MTL - Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil-Chapter 81 8.22——8.23

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The players returned to the villa with a big face and the first thing was to grab the only four bathrooms. Ivan has always been awkward, pushing a few big men to grab the most luxurious one, spending five minutes to wash a battle bath, and then let the girlfriends wash.

The bathroom was fitted with a translucent glass door. Zhou Yunyi saw several male players squatting at the door while standing under the shower head. The thief stared at his lower body. When they left, he faintly heard that Romeo was really a man.

Is this doubting your gender? Just because you are a woman who is too beautiful? Zhou Yunyi is both good and funny.

After the shower and dinner, the female players gathered to chat, while the male players stayed in the gym. Zhou Yunxuan's body is completely adjusted by 007. There is no need to exercise, so when he first walked into the gym, the male players were very surprised.

Kiwi Ivan is also natural, her pursuit of abdominal muscles and vest line is no less than men.

"Romeo, how come you?" She put down two heavy dumbbells.

Zhou Yunqi did not speak and walked toward the horizontal bar. A male player is doing pull-ups, which can exercise very beautiful arm muscles and back muscles.

Zhou Yunqi walked over to him and started to hold the horizontal bar. The two fell together like a competition, but gradually, the strong black male player was too weak, and when he was in the twentieth, his hand fell. This is already his limit.

But Romeo is still going on, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three... Ivan stood by to help him count, and when he was seventy, he began to feel uneasy and advised, "Romeo will come down quickly, excessive exercise will hurt. The body.” The strongest person she has ever seen can only do one hundred pull-ups per day, and it is still done in groups of ten. After finishing the work like a dog, even the fingers can't move.

Romeo is so stubborn that there is no problem on weekdays, but now it is a game. If it is inconvenient to move to the bones, it will have unpredictable consequences for his game.

When she was one hundred and one, her heart and liver were trembled and warned, "Romeo don't do it, come down. We will play again later, you must maintain enough physical strength."

The male players all came around and stared at the superman's eyes and stared at the teenager who was hanging on the horizontal bar without any pain. They absolutely can't imagine the amazing power in the seemingly thin body of a teenager.

"Don't stop him, you didn't see him doing more than a hundred sweats without a drop? He is strong." A male player calmed.

Ivan discovered that the expression of girlfriends was very dull from beginning to end, neither rising red because of exhaustion, nor clenching the roots.

After doing a hundred and fifty times, Zhou Yunqi was so fierce that he made a support on the horizontal bar and then swung back, and then landed firmly on the ground. The male players applauded and others whistled. Do one hundred and fifty pull-ups at a time, and Romeo's physical strength is comparable to the most demanding special forces.

Zhou Yunzhen patted his smooth and tight biceps, and said faintly, "Is it? I am a man." The words fell coldly.

Ivan suddenly realized that the girlfriends were still stimulated today, so cute. She smiled akimbo. The male players feel awkward and feel funny, and they have a lot more recognition for the teenager.

"Of course Romeo, you are a real man!" A male player shouted at his back, then looked at his cameraman and sincerely exclaimed, "He is awesome, both looks and character are great, I I have already liked him."

The judges of the next day, there is no doubt that Zhou Yunyi and Ivan have obtained the best hard photos. Emily's performance in this period has not yet aired, so the audience did not feel bad about her, gave her a good score, and successfully qualified for her second place.

The most petite Daphne was eliminated, and she burst into tears on the spot.

After the episode was aired, the ratings were so mad again that ABC added a large budget to the program. Although the scene of Hayden's violence was slightly edited, the cause and effect were clearly explained, and the audience's feelings of anger could be integrated into the thick black fog. Emily was also attacked by various kinds, and some even gave her the nickname Black Widow.

"Hayden and Emily are the most disgusting couple I have ever seen. Thank goodness, the black widow has killed her poor little male spider, otherwise I will vomit when I see the pictures of them together."

"Don't you find out? Hayden and Emily didn't really appreciate Romeo. If it weren't for Romeo, they couldn't participate in the challenge! How can there be such a cold person in the world?"

"I see Hayden's task of escaping from high-altitude to get mad. He is too mean, but he did not expect his girlfriend to be more than a few times more despicable than himself. I have to say that they are a perfect match, it is a pity to separate. of."

Such ridicule can be seen everywhere on the official website of "The Next Supermodel". The once popular king Emily finally withdrew from the historical stage and became the bottom of popularity.

And the number of fans of Romeo is growing at a crazy rate. Almost every episode, his fan base will double, and members come from all walks of life and all ages. His charm is unparalleled.

