MTL - Rebirth in a Perfect Era-Chapter 1739 The Mystery of Hype

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In order to give Larry Page a little bit of sweetness, Li Mu, in accordance with past practice, gave Google a relatively preferential investment terms.

He said to Larry Page, "Larry, & ap; ap; g's shareholding ratio is my six you four, but the capital contribution ratio, we go according to my seven you three, Google only pay 30% to enjoy 40% of the shares. "

Larry Page knows that this is the extra reward Li Mu gave himself, probably because he promised to be very happy in this matter.

Thinking of this, Larry Page regretted it.

What regrets is not that the cooperation promised too much pleasure, but that regrets that he shouldn't have had a hard time with Li Mu.

I have known for a long time that Li Mu is completely soft and hard.

He wants ten. If he obeys him tenth, he may return two or three points. But if he wants ten, he won't give or die. The last thing he might pay is thirty or even forty.

Moreover, this person is too strong, rigid, soft, rigid, and rigid. He is not his opponent at all. I knew this. He did n’t even need to be rigid. He directly compromised and worked with him happily.

However, it is natural that there is no chance to go back and do it again.

Therefore, Larry Page did not talk to Li Mu politely and said "Thank you, President Li!"

Li Mu smiled slightly, and said lightly, "It's all my own, you're welcome."

Being alone, Larry Page suddenly felt a sense of finding organization and backing.

Some people, if they always carry it by themselves, may become the richest man in the world, but if someone gives him a safe haven in the middle, he may not want to go halfway.

At this moment, Larry Page has undergone a huge change in his heart. He feels that it is not necessarily a bad thing to work closely with Li Mu and even develop with Li Mu.

For example, Google's current valuation is much higher than Li Mu's prior valuation.

At this time, Li Mu said to Larry Page again, "Yes, I suggest we set up a new company immediately, and then use the new company to talk about the acquisition of keyhole, so stop using Google."

Speaking, Li Mu explained that "Google is going to be listed soon. If we are going to cooperate with a new company before going public, then I believe that the incentive for the market will be great and it will help Google's stock price rise rapidly after going public. . "

Larry Page flashed in front of her eyes.

What Li Mu said was the role of building momentum.

Starting his own business till now, although he has a lot of experience in the Internet industry, his experience in the capital, finance, and stock markets is not old enough.

All kinds of news in Li Mu's later generations have been dazzled, and they have clearly understood the law of capital.

Generally speaking, if a listed company suddenly cooperates with a larger company, even if it has just signed a contract, it will have a great effect on the rise of the stock.

Because financial markets are very sensitive to information and prospects, a little good news comes out, market confidence will soon become more sufficient, and stock prices will rise in response.

On the eve of going public, Google suddenly released the news that it would cooperate with Makino Technology to set up a new company. Once the news was released, the market's pursuit of Google would be higher and stronger. This is the mystery of hype.

When Larry Page was excited, she couldn't help asking Li Mu, "General Manager Li, when is it appropriate for us to release the news?"

Li Mu said, "Don't you arrange a private party tomorrow night? Simply make it public and invite a group of top media reporters to participate. At that time, the two of us will personally tell the media about cooperation. Then credibility will not be questioned. "

When he heard that Li Mu said that he was willing to talk about the cooperation with Google in front of the media, Larry Page was immediately excited.

This is something I dare not expect before.

Originally, some gatherings of friends in the industry before the listing, if made public, would give the company a better reputation, especially big men like Li Mu would also participate. As soon as the public heard that Li Mu was participating, confidence would increase A lot.

But Larry Page was worried that Li Mu might not want to face the media for Google, so he made a private party.

Unexpectedly, Li Mu had taken the initiative to make it public, which was really shameful.

Thinking of this, Larry Page also strengthened his own judgment.

For people like Li Mu, we must obey in order to get the most benefits!


The convoy came to the Manhattan district in downtown New York.

Google reserved the presidential suite of the top star hotel here specifically for Li Mu.

Manhattan is the center of New York and the most expensive place in New York.

It is extremely prosperous and is known as a paradise for the rich. Wall Street and Broadway are here.

Here, a hundred square meters apartment is more expensive than a thousand square meter villa in the suburbs.

Here, a set of top-level super-flat mansions can even reach tens of millions of dollars and hundreds of millions of yuan;

Here, money can do almost anything, you can build your mansion to the top of the skyscraper, you can design a boundless luxury pool on the top, and even play golf on the top.

The hotel chosen by Larry Page was right next to Central Park in Manhattan. From Li Mu's room, the entire Central Park and even the entire Manhattan can be seen.

This time, Google invited many celebrities to participate in the bell ringing ceremony. Many people came from all over the United States, and even some people, like Li Mu, came from overseas.

These people are without exception, all staying in the hotel where Li Mu stayed.

