MTL - Raising A Golden Crow In Secret-Chapter 522 1 way raw flowers

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"What names should I give you?" Du Yu said softly, holding two elephant trunks in his hands. The Q bomb is soft and tender, but it is very fun to pinch~

"Colorful Elephant." Li Mengnan's voice came from beside him.

Du Yu: "..It has to be you, brother macho! It's yes if you don't forget your original intention.

It's really a suffocating way of naming.

Fu Jianzhou also smiled, and asked, "What about the other one?"

"Uh." Li Mengnan pointed a finger at his chin, looking like he was thinking.

Under everyone's expectation, the girl said: "Xiang Caicai?" Everyone: "..

Du Yu looked strangely, and looked at Li Mengnan: "Can the name be used upside down?"

"Hey~" Li Mengnan scratched her head with one hand, showing a silly smile. Du Yu squeezed the soft elephant trunk, said: "I'll go back as soon as I go." After saying that, he had already disappeared.

A few minutes later, Du Yu came back with a bunch of crimson fruits.

Everyone in the Miao village looked at the fruit in Du Yu's hand curiously, apparently they had never seen this kind of monster fruit. As for the two colorful elephants in front of Du Yu, their eyes could no longer be separated from Jiarong Caoguo. The elephant trunk was in Du Yu's hand, sniffing constantly.

This is the first time the two colored elephants have smelled such a strong breath of earth demon and fire demon!

This... how high a level of demon plant must this be to produce such a demon-rich fruit?

Seeing the Jiarong Caoguo in Du Yu's hand, the brothers and sisters also knew what Du Yu was going to do. "Give me one, and I'll go with you." Lin Shiyi reached out and pressed Du Yu's shoulder with his only hand.

"Oh." Du Yu took off a small grass fruit, handed it to the girl, and said, "Brother, you take my sister and Meng Nan to play first.

Shiwei and I went to settle down for Little Caixiang. "Alipay IAI: "Crispy sweep n"

Fu Jianzhou: "Shall we go together?"

Du Yu rolled down a bunch of fruits, divided them into two, and handed them under the trunks of the two elephants: "No, you can go shopping and play." Seeing the two little colorful elephants eating the Jiarong grass fruit , Du Yu flipped his palm, and the two images disappeared without a trace. Only a group of Yu family members were left looking at each other. "Woo~"

"Woo!" "Suddenly appearing high in the sky, the little colorful elephants were a little panicked and flapped their big ears again and again. But they are so big and already heavy that flying is unrealistic. Fortunately, there is a ladder built by Jiarong grass, which engulfs the colorful elephants.

Caixiangxiang and Xiangcaicai finally knew where such a powerful fruit came from. "Boom!" Clouds billowed and thunder burst.

Lin Shiwei flew down, and ordered: "Don't bark, keep your voice down." "Woo~" Xiao Caixiang was obedient.

And under the coercion of General Lin, they didn't dare to be disobedient.

Although the little colorful elephants are 2 meters high at the shoulder and nearly 4 meters long, they are very huge, but they are still only earth-level monsters.

Hmm... This species is really too big. Soon, the two elephants landed on top of the mountains.

Because the Jiarong grass is too high, Du Yu simply stood on the big head of the colorful elephant, and he pointed to the mountain in the east: "How about you?" Lin Shiwei flew beside Du Yu, looking into the distance. Taking Jiarong Grass as the coordinate origin, the west side is Wangshihou Peak.

"Top of the Mountains" is not far from "Wang Shi Roaring Peak", with only a slender canyon in between.

The closest point between the two cliffs is only more than 20 meters away. And the mountain peak on the east side of the top of the mountains is far away from here. If you go east, it's not the cliff, but the way down the mountain.

Lin Shiwei hesitated, twisting a crimson grass leaf between her fingers: "Shall we bring some Jiarong grass over?" Jiarong grass: "I can spread it over."

Lin Shiwei frowned slightly: "In this way, the area you will be attacked will be larger."

Jiarongcao's voice was old, but Lin Shiwei's blood was boiling with his words: "My sage, when have you ever been afraid of thunder from the sky?" Lin Shiwei opened his mouth, and finally, he still looked at Du Yu who was standing on the side like a head.

