MTL - Public Enemy-Chapter 390 How about we count and stop together?

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It should be intentional, right? Chen Yi looked at a piece of information in his hand, and found it at the office of a black-bellied supreme bishop, but the other party would definitely find out about it, and everyone understood what he didn't say. []

The goal of the wind in the front is Academy City, and the goal of the water in the back... eh? Is it yourself?

Chen Yi scratched his head, God's Right Seat? Go back and ask Kaguya, and wipe out the paper in your hand completely. When you go back, you see a certain pope's deputy who has rolled his eyes upside down, and thinks of the one in Academy City, who is also hanging upside down. Why is the gap so big?

"Hey! Are you dead?" Chen Yi kicked the pole, causing the hanging rope to shake for a while, no response?

"Wouldn't that be a little too much?"

When Chen Yi said this, Jiangong Zhaiyu, who almost rolled his eyes, flashed a painful light in his eyes.

"Then it will be better if you hang it more... Chen Yi said that Shi Shiran walked into the dormitory that has been repaired briefly, at least it is no longer leaking.

Time was passing by, Chen Yi seemed to have made up his mind in the end, flipped through the calendar casually, and looked at the time again, um, the time difference of nine hours, if calculated according to the time here, it is still early at the current time It's a bit cool, and the way I look now... Tsk!

It is very unfortunate that Chen Yi's original dormitory was destroyed because the single bathroom above was damaged, and the water leaking below was a mess. Speaking of it, Chen Yi took it upon himself to find a room that was empty and no one was there. Chen Yi directly lay down on the bed inside. Go to sleep first.

He is really a professional guy. Laura looked at the pile of documents on the table mountain. Although it was messy, she remembered every document clearly. Of course, there were not many really valuable contents. It's dictation and it's written down on paper. Well, too much risk.

However, the most important one in this pile of documents is nowhere to be found at this time, and Chen Yi being able to walk away with that document in front of her is just like before when Chen Yi let Laura poke into the void facing him. It's as if the part of that hand casts detection magic at will. [ ] are unlikely to affect anything.

But if Chen Yi is a scumbag and is determined to level the English Puritanism, that would be a different matter. Maybe Laura will find a way to unite with other sects to shovel Chen Yi first.

As for the question of directly opposing sects? The value of Chen Yi is enough to suppress this point. As long as the two sides do not touch the bottom line interests of the other side, it doesn't matter if it is 'excessive', anyway, our relationship is 'iron'!

At nine o'clock in the morning the next day, Chen Yi had just left the dormitory, and he was startled immediately, what the hell! You are still hanging here!

"Not dead, are you?" Chen Yi looked up.

"Soon—" This kind of weak voice, uh, seems to be a bit ridiculous, originally Chen Yi thought that someone would come to put it down later.

"That. Hasn't Kanzaki been here?" Chen Yi said as he untied the rope tied on one side.

"The female Pope just came to deliver a meal." Jiangong Zhaiyu watched Chen Yi let go of the rope, and felt that he changed his posture in the air when he fell, otherwise it would definitely be the result of his brain opening.

"And she didn't put you down?"

"I refused, but seeing how sincere I am, can you go and persuade the Pope?"

"...You are so cheap!"

Chen Yi turned around and left. Then came across the spell to disperse idlers, the streets Chen Yi walked became empty, especially during the daytime, it looked weird, to put it another way, it was hell!

Another sneak attack? Chen Yi's wave perception is turned on, a white skin. Brown hair, three-dimensional facial features like stone carvings, rather solid body, exudes a calm atmosphere, looks quite stubborn, wearing a blue long-sleeved golf suit, a white short-sleeved T-shirt on the outside, and pants. The man in thin slacks with good ventilation rushed towards him at a speed similar to skating on ice.

Chen Yi grinned, isn't this the water from behind!

One finger www.7ket flicked twice on the ground, Chen Yi directly poured a bottle of teleportation potion, when the other party rushed over, they saw only an open space... There were two characters on the ground, and it was not too far behind. Know Chinese. []


Seeing this, Zhishui in the back didn't show any extra expression, he just left the place quickly, since the target has disappeared, and this is not a place to stay for a long time, at least he was prepared to fail before taking action. get ready.

His evaluation of Chen Yi is that he is a kind person, but as long as he is unfavorable to him or the people around him, he can kill without hesitation, calling the other party evil, and the other party's behavior is obviously incompatible with him. If they don't match, sometimes they will hold back against those who are not good for them. It seems that the other party has a unique way of debating.

Most of the people who were murdered were tricks...

Since the operation here can no longer continue, let's change to another place, and treat it as a support, thinking about it and looking in the direction of Academy City.

"Ah! Bitch! What are you messing with!" Crash - the sound of a large piece of water, and the laughter of another girl from Yiji.

