MTL - Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character-Chapter 318

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Sin Le Palace.

Qiao Yunxiao was sitting in the car and the car left the Xianle Palace.

In recent days, accidents have occurred frequently, and Qiao Yunqi will bring a group of people when he travels.

Qiao Yun's car is surrounded by several black cars.

They will ensure that Joe Yun will not appear in the shooting range of the killer.

Qiao Yunqi came out of Xianle Palace and was ready to return to his house.

The night is getting darker and the darkness is pressing down. It is unreasonable.

Qiao Yunyu closed his eyes and leaned against the seat behind him. The brow was locked and never released.

The car has been driving forward.

The air is faint and straight, and the danger is lurking in the dark.

Qiao Yunqi’s car had not yet reached the house, but suddenly there was an accident.

A few very fast cars drove towards Qiao Yun.

Those cars are rampaging.

The car slammed into it and the target was obvious. It was Joe Yun.

Several cars were knocked out of Qiao Yunqi’s vehicle before and after, and they noticed that something was wrong and quickly got out of the car.

The car can't wait for a long time, and Qiao Yunqi also got off the bus.

The man walked to the side of Qiao Yunzhen, blocking the figure of Qiao Yunxiao.

They were tight and immediately entered the state of alert.

A group of black men walked down the car and held a gun in their hands.

The gunshots rang.

Those people don't seem to want to leave any back road to Joe Yun.

Qiao Yunqi’s men also pulled out their guns and the guns were aligned with the killer.

The two sides smothered, and the blood smell gradually began.

The quiet street suddenly became noisy.

The shadow under the street lamp is mottled, and there is a dead body lying on the ground.

Qiao Yun was cold-eyed and frowned, shooting a gun at the killers.

However, there are too many people to come, and they will not be able to escape for a while.

And Qiao Yunqi’s men are also quite a lot, and neither party can get any benefit.

Many of his men have been injured, and Qiao Yun’s arm has also been shot.

Qiao Yun's look became more and more dignified. If he continued this way, he was not sure if he could escape the robbery.

Although he suspects that the person who sent the killer is Ming Heng, but thinks about it, it is not like it.

It stands to reason that Ming Heng does not have so many well-trained killers.

At this time, the sound of the car started suddenly.

A car suddenly stopped behind Joe Yun.

The man sitting on the driver's seat is Joan Yun's men.

The voice of this person is anxious: "Six Lord."

Qiao Yunqi immediately opened the door and sat in the car.

The rest are responsible for staying behind the killers.

After the car hit a few killers, he galloped away.

As the car left, the guns went farther.

Qiao Yunqi sat in the car and quickly wrapped the wound on the cloth to stop bleeding.

His face was pale due to more bleeding.

The car was dead and silent.

Qiao Yun looked up and saw that the car was driving into an alley.

Qiao Yunqi looked tight and immediately asked: "What do you do to drive the car here?"

His voice is low and his chill is pressing.

The men did not answer, still silent.

The next second, the car drove to the end of the alley, this is a dead end.

Soon, Qiao Yunzhen noticed that it was wrong.

He was surrounded by people.

Qiao Yunxiao sneered, holding the gun against the head of his hand.

"You betrayed me."

The cold voice fell, and the anger was sensational.

His voice shook: "Six Ye, I just follow the order."

Qiao Yun’s fingertips were placed on the trigger, and the muzzle was closer.

Qiao Yunqi said: "Who made you come?"

The man knows that Joe Yun has set off his heart.

The light in the alley is bleak and extremely quiet.

The air is extremely tight.

Under the deterrent of Qiao Yunzhen, his men still did not answer.

Qiao Yunxiao smiled and ridiculed, he did not hesitate to buckle the trigger.

The killers who were hiding in the dark, many guns aligned with Qiao Yunwei.

This time, he has no way to escape.

Qiao Yunxiao sneered and restored the original careless look.

He threw the gun to the side and leaned back, looking indifferent, as if the man who was about to die was not him.

A gunshot sounded first in the alley.

Subsequently, bursts of guns fell.


After confirming that Qiao Yun died, the killer called Dong Hongchang and reported to him the death of Qiao Yunzhen.

Dong Hongchang was lucky enough to escape from Lu Huai’s hands, and Lu Huai gave him a life.

Dong Hongchang took a life back, and his capable men went away from him one by one. He had to arrange the next move as soon as possible.

In order to get Shanghai into chaos, Dong Hongchang selected a person.

A leader of Hongmen, Qiao Yunwei.

Dong Hongchang knows that there are many enemies in Qiao Yunyu, and many people want to take his life.

If Joe Yun died, Lu Huai would not doubt his head.

Dong Hongchang wanted to make this plan a smooth implementation. He did not hesitate to use a dark chess inserted in Hongmen.

In the end, the winner will not be sure.

Today, Qiao Yunxiao is dead, and Dong Hongchang’s plan can continue.


Metropolitan dance hall.

Cao An quickly walked into the room of Shen Jiu.

At this point, the phonograph in the room is holding music.

Cao An put away his usual smile, his voice sinking: "Jiu Ye, Qiao Yun is dead."

Shen Jiuyi was awkward and had not spoken for a long time.

The music in the phonograph still didn't stop, and it seemed awkward in the quiet room.

After half a minute, Shen Jiu confirmed what he had heard.

Shen Jiu’s face is complicated and he stands up from his seat.

He walked out of the room: "Let's go see."

Shen Jiu came to the alley where Qiao Yunxiao died.

The place where Qiao Yun died was not far from Xianle Palace.

But no one went to help him collect the corpse.

