MTL - Pursuing Immortality-Chapter 26 Chen Xiang Exhibition (middle)

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As the market for playing incense has become more and more prosperous in recent years, all kinds of raw spices have been harvested and flooded. It has been difficult to find Huanghua pear for 20 years, let alone old water.

It took a lot of effort for Li Yang to get a batch of raw materials, such as Agarwood, Thuja, Red Sandalwood, Red Rosewood, etc., with a wide variety of categories, and also meant to be filled by quantity.

This kind of private activity is not open to the public, and most of the invited friends and relatives and potential customers. Now some small bosses are keen to play incense, too expensive to afford, but more than 100,000 small trouble can still be.

So there was a lap around the scene, and there were a hundred people in the game.

Qiujiang Xiaozhai took Yanpan to the fourth floor and was stopped at the door. She took out her business card and the security guards immediately released it. There is also a difference between a business card and a business card. The tyrant gold in her hand is the proof of Li Yang's association.

The two girls entered the room and looked up into a hall. The wood was stacked according to the category and there was a workbench next to it. Next door is a tea room where you can rest and talk.

洋 Li Yang saw her, but didn't say hello, but walked forward, pressing her hands in a false manner: "Well, please be quiet. First of all, thank you for your face, and you can come to hold the younger brother's field. The younger brother also voted for Tao, but it took a lot of preparation.

Everyone who knows incense, some who don't, and anyone who is interested in getting started, it doesn't matter. We will follow the rules when we open the materials. It ’s your hand to make a good start; if you make a white one, do n’t get discouraged. Everyone is a figure with a head and a face, and you can't make it real on these things. Well, I won't stop talking nonsense, everyone is happy. "

I said, he just came over and smiled: "Miss Jiang, I thought you weren't coming."

"Oh, it's a bit delayed, this is my good friend, Xiaopan."

Li Yang shook hands with Yun Pan and asked, "I don't know what kind of incense Miss Jiang is interested in. I can introduce one or two."

"Uh, I don't understand, let's see for yourself."

"Well, please, please, please contact me if you have any questions."

He still had a good-looking face, and he didn't cling to his face, then turned and left. Pan Pan was very strange, and asked, "Oh, don't you understand?"

"Understand and understand, return to the people." Jiang Xiaozhai responded casually.


He hoped, and asked, "What should he do if we have to bother us?"

"Of course I used your shield."

Xiao Xiaozhai held her arms in her arms, and held her in her arms, smiling. "I said your aunt is here and needs to be rescued."

"Oh, you're so disgusting!"

The two girls laughed and went to the area of ​​red sandalwood. They saw that each piece of wood was neatly arranged, ranging from short to thick, thick and thin, some with a dark black skin, and some were like a brown trunk.

Most of the guests are watching from Chen Xiang. There are few people here. Only a bald middle-aged man is picking. But looking at him, it was a half-knowable, black-faced question mark.

I didn't understand at all, and looked at Xiaozhai in the past, spinning around the pile of wood. For a long time, she picked up a one-meter-long one, tapped it carefully, and rubbed the skin again, and asked, "Can you cut a slice?"

"You can cut it if you buy it," said the service staff.

"Oh, that's fine."

并不 She didn't fall in love, she just flashed when she got up, and Pan looked for a few steps and asked, "How? How?"

"That's not bad." She pointed back.

"How good?"

"Enough for you to eat a few spicy crabs."

"Why don't you buy it? You don't have enough money, I have it," said Pan Pan urgently.

"That piece of material is at least 20 pounds, 500 pounds, then more than 10,000 yuan. A pound of material can produce at most a string of beads, a string of beads sells for a thousand, and the cost of work is shaved, and there is not much left. . Besides I don't like rosewood. "

"Oh, you are wayward, I'll tell you!"

Hope was speechless, and had nodded her head, but she was not enough, and she jumped a little.

对话 Their conversation did not avoid others, and the bald man was clearly heard. He tangled for two seconds before pointing to the piece of material: "This, I want this!"


The waiter Lisuo measured and weighed, the bald man swiped his card, and Ma Liu took it to the workbench, which happened to be the first one. At the sight of others, Hula La came around to make fun and talked.

"Everything is said to be empty, this looks inconspicuous, it is estimated to be bad."

"It's hard to say, maybe it's a fish scale full of Venus!"

"Ha, have the luck to buy stocks directly."

The buzz buzzed, and the master was unmoved, looked at the wood, and first took a blade to remove a thin layer to expose the red meat inside. Then apply the special "toning water", the texture of the surface immediately come to life.


Everyone was amazed, and saw that the background of the material was pure, with a flame pattern, and even more rare, there were 80% full of Venus.

The so-called Venus is the precipitation of minerals in the duct fibers of the trunk, forming a point-like solid crystal with a golden luster. With or without Venus, the value of the material is completely different. At this moment, someone shouted: "Lao Zhang, let me give you this material. I double the amount you spend!"

"Why are you so stupid!"

The bald-headed man wiped his sweat, turned his head and made a noise, looking quite nervous. He didn't care about the money, he just played for the first time and felt very irritating. He urged: "Master, continue!"


Mr. Master glanced at him, mounted the machine tool, and only heard a harsh cutting sound, the material was cut off. Everyone hurriedly took a look. Oh, it was a pity.

Suddenly Venus had only a thin layer, it was gone, and black bars appeared.


The bald-headed man is also obscure and insists: "Master, cut again!"

