MTL - Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character-Chapter 232

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Wen Yusheng took Su Mingzhe to the tea house. In his opinion, he saw Su Mingzhe smoke a big cigarette.

If there are more than a few things today, Su Mingzhe will be addicted to it.

Wen Yusheng felt that things had progressed and returned home with peace of mind.

Su Mingzhe already has other ideas in his heart.

The next day, Su Mingzhe immediately went to the Ye Gongguan, and was prepared to tell Ye Chu personally.

The car stopped at the entrance of Ye Gongguan and Su Mingzhe walked down from the car.

He looked a little serious and his eyebrows were heavy.

The guard at the door naturally recognized Su Mingzhe, who opened the door for Su Mingzhe.

Su Mingzhe kept walking and went to the living room.

When he arrived at the Yegongguan, it happened to be the evening, and Ye Jiashang did not start eating dinner.

When Su Mingzhe walked into the living room, he found Sulan sitting aside.

Sulan heard the movement at the door and looked up.

The coldness of Su Mingzhe's face dissipated instantly, and the corner of his mouth floated with a smile.

Su Mingzhe has a mild temperature and does not see the seriousness just now: "Aunt."

Su Lan saw that Su Mingzhe was a gentle smile.

She stood up and took a few steps in the direction of Su Mingzhe.

Sulan said: "Ming Zhe, the kitchen just finished dinner, staying for dinner?"

Previously, when Su Mingzhe came to Ye Family, he often ate with them.

Su Mingzhe naturally should, nodded: "What about my sister?"

Su Lan listened to Su Mingzhe and asked about Ye Chu. She knew that the relationship between the two was good.

Su Lan smiled: "Achu is still at school, not coming back."

Su Mingzhe: "Nothing, I am waiting for her here."

Tonight, Su Mingzhe ate together. After Su Lan and Su Mingzhe said a few words, they went to the kitchen to check. By the way, they ordered the kitchen to order more food.

Su Mingzhe stayed in the living room and waited for Ye Chu to go home.

Not waiting for a long time, Ye Chu came in from the door.

She was dressed in a clean blue and black dress, and the pony tail was high behind her head.

Yesterday, the wine dyed her clothes, and she was replaced by Ye Chu.

As soon as he walked into the living room, Ye Chu put his gaze on Su Mingzhe.

Ye Chuxian was a glimpse and immediately asked: "Cousin, how come you?"

Su Mingzhe put away the smile of his talents, and his face sank a bit.

Ye Chuxin tightened, and also frowned, waiting for Su Mingzhe to open.

Su Mingzhe’s voice is heavy: "The surname Wen is coming to me again."

Although there is no one in the living room, it is not a good place to talk about things.

Although Ye Chu wanted to continue to ask, she did not speak.

There are so many people here that this matter cannot be heard by the people.

At this time, footsteps came from outside the door.

Su Mingzhe and Ye Chu looked at each other and immediately restored their previous appearance with a smile on their faces.

Sulan walked into the living room.

She saw Ye Chu and Su Mingzhe standing aside and looked at themselves.

Su Lan did not find anything wrong.

Su Lan smiled: "Achu is back."

She paused for a moment and said: "If you don't go to dinner again, it will be cold."

Su Mingzhe glanced at Ye Chu, and the two men concealed their emotions.

If you want to know who is going to harm the Su family, you must find out what the Su family had experienced before.

Somehow, Ye Chu always felt that the people behind him were involved with people who wanted to harm Ye Family in the past.

But this matter is clearly not what Mo Qinghan did. Who will do it in the end?

The eyes of the two are right.

After a while, Su Mingzhe smiled and said to Ye Chu: "Speak after dinner."

Ye Chu naturally nodded.

The two pretended to be nothing, and Su Lan left the living room.

They used their hearts to dinner.

When the people were ready to disperse, Su Mingzhe suddenly called out Sulan.

Su Mingzhe has a slight tone: "I haven't seen my aunt for a long time, I have something to tell you."

Su Lan stopped the steps and looked at Ye Chu.

At this point, she discovered that Ye Chu and Su Mingzhe both looked serious.

Sulan seems to understand that they have something to say.

Sulan immediately nodded.

The three returned to the Sulan room and then closed the door.

Don't let anyone bother them.

After arriving at the room, Sulan frowned, and then asked: "What happened?"

Ye Chu glanced at Su Mingzhe and asked Su Mingzhe to speak with Su Lan.

Su Mingzhe would like to look at Su Lan: "I have a friend named Wen Yusheng, I just met him some time ago."

"He first asked me to accompany me, and I was addicted to women. After I refused, I thought about other methods."

Suddenly, Su Mingzhe said: "He tried to seduce me to smoke a big cigarette yesterday."

Ye Chuxin is tight.

