MTL - Pursuing Immortality-Chapter 735 Phoenix (4)

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On the top of the high cliff, the mist was heavy and diffused.

A large cloud covered the clifftop scenery, and it seemed to be cut off from the outside world.


Suddenly, there was a muffled thunder in the depths of the clouds, and it was just around the corner. The sound suddenly amplified, accompanied by a strong hissing of the howling sword, as if several forces were converging at one point.

Immediately after that, a wave of blue, ink, purple, silver ... a wave of mixed light, starting from the inside, slammed the barrier of forbiddenness.


The cloud trembled sharply, tumbling and rising, and the original obstacles were suddenly lost.

"It's finally figured out!"

Gu Xun first came out, took a deep breath, it was the familiar salty and wet sea breeze, and when he looked around, it had become an ordinary mist, and the scenery was visible.

There is also a mottled stone trail underneath, winding up.

Xiao Shi and Xia Lufei also looked around, can not help but wonder, "This prohibition is too easy, is it really a **** bird and a phoenix?"

"There are so many tubes, you'll know when you go up."

So the three continued along the path, crossed a raised hill, walked down for a while, and stopped.

I saw an open flat land at the highest point of the cliff, where a huge sycamore was born.

Thirty feet high, the tree is thick and exaggerated.

Sycamore was originally green and green, with leaves as short as flowers. But this tree is golden from the trunk to the leaves.

The trunk is knotless, soaring upward, holding a dazzling golden giant umbrella, imposing.

There are countless crimson flower peduncles, five inches long, five prisms combined, affixed to it, the most are five or six, the less two or three, as large as longan.

Without seeing the trace of the Phoenix, a weird bird's nest stood on the treetop. It seems to be made of wood sticks mixed with a layer of adhesive, round and sealed, like a giant egg.


Above the clouds, always watching the four immortals below, and suddenly whispering together, this situation also exceeded their expectations,

"Is that a nest?" Changsheng wondered.

"It should be a nest, but why is it closed?" Jiuru said.

"It's not all, there is still an air hole at the top, and there is life fluctuation in it, although it is very weak." He He said.

"It looks like a protective device. Is it a Phoenix inside?"

Han Tang paused, remembering an ancient miscellaneous book that he had accidentally read, and there was a record on it, which was similar to this situation.

He quickly said, the other three frowned, a little more complicated than expected. However, it suddenly dawned on me that it was no wonder that the teacher let himself wait for someone to handle it.


Let's talk next.

The three turned around the Indus, and Gu Yue leapt above the treetops, and also found the air hole, but couldn't see inside. He tried to explore with divine thought, and was blocked by the bird's nest.

He simply reached out and tapped the bird's nest lightly.

The contents seemed to move, and it also sent out a very intense panic and anxiety, and the breath was too big and small, and it was impossible to judge the real state.

He did not act rashly, and looked around again, seeing a bunch of fruits hanging above his head, like deep red beads, crystal and jade, and picked a bunch of jumps.

"Nothing! In this case, either the old, the weak, the sick, or the six-family, built a nest to protect themselves. Those rays should be cast by the bird's nest, and its breath is weak, for fear it consumes a lot of energy."

Gu Yan shook his head again and again, quite disappointed, pretending to be like the real thing.

Xia Lufei was also very frustrated, saying: "Xu Shi had too high expectations for Phoenix, and at this moment he was a little bit interested."

"It's normal! When I first changed the dragon, I didn't lively for a while, but later I learned the truth, all of them are like constipation. Our spiritual environment is only thirty years old. What kind of good bird can we give birth to? If you are an emperor bird, you should cry your father and call your mother again.

The little sister didn't make a difference, grabbed the fruit and played for a while, and pinched another and licked it.

Her ancestors used traditional Chinese medicine to dazzle her ears. She was surprised: "The sycamore seeds are edible and can be used as medicine, nourishing qi and nourishing yin, clearing eyes and flattening the liver, and black hair. It can be crushed into fine powder and blended with honey to treat tongue inflammation.

This fruit is not simple. It is extremely beneficial to female nuns. It repairs internal damage, keeps energy, and prolongs life. "


They were also quite surprised.

Today, Ling Zhi is blooming everywhere, and there are many things that can prolong life, but those are for ordinary people. The physiological function of ordinary people is low and shallow, and it is enough to use three points of medicine, but different monks may use five points or even ten points.

For example, a congenital monk, Shou Yuan is about to run out, and he can extend his life for another year. That is a great elixir!

The little sister shook her head and said solemnly: "In fact, the most wonderful function of Indus seeds is to squeeze oil."

"Squeezing oil? Are you cooking?" Gu Min was curious.

"What kind of food to cook? It's a lubricant."


Gu Yan and Xia Lufei looked at each other, did not want to crook, did not want crooked, this lubrication is not the other lubrication!

This puppet was sitting cross-legged under a sycamore tree and discussing what to do. They were not greedy and ruthless people. They had to ask the teacher's door.

I was about to release a messenger, and I heard a clutter of footsteps coming from below.

The clouds and mist were violently tumbling again, a group of people crossed the hills, and came to the front, but it was Hu Huaili and others who broke through the obstacle.