Du Yu looked into the distance: "Just now I had a discussion with Jiarongcao, Lord Yaosheng insisted on this."

Jiarongcao suddenly said:

"If the master wants to, you can see the figure of the saint wherever you look." "Boom!" There was a sudden thunder in the sky. Du Yu immediately raised his head, looking at the turbulent clouds in the sky. Thick black clouds enveloped the world, as if they would never go away.

Lin Shiwei keenly sensed something, she floated aside, and sat sideways on Xiang Caicai's head. She comforted softly: "Don't be afraid, you have taken the Jiarong Caoguo, and within a day, you will be free from thunder." Du Yu murmured: "The cloudy matter should be put on the agenda."

"Huh?" Lin Shiwei turned her head to look at Du Yu, only to see Du Yu looking up at the sky with firm eyes.

Jia Rongcao: "Indeed, since celadon is already at the holy level, we have the qualifications to negotiate with Yin Yun." Du Yu nodded lightly: "Just wait for the celadon to transform into a dragon, and then we will meet this ancient bull."

While speaking, Du Yu half knelt down and stroked the elephant's head with one hand: "I will definitely create a good environment for you to grow up."

"Woo." The colorful elephant is particularly intelligent, and with the reminder from the girl before, it even made a very low sound.

Du Yu: "Currently, you are temporarily growing up under the protection of the ancient demon sage Jiarongcao.

For you, your future family, and the whole clan to grow and thrive. "Woo~"

"Woo~~" Qianqian elephant chirps came one after another.

The colorful elephants wandered in the ocean of grass blades, feeling the thick demon breath lingering around them. They already know in their hearts that they will grow up in the top-level environment. Jiarongcao: "Let's go."

Amidst the bursts of thunder, Caixiang took a solid step.

"Jiarong." Lin Shiwei sat sideways on the elephant's head, holding grass blades in one hand, "The colorful elephants eat a lot." Jiarong grass: "The grass leaves and trees all over the mountains and plains can be used as food.

The fruit and grass leaves of this holy book are also materials to assist practice. "

Different from the Yueshan lion group and the desert pig group, the Caixiang family is a vegetarian animal. Therefore, in addition to eating fruits, colorful elephants are also willing to eat vegetation in the mountain boundary.

"Your blade of grass?" Lin Shiwei has been in this mountain boundary for too long, and has developed a relationship with Jiarong grass. From the moment she entered the mountain, all she worried about was Jiarongcao. Jiarong Grass: "The grass and leaves you see all over the mountains are not my body. I am directly from the first floor on the right." There is only one real body of this saint. "

Du Yu sat down cross-legged and looked at Lin Shiwei who was on the elephant head: "It's like the relationship between the sandy tree and the begonia forest in the world of the sea." Jia Rongcao: "Thank you for your concern, human girl. This For hundreds of years, I don't know how many lightning strikes I have suffered.

Renting grass leaves to be smashed by lightning is no different from using grass leaves to feed all living beings. ""Yes." Lin Shiwei responded softly, touching the crimson leaf in the palm of her hand.

Du Yu: "You two have been together for so long, you should be very familiar with each other, let's call her 'Shiwei,'" Jia Rongcao: "Okay."

Du Yu: "I will bring Tian Qingci here as soon as possible, and solve the cloud and thunder as soon as possible, so that you can settle down sooner." Jia Rongcao: "...

Du Yu felt something in his heart, and asked doubtfully, "What?"

Jiarong: "I'm used to all of this. I've fought like this for hundreds of years. If I suddenly settle down, I might find it boring." Du Yu: "...

Should I praise your indomitable spirit of never bowing your head?

Or should I say you are masochistic? Having said that, habits are naturally formed.

Jiarongcao has been entangled with Yunyun Leiting for hundreds of years, and the so-called "habit" may have already penetrated into the bone marrow. "It's better to settle down." Lin Shiwei also couldn't laugh or cry. She said softly: "Du Yu's mountain world will not only have these three kinds of creatures. He once told me that this world will eventually become a world of monster control. Once you are stable, you can help Du Yu Manage this world." Jiarong: "I'm looking forward to it."

