MTL - Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty-v2 Chapter 1672 Rebellious retainer

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  Chapter 1672 Traitor and thief

Jiang Bin immediately stood up, gritted his teeth and said, "At this point, in order to have a perfect plan, we need to be prepared. On the one hand, we must prepare our troops, and we need to do a good job of this review, so that His Majesty knows how powerful our Weizhou Guard is. If Your Majesty Favor, own glory and wealth."

"On the other hand, we must also be careful. Check the Duke of Qi's mansion. How many things have been found and how much evidence is there? Can we be put to death? One day is when we will shake the world."

  When he talked about shaking the world, there was a trace of treachery in his eyes, and Fang Jifan couldn't help but appear in his mind. At that time, Fang Jifan might be the first person he would kill.

Jiang Bin took a breath, and said again: "The people in the guard, especially those who ate meat with us back then, only ate meat, and when they were beaten, they needed to know that they had to work hard. All of us Whatever you do, it's a huge crime. Some people turn a blind eye to this kind of thing under the table, but once it gets on the table, it is a capital crime of copying the family and exterminating the family. Don't say goodbye Yes, let’s talk about the “credit” reported in the past. None of these credits for beheading thieves came from the slaughter of the people, cutting off the heads and killing the good. These...are they clean? Once convicted, these things, Everything will be exposed, none of us will have good fruit to eat, tell everyone, for this sake, you can only follow me Jiang Bin wholeheartedly, if you do a good job, there will still be a fortune, we are serving as soldiers for dinner People, to sacrifice one's life for the imperial court is to sell one's life, so it is better to sacrifice one's life for oneself, what kind of benevolence, righteousness and integrity, heh... this is just a lie to children, listen carefully, these days... everything that should be prepared, must be prepared properly."

  Yang Yong had no choice but to obey Jiang Bin's orders when he came to this point.

  He is very clear that at this point, he has reached the edge of the cliff, and there is no way out.


  The camp of the First Army is in Xishan.

  Zhu Houzhao has been staying here for more than a month, and the door is not out, and the door is two.

  He is not only the foster father of these soldiers, but also the leader of the military research institute.

   All the drills formulated are constantly revised in the military research institute.

  When the soldiers entered the camp, they were rushing to eat food.

  But soon, they discovered that they were completely wrong.

At   9, they need to line up and start practicing.

  The Military Research Institute believes that a new army must first achieve strict discipline.

   This consensus is reached by many people after reading many historical methods of training elite soldiers. At the same time, they also did some experiments.

  For example, a team of soldiers with the same order is against a formation of strong men selected from the army.

  After obtaining these results, the initial drills are all preparations for discipline.

  For example, all officers and soldiers are issued military uniforms, but the uniforms must be neat and tidy, and the slightest dishonesty will be dealt with immediately by military law.

  This kind of practice has caused the officers and soldiers to suffer enough. Many people don't understand this. Don't they have to worry about this when they are fighting and fighting?

But for the military research institute, this seemingly harsh requirement is the foundation of discipline. This seemingly meaningless thing is essentially to wear down everyone's personality and make everyone a soldier. One of them, by cleaning the military uniforms again and again, ensures the absolute obedience of the soldiers.

  Column exercises naturally become important, because this is an important way for officers and soldiers to be uniform. The soldiers lined up in square formations, standing in line again and again, requiring that there be no difference in the slightest. When marching in line, the orders must be consistent and uniform.

  It's like this... This is nothing more than physical and mental torture for the officers and soldiers in the drill.

  If you practice like before, playing with guns and clubs, although you will get tired easily, at least you can change your posture at any time and take a break.

  But now, they are required to stand like wooden stakes, sometimes for an hour or two, in severe cold and heat, sweating profusely, and a slight movement is punishment.

  The officers and soldiers didn't have the slightest impression of Wang Shouren, the prince, or the civilian military officers of the military research institute. In their view, these people seemed to be playing tricks on themselves.

  The one they love the most is Wang Ai, the civil and military officer in the kitchen.

   What Wang Ai prepares for them every day is food.

   Tired from training, Wang Ai will ask people to prepare some salt water during the interval. He believes that salt water can replenish the salt after a person has exhausted a lot of physical strength, and it is of great benefit to the officers and soldiers who are training.

  The breakfast in the early morning, under Wang Ai's arrangement, is also extraordinarily rich, with steamed pancakes, eggs, and a strip of beef. At noon, there are often egg drop soup, meat, rice noodles...

