MTL - Prestigious Family Marriage: Uncle vs Young Wife-Chapter 351 : She is the uncle's biological daughter (1) 1 more

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The atmosphere inside the car gradually became very strange and very strange.

Ye plunged to the heart as far as possible, not to pay attention to the opposite father-in-law.

Jingboyuan drove the car behind the team and walked for a while. The car suddenly braked urgently. Ye Qingxin and Sun Hao couldn’t help but fall forward. Fortunately, both of them had seat belts, and they had Jingjing’s timely support. The shoulders of the next two.

Then, the squatting behind the car slammed into it, and the people in the car were shocked. The three little guys were awakened, crying year after year and dying, watching a pair of clear big eyes privately.

“What happened?” Jing Zong turned to ask Jing Boyuan.

The cars in front stopped and many of them chased the tail.

"I will go down and see." Jing Boyuan untied the seat belt and got off the road. He did not come back.

The leaves are so good that every year, the window is lowered and the probe is looking to the front. The car is full of lanes. The team is very long. It can only be seen faintly. It seems that something happened at the front and blocked many people.

I was just about to call and ask what happened. An emergency ambulance next to the emergency lane screamed and drove fast. At the forefront of the team, Ye’s heart was faintly stunned. It would not be a big day. Wounded?

“Is there something wrong?” Jing Zong also realized that something might have happened. He took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and called Jingyi, who was at the forefront.

"What happened? How did the ambulance come over?"

I don’t know what to say on the mobile phone side. Jing Bian’s brow is screwed up. “Noisy, today is the day of your marriage. The wounded let the third child send it. What are you doing? Hello? Hello?”

In the case of Jing Zong, the feeling that Ye Ye’s heart is not good is intensified.

"The main wedding car hit someone?"

"The three daughter-in-law who hit Xiao Jiaxin’s door is not hurt."

Su Yuxi?

Xiao Yu and Su Yuxi’s wedding, Ye Qingxin is sitting on the moon, did not go to participate, and later heard Jingsuo said that there is something wrong with the wedding, Xiao Yu’s big brother is not thinking about the non-Li Su, the Xiao brothers The relationship of inheritance is not awkward, and after that, it is completely hostile.

How are you being hit by a wedding car now? Jing Yi still has to follow her to the hospital. Today is a big joy for him and the people who love it. Even if he hurts the Xiao family, he can completely let Jing Yan or Jing Zong deal with it.

Jing Yi, who is similar to Jing Boyuan, is not going to care too much about an insignificant person.

Thinking of this, Ye Yinxin is faintly worried.

I don't know how to smell people now. After waiting for twenty years, I finally got married. The groom left her halfway and went to the hospital with others. My heart must not be a taste.

The ambulance quickly screamed back from the original lane on the other side, and Jingboyuan returned.

"We went to the hotel first, and the second uncle said that he would come back before the ceremony."

"How did the Auntie get hit by a car on the road? What about Auntie?" Jing Jingwen.

"I have already called him."

"The day of the big joy came out of this..." Jing Zong’s words were not finished, but the people who listened understood the meaning of his words. The day of the big joy hit the people, and it was not a good thing.

Suddenly there was a bad smell in the air, but it was not unpleasant to hear. A group of people quickly checked the little guy, and He Su’s arms pulled the stench.

In the front row, Li Wei handed over the baby wipes and clean diapers.

He Suzhen expertly took off the diaper covered with golden yellow smell under the **** and handed it to Li Wei to bag, and wiped the wet towel to rub the tender buttocks skillfully and gently.

Jing Zai’s hands were wearing wet wipes and clean diapers. Looking at this scene, his eyes suddenly became moving.

Can't help but reach out and open a small hair that He Suzhen hangs down. He Suzhen's action under the hand is aside, letting it go to the side, avoiding the touch of Jingjing, but the next action is obviously awkward.

Jing Jing did not mind her deliberate avoidance. The expression on her face was always gentle. Waiting for He Suzhen to wipe the clean little buttocks and handing clean diapers in time, it seems very tacit.

The atmosphere that became slightly normal just after the episode became strange and strange again.

"How about the sister? Is it scared?" Ye said that he wanted to ease the atmosphere, and he really wanted to care about the people.

Jingboyuan did not say how people liked it now, just said: "When you arrive at the hotel, you will accompany her."

That is not good.

The wedding of Jingyi and Wenrenxi was held in a five-star hotel under the Powerway Group.

When Ye Yinxin and his party arrived, Jing Yan and Ji Yi had already greeted the guests at the entrance of the wedding scene. Jing Su and He Suzhen used to help. Jing Boyuan had been sending Ye Yinxin into the lounge before turning around to help the guests.

