at Auntie’s beautiful face and thought that after this trip, she might not see her again in the future.

Shen Jiu suddenly had some disappointment.

After Auntie heard the words of Shen Jiu, she lowered her eyes and indulged for a moment.

Auntie thinks that Shen Jiu seems to be a good person, and Joe Liu has always been a hot person. Maybe Shen Jiu is innocent.

Aunt made a decision and looked up at Shen Jiu: "Is Shen Gongzi knowing the Peace Hotel?"

Shen Jiuyi took a trip, Peace Hotel is a restaurant, I don’t know why Auntie said this to himself.

Aunt continued: "If you have not done anything wrong, go to the Peace Hotel, where someone will preside over justice."

The Peace Hotel is just an ordinary restaurant on the surface, but the people on the road know that there is a strong background behind the Peace Hotel and it has maintained the order of the beach.

At that time, the Hongmen, the Qinghui and the Old Brothers were three-legged. After the death of the oldest brothers, Lu Zongxi established the Peace Hotel, which was intended to maintain peace on one side and contain some people.

This is how the Peace Hotel came into being. However, this incident is not known to the civilian population.

Aunt said: "Shen Gongzi, if you believe me, go to the Peace Hotel to try." The girl's voice is light, but with a hint of persuasion.

Shen Jiu’s heart is very different. I don’t know how Auntie knows such a secret thing. However, Auntie certainly does not harm himself.

Shen Ji smiled and said: "I certainly believe in you."

Wen Yan said, Auntie looked at Shen Jiu, his face smiled lightly and said: "Shen Gongzi, then you have to be careful."

Shen Jiu looked at the aunt deeply, and on the blue brick road, surrounded by students coming and going, his voice was awkward.

However, when Shen Jiu looked at the aunt, his heart suddenly calmed down.

In the eyes of Shen Jiu, there is only one aunt.

In the cold sunshine, the aunt was wearing a blue dress and black dress, watching him smile lightly.

Shen Jiu deep took a breath: "I will."

At that moment, Shen Jiu thought, waiting for him to solve these things, and when he became strong, he came to see her.

Joe Six's people have been looking for him, Shen Ji is not allowed to stay here more, in case of being discovered by Joe Six, it is not good to be tired of the aunt.

Shen Ji looked at the aunt again and did not speak. He turned and left.

He will definitely come back to find her.

According to Auntie’s instructions, Shen Jiu went to the Peace Hotel. He knew that Shaohuai Lu Huai was the behind-the-scenes boss of the Peace Hotel. The Peace Hotel had such a strong background behind it.

That is the first time Shen Jiu met Shaoshuai Lu Huai.

Lu Huai looked faint, and after understanding the cause of the incident, let Shen Jiu first stay in the Peace Hotel.

At that time, Lu Huai was not old enough, but with the thunder of doing things, he insisted on Shen Jiu from the heart of his heart.

Since Shen Jiu entered the Peace Hotel, Joe Six’s people no longer dared to find Shen Ji’s troubles.

Because, everyone on the Tao knows that the young Shuhuai wants to protect Shen Jiu, no one can defy.

After that, Shen Jiu entered the Qing Dynasty. He worked hard in the Qing Dynasty and ate a lot of hardships. He had only one thought in his heart, and that was no longer wanting to be allowed.

In the past few years, Shen Jiu had been playing and killing life, and he had added countless scars, but he grew up quickly.

Shen Jiu has never been looking for a girl named Auntie. He was unstable at the time and angered Joe Six. If Shen Jiu went to find aunt, it would only bring danger to the aunt.

More importantly, Shen Jiu wanted to come to the girl with a new identity.

It was not the lonely boy of that year, but a person who had the ability to protect her.

Because of Shen Jiu’s desperate work, he was appreciative of the Qing Dynasty’s aunt, and he admired Shen Ji’s courage and character. He took Shen Ji with him.

When Daxie first saw Shen Jiu, he asked Shen Jiu a question: "What is your name?"

Shen Jiu remembered that day, she told him that the family called me aunt.

He looked up and looked at the man seriously, one word at a time.

"My name is Shen Jiu."

After that, Shen Jiu has been doing things with Daxie, and Daxie is increasingly trusting Shen Jiu.

A few years later, the big man abdicated and Shen Jiu became one of the leaders of the Qing Dynasty.

At this time, Shen Jiucai went to the Governor's Office to hand a note.

