MTL - Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty-v2 Chapter 1668 after death

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  Chapter 1668 After death

  When he was studying history, what Fang Jifan despised the most was a **** like Jiang Bin!

   This dog has neglected righteousness for profit, and only wants to climb up the pole. After gaining power, he immediately becomes arrogant and domineering, with his tail raised to the sky, which can be described as a heinous crime.

   Never imagined that Jiang Bin, who is famous in history now, did not cling to Zhu Houzhao like in history, and was still curled up in Weizhou Weili, waiting for the opportunity.

   It was even more unexpected that it would attract the attention of Ma Wensheng, Minister of the Ministry of War.

"Your Majesty...Jiang Bin, this available. This person has his own rules for training troops, and even the top and bottom of the Weizhou Guard are all elites. Such a command is very rare. Why not...Your Majesty summoned this person to bring the Weizhou Guard to Beijing , might as well take a look."

   Ma Wensheng strongly recommends it, the implication is already very obvious.

   Now before His Majesty, there are two plans, one costing money, and the other not costing money. The one that costs money will be thrown into the bottomless pit. It doesn't cost money, of course, it's much more worry-free.

  Emperor Hongzhi was also interested.

  Who in this world doesn’t love free?

  Emperor Hongzhi looked at Liu Jian and said, "What does Liu Qing think?"

Liu Jian smiled slightly: "Your Majesty, the Weizhou Guard, the old minister hadn't heard of it before, but since everyone in the Ministry of War thinks that Jiang Bin is available, the Weizhou Guard has created a team with Jiang Bin's own strength. A strong army, then... Now that Ming Dynasty needs to set up a standing army, why not... let's take a look and see which one is better and which one is worse, you can tell at a glance."

  The ministers are excited,'s free.

Xie Qian also couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, I have some impressions of Jiang Bin. This person has made some contributions to his establishment. He can be called brave. If I remember correctly, the governor of Xuanfu once recommended him, but at that time... It's my fault that I didn't take it seriously."

Emperor Hongzhi saw that his ministers seemed to have a high opinion of this man, and he had expectations for the Weizhou Guard, so he couldn't help but think that there really is such a strange person in the world who built this ordinary guard into a branch with his own power. The strong army is somewhat surprising.

  So Emperor Hongzhi made a decision: "Announce this person to bring Weizhou Wei into Beijing."

  Emperor Hongzhi made a decisive decision, and Ma Wensheng was relieved. The princes in the court seemed to have different expectations.

  It’s not that they don’t like the regulations of the crown prince and the Duke of Qi, but the civil and military ministers of the Ming Dynasty are still limited to the original thinking, that is, frugality is a virtue, the less the better, if you can spend a small amount of money to do big things, it is a great achievement. But if you can do great things without spending money, it is enough to be praised.

  Young people like Prince Edward and Qi Guogong, who don't take money seriously, really make them look down.

   Coming out of the palace, Fang Jifan and Zhu Houzhao went back to Xishan directly under the strange eyes of everyone.

   Along the way, Zhu Houzhao rode a horse, but he insisted that Fang Jifan also ride a horse. There were guards in the front to clear the way, and the guards in the back naturally let the guards sit in the rear.

  Zhu Houzhao and Fang Jifan walked side by side, Zhu Houzhao grinned happily: "This Jiang Bin is quite interesting. This **** can train an elite army. I really want to open my eyes."

  Fang Jifan looked at the prince with caring eyes: "Your don't know that this Jiang Bin was used by the cabinet and the Ministry of War to tear down our platform. Which side do you belong to, Your Highness?"

   "Yeah." Zhu Hou took a look at the tiger and said in surprise: "What, dismantling the stage?"

  The corners of Fang Jifan's mouth couldn't help twitching. This guy is extremely smart in some academics, but he can't help but feel anxious in some places.

Fang Jifan had always been naturally patient with Zhu Houzhao, so he explained: "Think about it, Your Highness, we happened to be training soldiers, and the first army happened to spend so much money. Now... just started training, and the effect has not yet been shown. On the other side , Xie Gong and Ma Shangshu tried their best to praise Weizhou Wei, Weizhou Wei, but an old military guard, but they were blowing up the hype. Is it possible to train elite soldiers? Then, what is the use of the first army? What is the use of the standing army that His Royal Highness is thinking of?"

Zhu Houzhao's face immediately changed: "So that's the case, no wonder I feel that the atmosphere is not right, old Fang, you reminded me well, that **** Jiang Bin is really hateful, if he has the ability to come to Beijing, if he dares to enter Beijing, I can't beat him to death he."

  Fang Jifan mourned Zhu Houzhao's poor EQ.

   Zhu Houzhao continued to gnash his teeth.

   Arriving at the Xishan Township Mansion, the two dismounted to rest, and had tea poured and some pastries by the way.

  Others eat cakes, but as food supplements, with sweet-scented osmanthus cake or something.