Then the third knife, even worse, was a hollow, occupying half of the cross section. Follow the fourth or fifth knife, or hollow. The sixth knife is better, mellow and mellow ... At the end, a total of more than a dozen sections were cut, and one third were hollow.

I'm actually pretty good, Shi Tan Jiu Kong is not kidding. The teacher also comforted him: "It's a success. It's not a loss if you can make a dozen beads."

"Oh, bad luck!" The bald man sighed and kept sighing.

It won't take long for the honing beads, he simply made them together. The first hand was so embarrassing, and there was a great excitement in the stimulus, and when the mood was calm, the guy suddenly remembered:

Hey, that little girl is awesome!

Xia Ya instantly determined to hold her thighs, and quickly searched around, and then the fart was far behind.

Uh ...

"Vivi, how about this?"

At the same time, in the agarwood area on the other side, He Tian pointed to a piece of old water and asked.


Zeng Yuewei frowned, ignoring his affectionate title, and carefully identified it. The material is very large, like a broken trunk lying on a display stand, the skin is brown and black, the black is oil, and the brown is the fragrant wood, which is chemically reacted in the swamp, and presents a new form.

Agarwood is a whole piece, there is no cross section, you can only judge the internal quality based on the skin, oil color and position of the center of gravity.

Her understanding of incense, she was shaking with a bottle of less than half a bottle. At this moment, she refused to show weakness, and reluctantly said: "This should be a sinking material of Kalimantan, full of oil and good appearance."

"Ms. Zeng really deserves its reputation!"

Immediately after the utterance of the words, Li Yang came over from the side and praised: "This is indeed the material of Kalimantan. It was collected by 700,000. It is the highlight of today. I don't know who has this courage."


He Hetian glanced across the field, and he laughed, "You're counting on these bands of dirt? No one will buy them at that time. I'm not going to help you, or where do you put your face?"

"It's awful, let's call it love, my face is yours too."

"Oh! The only thing I lost to you since I was a kid is this face, it's just ... what do you see?" He Tian was spraying in Barabara, but they didn't care, and his eyes were gazing elsewhere.

He looked down, and saw two sisters dangling not far away, one tall and one short. Yami understood, and said, "What's the matter, new?"

"Can't talk, I haven't touched yet." Li Yang said.

"Hurry up without getting started, how much more work do you want?"


Zeng Yuewei also saw, a little girl with water spirit. She knew in her mind that this must be the prey of Li Yang, and most of them could not escape with the power background of the other party.

She thought of herself again, and suddenly felt sad and weak, excuses: "You talk, I go to the bathroom."

Waiting for her to leave, Li Yang laughed: "Don't say me, did you get started?"

"If it weren't for the old lady at home, she would have gone to bed! But such a woman is much stronger and feels better than outside!"

He Tian snorted and asked, "Why is that woman?"

"Timble's staff."

"That still needs to wait and see? I tell you, women all love money, the difference is that some dress, some don't. Why, don't tell me this is true love?"

"Women love money, but the scoring method, what you lack most is technical content ..."

洋 Li Yang retracted his eyes, called out the staff, and whispered a few words, then the man stepped down to prepare. He Tian heard this, can not help but look down on his face, but too lazy to talk nonsense.

Uh ...

The gambling has been going on for more than an hour. At first, it was a little bit hand-knotted, but as the good materials were cut open, the atmosphere gradually became warm.

The two workbenches are busy, Dora Dora is just cutting, accompanied by surprise and cursing. Gambling is nature. No matter what you gamble, as long as you have that unexpected pleasure, addiction is a matter of minutes.

In a crowd of restless people, Xiaozhai and Panpan are two special cases, wandering around carelessly ... Oh, there is still a wretched bald man hanging from behind.

He walked with the two for a long time, but did not see any action. When he was about to give up ~ ~, he finally stopped in Huanghuali District.

Xun Xiaozhai picked and picked up a big one, and then put it down. Then he picked up a small one, seemed very satisfied, and greeted him directly: "Call this."

The waiter quickly weighed and said, "The bran pear material from Qiongzhou has a length of 53cm, a large head diameter of 10cm, a small head of 4cm, and a weight of 7 kg."

She hastily paid for it, not too expensive, more than 4,000 yuan.

All the things that Wenwan said were changed from collection to investment, from investment to speculation, to crazy hype, and finally the bubble burst. The previous year was the peak period of Huanghuali, which cost nine thousand per kilogram. Last year it fell sharply, no one asked for nine hundred kilograms. This year has picked up again, rising to more than 600 per catty.

Qiongzhou Huanghua pear is mainly divided into avocado and bran pear. The bran pear grows in the southeast with less oiliness and beautiful lines. Avocados grow in the west, with high density and high oil content.

Simply put, one texture looks good, and one is better, depending on your preference.

Xiao Xiaozhai kept shaking, just like walking in the vegetable market, so he bought it with a click. Wan Pan and the bald man were startled, the former also advised: "You are optimistic, don't be impulsive, what about the half-month salary ..."

"Okay, let's go!"

She smiled at her sister, and then glanced at it unintentionally, giving the balding man an embarrassment.

The two girls were going over to the workbench, and suddenly a big wave girl came to the stage and held the microphone and said:

"Everyone, please be quiet. In order to thank you for your participation and enthusiasm, we have decided to temporarily add a lottery link. We will give each guest a number plate and then we will draw a lottery. In addition to today ’s Zhongbao, this is this A 700,000 Kalimantan sink, the lucky one can pick a piece of spices at will, and we will give it away for free! "