MTL - Pursuing Immortality-Chapter 89 Prepare

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The concentration of Reiki on Tianzhu Mountain is six, which Gu Ji sees highest.

It ’s a pity that the water is too rich here, and the small lake fills the entire space without any place to settle. The two wanted to investigate further and had to dive into the bottom of the lake.

This weather, there are so many strange fish, it will be a death. This also means that, even if this place is occupied in the future, it will have to be developed so that it can become a qualified cultivation field.

They stood outside and looked closely. There was no abnormal shape like the old tree and red fruit, but the stone walls around the lake were white and bright, which seemed strange.

Gu Gu picked up a stone and threw it hard. When the stone hits the stone wall, it is not a muffled sound like "咚", nor is it a chicken sound like "Papa".

But "Dang", clear and crisp.

He was strange and doubted: "This sound should be made by hitting metal?"


Wu Xiaozhai also picked up a piece of gravel and threw it at the other side. She shook her head and said, "It may be affected by aura, the internal structure has changed, and it is good to dig the next piece."

I said so, they couldn't get through, neither had tools, so they could only take a few photos. Their cell phone has been out of signal for a long time. Thanks to several batteries, it has survived until now.

Unconsciously, they did not walk out of the cave until the sun deflected.

Gu Gu turned out a book and began to record this place. The book was densely packed with text and circuit diagrams, covering almost the entire area of ​​Tianzhu Mountain.

There are water sources, there are fierce beast areas, there are suitable campsites, there are dangerous sections to pay attention to ... There are all kinds of things.

In addition, there are two other conclusions:

First, I don't know if it is a coincidence. The nodes all appear in a relatively closed environment and are guarded by alienated creatures.

Second, the resurgence of the previous conjecture has been able to remove the word "conjecture".

说 Let's say that the reason why human civilization continues to this day is that it depends on the wisdom and inheritance of our ancestors. Either by text, by image, or by word of mouth, no matter what, the first generation who could think of doing these things was a great sage.

They are not Daxian, but there is no doubt that this record book is very, very valuable.

I spent four and a half days and finally found the node. The two returned dazzlingly and spent another day and a half out of the mountain, counting back and forth, exactly six days.

They returned to Tianmen Town without charter and went directly to Qianzhou. Then I found a small hotel, and I didn't shy away.

睡 This sleep lasted for more than ten hours. The boss was scared and almost slammed the door to call the police. Until noon the next day, the two goods were resurrected with blood.

Uh ...

"You two are simply too much! Nothing happens in six or seven days, and the call doesn't work, I'll call the police!"

"Hurry up from the real thing, what have you done? Whoops, don't you stay in the hotel all the time? Oh my gosh, you are so physically fit!"


Xiao Xiaozhai moved her phone away from her ears and waited for Barabara's spray over there to say, "Nothing, I went into the mountain and went around, just came out."

"Who's staying in the mountains for seven days? Are you being stupid or do you think you are smurfs?" Xiao Rong started from her heart, hoping to follow the moving signal to choke them to death.

Xiao Xiaozhai knew that she was worried and chaotic, and she had no repression, she softly coaxed. For a long time, Xiao Jingxi hung up the phone, saying that the bear child couldn't be hurt, it was too worrying!

After soothing her side, she asked again: "Are you ready?"

"It takes too much trouble to transfer four trains from Qianzhou to Shuzhou. We still go to Luzhou and pass by plane directly." Gu Yiying said.

"Well, okay." She nodded.

"Then I booked a flight and leave tomorrow."

They used Qianzhou as a relay station and had to stay for two days to rest. Can not bathe in the mountains, all kinds of original underwear, wading mountains and rivers every day, the journey is nearly a hundred miles.

状态 For six days, you can imagine the state.

Uh ...

Lushu County, Luobi County.

There is an ancient city in Shexian County, built more than 600 years ago. There is an ancient street in the city, long from east to west, short from north to south, overlooking from a height, it looks like a strange and unique big ship, hence the name "Boat Street".

The east end of this street is the Zuo Ling Guan Temple, the west section is the sky lantern stone column, the center is a theater building, and the archway is also standing behind the building. On both sides are long rows of tiled houses with prominent eaves, commonly known as "cool halls."

Although the society is developing and becoming more and more updated, there are still older people here, drinking tea, listening to music, picking ears, smoking leaf tobacco under the cool hall ... Enjoying the last blessing of the world's red dust.

Today is a big day, at least for the elderly. Because there are episodes and dramas today, people from Shiliba Village will come to see a lantern show that people in Shuzhou love most.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the county police station was so solemn.

All the howling names were present, the bureau leaders personally sat down and held an emergency meeting. One leader said: "Time is tight, I will try to make it as simple as possible. The two things, the first one knows that today is a market, we must maintain good order ~ ~ to avoid stomping accidents and the appearance of thieves .the second……"

He paused and said: "According to the masses, two suspicious elements have appeared recently. They have acted secretly and are likely to carry heavy cases. These two people are operating in the area of ​​Luobi, so from today, the county entered an emergency State. All intersections and passages must be guarded, and they must not be allowed to escape! "


When everyone heard it, they couldn't help looking at each other. No evidence of this, we are ready for battle, a little sloppy, right?

Immediately, someone asked: "Chen Ju, what the **** did they do? How do we grasp the scale? How can we grasp it?"

"Don't ask!"

The leader was also upset and glared at the man, saying, "The standard is that the other party must be intact and you can take it for yourself."

After the meeting, the meeting was arranged uniformly. The squatting situation of each team and each group was announced and the meeting was immediately adjourned. Everyone was scratching their heads and discussing:

"How have you been stunned recently? The previous paragraph just issued an order. Let us pay attention to the suspicious elements. Today is even more powerful, catch it directly!"

"That is, who knows the inside story? What the **** is going on?"

"I heard the files above and below, it seems to be related to the murder."

"Murder? Just the one in Tuling County?"

"That's not to be mysterious, I don't want to disclose any news at all, so I'll give you a picture!"

The jade buddies took a picture on the table, exactly according to Liu Changhe's description, using a computer-made criminal simulation portrait: young, pale, narrow eyes, long nose, and thin lips.

The five senses are nothing to look at separately. Together, they have a very uncomfortable cold feeling.

"Okay, stop complaining!"

"Oh, move your mouth up, let's break our legs and go!"