  Even...Wang Ai will often figure out new dishes and invite people to try...For Wang Ai, this seems to be the ultimate thing.

  Being in the camp for more than a month, from the tormenting days at the beginning, gradually...the recruits slowly began to adapt.

  They began to feel a little dull.

  They come from different places, from different families, and have had different experiences.

  But those... seem to gradually become distant to them.

Even... they have gradually begun to forget that the world outside the camp, opening their eyes every day and constantly beating their will training, is like maggots on the tarsus, leaving them no extra time to think, let alone extra time, to Nostalgia for the past.

And at night, when they arrived at the barracks, they fell asleep even more, and their minds became chaotic, as if in their world, the barracks and the partners around them became their world, and they gradually began to change to the outside world. He became indifferent, and his mind was always full of military appearance and discipline, as well as daily drills.

  Zhu Houzhao is very satisfied with the results.

  Because...the recruits began to look more and more like recruits. Everyone showed a straight back, walking like the wind, and orderly.


  Occasionally...Fang Jifan would come to the camp. After all, he was the deputy, and Fang Jifan did not interfere with the content of the drill.

   It is meaningless to backfire.

  Later generations certainly have many ready-made experiences.

  But... let the first army only know how to drill like this, but they don't know why they drill like this, so... what's the point?

  Everything...needs to be explored by the First Army and the research institute to find better methods of training and combat. Only in this way can they truly master each other.

This is like science. You bring advanced things to the ancients. To the ancients, this is a wonderful work of nature, but they only know it but don’t know why. They even know how to make it. How, the most important to know its principles, know its core, and finally...form a set of comprehensive values, so...Only on this basis can we continue to carry forward this skill. If not, these things are just a flash in the pan, and many artifacts created by ancient wise men, they will eventually lose their inheritance.

   Zhu Houzhao was obviously very dissatisfied with Fang Jifan.

   After finally catching Fang Jifan, he dragged Fang Jifan to his barracks and said, "Old Fang, what are you doing these days? This first army is the top priority. I see you being lazy all the time."

Fang Jifan smiled at him: "Your Highness, I'm very busy. Besides, don't you have His Highness and Wang Boan here? Wang Boan is my favorite disciple. I put him here, which shows that I attach great importance to this first army. What's more, I have important matters to discuss now."

   "What's the matter?" Zhu Houzhao looked suspicious.

  Looking at Lao Fang like this, it doesn't look like perfunctory...

  Fang Jifan stared at Zhu Houzhao seriously, and then said: "Your Highness, there is a problem with Weizhou Wei."

Hearing this, Zhu Houzhao's eyes lit up immediately: "There is a problem? Isn't it? The pie is falling from the sky? Wait a moment... Bengong's heart is beating so fast now, let Bengong slow down..." He took a deep breath, and then said: " What's the problem, these bastards, are you going to reverse? Say it, say it!"

  Fang Jifan looked at Zhu Houzhao with strange eyes. No matter how he looked at it, he was looking forward to it!

  He couldn't help thinking in his heart, Emperor Taizu Gao, if he knew that he had such a descendant, would the coffin be able to hold it down?

Fang Jifan said: "It's not that they rebelled, but that I found out that Weizhou Wei has a lot of problems and has been involved in many crimes, including killing good people and pretending to be meritorious, robbing passing business travelers, and colluding with salt dealers... Here, any one, But they are all serious crimes requiring beheading, Jiang Bin is... cruel, cunning, and ambitious, he is a loyal person in the eyes of the imperial court and Xuanfu officials, but in the eyes of ordinary people, he is a poisonous snake."

  Zhu Houzhao couldn't help showing a bit of surprise, and then squinted his eyes and said, "It's a bit interesting. Now that you know his crimes are heinous, why don't you do it now and take this shit?"

Fang Jifan shook his head and said: "He was announced by His Majesty, the cabinet and the Ministry of War all praised him, not to mention, who doesn't know that I have some conflicts with him, and if there is no real evidence to arrest someone, it will be a big mess. I'm afraid His Majesty...will be angry too, or...Your Majesty, why don't you find an excuse to kill him?"

  Zhu Houzhao's eyes stared like lanterns suddenly: "You want to fool Bengong again. When the emperor finds out, why don't you kill Bengong?"

  Fang Jifan was happy: "That's why it takes time and energy to find witnesses and physical evidence. I am a reasonable person, and I will never easily stain people's innocence."


   Please... ask for a monthly pass!

  (end of this chapter)