She knew that such a thing would happen, so she had already reminded Su Mingzhe.

Ye Chuxiao, as long as the dose of opium is gradually increased, people can be a little addicted.

If it is going on for a long time, it will be dependent on it.

At that time, even if you want to stop, your body will have various symptoms.

When you really sink into it, you can't get out.

Ye Chu remembered the ending of her previous life. She did not notice that she clenched her fist and whitish.

Su Mingzhe had a clear heart. He knew Ye Chu’s worries and gave her a soothing look.

He immediately explained: "He did not do so, I used other methods to deceive him."

"He thought the plan was successful, but I didn't touch the big smoke at all."

Ye Chuxin was loose, and the clenched fist was released.

Su Lan was shocked when she heard the incident for the first time.

When she returned to God, she quickly asked: "Is there such a friend around you?"

Su Mingzhe nodded.

Ye Chu has regained her calmness. She looks at Su Lan: "My cousin and my cousin suspected that his heart was not in the right direction, and there might be someone behind it."

Su Mingzhe frowned. "Aunt, do you remember any complaints about Sujia and people?"

Su Mingzhe once asked at the Su family, but did not get an answer.

Su Lan stunned and thought for a while.

She immediately shook her head: "The Su family have been in Shanghai for generations. If someone wants to seek revenge from the Su family, why do they do it now?"

Ye Chu looked at Sulan. According to the current situation, even Sulan did not know the reason for revenge.

Su Mingzhe and Ye Chu understand that the current answer from the Su family can only be discussed in the future.

After Su Mingzhe left, Ye Chu looked like inadvertently asked: "Mother, do you still remember Dr. Rong?"

Previously, Mo Qinghan combined with the net cloud of Hanta Temple, and poisoned some of the powers on the beach. Ye Hao was not spared.

Then, Mo Qinghan used the identity of Rong Mu to enter the Ye Gongguan for his treatment.

Mo Qinghan came to Yejia several times and had some exchanges with Sulan.

Ye Chu wanted to speak out from Sulan’s mouth.

After Ye Chu finished, Sulan nodded and voiced with some regrets: "It is a pity to hear that he died in Peiping."

Ye Chu’s eyes are heavy: “He has been to Ye Family before, have you ever asked you anything?”

Sulan thought for a moment: "We are just chatting."

After a while, Sulan remembered and said again: "At the time, Rong Dafu said that he was born in Shanghai and later went to Tianjin."

Sulan said: "I told him that my father and I are both Shanghainese, but Ye Jiazu came from another place."

Ye Chu is silent, her thoughts are heavy.

Could it be said that because of what happened to Ye Jiazu, will it involve the Su family?

Or is Sujiaben a secret they have not discovered?

What does the person behind you want to do?

Su Lan is puzzled. I don’t know why Ye Chu suddenly mentioned: "What happened?"

Ye Chu shook his head: "It’s just a recent thought of Rong Dafu, his death is a pity."

Ye Chu frowned, as if he was sorry for him.

Su Lan looked up at Ye Chu and looked at her look carefully, but did not say anything.



When Shen Jiu came to the Governor's Office, Lu Huai had already gone out.

The doctor is in the house and is diagnosed for the aunt.

Shen Jiu stood outside the door and saw the aunt sitting there.

She lowered her head slightly and looked very quiet.

The sun is fine and falls on the aunt, her skin is almost transparent.

The room has a quiet atmosphere.

Shen Jiu’s eyes floated with a gentle smile, and he listened to the movement in the room.

The doctor said: "Miss Lu Si’s mood is very good."

Aunt nodded.

The doctor said: "If you want to speak, you just have to overcome psychological barriers."

Auntie is silent and the air is extremely quiet.

The doctor sighed.

This incident can only be persuaded, but the key is to overcome by herself.

The doctor walked out of the room.

Shen Jiu naturally heard the doctor's words, his brow furrowed.

He stepped forward and shouted at the doctor.

Shen Jiu: "Doctor."

The doctor stopped.

Shen Jiu asked: "What do you mean by your words?"

Doctor: "Whether Miss Lu Si wants to speak, it depends only on her thoughts."

Shen Jiu pondered for a while: "I understand, thank you."

If the aunt can't get out of the shadow, then she can't talk anymore.

However, if the aunt can overcome the fear, things will develop in the right direction.

Doctor: "You are welcome."

The doctor left, Shen Jiu lifted his foot into the aunt's room.

There is a thought in Shen Jiu’s heart, he wants to bring aunt to a place.

After the consent of the aunt, Shen Jiu drove the car and the two left the Warlord.

Along the way, Auntie was calm and Shen Jiu did not mention anything else.

The car stopped and they went to a water town near Shanghai.

The water is clear and very clean. The two walked slowly on the shore and Shen Jiu walked outside.