"Hey! Turkey, my concubine kindly wiped your back for you." Hiss—the sound of rain spraying water.

"Ugh... bastard, you suddenly changed to cold water! It's too disgusting!" Suddenly there was another sound of splashing water mixed with flames, accompanied by the scream of a certain girl.

'It's so hot! Hot, turkey, you're murder—"

"Deserved it! Who—!"

Water sound? Screaming?

Chen Yi, who had just teleported back with the teleportation potion, immediately heard these two voices, and the water vapor in front of him, Chen Yi touched his chin smoothly, originally he wanted to teleport directly into the room, But during the teleportation process, he suddenly thought of Meihong.

Then the teleportation potion naturally played a role. If there is no accident, he should have 'flyed' directly to Meihong's side now.

So now...

The corners of Chen Yi's eyes suddenly lit up like a 100-watt light bulb. A gorgeous turn, if nothing else...

A hot fireball hit Chen Yi head-on, the strong impact and the air waves caused by the fireball hitting the target directly raged in the small bathroom, and the wooden door with the worst defense became a The best vent, plus a monster of a hundred catties directly hit it.

The poor wooden door suddenly turned into a pile of sawdust.

"You little thief from there! Go to hell!" Meihong's furious voice came again, and the whole bathroom suddenly became a steamer that can steam the dead. If you are dead, you can pull it out and put it in front of Master Bei to eat. The super oven too.

"Ahhh! Turkey, what do you want to do! It's so hot! Hurry up and put out the flames on your body. The hair on your body!" Kaguya's screams also came out.

"I'm going to kill that peeping thief!" Meihong, who covered her body with flames, rushed out of the bathroom, accompanied by the aura brought by the high temperature, all of which showed that the other party was killing her now. Frustrated... A slender arm with raging fire grabbed Chen Yi's collar. There was too much water vapor in the bathroom just now, so I couldn't see the appearance of the person clearly. Mei Hong thought it was some bold **** coming. but now-

"It's me..." Chen Yi with a nosebleed ignored the candle-like flames on his hair stubble, looked at Mei Hong who was on fire all over and said, waves of frightening heat waves kept blowing towards Chen Yi, and some things in the house It has already begun to show signs of melting, should I put out the fire first? Although it has the blessing of Kaguya's eternal power, it's not good to keep burning like this.

"You you you you you..." The angry expression on Meihong's face quickly turned into shock, then into panic, and finally into embarrassment, looking at Chen Yi who was burning with many flames, Meihong He also quickly removed the flames from his body. The flame that originally covered the body has also disappeared... What are you in a daze for! Why don't you hurry up and put out the flames on your body, why is there a nosebleed, it couldn't be because the blow just now was too hard. "Meihong, who was in a panic, obviously forgot her current situation.

Hiss, Chen Yi's shirt that was on fire was ripped off directly, and the few strands of hair that were lit were ripped off directly. Chen Yi grinned unconsciously.

"Is someone invading!?... What are you doing here! It's not dark yet! Hundan!" Yi Ji, who was directly sent down by Feng Ji, looked at the scene in front of her, first stunned for a moment, and then became furious, " Even vigorous energy has a limit! Go to hell!"

The blade with the sharp saber aura slashed at Chen Yi.

"Ha! Empty hands into the white blade...Rumei!" When Chen Yi's hands had just clamped the blade that was cut off from his forehead, Yi Ji let go of the handle of the knife in his hand, and directly took out a weird rifle and pointed it at him. Chen Yi!

"What kind of weapon is this!" Chen Yi stared blankly at the gun in Yi Ji's hand. Well, this is because he came here from the Moon Capital back then.

"Positronic rifle, do you want to try it? Although the trajectory is easy to be exposed and affected, it is impossible to miss it at this distance!" Yiji sneered and looked at Chen Yi with some complacency, "Please forgive me!" , UU Reading Otherwise, even your perverted body will be pierced."

"Well, how could this happen!" Meihong also noticed her appearance at this time, and hurried back to the bathroom.

"You shoot! Threat? Don't think that this is enough if we have a relationship, apologize quickly!" Chen Yi was not polite, and directly touched a black ball from the void that seemed to be able to absorb light. The trick is that a blue number lit up on it destroys the weird feeling on the black ball - a big three characters, symbolizing the duration, of course Chen Yi can continue to increase until it becomes sixty...then It was suicide!

"Black hole bomb, let's see who is cruel! Hurry up and put away that broken gun and apologize!" Chen Yi buttoned his ears.

"Where did you get this thing? This kind of thing is forbidden even in the Moon City... Do you dare to use it?" Yi Ji gave Chen Yi a hard look.

"Do you dare to shoot?" Chen Yi also raised his eyebrows, "How about we count one, two, three and put them away together?"

"Okay..." (to be continued) RQ