MTL - Raising A Golden Crow In Secret-Chapter 518 The Most Holy·Hualong

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In the early morning of the next day, Du Yu called Wang Zhongying again.

All the requirements are based on Jin Zhijian's idea, and Du Yu also emphasized one point - as long as there is a magic circle of demon soldiers! circle

For such a request, Wang Zongying was a little confused, and after confirming it repeatedly, he hung up the phone. "Du Yu?" The girl's sweet voice came from outside the door, "Are you awake?" "I'm awake." Du Yu responded, and quickly went to open the door. Today's Yu Miaomiao looks a bit plain.

Although the clothes and skirts on her body are still colorful, but compared to the dress covered with silver ornaments, she is too low-key at this time.

The most eye-catching silver phoenix crown is gone, replaced by a cloth hat. There is a kind of pure beauty of "clear water comes out of hibiscus, and it is natural to carve". Looking at the girl with a sweet smile, Du Yu's mood also improved a lot. "Here." Yu Miaomiao brought up a toad mirror. Du Yu was a little puzzled: "This is?"

"Cover your eyes, others can easily spot you." Yu Miaomiao secretly glanced at Du Yu's eyes as she spoke. Eye.

"Okay." Du Yu was very persuasive.

In an ordinary city, wearing sunglasses would attract attention instead, so Du Yu would choose to lower the brim of his hat more often.

However, in tourist cities, wearing sunglasses is a normal tourist dress. While talking, Lin Shiwei and Li Mengnan came down from upstairs.

Not only were they wearing sunglasses, but they also had a sun hat on their heads, which should have been carried by Yu Miaomiao. Knowing the temperature of the tourist place, when the two came out of the mountain and sea bell yesterday, they were dressed in casual clothes. Lin Shiwei was wearing a black one-piece skirt, and Li Mengnan was wearing a white T-shirt and denim shorts. good guy~

What is "white, beautiful and long legs"?

This amazing temperament, this beautiful body line that is exclusive to the demon master... What's the use of you two wearing sunglasses? "It's so beautiful." Yu Miaomiao murmured with envy in her eyes.

"No." Du Yu muttered in a low voice, "One circle is beautiful when it covers the eyes, and the other is beautiful when it doesn't speak."

"Pfft...hehe~" Yu Miaomiao couldn't help but covered her mouth with her little hand. "What are you two muttering about!" Li Mengnan walked over.

Looking at the cute girl who covered her mouth and snickered, Li Mengnan knew that the second brother didn't say anything good. Yu Miaomiao hurriedly rescued Du Yu: "Let's go, go to the Sea God Temple, the sacrificial team is ready. Please bear with me, after the sacrifice, we will have breakfast with the Sea God." It doesn't matter. However, eating in the Sea God Temple? This is a novelty.

A group of people followed Yu Miaomiao out of the stilted building, and Du Yu looked at Senior Brother Fu beside him: "Why don't you have sunglasses." Fu Jianzhou shrugged. Yu Miaomiao didn't give it to me either.

After hearing the question, Yu Miaomiao turned her head and explained: "This big brother is not famous, he doesn't need to wear sunglasses, no one knows him."

Fu Jianzhou: ".

Lin Shiwei burst out laughing. "

Li Mengnan went too far, laughing loudly: "Hahahahahaha~" She put her arms around the petite Yu Miaomiao: "Yesterday, I really blamed you by mistake." "Huh?" Yu Miaomiao blinked.

Seeing the reactions of several people, the cute girl realized that she seemed to be in trouble again? Du Yu looked at Senior Brother Fu with a smile, and changed the subject: "Did you sleep well last night?" Hearing this, Fu Jianzhou was full of resentment: "You can still be a human being?" Bai Lan: "Don't be cruel to Xiaoyu. "Fu Jianzhou looked uncomfortable, I didn't kill him, did I? !

Du Yu looked at Fu Jianzhou whose face was constantly changing, and asked in doubt: "Senior brother?" "Ah, I slept well." Fu Jianzhou snorted.

As everyone came outside the house, they realized how grand the ceremony was.

This is a team of 50 people, except for Du Yu who are tourists from other places, the rest are local Miao Villagers.

They brought all kinds of sacrificial items, wine jars, chickens, fish, pigs, and several large wooden

Zong was busy in Yangshan, and still chose the altar of tears. He only looked at the lamp, hung it, carried his fingers, and several


Du Yu sniffed it, only to smell the full

rice fragrance. So grand?

As the long procession moved forward, the leading priest in grand attire led the procession into the mountain, shouting words that the crowd could not understand.

Involuntarily, Du Yu and the others behaved a lot, and followed the team silently. The so-called Sea God Temple is much bigger than Du Yu imagined. It seems to be a magnificent old house located in the mountains. The first time Du Yu stepped into the gate of the mansion, he saw Tianceladon! To be precise, it is her clan - the sea-eating dragon turtle.

