MTL - Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty-v2 Chapter 1674 review

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  Chapter 1674 Review

  Ma Wensheng had a very good impression of Jiang Bin.

  So he said to him: "This review is of great importance. These days, the Ministry of War will send people to reward the soldiers with wine and meat, so that the soldiers will have a good meal."

Jiang Bin shook his head, and said solemnly: "Mabutang, the officers and men are so grateful for serving the imperial court. We are all loyal people. The word loyalty, how can you plan to eat and drink in your heart? Master Ziguan From the beginning, to Yue Wumu, which one is not only loyal and never cares about gains and losses, this is the same as in ancient times. So... this reward is unnecessary, even if the soldiers are hungry, they are still happy."

   Ma Wensheng glanced at Jiang Bin with admiration. This is what the imperial court wanted.

So he said with a smile: "Today is different from the past, what should be eaten and drank is still eaten and drank, but... If there are soldiers and horses in this world, everyone is like Weizhou Wei. Daming's defense is also like you, and the old man can breathe a sigh of relief , the imperial court... can naturally be worry-free. The original intention of Emperor Taizu Gao to create the Weisuo system was to rest with the people, not to waste too much money and food for raising soldiers, and to levy less taxes on the people. Nian is suffering among the people. Well, these... are not what you should know."

  Ma Wensheng's topic, click and stop.

   As for whether Jiang Bin can comprehend it, it is up to him.

   This is the wish of the princes in the court.

  Jiang Bin nodded: "Yes."

  Jiang Bin returned to Daying, and immediately had someone find Yang Yong.

  Yang Yong has been extremely restless these days. When he saw Jiang Bin, before he could salute, Jiang Bin stood with his knife on his face and said with a sneer, "I'll wait... there is no way out. The arrow is on the string, so I have to fire."

   "What..." Yang Yong felt his scalp go numb, and said in fear, "Is it really this far?"

Jiang Bin said solemnly: "Today we know that Duke Qi has already impeached Weizhou Wei. Fortunately, there is no real evidence, but old dogs like Ma Wensheng are trying to save us Weizhou Wei with their own calculations. Your Majesty did not believe it. But...then Qi Guogong seems to be biting our Weizhou Guard. Sooner or later, they will also find evidence. There will always be traces in everything they do. Come on, what are we waiting for, are we just waiting to die?"

Jiang Bin gritted his teeth and continued with a grin on his face: "Today, I went to the school grounds, and the Ministry of War allowed us to carry weapons, but we were not allowed to bring bows and crossbows. The arrangement is all in my mind. Where will His Majesty stand, where will the ministers be, and where will the accompanying guards be arranged... These are not difficult things, I think, as long as we prepare carefully, we will be able to I'm 90% sure of the matter. Those imperial guards are actually ostentatious and vulnerable. And if the other Beijing camps want to rush to rescue, the distant water cannot save the nearby fire. I think about it, as long as you catch His Majesty The crown prince, Qi Guogong, and the cabinet members, as well as civil and military officials, who in this world can convict us, have always been kings and losers, and it is better to turn his head against him than to have his head fall to the ground. of."

  Yang Yong shivered.

   But immediately, he calmed down.

  Jiang Bin is indeed right. When things come to an end, there is no way out. It seems...the only option is to fight.

  Yang Yong suppressed the fear in his heart, calmed down and said: "It's just how to arrange it then?"

   "Simple...take the pen and ink."

  Jiang Bin has been in the border town for a long time, and he is also a hereditary military officer. The Weizhou Guards are obedient to him, but they still have skills.

  He took a pen and ink, and drew everything he had seen and heard in the school grounds just now.

  Where is the high platform, where is the gate, where is the location of the school field, where will the colorful sheds of the officials watching the ceremony be located, where will be suitable for the guards to set up defenses, and then...Where will the Weizhou Guards enter...

   After a while, he sketched it out.

"Shoot people first, shoot horses, and capture thieves first, then capture the king. When the time comes, I will lead a team of men and horses to break through the guards here and capture the emperor first. You and Liu Xiongren wait this guard the gate. As for the others, Don't bother with it at all, as long as these GOU officials block the gate, it will be a situation of closing the door and beating dogs... and here... here..."

  Being able to become a famous power minister in history, Jiang Bin has his own decisive side.

   What's more, he was also appreciated by Ming Wuzong, and Ming Wuzong Zhu Houzhao knew the art of war, so Jiang Bin's ability can certainly stand the test.

  Jiang Bin's memory is excellent, and almost the terrain of the school field has long been firmly in his mind.

   And his arrangement can also be called meticulous.

  He thought of every possible unexpected situation.

  How to surprise, how to deter, how to close the door and beat the dog, how to capture the emperor, so many people, how to find a way out, how to go out of the city, how to threaten...

"Those who are close to us, first tell them about our situation. Tell them, if you don't, you will live. As for the others, check the day and inform them before you leave. Remember, remember, this matter is absolutely confidential. "

Jiang Bin thought for a while, his eyes suddenly overflowed with a murderous look, and said coldly: "At that time...kill the Duke of Qi first, and kill this person before you can make an example to others, lest others refuse to submit. This Duke of Qi thinks that He is extremely powerful and confident, but he must have never expected that in Lao Tzu's eyes, there is no such thing as a heavenly king at all!"