Ye enamoured holding the dynasty, Wang Hao and Sun Hao holding the year and the hustle and bustle, Li Wei holding the items that the little guys need to use, in the lounge, Mrs. Jing and a veteran who has never seen Ye’s heart. When people are sitting on the sofa, the three sisters of Jingjia and a few young girls who are enamored with each other gather and talk, about the relatives and friends of the woman.

Seeing the heart of the leaves, Mrs. Jing called her: "Heart, come and sit."

"This is your grandson and grandmother?" The old lady who looked at the face looked at Ye Qingxin and three children. The smile on the corner of her mouth was somewhat far-fetched. "It's really good."

Ye is convinced that the old lady may be the mother of the people, but not sure, she turned her eyes to Mrs. Jing.

Mrs. Jing’s wife smiled and said: “This is Xiaoxi’s mother, you should call a grandmother.”

"Smell grandmother." Ye plunged from the good, sly and politely called people.

The old lady smelled and smiled. When she bowed her head, the smile on her lips was hidden.

How many leaves can be guessed why the smile of the old lady is so reluctant, her daughter waited for Jingyi for twenty years, and abandoned a girl’s good years. It’s hard to think of a marriage, the groom ran halfway. Who will not be happy in the heart.

At this time.

The good news for the wedding dress is coming out of the locker room.

Forty-three-year-old woman, looking at her thirties, with fair skin, well-proportioned, bumpy, well-maintained, wearing a white wedding dress, the five senses are more and more feminine, she smiles, lips Condensed a few minutes of sorrow and sorrow.

"Wow, beautiful, cousin, I dare say that the bride who is married today, count you the most beautiful." And the young girl who stood in a place like Jingsuo praised.

Whether it is true or flattering, it is pleasant to hear.

Wen people smiled at the girl, went to the makeup mirror and sat down, let the makeup artist change her makeup.

Ye plunged into the dynasty and walked over, standing behind the smelling people.

I heard the person’s gaze from the mirror on the upper leaf and smiled. “The baby is so cute.”

Ye said with a smile: "Sometimes it makes people feel a headache." When she paused, she said again: "Congratulations to the sister."

The smell of people hi hooked the lower lip, "Thank you." Finished hanging eyelashes.

Ye Yinxin saw that she had no thoughts to speak, and she stopped talking about it. The sight fell to the old lady who was reflected in the mirror. The old man was staring at her daughter, and her eyes could not be said to be happy.

Standing a little tired, Ye went to the open-air balcony, where there are outdoor coffee tables and chairs for people to rest, the sun is shining, some hot, not sun-drying.

There are two pots of oleander in the corner of the balcony. At the beginning of October, the flowering period will be exhausted, and the red flowers will not bloom very well.

Ye Yinxin just sat down on the chair of the rattan, and the singer was over.

"Hey, heart, do you know who is the person who was hit by the uncle today?" The tone is mysterious.

Ye Qing hearted, "Know, Xiao Yu's wife."

Jing Soso shook his head, "No."

"Not Xiao Xiao's wife?" Shouldn't, Jing Jing said, the major families are very familiar and will not admit the wrong person.

"No!" Jing Soso hurriedly said: "It is Xiao Sanzhen, I mean, she is not just as simple as Xiao Sanqi, she looks like the woman that the second uncle used to like."

The leaves are deeply shocked.

"What do you mean?"

"Like the meaning of the word." Jing Sousuo white leaves a heart, "Xiao Sange's wedding day, originally the second uncle intends to go, the unit temporarily made something, did not go, the wedding saw the bride, grandma Beside me, my mother whispered a word: Fortunately, the second child did not come."

"I was close to them at the time, I heard them, and asked them why they were so lucky that they didn't come. They didn't care for me, and I didn't go to my heart."

"On the way to the hotel, I was sitting in a car with my grandmother. The second uncle went to the hospital with Xiao Santun. Grandma got the news and was so angry that she called in the past. She said, you have been delaying Xiaoxi for the woman for 20 years, now For a woman who looks like her and the wedding of Xiaoxi? You want to mad at me? If you didn't get it before the ceremony, I wouldn't have your son!"

Jingsuo studied the angry tone of Mrs. Jing’s wife at that time, and said that she couldn’t help but say, “I know that the woman I liked in the past is the same as Chang’s three sisters. It’s really beautiful. It’s no wonder that the uncle’s love for the lover was so deep. Poor two."

Ye eagerly turned to look into the lounge, smelling people have already made up the makeup, the stylist is giving her hair, and although her mouth is hooked, she can depict the delicate eyebrows, which is the deepest despair and disappointment.

"what time is it?"

Ye Qingxin regained his gaze and looked at the ladies' watch on the right wrist of Jingsuo.