Huge stone statues, especially beautifully carved, sit inside tall houses. Different from the sky celadon, this statue of a dragon and tortoise has wide-eyed anger, which looks quite ferocious. "Celadon!" Li Mengnan tugged at the corner of Du Yu's clothes and whispered.

Du Yu took off his sunglasses to observe carefully, and responded in a low voice: "The clansmen of Qingci once saved the ancestors of the family. Therefore, the Yu family has enshrined the Dragon and Turtle clan for generations."

"Then..." Li Mengnan turned her head to look at Du Yu, her words stopped abruptly.

In front of Du Yu's eyes, a pair of long and narrow eyes suddenly appeared, quietly looking at the stone statues in the temple. In the courtyard, there are busy figures of Yu family members placing sacrifices.

As several large wooden barrels were opened, the aroma of the rice overflowed, and the smell of the still hot glutinous rice made Du Yu's mouth water. "Du, Du Yu..." Yu Miaomiao called weakly as she came. The girl didn't know who belonged to Du Yu's beautiful face. But just looking at it can make people feel awe. Du Yu: "What?"

Yu Miaomiao lowered her head, not daring to look at Du Yu: "You, do you want to bow down with us?"

Tianqingci: ".I worship my day? I worship myself?

Du Yu's response was hearty: "Bye, do as the Romans do."

Besides, more than 50 of you are kneeling, if I don't kneel, how can I have the nerve to have dinner with everyone... Should I say it or not, that rice is really fragrant~

Yu Miaomiao: "Okay, then you can move with us." "This clansman's rank is not high." Tian Qingci said suddenly. Du Yu: "Huh?"

Tianqing porcelain: "There are five horns on the left and right dragon horns.

If the image carved by the human race is correct, the one who rescued the ancestors of the Yu family back then was a dragon turtle, a demon general. "It was only then that Du Yu realized what the problem was: "Is that so... Then shall we still worship?"

No matter what level the other party is, to Du Yu, the other party is an ancient divine beast, and if he worships him, he will worship him, and he will do as the Romans do.

But it's hard to say that Tianqingci is next to him. Tianqingci is the most holy... It is really shameful to bow down to a monster general. Tian Qingci's heart moved slightly: "Go in, I'll take a closer look at it." "Ah?" Du Yu looked at the busy Yu family with a bit embarrassed expression on his face. Tianqingci: "What?"

"No, it's okay." Du Yu bit his bullet and walked towards the temple, while greeting the girl beside him, "Miao Miao."

"What's the matter?" Yu Miaomiao followed quickly.

Du Yu: "Sea God wants to take a closer look at the people of the past. I'll go into the temple." "Oh, ok, ok." Yu Miaomiao said repeatedly, and stopped in her tracks. Du Yu's behavior naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Yu's family, who had just placed the sacrifices, immediately called out: "Hey, tourists, stop!" "Outsiders, don't walk around!"

These are all that Du Yu can understand, and most of them are in the language of Shaomin, which Du Yu can't understand at all. Yu Miaomiao hurriedly turned to face the crowd, saying something to the clansmen. Only then did the courtyard become a little quieter. However, there are still many Yu family members who look dissatisfied.

The domineering Holy Lord shouldn't have thought so much.

But she was still gentle in the end, and she didn't want Du Yu to be blamed, so she said softly, "Give them a sea turtle."

"Hmm..." Du Yu walked forward silently, behind him, a strong water demon breath gathered. What's worth mentioning is that when Du Yu uses the demon skills of other demon pets in his body, the demon skills will be lowered by two grades. As for Du Yu's demon skills of Tianceladon, the quality can reach the fourth level, the level of dazzling platinum. Because Du Yu is the fourth level, the Great Demon Master. In other words, Sky Celadon is backward compatible with Du Yu.

Just like Lord Jinwu's demon skill Burning Sun Eye, only when Du Yu improves his strength can he be able to

Unlock higher-level demon skills.

If he had to go beyond the Platinum level and shoot nuclear bombs with a small pistol...then Du Yu would only end up exploding and dying.

Only a muffled sound of "boom" was heard!

Behind Du Yu, a huge sea-eating dragon turtle stood firmly on the ground. In an instant, there was silence in the courtyard!

The members of the Yu family all opened their eyes wide, staring blankly at the Sea God who suddenly appeared... "Huh?" Yu Miaomiao could only feel the awe-inspiring aura behind her.

The girl tilted her head back as hard as she could, just in time to see the dragon head of the dragon turtle looking down. For a moment, Yu Miaomiao's small mouth opened into an "o" shape. 3 And in the courtyard directly in front of her, the clansmen fell to their knees. "Go to the right." Tian Qingci ordered softly.

Du Yu faintly sensed that something was wrong. After entering the house, he listened to the order and walked to the right, looking up at the stone statue of the dragon and tortoise. Until it circled behind the stone statue, Tianceladon suddenly floated out, and looked carefully at the middle of the turtle shell. "Celadon, what's wrong with you?"

