MTL - Prestigious Family Marriage: Uncle vs Young Wife-Chapter 452 : Lu Youyuan lost control

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Shopping did not make Dou Weier's state better, she clearly felt that she began to fall.

A circle of shopping malls went down, He Jifan's hands were filled with Dou Weier's things, and many of them had to smash two bags.

Dou Weier suddenly felt a bit ironic. In the past, he never bought anything with her. Now, when he recalls the past, he feels more like a mistress he has never seen before.

He Jifan led Dou Weier into a luxury store, looked around and made a few bags of fingers.

"Sir, are you all right?" The waiter glowed.

He Jifan shook his head. "In addition to these, the rest are wrapped up."

The waiter was obviously stunned, and he couldn’t help but react. "Okay, please wait a moment."

Dou Wei's face is a little black. He Jifan is too casual to buy things tonight. No one in her hand is what she said she wants to buy. It is bought by He Jifan with a big hand, and there are many things that can’t be taken directly. Leave the address and let the store come to your door.

The package is also, He Jifan paid the money, left the address of Dou Weier, took her to the next store.

"Do you want to move the mall to my house?" Dou Weier finally couldn't help but protest.

"I used to be with you, I didn't care, I didn't cherish it. Now I want to be nice to you." He Jifan is deeply affectionate, and the eyes are inexplicably hooked.

Dou Weier staggered from his confrontation and said: "There is no need to buy it. There are many things I can't use."

"You don't say what you like, what you need, I can only buy what I think you like and need." He Jifan is innocent, "What do you want next, say directly, I will pay you behind you."

After a moment, he added, "Do not save money for me."

Dou Weier is afraid that he will say no more than these, and if the rest are wrapped up, he will buy a few clothes and shoes that he really likes.

"How is this?" Dou Weier wore a **** dress, coming out of the fitting room, taking a look at the mirror and asking He Jifan.

He Jifan had been waiting for her outside the fitting room. When she came out, his eyes were glued to her.

"very nice."

Dou Weier is also very satisfied with the upper body effect of this dress. "Just this one."

She went in and changed her clothes back. He Jifan was still standing in the same place, and there was no impatientness on her face.

"International sail?" suddenly came a familiar female voice, and the voice revealed uncertainty and accident.

He Jifan turned and the owner of the voice saw him, his eyes lit up. "It’s really you, how long have we not seen, I didn’t expect to meet you here, go shopping with my girlfriend? I wanted you to go shopping with me. I always said that it was a woman's work, not accompanying me, now it has changed."

His first girlfriend, also a high school classmate, called Wang Ying.

He Jifan looked at the direction of the fitting room and said: "I heard that you are married, the children have two, congratulations."

"The road to life must be, what kind of congratulations, but it is you, still so chic, inside is your new girlfriend? You, it should be settled, all forty people, can not be like Play like that when you are young."

He Jifan hooked his lower lip and smiled and said: "You care about me so much, don't you know that your husband knows jealous?"

Wang Ying stunned and reacted. He Jifan was in the next drive and smiled. He said: "He is not so stingy, I will not bother you and your girlfriend to go shopping, take a step first."

He Jifan did not say anything, watching her leave, after a while, Dou Weier came out from the fitting room, looking at He Jifan's eyes, like laughing and laughing, straight to see his scalp tightened.

"So what do I look at?"

"If you buy a dress, you can meet your predecessor, He Jifan. Have you carefully calculated how many predecessors you have?"

"How many predecessors I don't care about, I only know that there is only one incumbent now, and there will be no more than one of my predecessors." He Jifan said that he was sentenced.

Dou Weier gave him a cold look, snorted and walked straight out of the clothing store.

He Jifan is not good, the clothes are too late to buy, and chasing out with shopping bags.

Out of the store door, I found that Dou Weier was standing in the distance with Jingsuo, and Cheng Ruyu saw him and hired him.

He Jifan turned back and bought the clothes that Dou Weier had tried. He left the address and came out again. Several people were still there.

"He brother, are you too?" Jing Soso saw He Jifan, smiled and said hello, noticed the big bag in his hand, and his eyes slipped through surprise. "Buy so many things?"

Cheng Ruyu interjected, his eyes were tender: "You can."

Jing Soso smiled and took his arm. "I don't have to buy it. I can't buy it. Are you buying it? I will go to the movies with Cheng Da Ge for a while, Xiao Guoxin has a movie, the film review is very good. Ok, it is said to be very touching. Do you want to see it?"