Shen Jiu was the first person to get there.

Qiao Yunqi fell to the side of the car, and there were several bombs in his body. He had stopped breathing.

Shen Jiu went to the car, his heart tightened, and his thoughts gradually sank.

He and Joe Yun have been fighting for so many years.

Qiao Yunxiao died unexpectedly.

Although Shen Jiu had expected such a day, but now all the tastes come to mind.

At this time, Shi Wuye also came here.

Shen Jiu and Shi Wuye together cooked Joe Yun’s aftermath.

They transported the body of Qiao Yunqi back to his hometown, Qingzhou.

Qiao Yunxiao was buried in the quiet and quiet town.


On the night of Qiao Yun’s death, Bailemen still came and went without any influence.

Grandpa sat on the sofa next to the dance floor.

There were a few bottles of wine on his desk, and there were no dancers around.

The music is noisy and the laughter is constant.

A man who has been with his grandfather for many years has come forward and walked to the grandfather.

Grandpa looked up at him and motioned for him to speak.

"Grandpa, Joe Yun is dead."

The grandfather squatted and leaned forward, and the wine glass almost knocked over.

He thought that the voice was too noisy, so that he got it wrong.

Grandpa asked again: "Dead?"

The man nodded: "He was shot dead by the enemy and found his body in an alley."

After a moment, the grandfather waved his hand.

The person will know what to do and immediately withdraw.

Paramount is still noisy, but the heart of the grandfather is quiet.

Grandpa’s eyes fell on the dance floor, but his eyes were already far away.

He has been in business for so many years, and he wants to take the life of Joe Yun.

I didn't expect Joe Yun to say that he left.

Shi Wuye also returned to Shanghai. After thinking about the absence of Qiao Yunqi, Hongmen should be taken over by Shi Wuye.

Grandpa actually felt relieved.

He took the cigarette case on the table and pulled a cigarette from it.

The lighter cover turned over and the flame ignited.

The smoke is ignited and Mars is looming.

Grandpa took a deep breath and spit out the white smoke.

That moment blurred his face.

Grandpa remembered the tombstone of Mingfu, and his heart gradually settled.



On that day, Mo Qinghan revealed to Poppy the place where Dai Shinan was detained, and the fake Daisnan was exposed.

Mo Qinghan knows that Dong Hongchang must be extremely angry.

However, things are not enough.

He has been staying in Hanyang and has not left.

Mo Qinghan’s mind flashed a few people’s names and his face was gloomy.

These few people are doing things for Dong Hongchang, Dong Hongchang's party.

Mo Qing smiled coldly.

These people are not dead.

Mo Qinghan called his men in.

He slowly spoke and said the names of several people.

Mo Qinghan’s voice is cold and cold: “There are all these people killed.”

The air suddenly stagnate and the cold is filled.

Under the whisper: "Yes, the master."

Before they were leaving, the sound of Mo Qinghan’s gloomy voice was heard.

"The mission failed, and you don't have to come back."

The man stepped down and then left.

Dark sky, no stars and no moon.

The alley is deep and silent.

Moonlight reflected on the ground, as if it was also dyed with a cold and cold atmosphere, revealing inexplicable surprise.

Fang Shi walked into the alley, and he quietly followed a person behind him.

The person’s footsteps were extremely light, and Fang Shi did not notice that it was wrong.

Deep in the alley, the more you go, the darker the light.

The wind is coming, it seems that there is a person close.

Fang Shi frowns, just turned around.

At this time, a cold blade covered his neck.

Fang Shi’s footsteps stagnate and his heart sank.

The next second, the bright blade fluttered, with pale white light.

The empty alley has a **** smell.

Fang is dead.

The man quietly left the alley.

The alley restored its silence.

Hanyang has a house.

The black car is moving slowly, and in the silent night, the car is hidden in the darkness.

After a while, the car stopped and there was a person in the car.

Nie line got off the bus and went to the house.

There is a room opposite the house. At this time, the curtains that are hanging down are picked up to reveal a gap.

There is a person standing in front of the window.

He stared at the back of Nie Xing, his eyes flashing.

He had a gun in his hand and the gun was aimed at Nie Xing.

The room is very quiet.

Nie walked forward and went to the door, and he stopped.

Niehang bowed his head and prepared to take the key.

At this time, the gunshots sounded and the bullets went straight into Nie Xing's body.

The key fell, and Nie line fell to the ground.

A shot is killed.

The curtains move slightly, the night wind blows, and the coldness is even worse.

The man removed his gaze, put away the gun, and quickly left the room.

The curtains hang down again, obscuring the moonlight.

It also obscures the death and blood outside.

This night, Hanyang died several people, and the moon seemed to be bloody.


Quiet room.

When the door opened, the men walked in and whispered: "The master, all of them are dead."

Mo Qinghan snorted.

When the door is closed, only Mo Qinghan is left in the room.

Dong Hongchang’s party feathers have been smashed, and Dong Hongchang has no help.

Mo Qinghan was cold and cold, and he had nothing to ask for in his life, except for one point.

Let Dong Hongchang be robbed.

Even if he gambles on his own life, he will not hesitate.

Dong Hongchang will soon come to Hanyang, and he is ready.

Mo Qing smiled coldly.

Dong Hongchang is destined to be unable to reach Hanyang.

Before that, he will definitely take the life of Dong Hongchang.

Mo Qinghan's eyes are sharp and killing.

Even if he and Dong Hongchang died together.

The light was shining in the room, but the light was extremely dim.

The darkness poured down and slowly caged the room.

Mo Qinghan sat silently, his face was darker than the night.