MTL - Public Enemy-Chapter 419 please come again

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(Dingtian Novels. dtxsj.) "You run really fast!" Standing in a hidden grand canyon, Yiji retracted the weapon in her hand into the scabbard, looking at all kinds of fallen monsters around, one of them The huge meat bun of hundreds of meters is now also full of huge cracks, and there are big holes blasted out everywhere. [WWw.YZUU dot m] (Search and Read Wo.)

Looking at the Misaka sisters who were hiding in the distance to support, Yoshihime made a gesture, and those Misaka sisters immediately started to leave.

This is undoubtedly a breeding place for these monsters, or a production base. There must be no such creatures in this world, but this kind of monsters just appeared.

When cleaning up the breeding places of these monsters, Yiji also found an unusual figure, but the other party's reaction was also very sharp, and she was not at all interested in fighting, or those things seemed to exist like clones, deliberately sending her to Some pre-arranged traps to lead.

"It was advanced again." After Yiji left, some magicians also rushed over. Looking at the Grand Canyon that had been cleaned up, they all discovered the root of these monsters, and they knew that just eliminating these monsters would not be enough. Not enough, the most important thing is to eliminate the production bases of these monsters.

"It may be that some strong man passed by here. Let's go to the next place quickly. Be careful, these monsters are getting stronger and stronger."

"I see, I really don't know where these monsters came from."

"Who knows? Couldn't it be caused by this war?"

"How is that possible? Let's go quickly. The monsters we are facing are not bad. I heard that in some places, humanoid monsters with a height of tens of meters have appeared. They are like giants."

"Oh... I really don't know when this will end."

"What? Let the other party run away again?" Looking at the leaving magicians, Feng Ji said to Yi Ji beside her.

"It's fake again, the other party is very excited." Yi Ji shook her head, "The other party seems to be delaying our time. It feels like these monsters are specially designed to cause chaos, otherwise the world will calm down.[]"

"How is it?" Kamijou Touma asked Chen Yi, regarding the several huge humanoid monsters lying down beside Chen Yi. Can be understood as a large cottage EVA.

"What else can I do? Didn't you not know whether the purpose of the fire on the right was for Sasha before? Now you can be sure of the other party's purpose." Chen Yi looked at Kamijou Touma's sunken eyes, pale skin, said the very thin blond woman.

The opponent is Elisarina of the Elisarina Alliance of Independent States, when he first arrived here. These monsters are already wreaking havoc.

"...Isn't it too late to say this now? Everyone has been taken away." Rubbing his forehead, Kamijou Touma said, those huge humanoid monsters were all left before the fire of the right side left.

"I said. If we leave, will you be able to withstand it?" Chen Yi turned his head and looked at the Elizalina Independent States Alliance that seemed to be split in two, and said to the blonde woman.

"...With the elimination of these huge monsters, the originally panicked citizens have now settled down. However, with the arrival of other disaster victims, other monsters may be attracted. If possible, you..." Elisarina's face was a little bit It's embarrassing to say, if it's other monsters, it's okay to say something, but if there are some huge monsters of tens of meters. That's another story.

These humanoid monsters are not only very destructive in melee combat, but also have a long-distance attack, and even release a weak golden shield with a polygonal shape. Although they can't defend against some powerful attacks, but It can be said that the bombing of those artillery fires was completely ignored.

As for foreign aid? Now other areas are probably not much better. Where can I find foreign aid?

"Hey, hey! Let's go find the guy with the chicken feet on the back who just left...Okay, okay, don't look at me like this, we are so heartless, here you are." Chen Yi said He took out two small dolls, "Each of them has 60% of my It lasted for an hour, is it enough for you?"

"This? Is it a puppet?" Elizalina looked at the puppet in Chen Yi's hand suspiciously. (When you read the novel, you will go to Ye Zi·you~you M)

"Don't doubt, there is absolutely a guarantee of quality, at least it can explode these monsters."

"Is it really okay?" Kamijou Touma said to Chen Yi as he walked on a flat snowy field. Chainsaw weapon.

This area was originally a snowfield, but around the base where the fire on the right is located, all shelters have been completely removed, not to mention artificial buildings, and even the coniferous trees are gone. The snow field is prepared to quickly grasp the location of the comer and accurately launch missiles.

It's just that it's more thorough now. The densely packed monsters on the snow field are patrolling back and forth. From time to time, these monsters will fight because of unintentional collisions. The victor can get the flesh and blood of the other party. The **** killing is going on silently. , it will not appear that the defense will become weaker because of the decrease in the number, just like raising Gu, the poison that survives at the end is the strongest.

Not to mention those huge figures in the distance.

