MTL - Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character-Chapter 333

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Ye Chu stands in the study room of the Warlord.

She looked out the window, it was raining and overwhelming. Far and near are the white mist.

Nanjing has been in heavy rain for several days.

The air is damp and dull, but with a cold chill.

Ye Chu put away the things on the table and walked toward the window.

It’s been five years since the mother’s death.

Ye Chu reached out and closed the window to keep the cold of the bones outside.

However, she always remembers the bitter pain.

Ye Chu’s eyes were watching the Ye family’s death, and she was also deeply involved in the pursuit. Those nightmares were tormenting her every night.

It also made her more and more silent.

The rain is like a line, like a thin and dense net, it doesn't seem to stop.

Ye Chu put away his gaze.

She suddenly felt that her head was a little heavy.

I haven't closed the window in these days, probably because of the cold, Ye Chu did not put it in my heart.


This evening, Ye Chu was alone for dinner.

Lu Huai once said before going out, the commander Dai Shinan just came back from Beiping, they have something to do.

After dinner, Ye Chu returned to the room, but felt that the headache did not ease.

After a while, she poured a cup of hot water and swallowed a cold medicine.

Still not sleepy, Ye Chu returned to the table.

On the table, she had a book that she had not read in the past few days, and she continued to turn over.

Only the rustling of the pages turned over can be heard in the room.

I don't know how long it has been.

On a quiet night, the sound of the clock became clearer.

Ye Chu looks at the clock hanging on the wall, and the position of the hour hand can be recognized under the weak light.

Time is already late.

But she doesn't know what she is waiting for.

The darker the night, the more blurred the eyes.

Head down and look down and have to go to sleep.

She heard the sound of opening the door and someone came in.

Ye Chu looked up, the blurred vision was only able to fall on his waist.

Familiar military uniform, her heart is loose.

Inexplicably feel at ease.

It happened that at this time, the effect of the drug attacked, and the slumbering sleepiness came.


When Ye Chu’s words have not been finished, they have already slept.

Lu Huai quickly walked over to her.

Ye Chu’s body is slightly undulating.

The breathing is extremely light and extremely gentle, but very uniform.

Lu Huai opened his mouth and slowed down the voice: "Ye Chu?"

His low voice rang in the still room.

He waited for a minute, she never talked, she wanted to come and fell asleep.

Lu Huai clearly told Ye Chu that it will come back very late today.

He did not expect that she was waiting for him?

Worried that Ye Chu was cold, Lu Huai picked her up and decided to let her go to bed. He left again.

He suddenly groaned.

The body in my arms is a little hot.

Lu Huai walked quickly to the bed, let Ye Chu lay in bed and covered her quilt for her.

He turned his head and just saw a box of cold medicine that had been removed next to the cup.

Ye Chu slept stunned, Lu Huai reached out and covered her forehead.

Under the hand is a slightly hot touch.

Fortunately, it didn't burn very much. It must have been coma only because of the efficacy.

Lu Huai sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Ye Chu’s face.

His eyes swept over her facial features.

For him, he was very familiar, but he could only look at the face at this moment.

Lu Huai has not left.

Even the military uniforms have not changed, I don’t know because I forgot, I still don’t want to go.

After a while, somehow, Ye Chu frowned.

Lu Huai saw her frowning and her face was tense.

She slept very unsteadily, like a nightmare.

Lu Huai remembers that today is the day of the mother of Ye Chu.

Therefore, he ended up meeting with Dai Shinan earlier and rushed back.

The nightmare that could not disappear, began to entangle Ye Chu.

She grabbed the quilt on her side and subconsciously whispered in her mouth.


Lu Huai could not understand clearly what Ye Chu was talking about.

He leaned down and gradually approached her.

Her voice is very small and seems to be afraid of being heard.

Lu Huai carefully identified.

Ye Chu whispered, the tiny sound lines scattered into the cold air.

He heard it.

She has been thinking about a name intermittently.

Lu Huai...

His heart jerked.

Lu Huai straight up and stared at Ye Chu, and the mood at the bottom of his eyes was complicated.

His gaze fell on her hand holding the quilt and tried to reach out and cover her hand.

A simple action took a long time.

Lu Huai opened his mouth: "I am here."

Ye Chu perceives the warm touch, familiarity and peace of mind.

She gradually calmed down.

He kept looking at her and didn't know how long it was.

Lu Huai turned his head and looked out the window.

Time flies so fast, dawn is coming soon.

If it is dawn, it will come tomorrow.

When she opened her eyes, everything will return to its original state.

Lu Huai did not leave and sat at the bed for a whole night.

The night was full of dawn, he got up and left.

Lu Huai stood at the door and looked inside again.

The darkened door closes, tightly separating a distinct boundary.

It’s like not coming.

Hatred, like vines, entangles their marriage.

They met each other, and at the same time, they were trapped together.

No one can leave.