MTL - Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty-Chapter 83 poverty is the root of all evil

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  Chapter 83 Poverty is the root of all evil

  Zhu Houzhao laughed... Originally, if Fang Jifan said that His Royal Highness does not need to add coal, Zhu Houzhao might not have a clue in his mind, but when he heard Fang Jifan's words, Zhu Houzhao's body shook, and the old Fang had a hand.

  After a while, he said cautiously again: "Would you like some tea? Ben Gong asked Liu Banban, ah, no, Ben Gong personally serves tea for you..."

   Fang Jifan ignored it.

  Unknowingly, the sky was getting late, and the sun left only the last twilight.

  Fang Jifan was pretending on the surface, but in fact he was secretly confirming some data in the memorabilia of the Ming Dynasty.

  He looked up, and saw Zhu Houzhao looking at him pitifully, Fang Jifan said: "It's getting late, I'll take the notebook back and continue counting."

   "Don't go!" Zhu Houzhao persuaded him to stay: "It's not too late to go after dinner with Bengong."

  Fang Jifan looked at him strangely, then hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "The food at Zhan Shifu is unpalatable."

  Zhu Houzhao burst into tears.

   But Fang Jifan spoke the truth.

Although Emperor Hongzhi was frugal, he was still kind to his son, and he didn't dare to spend money on him, but the food, clothing, housing and transportation were all of the highest standard. A set of teams, the so-called imperial chefs, seem to be famous and scary on the surface, but they only pay attention to the color of the dishes. Although the ingredients are sufficient, the taste is good, but it is too bad.

  Fang Jifan ate it once and almost vomited it out.

After leaving Zhan Shi's mansion, Deng Jian was waiting outside. The weather had cleared up for a few days, so Fang Jifan rode a horse instead. This horse was a fine horse that Fang Jifan bought from a barbarian. It took a few hours to choose it, and the price was very expensive, more than three hundred taels of silver. It looked extremely handsome. Every time Deng Jian took care of this horse, he felt sour, because according to his behavior towards people According to market estimates, the value of this horse is more than 50 times that of his own. Thinking about it this way, he feels sad. People say that people are not as good as dogs, but how do you know that people are not as good as horses.

   "Master...Master, people from Jinyiwei came early this morning."

   "Oh." Fang Jifan didn't care much, and got on his horse.

Deng Jian said happily again: "Jinyiwei is very concerned about the young master. He heard that the young master was beaten by that Tang Yin, and the Shuntian Mansion calmed down, so they sent someone to ask if the young master wants to seek justice. Our Daming has the law How can we allow scholars to beat our young master?"

   "..." Fang Jifan said lightly: "Let them not intervene, the young master is betting."

   "Okay, okay, the villain will answer tomorrow."

Fang Jifan was riding on a horse, but he was ashamed. Jinyiwei is not the same institution as Shuntian Mansion. They are the most sensitive institution at the same time. ? For example, they beat Tang Yin this time, don't they know the truth? But now that he knew the truth, he still came here to vent his anger on himself. Obviously, some people in Jinyiwei have realized their importance. The Prophet Chunnuanya, they know the relationship between Fang Jifan and the palace better than anyone else. Naturally, he did not hesitate to act as a thug for Fang Jifan to please some of the nobles in the palace.

  Even as long as they want, they can concoct an ironclad proof about Tang Yin's anti-poetry and how many evil things he has done on weekdays. As long as Fang Jifan nods his head, Tang Yin can die without a place to bury him.

  These people...are horrible...

Fang Jifan was riding on the horse, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion. It's better to stay away from these people. It is obviously not without price to ask these people to help, not to mention... Bohu is half of my idol. Thinking of this, Fang Jifan couldn't bear it I couldn't help thinking, but my idol didn't know what happened. Is his leg broken? Can he move around on the ground?

   After another two days, Fang Jifan probably sorted out all the accounts.

"Even if it comes out!" When Fang Jifan saw Zhu Houzhao, Zhu Houzhao's eyes widened, looking unbelievable. This time, he was prepared for a protracted war, and it would take ten days and a half months to complete it. That's it... There is still no result of repeated calculations. After all, if there is a deviation in a number, it may be wrong everywhere. In the household department, if you do a serious check, a dozen people, ten days and a half months, may not be able to complete the accurate data. .

  The revenue and expenditure of the national treasury are related to the country's money and grain allocation. To put it bluntly, it is the national economy and the people's livelihood, but it cannot be sloppy at all.

   "Okay, tell me, talk about it..." Zhu Houzhao looked at Fang Jifan excitedly, and then remembered something: "Wait a minute, I will write it down first."

   Turned around and went back to the copybook, and took out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

  Fang Jifan wanted to laugh in his heart, this young master not only knows the exact figures of this year's annual income and expenditure, but also the figures for the 12th, 13th, and 15th years of Hongzhi, and even the numbers from Jiajing to Chongzhen.

Fang Jifan calmed down: "At the end of this year, as of the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month in the eleventh year of Hongzhi, the imperial court has put in 2.754622 taels of silver and 790,000 catties of silk from the two capitals and the thirteen provinces. , 1,639,300 bolts of cloth, 226,200 catties of tea..." Fang Jifan said like a few treasures: "In addition, the two Beijing Huangzhuang received 770,000 dans of grain and 270,000 jin of customs duties. Ten thousand taels, the expenditure..."

   These numbers after another are all appalling, and the materials involved include dozens of categories, from income, to expenditure, and finally, the balance.

   Zhu Houzhao spoke out one by one, almost without a pause, and Zhu Houzhao hurriedly wrote down one by one.

In fact, Fang Jifan played a trick. He deliberately processed some of the following mantissas. For example, the cloth is 1,639,300 pieces, but the actual number is 1,635,000 Two hundred and thirty-two horses, the reason why these mantissas were deliberately changed was because even Fang Jifan felt that if it was so precise, it would be too monstrous, and if there was such a small mistake, it would not arouse suspicion.

  Zhu Houzhao wrote down the number happily, but the problem came, he couldn't check the calculation, that is to say, Fang Jifan had to make up everything about this number, uh... well, trust him.


  Okay, stop scolding, it's three o'clock. In fact, compared to other historical novels with all kinds of golden fingers against the sky, the tiger is already very restrained, okay? The tiger also wants to write some brain-burning articles, but it’s not that no one reads it. Hey, this industry is hard to say, everyone The tastes of the book are different. Tiger is used to being scolded in various ways, but sometimes it is still uncomfortable to read book reviews.

When people watch the World Cup, the tiger is listening to the sound of the World Cup in the middle of the night, and only when he hears the yelling on the TV that the ball has been scored, the ball has been scored, and then he hastened to take a look, and then continue to work. Life is not easy. Long live the understanding .

  (end of this chapter)