"There is a basket problem. I don't believe that there are many hostile and strong people visiting that small place, and the reason we have as little contact there as possible is to prevent people from arresting people and threatening... Cough!" Chen Yi said and looked into the distance The monster seemed to be attracted by the sound, "The sense is so sharp, I will kill them directly later, and then rush in."

The terrain here was originally like a hill, and there was a cave about two meters in diameter on the slope. The cave is not horizontal, but extends downwards.

"Will this be too impulsive..." Kamijou Touma hadn't finished speaking, a lot of light spots flew from a distance, and all kinds of long-range bombardment shells fell into this area, "I ×!"

Looking at the missiles bombarding like a carpet, Kamijou Touma couldn't help cursing. Although looking at these shells is to destroy these monsters, they are obviously also in the range of being bombed.

A large number of monsters roared in this snowy field, and then they were submerged by intensive bombardment, and then in the explosion, like the laser light emitted by the laser cannon, it shot straight into the sky, and the thick beam of light swept away from the shells that came again However, dense explosions echoed from the air.

"Damn it!" Standing up from the snow. Kamijou Touma looked at the bombed place in front of him, and couldn't scold if he wanted to, because those shells were not aimed at them. It was just unintentional. The reason why he is uninjured now is because a large number of shells were shot down by those huge monsters that were bombed.

It's not over yet, after the initial shelling. The ground began to vibrate and crack, as if something was about to break through the ground. Those huge monsters and the remaining monsters also seemed to sense something extraordinary, let out a huge roar, and then As if expelled by some force, even the huge figure of tens of meters flew to the distance like a piece of paper, and those fragile ones were already torn apart when they were hit.

All kinds of items flying in from all over the world are gathered here. Thousands, tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands of various cultural crystals collected from all over the world are gathered in one place and then overlapped in a complex manner. It's not like a puzzle that is neatly organized from the beginning. Rather, it is like a pinion made by oneself in order to repair a faulty precision clock. Parts with different uses are hard embedded in the main body to create other new functions.

A huge mountain of structures, and it cannot be accommodated within the hinterland of the base ten kilometers long on each side.

"How could it be at this time! Damn it!" Looking at the ground that was being lifted into the sky, Chen Yi's expression changed. Under Kamijou Touma's and Leisa's puzzled gazes, Chen Yi's face became more tangled, "It seems that this is the base camp of the fire on the right, so..."

Before Chen Yi finished speaking, his whole body seemed to be pulled away by a huge force, and Kamijou Touma, who was pressed by the abnormal gravity brought by the rapid rise of the object, didn't even have a chance to stop it.

"What's going on?" Kamijou Touma asked in confusion.

"Could it be that there are some new enemies?" Leisa guessed. The ground under their feet is rising rapidly, and the sky that was previously covered by white clouds has revealed blue, and now they are above the clouds.

"Are you ready?" The girl who is still one-eyed, the girl standing out of place in the snow, at least those monsters that look extremely fierce to outsiders now look like ants facing a dragon in front of this girl Generally, try to curl up your body as much as possible.

"I'll go! Here you are." Chen Yi said, throwing the piece of paper over, anyway, Geass's rule is: everyone's Geass ability is the deepest wish in his heart that he wants to realize at the moment of obtaining Geass.

Chen Yi wrote this out.

Seeing such a simple content, the girl didn't get furious after being cheated for so many days in exchange for this sentence of no more than fifty, but said it in a strange tone.

"Geass? The ability at that moment is the deepest desire in my heart that I want to fulfill? It sounds like a possibility of manipulation."

"I'm leaving..." Chen Yi, who was stared at by Othinus' piercing eyes, twitched the corners of his mouth.

[Othinus: LV: 1, 140, Demon God! 】

Although he didn't know what was going on with that fluctuating value, Chen Yi didn't think it was scum with less than 1 combat power.

"If that's the case, it seems that it is very possible to get the ability to control 'possibility'?" Chen Yi just turned around, Othinus said again, "Your ability... can be deprived... Bar?"


Intensive sonic booms came from the place where Chen Yi was standing just now, UU Reading A giant sword burning with purple-black magic flames slashed at Othinus' side, and he was deprived! ? Just kidding! No matter whether it is possible or not, it is impossible for Tong Chenyi to do that!

The one on the soul core is like the flying bird pattern that grows together. If someone deprives it, who knows if it will hang up?

"You have become stronger, the speed is a little abnormal? Huh?" Othinus looked at Chen Yi who had become dark, "Absorb negative emotions?"

Chen Yi also found a problem, the scale bar at the corner of his eye that was rising slowly now started to speed up, from 63% to jumping up...

【Chen Yi: LV: ⑨⑨~? ? ? 】

Good range... Although question marks appeared on my body, why didn't I feel happy?

"Come on!" As soon as Chen Yi's voice fell, the originally bright sky suddenly darkened... none of his business. (Welcome to your support, which is my biggest motivation.)