Ye Xiangguo’s film has just started to be released this week. Ye’s heart is most enthusiastic about his movie in the circle of friends. He is so many times that she has been acclaimed by her, and she is embarrassed and wants to see it.

Dou Weier naturally got a good friend's Amway. She had planned to watch it in a few days. When Jingsuo proposed it, she changed her mind and followed the movie to the top floor.

He Jifan sent things back to the car and then rushed to the top floor. The movie has not yet begun.

"Cheng Da Ge, I want to eat popcorn, and then a cup of Coke." Jing Sousuo spoiled.

"Junk food, it is best not to eat." Jing Sousuo likes to eat snacks. Every day in the place he can't see, I don't know how much junk food has entered her stomach, so with her, he always tries to control her. Those that are harmful and unhelpful.

Jing Sousuo pouted. "We have a rare movie to watch. It is rare to eat it once. It won't be like it. You can't buy it. If you want to buy it, you can buy it yourself. I also have money and feet."

He Jifan saw Jingsuo like those things, bowed down and asked Dou Weier if he wanted to, Dou Weier looked at him and did not speak, He Jifan said directly: "You wait, I will buy you."

Jing Soo is in a hurry. "Look, He Da Ge is buying Wei Er. Why don't you buy it for me?"

Cheng Ruyu looked at the scene and felt that she was looking at a disobedient child. She really wanted to slap her ass.

"The next is not an example." He finally compromised.

Jing Sousuo’s teeth are all exposed. “Uh-huh, it’s not an example.”

He Jifan bought something, turned around and saw Cheng Ruyu come over and stopped to wait for him.

Most of the movies are young couples. It’s rare for them to be so old, especially if they are both very high. It’s even rarer. The sight of the two is not less.

Cheng Ruyu and He Jifan have become accustomed to it. They didn't feel any discomfort. When he went back, He Jifan suddenly remembered the troubles that Cheng Ruyu said to them last time. The eyes that looked at Jingsuo immediately became narrow. "You can now get a mouthful." ?"

Without a head or tail, Cheng Ruyu took a moment to reflect the meaning of He Jifan. He remembered the excitement of He Jifan before, and he did not say it to He Jifan’s joke.

"Hey, talk about it, maybe I can help you."

Cheng Ruyu ignored him.

He Jifan said again: "When you watch a movie, the light is dim, you can try it."

Cheng Ruyu squinted at him. "You are all bored? Take care of yourself. I think that Miss Dou seems to have not accepted you yet. If you have the time to **** my heart, think about how to get the heart."

He Jifan screamed, "I don't know you yet? I am in control."

"Just you?" Cheng Ruyu sneered, said: "I want to say, this is your retribution, who wants you to play with women and play with ants, my hospital's incinerator burned how many children, now planted in a The woman is also your punishment, and the state is also."

This sentence poked the pain point of He Jifan. "I said how this person is so hurt, how can you say that you can die?"

"You should do more good things and give yourself something."

He Jifan: "...not finished, right? I will tell Soso now, you can't afford to be a man's interest in her."

Cheng Ruyu’s expression is slightly stiff, “You dare.”

He Jifan did not let it go. "You dare not dare to see."

"What are you talking about here? Waiting for you for a long time, grinding and smashing." Jing Soso and Dou Weier came over. Jingsuo took the popcorn and cola from Cheng Ruyu and took a cola. He said: The movie is starting soon, let's go in."

"Sasso, I have a secret, do you want to hear?" He Jifan suddenly spoke.

Have a secret? Jing Sordon came to the mood, "What secret?"

"That is..."

"No more time to go in, let's go." Cheng Ruyu interrupted him and took the scene to the theater.

He Jifan laughed and screamed twice, and Dou Weier met, and sweared.

He Jifan looked hurt, holding a popcorn bucket and following behind Dou Weier, he sweared: "Wei Weier, you dislike me..."

That expression, like how Dou Weier is like him.

Ye Fangguo’s new film tells the story of a young girl who likes to be a mentally retarded teenager in a neighbor’s house. There is no ups and downs, no big sadness, no grudges, only a faint crush, and no idea what to do. The confusion that is done, and the grief that the feelings are not responding to, even if it is sad, is so light, like the first outdoor air that breathes in the early summer.