Auntie walked along the shore and there was no previous tension.

Although she was a little scared in her heart, she was much calmer.

Shen Jiu said: "Auntie, are you afraid?"

Aunt shook his head.

Previously Shen Jiu took himself to his hometown, Xitang.

The water in Xitang is also very calm like this. After that day, Aunt’s fear of water dissipated a lot.

The two continued to move forward.

The awning boat was parked by the river, standing in the air, and it was quiet.

At this time, a few boats berthed, some people walked down, talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was excellent.

Aunt heard the sound and glanced at the boat over there.

The words of the doctor emerged in her mind.

If she wants to talk, she must overcome her inner fear.

Water scared her, but if she had been so timid and didn't go to the front, she could never make a sound.

The air calmed down, and Shen Ji looked like it, and looked at the aunt.

Shen Jiu followed her eyes.

Shen Jiuxiao got the aunt's thought and asked: "Do you want to try the boat feeling?"

It is important to get out of this step. However, if Auntie is really unwilling, he will not be reluctant.

In the future, I will make a detailed calculation and let the aunt overcome the fear.

Auntie, the subconscious reaction was to nod, but soon shook his head again.

Auntie squinted and his eyes sank.

Shen Jiu saw the aunt's thoughts.

He smiled: "I am here, don't be afraid."

In any case, he will be with the aunt.

A few seconds later, Aunt nodded.

The two walked to the shore and went to the shore, and the two stopped.

The boatman saw them and asked: "Is not a native?"

Shen Jiu: "She is from Shanghai, we are coming from Shanghai."

Aunt nodded.

The boatman no longer asked: "Mr. Miss, go on board."

Shen Jiu first got on the boat. After he stood still, he turned and looked at the aunt.

Shen Jiuli stood on the side of the ship and reached out his hand: "Auntie."

Aunt looked up and looked into the eyes of Shen Jiu.

She took Shen Ji’s hand and lifted her foot on the boat.

Aunt's feet left the ground and set foot on the ship's board.

Aunt can feel a slight sway under the foot, which is different from the ground.

She never experienced this feeling.

It seems that it is not in the real place, but it seems to stand in nothingness.

Shen Jiu did not release the aunt's hand, they walked into the cabin together.

When Auntie sat down, Shen Jiu released his hand.

The boat slowly opened, the bustling distance on the shore, and the sound of those hustle and bustle gradually became lower.

The boat began to shake, and the amplitude was so large that it broke the calm water. The water ripples and spreads around.

Aunt’s look was tight and fear came to her heart.

Shen Jiu saw it and held her hand: "Don't be afraid."

His voice was extremely gentle and healed the aunt's uneasiness.

The warm breath hit the palm of the aunt, and it seemed to melt those cold.

The ship gradually stopped shaking, but it floated on the water, and the aunt gradually adapted.

Aunt looked at Shen Jiu, and there was no panic in his eyes.

Shen Jiu’s heart was loose, and he said: “The shaking of the ship is just a normal phenomenon, just like the flow of water.”

He is trying to reverse the impression of the aunt, the water is not terrible.

For a long while, Aunt reached out and made a sign language.

you're right.

In the words of Shen Jiu, Auntie has always been in mind.

Shen Jiu smiled.

Aunt looked out.

The fog on the water is bleak, the white mist is diffused, and the field of vision is somewhat blurred.

The boat drove very slowly, and the sound of the water slammed in the ear, which was the sound of water flowing across the bottom of the ship.

The boat continued to move forward, the fog gradually dispersed, and the scenes gradually became clear.

From early to early spring, the trees on both sides of the strait pulled out new sprouts. Those light green trees are reflected on the water, and there is no smell.

The air is filled with the fragrance of vegetation.

Auntie sat by the window and looked very quiet.

Shen Jiu has been watching the aunt and seeing the reaction of the aunt, his heart is much softer.

The sun reflected in the eyes of Shen Jiu and seemed to be gentle.

Shen Jiu said: "Want to go to the boat to see?"

After hesitated, Aunt nodded.

They got up and left the cabin, sitting by the boat.

Shen Jiu protects her aunt and keeps her away from the water.

Aunt looked down and looked at the water quietly.

The water surface fluctuated, and the breeze blew through it, creating a small ripple.

On the spring day, the sun is clear. The sun shone across the lake and there was a small light shining on it.

Shen Jiu bent down and reached out and touched the lake.

After being sunburned, the water is just warm.

Shen Jiu turned to look at the aunt.

Shen Jiu’s opening: "Auntie, winter has passed."

His words are hidden in depth.

"The water is warm."

If the aunt touches the surface of the water, the fingertips will not feel the cold.

Auntie thought about it and tried to reach out.

She also wants to feel the temperature of the lake like Shen Jiu.