"I am Shen Jiu, come to visit Shaohuai."

Lu Huai took the post, which was Shen Jiu’s first visit to the Governor’s Office.

These two people, one is cold and one is hot.

In the end, they became a reciprocal.


Shen Jiu did not think about the previous things for a long time. Today, somehow, I remembered those past.

Shen Jiu squinted, and those who had bullied himself in the past, he all recovered justice. Those who are arrogant in front of others, who have seen him now, must also respectfully call the Lord.

Joe Six never thought that the lonely boy turned out to be the grandfather of the Qing Dynasty. Even if Joe Six wants to provoke Shen Jiu, he has to give the Qinghui a few thin faces.

It is clear that everything has been obtained, but Shen Jiu is still not happy.

Shen Jiu remembered the cold rainy night.

In the white rain curtain, a feminine girl holds a plain oil-paper umbrella and stands there.

However, Shen Jiu never met the aunt who handed him an umbrella.

After Shen Jiu became the leader of the Qing Dynasty, he has become powerful enough to find aunts through all forces. However, Shen Jiu has been looking for a long time, and there is no aunt's voice.

Somehow, the aunt seems to have disappeared from the air, and there is no news.

Where was the aunt of the year?

Shen Jiu only knows that she is called Auntie. She only knows that she studied at that middle school a few years ago. Other things, Shen Jiuyi did not know.

Shen Ji went to the middle school several times, and the school people said that there was no student named Auntie. They said that even if there is such a person, they have graduated early.

After graduation, it is even harder to find it again. Shen Jiu’s information is so poor that he likes to throw a small stone into the river, and he can’t look down on any waves.

Shen Jiu thought, Auntie may be her nickname, so she could not find her. But it is also true, what a girl said about her real name to a stranger.

Auntie is not stupid.

Then Shen Jiu ridiculed himself, and she did not say her name to her.

Before, Shen Jiu knew the existence of the Peace Hotel under the instructions of the aunt. Shen Jiu thought that people who know the Peace Hotel must have a family background that is not ordinary.

It will be even harder to find her.

Auntie is so kind, and has repeatedly extended a helping hand to herself. Such a good girl will be well protected by her family.

As long as the aunt is doing well, Shen Jiu is also happy.

There are always regrets in my heart.

Who knows that Shen Jiu, a person who is not serious, will have a deep affection in his heart.

When Lu Huai saved the life of Shen Jiu, Lu Huai met a beloved girl. Why didn’t Shen Ji help him?

Shen Jiu has not found an aunt, but Shen Jiu hopes that Lu Huai can be married to his sweetheart.

Shen Jiuxin is extremely, Lu Huai and Ye Chuding will be together.


Naturally, Shen Jiu appeared in front of people and immediately recovered his incomprehensibility.

Life is alive and you are happy. What he wants to do and what he does is not as restrictive as before.

Because Shen Ji changed a new hobby and watched the drama, he thought that the music was not as good as the music, and he found Lu Huai, who had no fun in life.

Lu Huai in the eyes of Shen Jiu, is a piece of wood, a piece of wood that is incomprehensible. How can he hope that wood can have fun?

Losing him, he lifted out Miss Ye Er, who was deeply admired by Lu Huai, and let Lu Huai not reject him positively.

Lu Huai's ambiguous attitude gave Shen Jiu hope, he knew that Lu Huai's hobby was on the heart of Ye Chu, if it was before, Lu Huai Ding refused him in the morning.

Shen Jiu is inquired, and people from Xinli Middle School will go to the theater together.

Because Shen Ji went to the Cathay Grand Theatre, the theater manager told him. It is said that in order to feel the atmosphere of the drama, students are asked to watch the drama.

Don't you sing a little song, Shen Jiu thinks what kind of civilization is coming?

Shen Jiuyi made a big move. If Lu Huai did not agree, he would throw it out.

These days, Shen Jiu’s governor’s office was called a diligent, and his invitation to the left and right sentence did not let Lu Huai relent. Shen Ji, who had previously felt that there was a play, took a sip in his heart.

Lu Huai is a stuffy gourd, or a saw off the mouth, a letter is not given to him, he likes to watch him so anxious.

On the day of the play, Shen Jiuyi did not wear it. When he arrived at the Imperial Army, he ran to Lu Huai’s study room.