He selflessly helped Hayden and Emily; he was not afraid of any challenge; he had a fairy-like beauty and a more elf-like voice; he was a male god, but now he has become the goddess of many people; And one hundred and fifty pull-ups were made in one breath. When you think he is very vulnerable, he always shows you the most powerful side.

Lace said that they were straightened by Romeo, and they can fall in love with men. The straight men said that they were bent by Romeo and they can fall in love with men. In short, whether he is a man or a woman, as long as he is Romeo, everyone will always love him.

Of course, Ivan's handsome also won the favor of the majority of the audience, her fan group flooded into a large number of little girls who showed her love, the scene is very hot.

But the most popular is not the two hermaphroditic players, but Acheson. He once again became the object of serious suspicion of the majority of corrupt male rot.

"I said Gustav must be homosexual. He likes Romeo. Hey, he privately gave Romeo a nickname for a kitten, and he accidentally blurted out." Attached several intercepted videos as evidence.

"I agree! His attitude towards Romeo is obviously different from that of other players." The netizen also attached a video of his own editing.

Gustav in the video is taking pictures of other players. There is almost no special expression on his face. Even his eyes are as calm as water. There is only one sentence from beginning to end. That is - well, yours The shooting is over and the next pair of players are on the scene. This sentence has been repeated four times, and there is no other rumor.

He kept this high cold style until Romeo and Ivan appeared, and then the painting style changed instantly. This netizen is very creative. The front score is piano **** practice, repeated and monotonous. The face of Romeo 'beautiful galaxy' appeared on the screen, and the soundtrack immediately became the most popular confession song "loveme, baby".

Under the cheerful singing of the female singer, Gustav shouted with a sigh of relief: "Baby, stand in the middle of the station."

"Baby looks at me, my eyes are a little gentler and deeper, just like I am your favorite person."

"Baby, smile at me."

"Baby, you are an angel in the world!"

"Baby came over and squatted on my lap."

"Baby, you are doing great, I love you!"

These words didn't feel like when they were filmed. They were clipped by the netizen and coherently put together. There was a strong sense of guilt, as if Gustav confessed to Romeo every time he spoke, especially The background sound is still the female singer pleading over and over again: lovemebaby, lovemebaby... If you are not loved, you will die in the next moment.

"Oh my God, it's too love! If Gustav is not in secret crush Romeo, I would rather swallow my keyboard!" A rotten woman's assertion.

Their YY provoked the unhappiness of the Gustav fan base. They also produced a video that clipped the crazy gestures of the top fashion photographers in the world together, yelling and even screaming and even kissing the model and showing a lot of love. They tried to use the evidence to tell others, oh, the photographer is crazy about shooting. Gustav was cold to other players just because they couldn't bring him inspiration.

The two gangs rushed to the horse, but instead let the video recording Gustav's idiots sizzle on the Internet. Gustav saw the itch after the sigh, and finally resisted.

No matter how the outsiders evaluate the players, they have no access to information. They repeat training, challenge, and challenge the stressful and busy life of retraining every day. Emily found that her online voting scores were getting lower and lower, which made her every effort to make every effort. But she is a female lord after all, her body is very strong, her willpower is very tenacious, even if she is on the verge of elimination, she relies on strength or luck to advance smoothly.

In the next few games, the best hard photos were decided between Romeo and Ivan. The other players always had a feeling of reading with the prince, and the unwilling and embarrassing emotions quietly piled up in their hearts.

Gustav served as a regular photographer for the players. He has collected photos and videos of many kittens now, and he will take care of it every day.

"Rooney, you little bad guy. I told you how many times you are not allowed to use your paws to touch the baby's photo." He threw the little fold cat that jumped onto the desk and used fat paws to smash piles of photos. Then pick up the top one and put on the lips to kiss, the expression is very intoxicating.

After finishing the photo, he locked them into the safe. When he turned back to the desk, he saw a friend send a private message complaining that he had not shared Rooney's photos on social networks for a long time. Before he fell in love with a teenager, he almost hangs Rooney's cute photos on his personal webpage every day, and describes his own cat experience. The warm and interesting words often make the people who see it smile.

But now his entire world is occupied by teenagers. Apart from paying attention to teenagers and trying hard to get close to him, there is really no time to do anything else.

This friend is also a cat slave, especially like to brush Rooney's photo, but also took the initiative to pass the photo of his own puppet cat. Gustav looked around and found the folder named "My Kitten" from the document and uploaded it to the personal homepage.


