MTL - Prestigious Family Marriage: Uncle vs Young Wife-Chapter 427 :Do you want to? (1 more)

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He Jifan sent Dou Weier back to the Biyun villa area and drove to the Hejia old house.

When the car just entered the gate, I heard the servant’s voice slamming the report: “The young master is back!”

He Jifan entered the living room and immediately noticed the arrogance of the atmosphere.

Mrs. He’s wife sat in the main position, and He Changju and Shen Meng were sitting on both sides of her. He Yiyi was sitting next to Shen Meng with a Dalmatian doll, and a three-chamber trial.

He Jifan put the car key on the coffee table and pulled the tie: "I am so anxious to call me back, what do you want to say?"

Shen Meng first said, "Yi Yi said that you got a piece with a model. When will you be able to set your heart? Ah? You are almost thirty-seven, and the little girl in the rain is clear, you don’t want to Models of unknown origins are mixed, and how many of those models are now clean?"

In today's society, there are too many people doing the flesh business under the banner of the model. The chaos is not the model circle, but the periphery of the model circle.

He Jifan looked at He Yiyi sharply.

He Yiyi was stunned by his neck and hid behind the dream. "I didn't say anything wrong. Dou Weier was originally a model. You are also with her. I saw it. From school, there are many people chasing her. There are more men around her..."

As soon as this was said, Mrs. He’s face was even more ugly.

She wants this grandson to get married soon. First, I hope that he will settle down earlier. He can have a personal control over him. Don’t spend the day outside. Hehe’s eyes are getting bigger and bigger, growing up. The child will want her mother, not to grow up, and now she wants to have a mother. A few days ago, she talked to her mother every day in a small mouth. She listened at the side, don’t mention more pain.


Not everyone can give her grandson a mother, do not ask the door to be right, at least the character is no problem, listen to He Yiyi said that with He Jifan in a piece of the girl to change the speed of the boyfriend and He Jifan to change the speed of his girlfriend have a fight She couldn't sit still right away, and quickly let Shen Meng call and call people back.

He Jifan regained his gaze and straightened his legs to smoke from his trouser pocket. He said: "Wei is very good."

"What's so good? Besides that face will seduce people, what else will she be?" He Yiyi disdain.

He Jifan points to a good smoke, and through the smog of smoke, he greets He Yiyi. "You seem to have a prejudice against Wei Weier. She seduce your sweetheart?"

He Yiyi stunned and bit his lip and stared at his eldest brother.

She didn't admit it, saying that her brother liked the fox and didn't like her.

"I don't care what kind of person Duo Weier is. In short, the mother of the state can't be a woman with misbehaving. I just called the rain and let her come here tomorrow. She also promised, you are tonight. I don't want to go anywhere, I will accompany her tomorrow, and the state, is still in Biyun Villa? Will the driver pick him up?"

Mrs. He’s wife has a certain meaning. “The women outside, you have to give me a break, cut off a little, the state has begun to want a mother, you will not give him a mother back, not good for him.”

A child without a mother can easily form a personality defect.

This is also the most worried about Mrs. He, she is the son of He Changju, the grandson is also He Jifan and He Yunqi, the grandson of He Chizhou is the only one, she wants to give He Chizhou the best living environment.

"When you are married, you are a fish, listen to your grandmother." Shen Meng was on the sidelines.

He Jifan went down a cigarette for a long time. When he finished all of them, he reached out and put some ash on the coffee table. He said slowly, "I didn't say I didn't marry."

"That's good. I will cultivate my feelings with the rain tomorrow. When I look back, I will discuss your marriage with the family." Mrs. He took it for granted that He Jifan agreed to marry him.

Although it was only twenty-five this year, it was a little smaller than He Jifan, but the child was obedient, temperamental, patient, and suitable for Hechi.

More importantly, she also likes He Jifan.

He Jifan grinned. "Grandma, I said that I don't object to getting married, but I don't say I want to marry someone you choose."

Mrs. He’s wife is thinking about the future of He Jifan and Yu Yu’s time, and is squandered with a word of enthusiasm. “What do you mean?”

"If I want to get married, the bride can only be Wei Weier." He Jifan said the idea of ​​flashing in his mind during this time. He wanted to marry Dou Weier and didn't know when he came up with the idea.