Du Yu was also looking forward to it, and said, "The peak to the west of the top of the mountains is called Wang Shi Roar, so the mountain to the called 'Guan Xiang Ming, how about it?"

"Okay." Jiarongcao sensed Du Yu's good wishes. Or, it is more appropriate to call it "ambition". What is the biggest taboo in the Mountain Realm? Answer: roar

speak out.

Even if you are fighting fiercely in the boundary of the mountain, the ancient bull will not be particularly targeted.

But Yueshan Lion's demon skill, Yueshan Yao, this mighty and domineering roar could easily be misunderstood as provocation.

Strictly speaking, this is not a misunderstanding.

User standards, let’s say that there are no ideal artifacts at all, and let’s stop at ten bulls from Taiya because the demon skill·Yue Shanyao is intimidating all things, and it’s scaring the ancient bulls. In the same way, the Caixiang clan's monster skill, Xiangyin Xisheng, has almost the same effect as Yue Shanyao.

Du Yu named Caixiang's homeland "Guan Xiangming", because he hoped that one day, in this mountain boundary, he could see the Caixiang family's wanton Xiangming.

Lin Shiwei joked: "The name of the homeland is so, you still have to call these two little elephants 'Xiang Caicai, what?"

Du Yu grinned, and was about to say something when he suddenly turned his head to look. Lin Shiwei also looked back and saw a strange scene. At this time, everyone had left the Jiarong grass area that covered the top of the mountain. But as the colorful elephant moved forward, the Jiarong bushes behind also chased it all the way.

Crimson grass leaves drilled out of the ground, crimson flowers slowly bloomed, and clusters of Jiarong grass fruits quickly formed. The two little colorful elephants seem to be pulling the crimson grass leaves, flowers, and fruits, constantly infecting the earth. All the way forward, every step of the way.

Du Yu's eyes were filled with admiration, and he only felt that this scene was quite amazing.

Lin Shiwei clenched the blade of grass tightly in his hand, his heart was gently touched.

Jiarongcao is silent and firm,

Invading this world step by step, conquering everything in sight. "n3GN2"


Around Lin Shiwei's body, there was suddenly a violent wave of demon energy. Du Yu was overjoyed, Shi Wei was going to be promoted?

Counting the days, it's about time.

And a few days ago, the girl also benefited a lot from Senior Brother Fu's advancement. Thinking to himself, Du Yu turned his head and looked at the girl sitting sideways with her head on her side. But Lin Shiwei didn't respond much.

She was still silently looking at the rear, looking at the crimson ocean that was slowly blooming and soaking the world inch by inch. For a while, the scene fell silent. There was only the faint muffled sound of thunder above the cloudy clouds.

Two people and two elephants are not a long journey, but it took a lot of work. As Jiarong grass covered the mountain, another base area was formed.

After Du Yu and Jiarongcao talked in private, Jiarong opened a cave in the mountain. But it wasn't for Cai Xiang, but for Lin Shiwei's breakthrough.

After Du Yu settled Lin Shiwei, he immediately returned to the real world and dragged Fu Jianzhou and Li Mengnan into the mountain boundary.

Don't play for now, you must not let down the promotion benefits like this! Although...well, Senior Brother Fu doesn't cultivate the fire attribute.

But it's also good to come in and help out with housekeeping and caring for baby elephants. Du Yu also will not let go of such a good opportunity.

He sat in the newly dug and completed cave, UU reading rubbing against General Lin's welfare.

Du Yu has self-knowledge, knowing that he is still a little short of the peak level of the Great Demon Master. However, although he didn't move, the beautiful fox in Yintang Cave made a sound.

"Du Wang~" a soft and charming voice came quietly.

With a trace of unique laziness, and a touch of joy. Xiaoyan, you're about to advance...Spiritual level · peak?

With a smile on his face, Du Yu leaned his back against the wall and let out a deep breath. Looking for the sea of ​​sorrow overseas, looking for the dragon town in the temple.

In the boundary of the mountains, watching the elephants and singing, flowers grow all the way, and then look at the cloudy clouds.

This trip to southern Yunnan will come to an end here, um... a bit complete, huh?

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