Entering more than forty, only twelve came out, all embarrassed, I do not know what happened.

Xi Huaili carried a Wuqing sword and stared at the Indus tree at a glance. The rest of them shined their eyes, as if it were a golden money tree, or even a golden mountain that could not be dug.

Those who practice spiritually work hard. Only a few lucky people can seek the longevity avenue, and most of the mediocre ones are not these visible and tangible treasures.

"Oh? The little friend has already taken the treasure, then I will not be rude, but I have to see what is magic about this Golden Indus!"

He glanced at the sycamore seed in the little sister's hand, talking in his mouth, and striding forward at the same time, he was about to fly onto the tree.


A sword sings, Gu Xiaofei crosses his sword, "Slow!"

Pai Huaili stepped in a footstep, his face piled up with a smile in the rapid change, "It was my eagerness, it was my eagerness, and we discovered together that it should be assigned."

"Who wants to assign to you, this tree can't move, and that puppet can't move." Gu Xiaofei said.

"You take your own treasure, but you don't let us touch it, relying on the teacher's door, don't you put my Lingnan in your eyes?" An elder of the Huaguang School yelled.

"This phoenix is ​​different than expected. The situation is unknown at this time. It is best to be alarmed and wait for us to ask the teacher to make a plan."

"It is your business to ask the teacher's door, and the Indus tree is not yours. How are you qualified to control our actions?" Said an elder of the Liuren Church.


Gu Xiaofei was not good at arguing, and suddenly hesitated, saying: "You can't move anyway!"

Tong Huaili was deep-faced, still thinking about gains and losses, but others could not help but yelled: "We have broken nearly a hundred people, and it is easy to find the sycamore tree, and you can leave us alone without saying a word.

"Although our Lingnan territory is small, you Shenxiao and Bashan also do not want to bully others!"

"Leave them alone, come together!"

After all, more than a dozen people rushed forward, intending to bypass the Tatars and take the Indus treasure tree straight. Bian Huaili gave way to her body intentionally or unintentionally, but she did not keep persuading:

"Stop everyone, you can't discuss anything, it's not going to hurt you!"

They came to more than a hundred people, and the cannon fodder had already paved the way, and the rest were masters of various factions, all of them innate.

Lingnan practice is extremely popular, there are more than 20 Guangmen factions, and they attach great importance to martial arts, and they are good in practice. This group of people rushed over and were aggressive and indeed powerful.

"court death!"

Sister Xiaoshi has long seen them unhappy, and just had an excuse for personal fight.

The sword's body was swimming with light, water mines, and wood thunders bursting into a stream of life and death. The huge yin and yang fish emerged from behind.

She stabbed obliquely with a sword, a certain elder of the Red Lotus faction was startled, and hurriedly avoided, knowing that she could not be good, and she also used her means.

I saw him stepping on the broken steps with a weird frequency, and then striding forward.


The ground trembled, Gu Xiaofei suddenly felt slow, and his limbs were bound, as if there was a huge weight on his body.

Red lotus martial arts!

The elders did not dare to neglect, and stepped on the weird steps, walking around Gu Xiaofei like a wheel.

Every turn, the strength of the body is increased. This trick is called the turntable tactic, commonly known as Jiu Niu Pushing. It is also a typical red lotus martial art, which has the power of nine cows.

The elder was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye he raised his strength to the highest, his hands stretched out, and he hurried forward.


The mighty wind set off a violent wind, roaring towards the other side, and it was enough to crack the mountain.

He pushed it out with both palms, and before closing, his pupils suddenly contracted, reflecting a little dark and dark.

Heimang skyrocketed, such as the Yangtze River, rolling up. Not like women's swordsmanship at all, but heroic and intimidating, like a white robe that is about to draw its bow.

With the blessing of the deadly sword, the power of the mines increased by several times. In one stroke, it broke through the restraint of the Jin, and it dissipated nine energetic energy.


A sword pierced the chest.

Xiao Shi first killed one person, followed the left to the right, and blocked four people. Xia Lufei also used his means to stop five people.

Gu Yan poked aside, put his hands in his sleeves, and stared at Huai Li's old boy. She smiled bitterly and did not dare to move.

Those two were talented talents and were trained by their respective sects. They are by no means comparable to local tyrants. When the war was not long, everyone was losing ground under the continuous and powerful impact.

Lei Fu came out, Hao Ran was just big; Jian Qi was vertical and horizontal, invincible.

This chaos ~ ~ was immediately messy, and the leaves and fruits of the sycamore fell. The life in the bird's nest became more and more manic, and rammed into it, making a "full" sound.

The sound was like a flute, clear and translucent, pleasant to the ear, but at the moment with a clear sense of help.

The crowd kept fighting, it kept calling, ringing through the island and spreading far and wide.


I don't know how long it took, and a response came from a distance, and it was getting closer, with great anger.


More than a dozen people suddenly stopped and trembled, all feeling a majestic pressure, and under their hoods.

Suddenly, everyone thought that the sun was gone, and looked up, only to find that a huge creature cast a shadow, covering the whole cliff top.

Divine Phoenix!

(Migraine has been committed again, and it is gone at night.) ()