When he used to be like a painter, he never had this idea. It was strange, but he was willing to accept it.

"Impossible!" Shen Meng was the first to object.

He Yiyi said that Dou Weier, if she remembered correctly, more than two years ago, she should have flowed a child for He Jifan, as if she was still an ectopic pregnancy, cut a fallopian tube on one side, and was born low, how can this woman fit in? Hejias.

Shen Meng did not say the same thing in the past. Mrs. He always liked He Jifan to spend the day outside. If he was known by the elderly, He Jifan specified that he was his own son, and she still hurts.

"Afan, what kind of name do you want, why don't you have a good name? Why do you want to go home with a model, you like to play outside, but you don't know that your circle is the star model, the entertainment circle. How many women are there in the model circle?"

"Don't compare those women with Wei Weier, Wei Weier is different from them." He Jifan frowned and was dissatisfied with Shen Meng's words, but did not directly go back.

"Isn't it all for money? What can be different?" He Yiyi mocked.

"No more nonsense, take back your dance studio."

He Jifan’s words made He Yiyi.

He Yiyi likes to dance, likes to be obsessed. After graduation, He Jifan opened a dance studio for her. Instead of making money, she gathered a group of dance lovers to dance every day, sometimes taking some activities to go out and jump. Freedom, unconstrained, stronger than the national dance team.

The family said that she had no interest, but she had a good time.

He Yiyi closed his mouth and didn't open any more. Although this big brother said that he didn't look like a normal figure on weekdays, when she was serious, she still slandered him.

He Changju has never spoken, and he turned his newspaper in his hand.

Seeing He Jifan’s resolute attitude, Shen Meng gave her husband a wink, but her husband kept her head down and she had to stretch her foot to kick him.

He Changju looked up and looked at him, and Shen Meng’s eyes gestured to him.

He is about to speak, and Mrs. He’s wife first opened her mouth: “You are serious, or, that is, Dou Weier is just an excuse for you to refuse the rain.”

He Jifan: "Can't be more serious, Grandma, and the state also likes her."

"Mom, you ask what to do, whether he is serious or not, Dou Weier can't do it." Shen Meng disapproved to look at Mrs. He's old lady. It is easy to be soft when he is old. If he hasn't said a few words, he agrees. .

She thought that Mrs. Lao’s wife asked the words and was ready to promise.

"Although Afan is old, but can't take the radish is a dish?" Shen Meng will definitely not agree. She is now a grandson of Hechi, or a small star, how can this be done? It is necessary to regenerate several serious grandchildren.

I want her to say that it will not work when it rains. The family is too general. If it is not the granddaughter of Mrs. Lao’s old friend, she will definitely disagree.

Her son, how to say it has to be like a daughter-in-law like He Suzhen, born in the famous door, married to bring two companies, and a manor, it is simply three Jinshan was given by Jingboyuan.

At the beginning, she also laughed at the scene of the home and then married a humble grandson, but now she can only envy and hate.

There is no such a young lady in this big capital city, and it can be as deep as Ye’s heart.

Thinking of this, Shen Meng became more and more ignorant of Dou Weier and the rain.

"I remember that there are three girls in Jingjia, one is married on the National Day, and two are unmarried. It is better to follow Jingjia..." Shen Meng said his own thoughts.

Jingjia was suppressed a while ago, but the immediate advantage was given. This family has not only failed to slump, but has taken it to the next level. The benefits of marriage with Jingjia are immeasurable.

"As far as your son is concerned, I still want to see the girl of Jingjia." Waiting for He Jifan to oppose, Mrs. He’s wife first replied, and the tone of his disapproval of He Jifan.

Ordinary ordinary people are not willing to marry their own daughter to a man with children, let alone Jingjia, don't even think about it.

Friendship is one thing, and child marriage is another.

The tone of the old man made the dream uncomfortable. "What happened to my son? You have to look at each other, you have to have a family life, you have the ability, and you can't match the scenery?"

Mrs. He’s wife sneered: “I still want my son to have a son and a woman to have a woman.”

Shen Meng: "..."

Seeing the focus of the discussion, He Jifan smoked on the sofa and looked at the bustle.

Still, He Yiyi can't stand it anymore. "Grandma, Mom, we are talking about Dou Weier."

