MTL - Raising A Golden Crow In Secret-Chapter 39 Firefly

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Du Yu ran very fast all the way. After anxiously waiting for the guard to check, he rushed out of the demon spirit realm and went straight to the center of the demon pet on the left.

The Monster Pet Center is a comprehensive building, which provides accommodation, catering, leisure and entertainment, monster pet fostering and trading and other projects.

Du Yu didn't stop for a while, broke into the hall, and ran to the service desk: "Miss, I want to foster it."

"Frozen cubes?" The young woman in suits and leather shoes was still yawning, but when she saw Du Yu holding out a cube jelly from her cloak, she was instantly refreshed!

She wondered: "This classmate, do you know the cultivation value of Frozen Cubes? Haven't you considered your contract?"

Du Yu shook his head and said, "I don't have the soil attribute, so I can't make a contract."

"So it is." The woman walked out of the service desk and walked to the window on the left side of the building with Du Yu, "We provide recycling services, you can exchange points or money. We also provide monster pet exchange services, but you need to pay some fee."

Du Yu hurriedly said, "How many points can I get for recycling?"

"We have to identify it first." The woman said, and pointed to the sticker at the bottom of the service window, "Here is a clear point exchange form."

Behind the service window, a young working brother also came to the spirit: "Frozen Cube, you are really lucky!"

"Kacha!" A drawer was pushed out from the bottom of the window, Du Yu put the frozen earth cube in it, the dirty guy still looked dizzy. But compared to being imprisoned in the orange pulp tree before, it doesn't cry now.

Du Yu looked at the price list for the recovery of monster pets, his fingers moved sideways and slides, the growth potential is high, Tianbao clan... 400 points!

Oh yo?

1 point is equal to 50 yuan, which is 20,000 yuan?

Du Yu clenched his fists, thinking that the Tianbao clan is very precious, but never thought it was so precious!

"The frozen earth cube belongs to our recycling category, and the appraisal strength level is Ordinary Rank · Beginning, which meets the standard of cubs. I am afraid it will only come to this world for 1~2 days, classmate, how fast are you catching it? "

Du Yu scratched his head: "Hehe."

The little brother at work continued: "What are you going to do with it, exchange points?"

It is worth mentioning that this is a novice demon spirit realm, which is different from other levels of demon spirit realm.

This is where Daxia cultivates newcomers, and quite a few of the monsters are artificially cultivated and then put here.

Therefore, the vast majority of monsters are not allowed to bring out the spirit world, or exchange points.

Just now, Du Yu was stopped at the door for review, because the guards were on a routine basis.

Daxia allows you to contract monster pets in it, which is a benefit for newbies. As for you contracted a monster in it, and after you return to society, you tear up the contract and sell it privately...

That's another story between police and gangsters.

"Classmate?" The staff behind the window looked at Du Yu who was in a daze, and continued, "I suggest you exchange your points. If you follow my advice, I can give you up to 420 points."

"Ah." Du Yu regained his senses, but regretted it for a while.

If you stay in a daze for a while, will the other party get higher points?

Behind the window, the little brother at work looked at Du Yu eagerly, as if he also had performance indicators or something?

Du Yu said, "What if I choose to exchange monster pets?"

"Also, you need to pay 5 points, and we will help you upload the basic information of this frozen earth block to the trading platform. You can wait patiently after you express your exchange intention."

The little brother at work hurriedly added: "If you don't have enough points, you can pay 500 yuan."

Du Yu: ? ? ?

5 points are only 250 yuan, how can you use the money for 500?

Du Yu covered his chest with one hand and took a step back.

He looked around, looking at the resplendent hall, where the word "profiteer" was written all over the room.

The staff patiently explained: "First, we provide you with a trading platform. Second, you don't know where the monster you want to exchange is, maybe the owner of that monster is located in the westernmost coastal city in Daxia. .

In 3 to 7 days, we will span the entire summer, safely and safely deliver your favorite monsters and originals to your hands, don't you think it's worth it?

Believe me, 5 points or 500 yuan to enjoy such a service once, you can buy it with peace of mind, and you can exchange it for comfort. "

Du Yu: "..."

Today's wage earners are real, do employees of state-owned enterprises work so hard?

Du Yu calculated his own small treasury, and the money was definitely not enough. It was only over 300 yuan when the phone was full, which was his entire net worth.

Or... why don't you just exchange points?

No, no, no, one must never be poor and short-minded. In exchange for a demon pet of the same value, that would be a wise move.

If you want to buy a monster with a "higher potential value", you will have to pay more.

Du Yu's heart moved, and he said, "Wait a moment, I'll go to the bookstore to submit a task, and I'll come over after I've exchanged the points."


Du Yu patted the drawer under the service window: "Give me the frozen earth cube first, and I'll come back later."

"Hurry up and exchange your points." The little brother at work was speechless, "We are a regular demon spirit organization in Daxia, and we can't be greedy for your things."

"Hehe~ Then wait for me." Du Yu said, and ran out quickly, rushing all the way to the Yaoling Bookstore.

However, he stopped in front of the Yaoling Bookstore, and watched the video he shot on and off again. After cutting and cutting it, he opened the door.

"Bell bell bell~" The bell on the door rang, and the little brother behind the bar hurriedly raised his head.

"Don't change shifts at night, it's hard work?" Du Yu looked at the familiar face, this time, he looked at the nameplate on the clerk's chest - Chen Xuyang.