Jing Soso raised his hand and looked down. "Five o'clock, one hour left before the wedding ceremony."

Ye Qingxin suddenly understood the car when she came. She asked how the people liked it. Why did Jingboyuan not answer? Perhaps, Jingboyuan also knew that Jingyi insisted on following the ambulance because the person who was hit was like His old lover.

She got up and hugged the dynasty to the smell of people.

Wen Renxi was surrounded by several young girls, and it was very lively, but Ye Qingxin saw the sadness and loneliness of her eyes.

"Two 婶." Ye plunged to hand over the dynasty. "The two scorpions have not yet embraced the scorpions. If you are not afraid of the little guys smudging your wedding dress, hug it."

The little guy was fragrant and soft, and he was very happy. He smiled a bit.

"What is his name?" Wen said with a smile.

"Xiaoming Dynasty, big name... Jingzhe Yu." Ye Yinxin turned his head and pointed to the year and year. "That is the boss, the young name is the year, the big name is Jinghuai, that is the third child, the little name Hey, big name Jing Muye."

"Huai Yu holds Yu... It's a very good name, Jing Muye... Is it Jingbo Yuan's love for the leaves?"

Ye Qingxin cheeks reddish, no nod to admit, the expression has explained everything.

The smell of people's eyes filled with envy, she silently hangs the eyelashes of the false eyelashes, thick lashes cover the emotions in the eyes, "good name, really a good name."

Perhaps, good is not the name itself, but the affection that a man expresses to his wife with the child's name.

Ye Yinxin saw her like this, and she was annoyed that she helped me down. I wanted to let the child shift the attention of the people, but I didn’t expect her to be more sad.

Suddenly thinking of something, Ye Yinxin looked around and asked: "Will you like rice?"

It’s always been a cat that doesn’t leave.

"I have kept it at home." The smell of people is low. "They said that when they get married, the cat will be suffocated. I will keep it at home, in order not to let it secretly come over to my wedding. I’m still swearing, I’m still locking it in a cage.”

I don't know if it's a distressed meal, or something else. The eyelashes that smell people are getting wet. "I have some regrets now, I shouldn't have it, I should bring it over."

"If it is there, you can stay with me."

Ye Yin heart heard it.

I heard that people are venting their emotions through the cat, and she is bitter in her heart.

"Happy sister..." Ye Yinxin grasped the hand of the person who heard it, and said: "When the second uncle will come back, he is a responsible man."

In the end, the tears of the people's smiles did not fall. She licked the gradually drying eyelashes, looked up at the leaves, and revealed some inexplicable emotions in her smile. Ye did not understand it for a while.

"Hopefully." Wen Renxi said that the tone was very calm and indifferent. In the meantime, Ye Yinxin seemed to see the former plain-shoulder who had no desire.

Time is passing by.

The door of the lounge was ringing, and the door was pushed open, and a tall and straight figure stood at the door.

Jingbo Yuan’s line of sight fell directly to the leaves.

Ye fell in love, "I will go out, and I will help me for a while."

The smell of people nodded, "Go."

Outside the lounge.

"When is the second uncle coming back?"

"The situation at the hospital is rather bad." Jing Boyuan's tone is faint.

"Is Su Yuxi's situation worse? Second uncle? Can't you come back to finish the wedding first? Should Xiaojia's people pass? Second uncle is not a doctor, and there is no use there."

The tone of the leaves is filled with personal emotions, and some of them are rushing. She is saddened by the smell of people.

There are so many people in the Jing family here, and you can change back to Jingyi if you send one in the past. This is the fault of Jingjia. Jingjia puts his attitude out. There is no need to have Jingyi there.

Jing Boyuan pulled Ye’s heart into his arms and opened the subject. “Is it tired with children?”

Ye swayed his head and looked back at the restroom door. "The second uncle's move hurts the heart of the second."

Jingbo Yuan saw that she would not let go of this topic, and her eyes slipped through a trace of helplessness. "The second uncle said that he would come back before the ceremony."

Time is slowly approaching six.

Jing Yi is not late, call the past, there is said that Su Yuxi's life is dying, she needs blood transfusion, she is a special blood type, the hospital blood bank is in a hurry, Jing Yi is busy with the blood test, let the time of the wedding ceremony push back one time hour.

Ye did not go to the banquet hall, but also know that the guests there are definitely commotion.

Jiyi and He Suzhen came over to comfort the people, and they smelled like sitting in front of the mirror and hanging their eyelashes.

Time slipped past the hearts of everyone.

six thirty.

The old lady who heard the old man stood up, his face full of anger, went straight to the smell of people, and pulled her arm and lifted her up from the chair, "Go home with me!"