"Oh yes." Mrs. He turned the subject back. "A Fan, since you made up your mind to ask the singer Wei Weier, find a time to show her to me."

She would like to see what kind of woman can actually let her grandson move the idea of ​​getting married.

She also wants to see where the woman can be better than when it rains.

The so-called knowing ourselves and knowing each other is not awkward, and we must first understand the situation of the other party and then think about countermeasures.

Shen Meng frowned, "Mom!"

He Yiyi is not happy, "Grandma!"

The two of them thought that Mrs. He’s wife agreed to let Dou Weier enter the door.

Mrs. He’s disregarding the two, only looking at He Jifan’s words: “If you come tomorrow, you still have to accompany her. Since the marriage has not yet been settled, contact with the rain, maybe you will find it more suitable for rain. you."

He Jifan laughed: "No, I am not interested in Wei Weier now. I am not interested in anyone. Wei Weier and the state are waiting for me at Biyun Villa. I will go back first. I will discuss with you. I will discuss with her first. It’s a big deal to meet you, give her some time to prepare."

Mrs. He’s wife slipped through her eyes and said, “Have you lived together?”

"No." He Jifan denied. "States like her. We watched the movie together in the afternoon. Mom said that things were so serious on the phone. I can only send them to Biyun Villa first."

Mrs. He’s wife waved her hand and didn’t want to talk anymore. “Go.”

After He Jifan left, Mrs. He’s face showed exhaustion. “I will go upstairs to sleep, call me at dinner.”

He Yiyi, holding a Dalmatian doll, pouted and left.

Shen Meng kicked in the leg of He Changju, who was still reading the newspaper. "How can you not say anything, your son will come back with a model that is not clean, and you will not care if you are a father."

He Changju looked up at her and looked at her. "How old is your son?"

"Thirty-seven!" Shen Meng was not angry.

"The people who are all forty, do you need me to manage?" He Changju turned a newspaper and safely became a shopkeeper.

His son and girlfriend are exchanged for diligence, but what should be done, what should not be done, the door is clear, take over the company these years, the company is managed very well, and he did not see which woman harmed the company’s interests, such a man I have my own thoughts and opinions, I want to manage them, and I can’t control them.

It’s He Yunwei, who should manage it. I didn’t know where to get a loophole in the plan. I wanted to convince the board to agree to invest. I’ve been doing the same thing for a few days, but later I realized that it’s actually for chasing women. The project was carried out by the woman’s brother, and he was so arrogant that the mixed-child was almost indifferent.

In an angry manner, He Changju threw him to the branch office.

"There is this one that does not manage this tube, not the one that manages the tube."

"What do you mean by this?"

He Changju looked at Shenmeng. "I listened to the leader and reported that Auntie was at the branch office. You called and said that it was almost thirty, and it was also a three-year-old."

"No, I am telling you about Afan, you don't know, that Dou Weier her..."

"Okay." He Changju interrupted her. "A sail thing, you will have less snacks, and you will go to the opposite place. Don't worry about it all day."

After that, he closed the newspaper and got up and went to the bathroom.

"..." Shen Meng lame, how can she worry about it? That Dou Weier, she could not be worthy of her son!

He Jifan returned to Biyun Villa, which was already at 5:40 in the evening.

In the early winter, everything was depressed, and the villa courtyard planted a lot of evergreen trees, which seemed to be full of vitality.

At this time, the lights were on, and the lights in the courtyard were bright.

Into the living room, Dou Weier is sitting on the mat with He Chizhou and stacking wood.

The indoor heating is very good. Dou Weier wears a white sweater, tight leather pants, curly shoulders, and the face without powder is still bright and moving.

He Chizhou sits between her legs, one big and one small, and the picture is warm.

"You are back, then I"

He Jifan interrupted her. "Nothing is going anywhere."

Dou Weier came down with a cold face. "Don't be too much."

"The grandmother of the state wants to meet you, when are you convenient?"

If you can’t get it, let Dou Wei’s glimpse. “She, what did she see me do?”

"The old man said that my boss is not small, and I am anxious to let me get married. I said that I am also preparing to get married. She wants to see my marriage partner."

He Jifan sat next to Dou Weier, with both hands on her shoulders and her body leaning against her back. "Would you like?"