  Zhu Houzhao’s cakes are more solid. They are flatbreads with scallion oil. Beef and eggs are also put in the cakes. It’s a joy to eat while eating tea.

After eating a few times, her belly became round, she felt her belly comfortably, and she looked comfortable all over, and she laughed comfortably. On the other side, Wang Jinyuan came in a hurry: "His Royal Highness, young master, there is a member of the academy who wants to see you." , whose surname is Wang, and whose name is Wang Ai."

  Zhu Houzhao wiped his oily mouth, and glanced at Fang Jifan: "Old Fang, do you know him?"

  Fang Jifan took a sip of tea, thought for a while, and said, "I don't know you, call me in."

   Not long after, Wang Ai came in.

  He looked embarrassed, and when he saw Zhu Houzhao and Fang Jifan, he immediately saluted: "I have seen Your Highness, I have seen Master."

  Zhu Houzhao burped.

  Fang Jifan stood up to cover up his embarrassment: "What's the matter?"

   "I heard that His Highness and Shigong are going to train soldiers. The students are studying in the medical school. They have some ideas. I hope His Highness and Shigong can adopt them."

  In addition to imparting knowledge, Xishan Academy also encourages students to put forward their own ideas.

  It’s just that… this guy mentioned Fang Jifan’s idea, and this…

  Fang Jifan said: "Let's listen."

"Students in medical school have been thinking about a problem, why patients need to use sick food, and how these sick food can make patients recover as soon as possible. The more students think about it, the more difficult it is, so...the students have been Observe, what kind of food is good for people, and some experiments have been done these days..."

   As he spoke, his face blushed. In fact, the experiment was a tormenting process.

After all, medical students are the proud sons of heaven. They can live countless lives and save countless lives. Therefore, medical students of medical students are proud of being able to perform operations, and can perform major operations, but this person named Wang Ai It's a bit strange, thinking about what people eat every day, this is... weird.

He regained his composure and continued: "Students have discovered that different foods bring different nutrients to people. Diseases can harm a person's body; and diet is also related to a person's health. The students then proposed the concept of nutrition and fitness theory, but is a pity...the weekly magazine did not adopt it. Many people thought it was unnecessary. But the students always believed that they were right. Now that His Royal Highness and the Master are training soldiers, the students are thinking, this The drills of officers and soldiers are of great importance, and their nutrition is even more related to the quality of the drills. The students... have thought hard and come up with a nutritious meal for the army, and please take a look at it.”

  Zhu Houzhao squinted his eyes, feeling that although this person spoke seriously, what he said was incomprehensible.

   Ben Gong eats something, is it also related to nutrition?

  Fang Jifan listened, but suddenly felt fresh. You must know that nutrition science is very popular in later generations. The meal standards formulated by many armies are carefully studied by some nutritionists.

  After all, being a soldier is physical work, and practicing all day long consumes an astonishing amount of physical strength. If the nutrition is not kept up, or if you overeat after training, it will be extremely harmful to the body.

  Myself... why didn't I think of this?


Fang Jifan couldn't help but sigh with emotion, sure enough, a person's strength is meager, even if he... possesses an extremely smart mind, and came to this world with the experience of his previous life, but how many things and many details he can recall have long been forgotten by himself. ignore.

   Fortunately...Xishan Academy served as my supplement.

  Fang Jifan smiled and said, "Take a look at me."

Wang Ai respectfully took out a list, sent it to Fang Jifan, and explained: "The military consumes a lot of energy, so beef, eggs and other foods that replenish energy are essential, and pork... can also be substituted. But if you eat too much of these, you will inevitably have a bad stomach, so...students suggested that the supply of tea is also essential, but tea is not easy to cook, and it is easy for one person to drink tea. Thousands of people have tea, which consumes a lot , the students are thinking of a way, they can use the method of boiling a large amount of tea. Not only that, the students heard that the First Army gets up to practice at 9 o'clock every day, and this early in the morning, practicing on an empty stomach is very easy to make the soldiers faint. A kind of omelette, which is mixed with some seasonal vegetables, so that... it can ensure that when they practice at the right time, they will neither lack nutrition nor eat too much, which will affect the effect of exercise."

  He babbled on and on, and he knew everything about every food.

"The way of nutrition lies in both the amount and the sufficiency. The students think that this is of great importance and should not be underestimated. Master... the nutritious diet prepared by the students is just a glimpse of the way. Now in the eyes of the master, it must be laughable. However, if the teacher's quasi-students are in the army and are responsible for observing and studying the diet, the students must not let the teacher down."

   As he spoke... He seemed to feel that he had made a difficult decision, so he pursed his lips.

  A well-behaved medical student who gave up his good job in medical school and joined the army, obviously, is a business that makes people feel 'losing money'.

  But he solemnly bowed down: "Students must do their best, and die."


  The second update was made up yesterday, and there are two more updates today.

  (end of this chapter)