However, the hotel has only one presidential suite, which has already been booked for Li Mu.

The pervasive media did not know what Li Mu had talked to Larry Page, but they all knew that Li Mu had come to New York.

For a while, various news headlines in New York and Wall Street were all about Li Mu.

"Li Mu arrived in New York!"

"The arrival of Li Mu has made the entire Wall Street throbbing."

"Li Mu will participate in Google's ringing ceremony on Nasdaq!"

"Li Mu's trip may be a way to explore the future of Mpo's ipo!"

"The rich on Wall Street have sharpened their heads and just wanted to meet Li Mu."

When Li Ziwei reported these news headlines to Li Mu, Li Mu didn't care too much.

In fact, for these news, Li Mu has long been out of his mind.

Li Ziwei's feelings gave Li Mu a new inspiration.

She said, "General Manager Li, I think with your influence, if you also auction lunch, it must be more expensive than Buffett's lunch."

Li Mu curiously asked, "How much did Buffett get for lunch?"

Li Ziwei said, "This year I took $ 250,000 on eBay."

Li Mu nodded slightly and smiled. "I'll make a dinner that time. The starting price is set at $ 1."

Li Ziwei asked with surprise, "Really? Are you kidding me?"

"Of course not." Li Mu laughed. "This kind of auction is actually very interesting. It can not only increase your influence, but also bring a lot of traffic and exposure to auction platforms and restaurants."

Speaking, Li Mu thought for a moment, and said, "Let's call Lei Jun and ask him to change the English version of Taobao to" Taobao International ", and then let him communicate with Elon Musk, and then paypal. Come in, I will put my dinner on Taobao International for auction, and the auctioneer can pay with paypal or Alipay. "

Li Ziwei's eyes brightened, and she smiled, "In this case, Taobao International will probably be on fire."

Li Mu laughed, "The fire is only temporary. Taobao is not yet international, and international logistics is not so convenient. I am afraid that it is of no practical value to overseas users for the time being."

Speaking of this, Li Mu turned his head and said, "But it is also good to build momentum first, to lay the foundation for the future."

Li Ziwei nodded. "I'll call Lei then!"


At this time, Taobao has divided three business groups from the internal strategy, namely

Taobao business group, Taobao logistics business group and Alipay business group.

The main person in charge of the Taobao business group is Lei Jun, and Taobao logistics is naturally responsible for Brother Liu. As for Alipay, it has not yet reached a good time for rapid development. Its entire function is to cooperate with Taobao to support payment channels. So most of the time belongs to Lei Jun unified and coordinated management.

Originally, Brother Tao was entirely responsible for Brother Tao. After Lei Jun came in, he gradually split and reorganized, so that Brother Liu's own powers and functions fell back to the second line.

Brother Liu has a great thirst for power and a strong desire for control. His most hopeful situation is that Li Mu gave himself the entire Taobao to himself, but did not expect that things have developed to the point where they are today.

In this regard, Brother Liu was actually somewhat dissatisfied. He thought about talking to Li Mu a few times, but in the end he still had to give up this year, because he knew ~ ~ Although Li Mu was his teacher, And Taobao also has its own shares, but Li Mu will never get used to his own problems.

Starting a business with Li Mu is not as simple as starting a business alone. Li Mu requires the obedience of the team 100.

In other words, Brother Liu knew in his heart that Li Mu's desire to control was stronger than himself, so he could not satisfy himself if he satisfied himself.

Just early in the morning, he was meeting with Lei Jun and several other executives to discuss the optimization of the efficiency of Taobao and Taobao Logistics.

Halfway through the meeting, Lei Jun's secretary suddenly knocked on the door and said, "General Manager Lei and Assistant General Li are looking for you, but I can't get through to your cell phone."

Lei Jun said, "Oh, I left my mobile phone in the office before the meeting. Go get it for me."


Soon, the secretary returned and handed Lei Jun's phone to him.

At this time, Li Ziwei called again.

Lei Jun hurriedly connected to the phone. Li Ziwei on the other side of the phone said, "Is President Lei? I'm Li Ziwei."

Lei Jun busy said, "Hello Assistant Li, do you have anything to do with me?"

Li Ziwei said, "General Manager Li is now in New York. He wants to have an auction, and the opportunity to have lunch with him, I hope you will cooperate ..."

Immediately, Li Ziwei expressed Li Mu's request.

When Lei Jun heard it, he said excitedly, "It's so good! It's so good! Please tell President Li, I will arrange manpower to work overtime to solve this problem!"

Hanging up the phone, Lei Jun immediately said that Li Mu was going to auction dinner, and took the opportunity to engage in Taobao International affairs.

The other executives in the meeting room were all excited. Only Brother Liu, who was aside, was a little appetizing.

Lei Jun now seems to be taken seriously by Li Mu, but instead he has fallen to a post dedicated to building logistics ...