Aunt's hand reached into the air and did not touch the water.

At this time, a slender hand of a white man covered him and took the hand of the aunt.

The warm breath rushed up again, clinging to Auntie's cold fingertips.

Shen Ji held her hand and touched the water together.

Also explored the fear and confusion of the aunt.

Shen Jiu’s voice is gentle: “I hope you have a new memory.”

Even if he can't remember him.

During this time, Shen Jiu never mentioned their past.

Since the aunt forgets the past, they start again.

Shen Jiu said: "We have a view of one thing and decided to treat it."

Because of an accident, the aunt had a fear of water.

But with his step by step guidance, the aunt can still maintain a calm mind when facing the lake.

How to look at things, all by their own control.

Hearing here, Aunt’s eyes are wet.

An unspeakable emotion hit her heart.

The voice of Shen Jiu rang again: "There is no terrible thing in the world."

Fear is in her heart.

He will help her to eliminate them one by one.

The light sunshine, the quiet spring day, the calm lake... The memory related to water will become beautiful.

It was all printed on the heart of the aunt, and time passed quietly, but it was hard to forget.

The wind blew, and the aunt's long hair rose slightly.

Her white neck was hidden between black hair and looming.

The cold winter has passed, and the warmth of spring has spread into the air.

Those warmths covered the fear she had once.


When Ye Chu left the classroom, it was already dusk.

There was an academic meeting for a while, they were going to Peiping.

Therefore, these days, Ye Chu will not be too early in the time.

She held the book and walked to the door of the school.

The voice of the principal passed over and scattered into the quiet evening of the spring.

Not far from standing some people, they are facing her, not knowing what to do.

Ye Chuyu opened her eyes, and she always felt that there were people in her back who knew her.

In the evening of spring, the setting sun sinks, the night is quietly covered, but the air is faintly filled with dangerous smell.

Her vigilance was very strong, and she turned and walked away.

Ye Chu made a decision, she will leave the school from the back door.

She returned to the school building and the students were gone. There are not many people here.

Ye Chu walked through the aisle, and there seemed to be a vague breathing sound at the corner. Her footsteps were slightly stagnation.

As night fell, a man came out by the cover of the darkness.

When Ye Chuzheng wanted to leave, he had an icy blade on his back.

That person's movement is faster than her.

Ye Chu bent his elbow and was ready to attack at any time.

At this time, a familiar voice came from behind.

"Ye Chu, it is me."

That is the voice of He Wei.

Ye Chu let go of his heart and let go of his hand.

She was puzzled: "Why are you here?"

He Wei immediately said: "You come with me, I will help you get out."

The street lights outside lit up, the lights fell into the aisle, and Ye Chu saw the face of He Wei.

He calmly put away the knife in his hand, the smile on his face was idle.

She followed him quickly: "What happened?"

He Wei no longer has a loose state: "The people of the Board of Directors are in the middle school."

Ye Chu stunned.

He Wei briefly explained: "Xinli Middle School is the only Chinese-style school in the French Concession, and the people in the French Concession have other ideas."

Ye Chu’s eyes narrowed: “Do they want to make Xinli Middle School a French church school?”

He Wei looked at her and said, "You are right."

Ye Chu didn't quite understand, and he said that he wanted to help her get out of the way.

If this is just an ordinary meeting, she will not encounter any danger in the school.

But the people of the French Concession Bureau have come here...

Ye Chu looked deep and looked at He Wei.

She asked: "Who sent the board of directors?"

Seeing Ye Chu’s look is serious, and He’s expected that his guess is not wrong.

What kind of grudges does she have with that person?

The breeze came, and He Wei stopped the steps and looked into Ye Chu’s eyes.

His gaze looked straight into it, as if he was scrutinizing a secret.

He Wei slowly opened his mouth and told the name.

"Mo Qinghan."

Although it has been guessed, Ye Chu’s eyes are not consciously dimmed.

In order to find out the client of Jiang Yan, Ye Chu followed him to Peking.

On that train, they met Mo Qinghan, who was pretending to deceive him with her.

She thought that He Luding made some guesses through this matter.

He Wei observed the expression of Ye Chu, and suddenly smiled: "The welcome dinner of the board of directors, I have no time to go."

"But I saw the photo of the Chinese committee member in the newspaper."

Ye Chu looked up at He Wei and his eyes were quiet.

He Wei is there, not ready to move the steps.

He smiled on his lips: "The newly appointed Mo committee member was the one we saw on the train that day."

"It's too clever, isn't it?"

Ye Chu did not answer.

Time passes by, if they stay here for a long time, maybe they will meet Mo Qinghan.

He Wei looked at her casually while playing with the knife in his hand.

He finally opened his mouth.

"Ye Chu, I want to know what kind of grudges are there between you?"