MTL - Pulling Together a Villain Reformation Strategy-Chapter 90 Furnace

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There are also a lot of implements in her hands. However, the other party is prepared and has a large number of people. The spiritual power of the self-cleaning people can't support the implements very quickly. Seeing that the arm is stunned for a moment, he quickly yelled: "Wait First class!"

Cao Lei’s hand was in the air, but he still did not take back the attacking posture. He smiled slightly: “Repent?”

Since the wisdom of the scattered people bite the teeth: "If I give you the marrow jade, do you really let us go?"

Cao Lei’s gaze touched her from the beginning to the foot, and finally paused on the high-spirited chest and smiled: “What do you say?”

Since the Hui people rushed to breathe two breaths, and couldn’t speak for a while, Cao Lei said again: "It’s not only my sorrowful teachings, but you think that even if I raise my hand now, you carry the gang under your hand. How far can the rescuer be able to go?"

Since the number of people who have changed their faces, the balance has been changed for a long time, and finally they barely smiled: "The teacher of Cao said that it was just that I just wanted to swear, and I still need more care from Cao."

Cao Lei laughed, but the self-respecting person is very good in appearance, and the one that makes him most proud is the identity of the other party. The original Lingyin faction has been so high for so many years. Who can think that even the younger sister of the immortal teacher will bend to him? Under the body?

This feeling is really wonderful. Cao Lei hooked his finger to Hui, and said with pride: "Come here."

Self-respecting his smug face, he hated it in his heart, but he couldn’t help but bow his head and had to walk over and was caught by Cao Lei.

This scene happened to be the eyes of Jiang Xunyi and Jiang Mou Building, which had just arrived in the distance.

The two of them were strong and strong, and the terrain of the station was high. Therefore, the cause and effect were clearly seen, but Cao Lei and others did not notice it. Jiang Molou has always been a hot temper, this is not too light, straight up the waist will be dismissed, Jiang searched but slammed his hand to block his chest: "Five miles behind, what sound?"

Jiang Molou’s meal, a few moments of meditation: “There are others... a lot.”

Jiang Xunyi looked at the distance, but did not see anything. He glanced at the self-revolving person standing next to Cao Lei, and picked up the reins and gestured to Jiang Molou: "Divisional action, all caution."

Jiang Molou looked at Jiang’s search for hesitation, and nodded, turned and beat the horse.

The other one, Cao Lei, humiliated Zihui and refused to give up. He raised his finger to a group of Xi Lingyin’s disciples. “You stand in a row from left to right, telling me one by one, is it better to teach Tianzhu, or Lingyin. More powerful?"

Several disciples face each other. After all, the famous men’s sects have been proud of them for so many years. They are somewhat difficult to talk about. However, the weeds around them are just one inch long, just like the cockroaches/arrows waiting to be sent.

The first person on the left was shivering and shouted loudly: "Yes, it is Tianzhuo! Tianzhu teaches the world's first, Lingyue... **** is not worth it!"

Self-healing bites his lips, and blinks and sees Cao Lei looking at him with a smile, and quickly stretches his look.

Cao Lei laughed loudly and said: "Well, a famous child, worth it, you can spare one life today! Next."

The second disciple was very reluctant, and refused to look at Cao Lei. He only reprimanded himself to self-respect: "Since the uncle Hui, I originally thought that the masters were misbehaving. The two brothers were all covered, and this will follow you. Now it seems that this is not the case at all. Are all the words you said before are all filthy words? Why are you doing this today? I have been in the past for hundreds of years, and I’m bleeding, not bowing. What is Tianzhuo teaching? I have never heard of it!"

Cao Lei sneered: "Hey, I would rather die than die, then I will fulfill you!"

But before he even shot, the hooves of "哒哒" suddenly came from the top of the mountain. The horse was very fast. He rushed down the mountain all the way. It was already in sight, and several members of the teachings of the gods came forward. Drinking, but not waiting for it, has already flew out inexplicably.

Cao Lei was eclipsed, and when he looked closely, he found that there was only one person in front of him. The man who was sitting in the snow and white was sitting on a man, his body was long and his neck was jade, and he looked like a singer. The wind is rolling over, and it seems that the whole person is like a sapphire tree. The appearance has not yet been seen clearly, and the momentum has already taken the lead.

People like this, far from last year, are light, and there are not many names that can be called under the sun. Cao Lei suddenly gave birth to a terrible thought, muttering: "Is it his..."

When the comers approached, Cao Lei accidentally caught the other's gaze, only that the eyes were cold and cold, like a star, and the endless clear and indifferent, a handsome and exquisite, really is his heart. The man who guessed, suddenly burst into chills, feared and shouted: "Come, stop him!"

He instinctively perceives the danger and picks up the instruments in his hand and continually taps. With such a percussion sound, the grass underneath was like a sharp arrow flying to the man. The man saw such a dense arrow rain, but there was no fear of it. He just sneaked a smack of sleeves, and the chaotic grasses all flew back. He did not touch his clothes and half a minute. Instead, he shot a lot of Tianzhu. The congregation.