Mrs. Jing’s wife panicked and was busy with her smile. “My family, I’m dissipated first. This is my second child’s fault. He’s in the hospital now, and the life is off, let’s wait. He’ll be back before seven.” Then, she said again: "I will call you now and yell at him, don't be angry." Said, Mrs. Jing gave a look to Ji Yi and He Suzhen.

Ji Yi and He Su were busy going forward to appease the angry old man.

"You don't have to say anything. Today, I don't have to look at this marriage." The old lady's chest is undulating and violent, and the tone is angry and painful. "I can't blame you for your family. It's my family's little happiness." The dead skin will not wait for your home, and it will be a waste of more than 20 years of youth, and it will be trampled!"

"You are not married, are you? People don't take you seriously, what do you say about you? Ah? You said what you want to do?" The old lady is really very angry, crying and fighting hard. On the bare arm, "I am late on the day of the engagement, and I am late for marriage. People are so badly practicing you. Are you comfortable? Go home with me!"

The old man dragged his daughter out.

"Pro-family..." Mrs. Jing’s mobile phone number has not been dialed out, and she has come to see the old lady’s wife.

"Don't say anything, your King's power is big, we can't afford it, we don't dare to care about the previous things, please ask me to let go of my family in the future, I am grateful! I am grateful!" Wen Renfu People with their hands together, worshipping the Buddha like the Bodhisattva, and worshipping the old lady 90 times. This move is clearly deliberately practicing themselves, showing how much heart is distressed for their daughter.

"Pro-family... Don't do this..." Mrs. Jing's eyes are wet, I don't know how to persuade, and hate my son's disappointment.

"Follow me home." The old lady of the smell continues to drag and smack the people to go out.

Wen Renxi stood still and did not move, and gently broke the hands of the elderly.

Her eyes calmly looked at her mother, and her mouth slowly smacked a smile. "Mom, from the day I fell in love with him, until now, twenty-one years, seven months and nineteen days, don't care about this half." hour."

"Smell people happy!" Wen old lady is sad and difficult.

"Mom, I want to call him."

The old lady who smelled the old man sat down on the sofa, rubbed her chest and screamed, and blamed herself for teaching her daughter so much!

Ye enamoured to hold the dynasty, watching the people walked to the open-air balcony, the expression was always calm, calm like a moment before the storm, so flustered and depressed.

On the open air balcony.

I heard that people listened to Jingyi’s sentence and waited for me for an hour. At eight o'clock, I must arrive. The tone did not distinguish the mood and said one: "Good."

The voice fell, and there said: "I have a blood test result, and I hang it first."

"Jing Yi." Wen Renxi for the first time, even named his name to call him, the man on the mobile phone who is ready to hang up the phone "hmm", the tone revealed a few uncommon anxious.

The smell of people likes the light is dark and dark. "I will wait until you get to eight, you must come back in time."

She seemed to be worried that he didn't understand or didn't hear it. The voice repeated with a smile. "I will wait until you get to eight, you must come back in time."

I got a positive reply from the man on the other side of the phone. I heard people laughing. "I am waiting for you."

The sun shines on the wedding dress with diamonds, reflecting a little starlight, and the beauty of the day is like the fairy of the fairy, giving people the illusion of floating.

She rolled back into the lounge with a skirt, a three-meter-long wide skirt, and dragged the sorrowful curvature on the hotel's upscale marble floor.

The young girls from several women’s side came forward to help with the skirt.

"Mom." Wen people like to go to the old lady in front of Wen, kneel and hold the hand of the old man. "The last time, he said, he will definitely come back before eight o'clock. Her daughter has been willful for more than 20 years and added to you." A lot of distress, you will let your daughter be willful again."

"The last time." Wen people snorted and repeated the four words.

Ye Yinxin listened to this tone is not right, quietly exited the lounge, went to nowhere to call Jingboyuan's phone.

"Bo Yuan, you call the second uncle, and the second look looks wrong, let him hurry back."

"Yeah." Jing Boyuan said: "You will accompany her more."

"I know."

Hanging up the phone, just going back to the lounge and just pushing the door open, I heard the voice of people saying hi, "Let's go out, I want to be alone."

"Little hi..." The old lady is not at ease.

Wen people like to smile: "Do not worry, Mom, you still don't know me? Although sometimes a rib, but not vulnerable to think about it, I just want to calm down, you go to the wedding banquet hall, you still I haven't seen what it looks like."

Ye plunged to the banquet hall with everyone.

"Is there anything wrong with the second?" Jing Soso walked beside Ye’s heart and screamed.

"Isn't Grandma not letting people stay at the entrance of the restroom?" Ye Yinxin also worried a bit, but still said: "Xi sister waited for two years and two years, showing how strong, the average person is difficult to adhere to for three years and five years. ,rest assured."

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Second, a Yao is as early as possible,