The whole film can be said to be ordinary, but it is such an ordinary, infected all the viewers, inexplicably weeping, afterwards, I don't understand where the tears are.

This is probably the success of this film, and it is similar to the original one.

Ye Xiangguo debuted all the roles so far, and they are all lovable and distressing characters, earning the audience's goodwill and tears.

"The heart is good, it looks so good, I should see it soon." Jing Suoso whispered and wiped his tears.

Next to Cheng Ruyu, I couldn't help but laugh, and reached out and rubbed her hair. "You want to like it, let's see it next time."

At this time, the story of the film went to the heroine for the first time to confide in the actor. At this time, the male and female protagonists are already young men and women in their twenties. The actor's intelligence is equivalent to an eight-year-old child. He can't understand the feelings of the heroine. The heroine shed tears and tiptoes at the corner of the actor's mouth.

Tears flowed to the lips of the two men, and the actor’s tongue licked his lower lip, then frowned and spit out his tongue and said, “Oh, it’s salty.”

The heroine squinted her face and sobbed silently on the floor. The actor could only stand side by side and did not understand what he had done wrong.

"Oh, poor, if North-North is a normal person, North and North are also very pitiful..." Jingsuo's tears have not stopped, Cheng Ruyu holds her hand and decides not to take her next time, flow so More tears, I can see that he is distressed.

Dou Weier's attention was not in the film at first, and there was no mood fluctuations like Jingsuo. He Jifan kept licking her hand, which made her unable to concentrate.

The picture of the kiss between the man and the woman was presented in front of him, and He Jifan rushed over and kissed her in the corner of her mouth. She was unprepared and kissed.

Dou Weier blushes and wants to settle accounts, but finds that people have sat back and watched the movie seriously.

After watching the movie, the four went out of the cinema. Jing Suo Suo said the contents of the movie. Dou Weier was absent-minded and the two men followed behind them.

When I arrived at the parking lot, the two people parted ways.

Cheng Ruyu sent Jingsuo to Jingjia old house, just happened to meet the scenes of Lu Youyuan.

Jing Soso saw the scene, and the subconscious embraced the arm of Cheng Ruyu, proclaiming his own ownership. The sights of the scene swept over them, and then talked with Lu Youyuan. The picture looks very close.

The two did not know what they said, and the scenes were low and laughed. The eyes were bent into crescent moons. They looked very good and the state looked very good.

"A tired day, go in." Lu Youyuan looked at the scenes with a lot of eyes, there is no disguise.

The scenes were a little laughed, picking up the toes, while holding the body of Lu Youyuan and taking the initiative to send their own red lips.

Lu Youyuan's body was stiff, and immediately gave a response. He grabbed the waist of the scene with one hand and held her back with one hand, deepening the kiss.

The scenery was originally just a play for Cheng Ruyu. I didn’t expect Luyou to be like this. I wanted to push him away, but I was afraid to expose my mind. I had to be forced to bear his attack. When his tongue came in, she resisted for a moment. However, it still fell into position.

Jing Soso looked at the two people who couldn't be separated. They could even hear the sound of the saliva that they made when they kissed, and the screams of the scenery caused by lack of oxygen. She couldn't help but blush with her ears and dry mouth.

She only saw this picture on TV, and it was the first time she saw it, and her eyes became hotter.

I didn’t expect the big sister to be so enthusiastic...

Cheng Ruyu saw her like this, her face was black, and she was in front of her. "Go back to sleep early, don't stay up all night watching the messy TV movies."

Jing Soso did not hear his words, eyes staring at Cheng Ruyu's lips, swallowing his mouth.

Cheng Ruyu saw her expression that she couldn’t wait to eat herself. The face was darker and the voice was harsh: "I don't want to go back!"

Jing Soso was stunned and returned to God. He realized that he had just turned to yy Cheng Ruyu, his face was red like a cooked shrimp, and he saw Cheng Ruyu’s smelly face, and his eyes seemed to see through her mind. The root of the ear has to be hot,

"I, I, I, I went in, good night, big brother." After talking down, the wind ran into the door.

Cheng Ruyu and others heard the sound of the entrance door closing, only to withdraw their sight. They swept their eyes and kissed the two together and quickly left the car.

At the gate, there are only a few scenes and deer swims. The original image of Luyou lost its sense of reason, and with the scenery retreating, pressing her on the doorpost, the scenes are jumping very fast, some suffocating, uncomfortable feelings She wants to escape, but there is nowhere to escape.