Scorpio teaches a law-protection method and sees that it is not good to sacrifice the instrument: "River Stone Arrow!"

However, the people did not stop moving forward because of the attack. They rushed and rushed up like lightning. The real arrow went straight to the door. He did not move, and he took the arrow and grabbed it. The cracked stone arrow was thrown back, right in the middle of the elder chest.

Cao Lei immediately reprimanded the man who was self-respecting Huo Rang: "What is this person coming to? The leader, I will go to this kid."

Cao Lei did not return, and he said: "Do you shut up, look for death? He is Jiang Yiyi!"

He couldn’t help him with the chaotic arrows. Jiang searched his head and looked up. He saw the wooden fence around Xi Ling’s disciples, and his thin lips were slightly hooked. His slender five fingers made a few French seals on his chest, followed by pushing the palms outwards. A fireball with a golden light flew out of the palms and fell on the top of the wooden fence. The fire slammed and spread. It became a fire dragon, almost in a flash, and the huge wooden fence was turned into an ashes.

The man behind Cao Lei was shocked and angry. He jumped forward regardless of the situation and shouted: "What about Jiang Zhiyi? Just a hairy boy!"

Jiang Xunyi snorted softly, did not answer, but the white horse accelerated, a sword light flashed, and the person who drunk him was already in the same position.

Cao Lei didn't think that Jiang searched for it so quickly. Seeing that the person had arrived, he immediately waved his long whip and hit the door.

Jiang searched for a sword.

However, what people did not expect was that his sword did not block the whip that was drawn to the face, but broke the throat of Cao Lei.

Cao Lei’s whip lost his strength at the inch before Jiang’s search for his face, and he fell down weakly and slammed into the ground.

"...jiang, search, meaning."

Jiang Xunyi still lazy to open his mouth, his eyes fluttering around in a circle, suddenly flung from the horse back silently. Obviously it is a broad day, and his skill is like a ghost, which makes people feel the meaning of Sen Han.

Xi Lingyin’s disciples arrived at this moment and reacted to the people who rescued them. Several people screamed out loudly: “Brothers, brothers are coming!” Love is full of words.

Jiang’s search was like he did not hear, and he went straight. He knows that his temperament and sinfulness are all unintentional. Only the first Xi Lingyin disciple has just finished saying that he is humiliating. The most feared person in his life suddenly appeared and walked toward himself. He was so scared that he was so frightened and trembled: "Brother, I... I just said that it was a last resort, and I asked the brothers to forgive sins!"

Jiang searched for faintness: "It’s all this time, and there is a face for me to forgive sins. It’s enough for you to die."

The man was shocked and stunned. He still wanted to talk, but his throat suddenly became a cold. Jiang searched for the cold and slashed into the sheath: "I don't think it is better to teach the gods than to teach the gods."

The people who are still alive in Scorpio are scared to the atmosphere and dare not come out. For a long while, one person trembles: "Jiang Gongzi, we are blind, and Tianzhu teaches nature to be incomparable with Lingyin..."

Jiang Xunyi interrupted him lazily: "Go."

The other party was shocked and happy. I couldn't believe what he said was true. He turned around and ran. He didn't run out of two steps. In front of him, a fire wall slammed into the ground. Jiang searched: "I said you understand." Don't know the rules?"

Everyone knows that the rules are mixed, but I didn’t expect him to do things so absolutely. The people who teach Tianzhu are pale and white. After a while, no one has ever beaten the river, and they have to bite their teeth. Spiritual pulse.

Jiang sought to remove the fire wall, and a group of people stumbled down the mountain. When they came, they were so arrogant that they did not dare to return.

There was only the people of Xi Lingyin who were left alone. They looked at Jiang’s search. They felt both angry and ashamed. A disciple suddenly burst into tears and lost his voice: "I have seen my brother... In fact, after I have said goodbye, Disciple... The disciple is thinking about you all the time. At the beginning, I misunderstood the words of the villain and misunderstood the brothers... the disciple is damned."

Jiang looked around and looked at him. He saw that he was just the one who refused to give in, and his face was slightly relieved: "You followed the self-recovering spirit, and it was wrong. But today, there is still a bit of bone." , the merits and demerits."

After he finished speaking, he stopped paying attention to the other party and turned his attention to self-confidence. He said: "Now... is it worth our account?"

Compared to the confrontation with Cao Lei just now, Zihui saw that Jiang was not so scared. It was probably in her mind that this person was still the little child boy who was bullying in the past, proudly saying: "No matter How do you say, my seniority is still here, you are not the head, the second non-elder, a hybrid that is embarrassed, what qualifications are there to settle with me?"

Jiang searched for a glimpse, still did not speak, and suddenly there was a hoof. This time it was very messy. It seems that there are many horses rushing at the same time. When the first one is rushing, the horse has jumped down without waiting for the horse to slow down. He grabbed the self-cleaning and could not help but tell her about seven or eight slaps.

Jiang Xunyi sincerely said: "...the desert, you are amazing."

Jiang Molou coldly released the self-cleaning person, and took a piece of scorpion from his arms to wipe his hand: "You don't love to care about her, but I can't hear such words."

Read Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground