MTL - Public Enemy On Online Games-Chapter 85 Devil's Treasure

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Cheryl led the way and replied with a smile, "It's coming soon."

"Okay." Jiang Han knew immediately.

Since Sheryl said it was fast, it should be "second turn".

The two passed through the ghost swamp and headed towards the north. The surrounding scenery gradually changed. The withered and dilapidated forest disappeared, and a barren and flat field came into view.

Walking on the wilderness for nearly half an hour, Jiang Han saw countless monsters of unknown level passing by. They were of different shapes and amazing strength, and they were all monsters far beyond the current stage.

The sun was setting, and the afterglow turned the clouds red.

After a long journey of more than fifty minutes, a lifeless castle appeared before Jiang Han.

The castle is magnificent, standing majestically on the seaside, shrouded in a thick black haze, he can see from a distance that the broken walls have been barren for a long time and overgrown with weeds, but the closer he gets, the more oppressive atmosphere lingers.


System prompt: You have entered the dangerous map [Magic Mist City]!

[Magic Mist City] (Super City)

Introduction: Although the ten major demon gods are hard to find and haunted by ghosts, the Demon Mist City is the place where they gather and the place where the treasure house of the demon gods is placed. If someone can capture this castle, he will definitely become a legend in the Megatron Continent.

"Kick, Kick..."

The two approached one after the other, and the gate of the city wall slowly opened.

Entering the interior, Jiang Han saw the densely packed monsters and some humanoid powerhouses rampant in the street, and immediately followed behind Cheryl, so as not to be accidentally touched by a huge monster and instantly killed in an instant .

At this moment, those monsters that are far beyond imagination, they are moving in the same direction as Cheryl, and they are obviously super strong who have completed the task of "siege the city".

However, Jiang Han could occasionally see several gold-level bosses in the 50s, and he should have successfully captured the third-level towns just like himself.

After walking for ten minutes again, they arrived at the center of a castle, where there was a towering building, and there was a faint roar, which was creepy.

"This is the treasure house of the devil." Sheryl reminded in a low voice, "The treasure house has five floors, and the equipment, medicines, skills, props, and special props are placed separately. Fights and scrambles are not allowed, so you can choose with confidence."


Jiang Han nodded and took it down.

"But don't go to the sixth floor." Cheryl warned solemnly, "The sixth floor is not a treasure house of the devil, but a prison."


"It's imprisoning some powerful terrifying powerhouses." Sheryl explained, "With your current strength, entering is death."

"Okay, I see."

When the two communicated, the building door opened.

Many monsters next to him swarmed in. Even though some of them were not humanoids, Jiang Han still saw the impatient emotion in their eyes.

"Let's go."

Sheryl also seemed to be looking forward to it, stepping into the treasure house of the devil.

Seeing this, Jiang Han followed.

After passing through the wide corridor, Jiang Han arrived at his destination. In his field of vision were the cabinets where various equipments were placed, arranged in a dazzling array.


System prompt: Please note that you have entered the [Devil's Treasure House], and you have ten minutes to choose the treasure you want, but the number is limited to one, otherwise it will be obliterated by the treasure house guardian!


At the same time, above the first floor, pure white laser-like energy was shot out, and the energy fell, causing many huge creatures to shrink rapidly, so that they would not cause damage when picking items.

Only ten minutes?

Jiang Han was slightly startled, and without a word he skipped the first floor where the equipment was placed, entered the stairs, and headed for the second floor.

Coming to the second floor, there are a lot of medicines.

As a one-time thing, the value of medicine should not be high, right?

He casually checked the description with the eye of insight, and was stunned on the spot—

[Elf Spring Water] (Immortal Level)

Introduction: The mysterious substance in the holy spring of the elves, the peerless magic medicine that saves the dead and heals the wounded, is very precious in the era when elves disappear in seclusion

Effect: Life Permanent +100000

Additional effect: Regenerates 5% life per second for fifteen seconds

Restriction: Each time you take it, the permanent life boost effect will decrease

【Dali Pills】(Immortal)

Introduction: The extremely rare top-quality potions in the dwarves, only the core clansmen are eligible to enjoy

Effect: Basic Attack +1000 Permanently

Restriction: can only take effect once

What the hell, the best medicine for permanent attack? !