Gustav’s fans just denied that their idol had a special feeling for Romeo and was beaten. They saw a group of photos called "My Kitten" on Gustav's personal homepage.

If you think this is Rooney's photo, then it is too naive. These are all Romeo photos, whether they have been published or not published by the program group, whether it is a bright shot or a sneak shot, everything!

Romeo sat cross-legged on the ground and licked the sandwich; Romeo licked the doll to sell Meng; Romeo licked his mouth and kissed; Romeo fell asleep on the sofa; Romeo sat in a chair and let several stylists play with it...

These photos almost record every moment that Romeo participates in the game. If it is not intentional, how can he take the trouble to shoot him? If not, how can you call him ‘my kitten’? If not, how can he make him the whole life?

Gustav really has unusual feelings for Romeo! ? What happened to these photos? Is it real?

The fans rioted and rushed to his website to seek the truth.

Tell me that your social account has been stolen, this is not your own release! Some people try to deceive themselves.

Gustav reacted half an hour after the incident broke out, and it was too late to delete the photo. He quickly imitated this set of photos and photographed Rooney. The command assistant made a miniature version of the fashion that Romeo passed through to let Rooney put on, and then guided Rooney to make the same look and expression.

How can a cat resemble a person? But it was amazing. Rooney's photo was taken, and there was a feeling of synchronizing with Romeo's group. One person and one cat all have the same sea-blue eyes, and the temperament is as clean and pure, especially with the ignorant little eyes straight into the lens. The images of one person and one cat almost overlap.

After taking the photo, Gustav rewarded Rooney with two bags of dried fish, and then immediately uploaded the folder and labeled it, the second part of "My Kitten". The photos have not been passed yet. Don't be too excited.

Fans immediately opened a look, or the feeling of anger or worry or suspicion instantly became ridiculous. I knew that the idol was a very fluffy control, but I didn't expect him to take a new picture of the pet photo, and it would let Rooney imitate the Romeo of the goddess.

But don't say that although the idol's brain is big, the photography technique is superb. Rooney and Romeo are clearly one person and one cat, but he has taken the feeling of a double body and a soul, especially the big blue eyes of the sea. Emerge the hearts of the people. One of them, Rooney, wore a small blue skirt and put his claws on the shoulders of the dolls that were equal to it. He put his head on the face of the doll with his head and looked at the camera with clear water.

God is synchronized! God is similar! Seriously doubt that Romeo is the idol's Rooney. Are they actually a person? It is a fairy that will transform! A netizen said vowed. His downstairs immediately lined up with long queues, and the people who liked the praises exceeded tens of thousands in a few minutes.

There are also netizens who have the same attributes as the fluffy control. They immediately feel itchy and make their own pets dressed as Romeo. As long as those animals with sea blue round eyes, no matter what shape they wear, they look like Romeo has five or six points. Their temperament is too close, the same pure and non-scale, ignorant and cute. This made everyone's love for Romeo rise to a new height.

Gustav has been paying attention to the situation, and he did not explain more after sending the second package. He knows that the more he talks, the more space he has to guess, the two packages are put together, and they love what they think. But he knows that they will definitely make many reliable reasons for idols, because they are more willing to believe those reasons.

Sure enough, the situation is developing in the direction he expected. Everyone thought that this was his bad taste and he was showing off his own pet. The anger of the fans gradually subsided, but it did not make him easy. He foresaw how much difficulty he would face if he wanted to be justified with the kitten.

When he was in depression, a small group of people on the Internet began to blame. They say that even if Gustav and Romeo have no affair, his attention to Romeo has clearly exceeded the limit, and he is the producer of "The Next Supermodel", which is very unfair to other players. Who knows if Gustav will open the door for the players he admires? Perhaps the wonderful performances of the previous issues of Romeo were all because Gustav was helping him cheating.

To be fair, either Gustav resigns as a producer, or Romeo withdraws completely, or both.

Their remarks were immediately attacked by the Romeo fan group, and Gustav’s fan group was shaken. For the sake of their embarrassment, they successively sent letters to the program group, requesting the elimination of Romeo. They are not willing to give him any chance to contact with idols, and even less because he ruined the cause of idols.

Once again, things have become serious again.

This is the intention to see the show fire and want to squeeze out to win the fruit of victory, Gustav understands that the next supermodel has become ABC's trump card program, if you insist on doing it will bring huge profits to investors. And he is the biggest investor in this program, and naturally becomes the primary goal that others need to get rid of. Who is this person?

At the moment, there are six players left in the program group, and then two players will be eliminated and they will enter the championship competition. In other words, they will only be three weeks away from the end of the game.