   Half a month later.

  The day of review is coming as scheduled.

   On this day, Emperor Hongzhi got up early in the morning, first combed his hair as before, and then put on the crown.

  About today's review, Emperor Hongzhi actually didn't show much interest.

  Jiang Bin didn't give him a good impression.

  People will starve if they don’t eat, but Jiang Bin blindly declares that as long as he has a heart of loyalty, he can do whatever he wants... This... is really incredible.

   There are too many people who say loyalty and righteousness like this. The current Emperor Hongzhi will only feel disgusted.

  Because he firmly believes in one truth...people...have to eat!

It's just... Now all the ministers are praising Weizhou Guard, wishing to set Weizhou Guard as a model for the world, this review is imperative, if not, the matter of the standing army will only cause more troubles Big controversy.

  Emperor Hongzhi washed up and had breakfast.

  Xiao Jing bowed down and said: "Your Majesty, the officials are already waiting for Your Majesty at Daming Gate."

  Emperor Hongzhi nodded, but said: "I have heard some rumors. Is there any news from the factory guard?"

  Xiao Jingdao: "The factory guard has already left for Weizhou, but there is no news yet, servant... I don't know if I should say something or not."

  Emperor Hongzhi looked at Xiao Jing suspiciously: "Let me tell you."

   "In this world, there is no cat that doesn't steal."

  Emperor Hongzhi was stunned, and then smiled and said: "It seems that you have some prejudices in your heart. Hey...but all the ministers heard about it, and they all said that Ji Fan and Jiang Bin had a personal enmity."

Xiao Jing said with a smile: "Of course, many things have long become the unwritten rules of the guards. There are more or less criminals who commit crimes, but if it is said that the sky is angry and people complain, it may not be so. The servants are careful. check."

  Emperor Hongzhi sighed: "I really don't want to go, but if I don't go, I won't be able to convince the public. Hey... let's go and see what this Weizhou Guard is capable of."

   Xiao Jing said a word of compliance.

  Then, the emperor's car began to drive out of the palace, and when he arrived at Daming Gate, all the officials were already waiting here.

  Liu Jian was the leader, followed by Li Dongyang, Xie Qianren, etc., and then Ma Wensheng, Zhang Sheng...Ouyang Zhi...

  These six departments and nine ministers made a big ceremony together.

   Immediately afterwards, under the protection of the mighty imperial guards, they marched towards the school grounds.

   When they arrived at the school grounds, Emperor Hongzhi entered the gate and climbed onto the high platform.

  Liu Jianren and others are waiting around.

  The civil and military officials stand or sit according to their ranks.

  After Emperor Hongzhi ascended his seat, he saw that the Weizhou Guard had not yet arrived, so he looked around and asked, "Where are the crown prince and the Duke of Qi?"

   Liu Jian said: "Maybe it's because I got up late, did you order someone to go..."

  Emperor Hongzhi waved his hand, sighed and said, "Forget it, let them sleep for a while, when will the review start?"

  Ma Wensheng immediately stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, the Weizhou Guards have already left the camp and entered the school grounds at an auspicious time at three quarters of the hour, Your Majesty."

  Emperor Hongzhi looked from the high platform and saw the banners and flags fluttering, and the guards were like a cloud.

  He couldn't help but stood up and said, "The Ministry of War has been working hard these days."

"Your Majesty..." Ma Wensheng said: "The most difficult thing is the Weizhou Guard. I heard that they stepped up their drills for the review and did not dare to slack off. I personally sent people to reward them. Everyone in the battalion is very grateful for the drinks. Not a single drop was touched. As for the commander of the Weizhou Guard, Jiang Bin, he is even more loyal..."

  Emperor Hongzhi only smiled, and said lightly, "Oh."

  He paused, and suddenly said: "This Jiang Bin seems to be very much loved by Ma Qing's family."

Ma Wensheng was a little embarrassed, and immediately said: "Your Majesty's words make me feel so embarrassed. What I said is just words from the heart. The old minister has been in charge of the military department for many years and has seen countless warriors, so... I still have a bit of vision. The experience of the old minister, how can you lose sight of it, the old minister is absolutely selfless, please let your majesty learn from it. As for Jiang Bin, the cabinet ministers and the six ministries, all praise him, your majesty... Could it be that all the civil and military officials in the court have been taken away? eye?"

  Emperor Hongzhi raised his head and glanced at the attendants.

   All the ministers nodded one after another. Although they were not as flattering as Ma Wensheng, they seemed to be reluctant to agree with Ma Wensheng's words.

  Emperor Hongzhi smiled meaningfully, and then said: "In this way, all the ministers are blaming Ji Fan for being unreasonable. In your eyes, my Ji Fan seems to be useless."

   "Your Majesty...this statement is wrong." Ma Wensheng heard the sarcasm in His Majesty's mouth, and immediately said: "Duke Qi...he is at least...handsome!"


  The last day of the double monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass.

  (end of this chapter)