Jiang Han almost didn't look at himself dumbfounded, and his heart pounded.

Although Dali Pill can only take effect once, but there is no level limit, he can take it now, thereby increasing his attack by one thousand unconditionally, reaching a level that is beyond the reach of current players.

"calm down…"

Jiang Han took a deep breath and decided to go to other floors.

2,000 attacks are valuable in the early stage, but they are only in the early stage. Even if you take a long-term perspective, the introduction said that the potion belongs to the dwarves, and then there is still a chance to go to the dwarves to get Dali Pills.

To put it simply, precious enough, but not unique.

No longer concerned about the potion, Jiang Han rushed to the third floor.

The third floor is full of skill books with colorful covers, which are properly placed on the counter, waiting for their masters.

There is no doubt that the skill books that can enter the treasure house of the Demon God are absolutely extraordinary, and the last time they are A-level, and they are also divided into various occupational areas. Jiang Han checked it from the side of the swordsman, and wanted every book.

Among them, Jiang Han’s most heart-wrenching attack is the attacking skill called Dragon Pounder—

【Dragon Breaking Slash】(S Rank)

Introduction: Gather the energy of the elements in the body and send a destructive slash to the front

Effect: Inflict 400% damage to the enemy based on his own attack, and form a tearing effect, and then deal 25% damage per second for ten seconds.

Cooldown time: ten minutes

Requirements: knight, swordsman class

This lethality is simply a mess. Including tearing, the total damage is 650% of the base. Who can resist this move?

"Look elsewhere."

Jiang Han decided to stuff Long Po Zhan into the package, and then went to the fourth floor.

The Devil's Treasure House stipulates that only one item can be selected to be brought out, but in the case of not taking it out, there is no restriction that it cannot be carried on the body first.

When I came to the fourth floor, all that caught my eye were props, including scrolls and gems, but things like divine gems that could be called divine objects did not appear. It is estimated that if there were any, the Demon God would have used it himself.

After spending five minutes to read it from beginning to end, Jiang Han didn't find anything that particularly appealed to him, so he went to the next floor.

He was curious about the so-called special props.

Entering the fifth floor, Jiang Han found that compared to the other floors, the space here is much smaller, and most of the 50-level gold-level bosses who successfully attacked the third-level towns are here.

Jiang Han came to the cabinet and saw a lot of jade items. He used the eye of insight to check it. It turned out that they were all hidden occupational transfer certificates. Among them, there were occupations that Jiang Han was very familiar with.

[Certificate of Transfer: Red Flame Swordsman] (Hidden Occupation)

[Certificate of Transfer: Black and White Summoner] (Hidden Occupation)

[Certificate of Transfer: Soul Reaper] (Hidden Occupation)

However, Jiang Han is not ready to change his profession, and the job transfer certificates posted here are basically hidden professions. The average growth star is about four stars, which is much inferior to his dark swordsman.

It seems that I can only choose Dragon Breaking Slash...

Jiang Han shook his head.

Long Po Slash was good, but it was far from the level of "surprise" he felt.

"Which one should I choose?"

At this time, a burly man with a naked upper body and red loose trousers appeared beside Jiang Han. He had many scars all over his body. He held a scroll in his hand and a transfer certificate, showing a dilemma.

He is an ordinary warrior, and the improvement of the hidden profession is quite obvious, but this scroll has a special effect, and it is not less valuable than the hidden profession, and he does not want to give it up...


Jiang Han, who had already made a decision, was quite curious, and threw an eye of insight into the scroll in his hand. He was shocked, and his eyes were straight.

This kind of baby is placed in the treasure house of the devil?

It's just a demon, it's just a bunch of scumbags—

[Reprinted Scroll] (S Grade)

Introduction: There are special powers hidden in the scrolls, which can perfectly replicate the same props

Effect: 100% chance to copy S-rank and below items, 50% chance to copy SS-rank items