When the door of the study was opened, Shen Jiuyi saw the situation inside, and my heart stunned. I dare to feel that Lu Huai was playing with him.

They are all set off. Lu Huai has the leisure and leisure, sitting at the table and looking at the files.

Shen Jiu went to Luhuai, and Lu Huaitou did not lift it, and continued to turn things over his hand. Shen Jiuqi has no words to speak.

He pressed his hands to the table and cleared his throat: "I said Lu Sanshao, is it burning with eyebrows? You are still only in this broken study room."

Lu Huai still did not look up.

Shen Jiuzi leaned back on the table and then ridiculed: "As for your posture, you have not waited for your shot, Miss Ye Er was chased away."

Lu Huai still bowed his head.

Shen Jiumei Mao picked one, and the palm of his hand went to the table, yelling: "Lu Huai, you can't go!"

Lu Huai finally looked up at him, his eyes widened, he closed the things on his hands, stood up, ignored the sun, went straight to the front of the coat rack, and removed the black windbreaker.

"Anxious, now you can go." Lu Huai hangs his windbreaker between his arms, and he ignores Shen Jiu and walks away.

Anyway, the previous incident has been resolved. Lu Huai is in a good mood today. Shen Jiu loves watching movies like this, and it is no problem to accompany him.

Unexpectedly, Shen Jiu only mentioned Ye Chu, who did not say that she would go, Lu Huai has already promised.

Hey, Shen Jiu feels that Lu Huai is really a man, and everything is in his heart.

Shen Jiuyi kicked the stool next to him, so you are a Luhuai, and he has been hanging his heart for so many days, and he has already moved his mind to go.

Thinking about it, Shen Ji still rushed to catch up.

As soon as the car stopped at the gate of the Cathay Grand Theatre, someone recognized the car of the Governor's House and immediately opened the door and stood respectfully.

Lu Huai, wearing a black long trench coat, stepped out of the car. His facial features are deep, his lines are cold, and black makes others feel that he is not allowed to enter, and he is afraid.

When Lu Huai and his party just entered the theater, some people greeted them.

The theater owner Zhang Lu had already been there early, and did not go all day, waiting for the reception of San Shao and Shen Jiuye.

"Three less, nine Ye." Zhang Lu face with respect.

Lu Huai and Shen Jiu naturally would not sit in the seats in the lobby to watch the drama. They were led by Zhang Lu and the upstairs box was specially used to entertain guests.

The box is large and everything can be found. If you want to watch a movie, you can sit on the chair near the window. The stage is below, the actors and costumes are clear at a glance.

The play has not yet opened, the waiter has a good pot of Biluochun on the pot, and a few stacks of snacks.

Lu Huai was impatient, and Shen Jiu was excited. It seemed that he had been waiting for this drama for a long time, just waiting for the opening of the show.

The curtains at the window were pulled, and Lu Huai leaned against the back of the chair. According to the eyebrows, I knew that I would not follow Shen Jiu. The play had not yet begun, and he already had the thought to go.

It’s really boring.

If Shen Jiu knows the idea of ​​Lu Huai, he must be mad.

Lu Huai stood up and looked down inadvertently.

Lu Huai, who is in a black trench coat, stands freely, but he is like a cliff, his back is unusually straight and awesome.

As the opening time gradually approached, many people continued to enter the lobby.

Lu Huai’s nephew stunned and immediately blinked, his eyes gazing somewhere. Lu Huai looked down and looked at the situation in the lobby.

A group of students followed the teacher and cheered into the lobby. In this trip, Lu Huai saw one of the female students at a glance.

Quiet, don't like to talk, the pony tail is high behind the head, a good-looking student, even in the crowd is also very eye-catching.

However, Lu Huai knows that this is not the nature of Ye Chu. Be bold and careful, and a person with a secret is her.

Lu Huai’s body leaned forward slightly, and a pair of well-defined hands were placed on the railing, pinched and released.

The original Lu Huai’s eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, which made people unable to see through. But when I saw Ye Chu, the ice was cold.

Lu Huai smiled at his head and changed his mind.

This scene is not so boring.

The author has something to say: the past entanglements of the beaches and the origins of Shen Jiu’s name. Everyone can rest assured that this life may not be sweet?

The stalk of the Peace Hotel comes from a movie and has nothing to do with history.

In reality, the Peace Hotel is the Huaying Hotel. The two are separate in this article.