The first time is born, the second time is ripe.

"It's been a shift change, and it's my younger brother who will receive you during the day." The clerk's younger brother smiled, "Are you here to submit a mission?"

"Oh?" Du Yu looked at the young man who looked exactly the same in front of him, a little surprised, "Ah, I'm here to submit the fifth task."

"What day is the fifth mission?"

"It's today, the one that the insects are screaming about." Du Yu pointed to the blackboard above, the task list has not been changed.

"Please provide video data as required by the mission."

"Look." Du Yu hurriedly handed over the phone.

After confirming it again and again, Chen Xuyang asked, "Where is the frozen soil cube?"

Du Yu: "At the next-door monster pet center, I'm only 5 points away. I'm going to put the frozen earth cubes online to exchange monster pets."

Chen Xuyang nodded, the fifth task was just an intelligence task, and it was enough to investigate the cause.

Different from the sixth task, the task personnel are required to hand in the demon crystals contaminated by cold air after slaughtering the two-leaf clover snake.

"Give me the certificate."

Du Yu: "Hey."

Cheng Xuyang turned on the computer for some operations, and also took Du Yu's ID and put a sticker on the card machine: "5 points have been entered into your student card.

When doing any transaction, you can directly swipe your student card, or you can click on the Yaoling illustrated book after binding your identity information to operate online. "

"Okay! Thank you." Du Yu hurriedly opened the door and left, and Chen Xuyang shook his head and smiled.

Although this group of Zhihe disciples are not very popular in society, they are real fresh blood.

Du Yu, who returned to the Monster Pet Center again, enjoyed the special reception from the lady at the service desk. After earning 5 points, and after uploading the information on the frozen soil block, the lady brought Du Yu to the computer and patiently taught him how to operate.

"The potential value is divided into five categories, namely extremely low, low, medium, high and extremely high."

"Your Frozen Cubes belong to the category with higher potential value. I suggest you also choose the 'higher' category. Even though the potential value is only 5 levels, but the gap between each level is like a gulf, You can tell by redeeming points."

"For example, Tianbao cubs with extremely high potential can be exchanged for a maximum of 2,000 points. Your Frozen Block has a high potential value, and you can see up to 400 points. While the potential value is medium, the lowest exchange rate The price is only 10 points."

Du Yu nodded lightly, the gap in talent was simply too terrifying.

Of course, talent does not mean final combat power. In the long training period, there are too many factors that will affect the growth of the monster.

And Du Yu's greatest strength is Xiao Fenyang. After some enlightenment from Fenyang's little loli, how could the monster pet be so bad?

"What kind of demon fighter are you?"

Du Yu: "Fire, pure fire."

Miss Sister glanced at Du Yu in surprise. On the page seeking exchange, she sifted the conditions of exchange: "Do you want to exchange monster pet cubs? Or any growth stage?"

Of course, he wants a cub. The younger he is, the sooner he can be helped by Xiao Fenyang.

Thinking of this, Du Yu responded decisively: "Cub!"

"Do you have any requirements for races? Or do you have any favorite fire-type monsters?"

Du Yu: "No, not yet."

"Fire-type, or multi-type monsters with fire attributes, high potential value, cubs. The other party's trading tendency, earth-type..."

While clicking on the screen, Miss Sister muttered to herself: "Okay, you are choosing someone else, and others are choosing you, tell me the maximum range of conditions you can accept."

Du Yu looked at the rows of lists on the computer screen and said, "The selection criteria are the same as mine."

"Then I'll go and register for you, so choose carefully first."

All kinds of fire-type monsters make Du Yu's eyes dazzled, why is there a toad?

The dual elements of water and fire are tempting. It is rare to see such a combination of aggressive attributes. UU reading www. but... but this toad looks so ugly...

Du Yu's heart moved, and he called out, "Xiao Fenyang, come and see and choose our companions."

Xiao Fenyang: "Well, can we choose another little Firefox?"

Du Yu stopped his fingers.

Double Daji, double happiness?

It's better not to. A fox little face, I can't stand it anymore!

If this is another little Firefox, and Xiao Fenyang opens his mind again, then I will not cultivate in my life.

Tiantian Palace locks the beaded curtain, every step is startling...

"Eh? This is amazing, it's my former teammate~"

Du Yu stopped his fingers, and fixed on the picture of a group of ghost fires - the ghost fire seed.

Obviously, this group of flames is not Xiao Fenyang's teammate herself, but should be a player of her former teammate's clan.

Du Yu tapped the screen with his finger, and the detailed information page was displayed.

The inner flame of this fireball is dark, and the outer flame is covered with a layer of fluorescent green that seems to be invisible.

"The firefly species, the wind and fire dual-type monsters, the Tianbao clan.

Named for the strange color and shape of the flame. The ghostly firefly species is pitch-black and has a cold flame. Under the influence of the wind attribute, it gathers and disperses and changes in many ways, making it unpredictable.

The fireflies have different temperaments, are more moody, and have high growth potential. I hope that the demon hunters should observe carefully, recognize the temperament of the demon beasts, and contract breeding as appropriate.

Evolution direction 1: Youying Fire Seed → Youying Torch → Youying Doll → God Youying.

Evolution direction 2: Ghostly Fire Seed → Ghostly Candlestick → Ghostly Firefly Doll → Ghost Ghostly Firefly.

Common demon skills of the ghost fire species: 1 ghost fire burning..."