When a cool hand is attached to the skin of her lower back, and then moves up the curve, her fingers easily pick up the close-fitting clothes. Her heart is scared, and the lost reason is instantly returned, struggling .


The crisp slaps suddenly sounded, and the scenes pushed the deer to the original, and ran into the door.

Lu Youyuan’s eyes were dark and staring at the disappearance of the scene for a long time. The black color in his eyes slowly dissipated, looking down at his palm, and the feeling of just a moment was still, soft and full.

The scenery just kissed him, but it was a play for another man. He knew it well, and because he knew it, he was somewhat angry. He was angry that she went to kiss a man who didn’t love him. Lu Youyuan just wants to scare the scene and punish her for not cherishing herself.

At the end of the kiss, he didn't want to let go of her. He knew that he shouldn't kiss her like a foreigner, but he couldn't control himself. Even his own hand was stuck in her clothes. He was not very clear about it. It is a man's instinct.

Lu Youyuan laughed and shook his head. This slap was not lost.

The scenery has entered the living room one by one, and the little eyes that Jingsuo worships are greeted by her.

She frowned, and the worship of Kingso was somewhat unknown.

"Sister, you are amazing." Jing Sousuo really praises.

The scenery has been frowned deeper. She has just been taken advantage of the deer tour, and now she is awkward and has no patience to accompany the scene.

"There is nothing to say, I am tired, I have to go back to the house."

"Then let us go upstairs." Jingsuo took up the arms of the scene, and the scenes wanted to open her, and when she touched her big eyes, the ghosts let her hold her.

"Sister, you have just been very fierce with the deer brother. I looked blushing when I saw it. I really admire you." Actually dare to take the initiative to kiss the original mouth of the deer, every time Jingsuo wants to kiss with Cheng Ruyu. When she touched his eyes, she was paralyzed.

The scenery was under the foot of one foot, almost fell off the stairs, but Jingsuo used to go upstairs to support the handrails, or else both have to go down.

"Sister, are you okay?" Jing Soso cares.

The scenes were raised with two blushes on the cheeks, and they squinted at Jingsuo. I really doubt that this stinky girl was deliberate.

"Sister?" It’s just that the care in her eyes is not like a fake.

The scene stunned her and opened her hand and went upstairs.

"Sister, are you angry?" Jing Soso does not think that his own big sister is shy. Can someone who is kissing in front of others be shy? nonexistent.

"Sister, don't be angry, I won't say it." Jing Sousuo followed the steps of the scene. "However, you are really good with the deer brother, I am optimistic about you, my sister is cheering!"

Jing Sousuo said that a smog ran into his room, and the scenes glared at her door. This stinky head, usually looking stupid, is actually more than anyone, little fox!

The scenery unexpectedly found that he was not angry at all.

Ming knows that Jingsuo is desperately trying to keep her together with Lu Yuyuan, in order to prevent her from thinking about Cheng Ruyu, but she is not as disgusted as before.

Suddenly there was a scene in which Lu Youyuan’s eyes were closed, and his hand, the moment of holding her, the scenes slammed their faces, and the scenery was full of what you thought!

Going back to the room, she got a text message on her mobile phone.

I am sorry, I am out of control tonight.

The scenes have been staring at the text messages for a long time and responded with a text message.

It doesn't matter, I know that you are acting with me, thank you, I will pay attention to it later, I will not do anything for you.

To say responsibility, Jing has to pay most of the responsibility. If she didn't take the initiative to kiss him, he wouldn't have a chance to get out of control. Moreover, she had already slapped back and it was awkward.

Lu Youyuan looked at the text messages sent by the scenes, and the light was quiet, and the cigarettes were quietly pumped.

Acting? I am afraid that I can't find such a dedicated actor in this world. It's just that there are many scenes. I don't just want to act, I still want to... fake play.

Thinking of the wedding soon, he had some expectations.

He likes girls for so many years, and the look of wearing a wedding dress must be the most beautiful.

The scenes of this night are all the pictures of her and Lu Youyuan's lingering, so true, it really makes her flustered.

Some things, while deviating from her expectations, she was unaware.

Off topic

I am going to the zoo with my child today. If there is one, it is also a night.

At the end of the month, little cute to see if there are any private tickets in hand? If you don’t vote, you have to clear it