The slender and long jade hand of Tianceladon porcelain lightly brushed the dragon's tail, and floated up with the shadow, the palm finally rested on the middle of the turtle's shell: "I know it."

Du Yu: "Huh? Is it a creature of the same generation as you?"

Tianqingci: "It comes from another ethnic group. I fought against it when I was young." Du Yu was shocked!

Wrapping his feet in the wind, he quickly floated up: "From another ethnic group?"

A trace of memory flashed in Tianqingci's eyes: "They are dark-colored dragon turtles, and ours are light-colored." Little Fenyang's voice suddenly came: "Yes, yes, they are earthy brown, aren't they? I just Say I remember correctly!" I said I remembered correctly! "

Tianqingci: "Well, all kinds of dark colors, including earthy brown." Du Yu suddenly remembered that Xiao Fenyang once said this.

It was in the realm of the sea. When Du Yu saw the sky celadon floating in the sea for the first time, Xiao Fenyang praised the beautiful color of the sky celadon.

Xiao Fenyang also said that in her vague memory, the dragon turtle that took her out to sea was earthy brown.

Du Yu digested the news, and asked: "This... how did you recognize it?" The sky celadon porcelain finger was marked on a special turtle shell pattern. The lines of the lines were not sealed, but had several gaps.

"The ancestors of the Yu family were very devout." She sighed softly, "I have observed the gods in my heart very carefully." Du Yu stood side by side with Tian Qingci, wondering, "Is this unique pattern?" Tian Qingci: "I knocked Broken." Oh my god~ I can still meet my old friend?

And is it carved in the temple and enshrined by the Yu family for generations? Du Yu's heart moved: "You said, it belongs to another ethnic group, are you an opponent?" Tian Qingci sighed: "Enemy, opponent... Sometimes I can't tell the difference."

As he said that, Tianqingci laughed dumbfoundedly: "The enemy hundreds of years ago. Now, they should be friends, and they should be clan members." Friction and grievances have long since disappeared with the wind.

If the Dragon Turtle Clan is not extinct, if the other party can really live to this day...Indeed, they should be friends, they should be members of the clan.

After all, the two sides are only divided by color, and there is no essential racial difference.

Du Yu suggested: "Let's find out the specific story of the ancestors of the Yu family being rescued by it? See if we can find this dragon tortoise group?"

"No, no more." Unexpectedly, Tian Qingci responded decisively, "I have a family." Her mentality is completely different from when she insisted on looking for her tribe a month ago.

Tianqingci's slender fingers gently traced the special turtle shell pattern: "May it be safe in the sea." Du Yu turned his head and looked at Tianqingci's profile.

On that beautiful face, there was a trace of a relieved smile. Finally, she found her tribe.

In this ancestral temple, Tianqingci opened up the ancient memory and found the clansmen in the past. Although this is just a stone statue, it bears the imprint of the dragon and turtle clan left in the world. What's even more fantastic is that the prototype of this statue was actually a former opponent.

"May it be able to cultivate to become holy, to become holy." Tian Qingci murmured softly, "Follow the rumors in the clan, and finally transform into a dragon."

Du Yu pursed his lips, not knowing what to say.

The sky celadon fluttered lightly to the side, and its slender figure perfectly fit Du Yu's figure, and quietly disappeared. The moment Du Yu touched her demon, he felt extremely full of emotions. Joy, relief, and full of blessings.

Du Yu never expected that the end of Tianqingci's journey to find his hometown had been hidden in the deep mountains of his family village, hidden in an ancestral temple.

Tian Qingci said softly: "Let's go out."

"Okay." Du Yu slowly landed, bypassing the majestic stone statue, and walked towards the gate.

In the courtyard outside the gate - in front of Zhen Haigui, dozens of villagers are kneeling down and praying silently with their hands clasped together. Only the solemnly dressed priest spoke words that Du Yu could not understand, and his tone was full of awe. "Huh~" Zhen Haigui suddenly disappeared.

Du Yu's figure standing at the door was also revealed in front of everyone. "Celadon?" Du Yu wondered in his mind. The demon skill was not canceled by him.

What was even more frightening was that Du Yu couldn't move. For Du Yu, being worshiped by so many people would shorten his life. Before he lived the same life as Tiandi, he had better not waste time...but he wanted to leave, but Yuren Shitian Qingci didn't allow it. She watched everything quietly through Du Yu's eyes. Looking at the extremely pious and worshiping faces, looking at the figures who worship the dragon turtle as a god. Suddenly, Du Yu felt the water element around him was extremely active! What's happening here? Du Yu asked again: "Celadon?" Tian Qingci responded softly: "Faith." Du Yu: "What?"

The next moment, Du Yu turned around uncontrollably and looked up at the dragon and tortoise sculpture in the temple. Tianqingci: "Thank you, ancient tribe."

Regarding the most holy Hualong, what I lack is this...

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