Resigning from the role of the producer means that there will be three weeks of inability to get close to Romeo, which makes Gustav annoyed. He could hardly imagine how he would spend the three weeks, just like the fish left the water, and everything left the air, even if Rooney's furry little body could not bring him the slightest comfort.

He will never resign, and will not let them eliminate Romeo. Thinking of this, Gustav wore a jacket, cold face with a face, just arrived at the underground parking lot of the ABC building, and saw Bonnie led a team of film crews to rush to a commercial vehicle.

"Where are you going? What are you going to do?" He rolled the cold window of the window. It seems that he is too low-key on weekdays, so that ABC's top management has forgotten who is the real owner of this company. The site of the Acheson family is not something that can move.

"Mr. Acheson, you are coming right. We are going to rush to the villa to announce a decision." Bonnie wriggled and walked over, laughing but not laughing. I didn't expect Acheson to have a brain in the water for a day.

"What decision? Who made it? If this decision does not suit my mind, I will let the other party pay a painful price." Gustav ripped off his tie and his eyes were full of anger.

"This decision was made by me to the upper level." Bonnie trembled and explained clearly before Acheson's hair. "The topmen are still not confused to the point where you want to kill you. If you kill you, they have to pack things back." Home, so they decided to let Romeo retiring. But I persuaded them to give Romeo a chance. In the future, Romeo’s 30 shots will be reduced to five, which means that his five photos must be pressed against other players. One hundred and fifty photos, otherwise it will be eliminated. How? Is it very exciting and challenging? Is it fair enough? And because there are only six players left, the game time will be greatly shortened. The ten-minute delivery means that the film crew doesn't need to edit the extra footage at all. We can change the recording to live broadcast, let the audience see if we have opened the back door for Romeo."

Speaking of here, she paused for a moment and cautiously asked, "What do you think of this proposal? You don't really take the initiative to resign? If you do, Dave Acheson will take over your position, he bet It is that you have feelings for Romeo and are willing to voluntarily withdraw in order to protect Romeo. When he is in charge of power, all of us will be bad, and Romeo will bear the brunt!"

Dave Acheson is the illegitimate son of Old Acheson. He has been a long-lost player in the Acheson family. He has no ability, but he is a guy who bites like a mad dog.

Gustav certainly won't let Dave Acheson succeed. He considered the moment and agreed to Bonnie’s proposal. It is not that he is selfish and refuses to make concessions for Romeo, but he knows that once he resigns, even if Romeo performs better, Dave will not let him go. Dave is always happy to use the most despicable means to destroy everything Gustav cares about.

"Don't worry, Romeo can do it. He often takes great photos in the first shot, no one can catch up with him, even including me and many long-awaited supermodels." Seeing BOSS is still sinking Like water, Bonnie slapped his shoulder and comforted.

Gustav responded to her with a cold look. Of course, he knows that the kitten will never be killed. His excellence is far beyond everyone's imagination. He just worried that the kitten would be angry if he learned that this big trouble was caused by him. Will you not want to care about him again? God knows that his nervous stomach is now smashed.

In the entanglement of Gustav, the car arrived at the villa. Bonnie has no intention of letting other players know more about it. She called the boy into a separate room, let the cameraman open the camera, and then simply explained the beginning and end of the matter, and placed two sets of photos in the social circle that were already red and purple on the table.

Gustav licked his face and dared not face it.

John was so angry that he gave him a close-up, focusing on his red **** ears. Do you still know shy? Too shameless! For your bad taste idol is likely to be eliminated!

But in fact, Zhou Yunqi does not feel angry or panic, but is very excited. Let him play a former world supermodel with a bunch of rookies, he always has a sense of victory. His seemingly free and easy personality hides aggressive elements and always likes to challenge difficulty. He even felt that Bonnie could cut five chances into three.

He took Rooney's photo and enjoyed it for a few minutes before he slowly opened his mouth. "It's cute, what's the name?"

"His name is Rooney. I think you are more lovely than him." Gustav always praised his sweetheart and saw Bonnie squinting at himself. He quickly said with a correct attitude. "I am sorry for the trouble you have caused." But I believe you can do it."

Zhou Yunxuan pretending to be bitterly smiled. "I don't have room for choice. Is it not only to prove my strength to everyone, but also to prove Mr. Acheson's fairness. For all who believe in me and support me, I Accept your resolution."

"It's great to think like this." Bonnie stood up and hugged the boy.

Gustav also gave him a solid hug and whispered in his ear, "Sorry, and, I love you."

Zhou Yun's apex was gently touched.