MTL - Porter of Two Worlds-Chapter 19 Father and son talking about business

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"Why do you see me, why don't you get that monkey wine?" Bai Jianjun, who has experienced the effects of 'Monkey's Wine', is obviously impatient.

父母 What parents are this this is ...

At the same time when Yun was silent, Bai Yang watched his father tangled for a moment and said, "Dad, you know, I'm doing trade right now, right?"

"And then? If your boy has any fart, please hurry up and let me see that your expression will be fine", Bai Jianjun said angrily.

"Nothing is fine, but this time I will give you a huge benefit. You don't want to listen to me and don't want to talk about this attitude," said Bai Yang depressed.

I ca n’t help it, my grandfather ’s style of speaking has continued for a decade or two, and he ca n’t change it.

However, Bai Jianjun still carelessly threw out two words. He knows his son too well, and he never does the crime of committing crimes, but you have to say that what he can do is just a dream.

"You old people can't take it seriously ... The thing is such a thing. If it's a long story, then I'll make a long story short. Our company has a batch of imported precious wood. Are you interested in winning it?"

After listening to this, Bai Jianjun looked at Bai Yang with a look of contempt and said, "I said that you guys would be okay as soon as you speak, and you are ready to pit your father as soon as you go to work. It must be watching other colleagues' business with great envy. No How can I find my father's business? "

He waved his hand to stop the poplar who wanted to say something about constipation. Bai Jianjun continued: "In principle, everything in this family will be yours. When you started your career, I will support you anyway. Just pit it, but don't pit it too hard! "


Bai Yang looked at the light bulb blank, what is it?

But from the heart, he is still very moved. No matter how parents are always facing the child, it doesn't matter if they are pitted, as long as the child can raise his head in front of others ...

But things are not right, Bai Yang swears that he is definitely here to give benefits!

"You two talk, I'm going to cook", Zhen Guoping was not interested in these, and left such a sentence and went to the kitchen.

"Daddy, our company really has a batch of imported precious wood. You are making furniture. I wonder if you should use it. If you are afraid of me pitting you and I sell others," Bai Yang sighed.

Of course, it is impossible to sell others, even if it rots there.

"What wood"? Bai Jianjun drank tea when he finished speaking these words.

"Small leaf sandalwood, um, probably a few tens of tons"

Hmm ..., Bai Jianjun sprayed, pointing at the poplar coughing for a long time. He didn't say anything.

He finally managed to pant and pointed at Bai Yang's nose, saying, "You are a prodigal boy, and the pit father is not so pitty. Do you sell me dozens of tons of leafy rosewood? I think you can take over this house directly, and then our family of three The street wants food. "

"What do you mean?" The poplar's mouth twitched.

"I mean, I do n’t have that much money, I ca n’t afford it, understand? At the beginning I was thinking about a few tons of ordinary wood. I gritted my teeth and bought it for you. Rhythm "!

When I heard Bai Jianjun's words, Bai Yang was secretly happy. In the past, my father was like an old man who was not bad at money. It was rare to see him eat a cricket, and he took a sip of tea and said, "Daddy, you do n’t have enough money. Matter, I can make it to you at the lowest price in the market. If not, I can give you a discount. Do n’t stare, is n’t it? Instalment is okay. This is a good thing. I can give it to the elderly. miss you"!

When Bai Yang said this, Bai Jianjun was relieved. He didn't look at Bai Yang with a scorn, saying: "Lao Tzu understands, you are a liar, is your father fun? This good thing can come to me? You think that home You started the company. "

Bai Yangxin said the same, but there is a hair company, the boss and the employee is just me!

Then organize in your heart what the language says.

In the beginning, he expected that it was not so easy to get the wood paste to Dad, but now it seems more than easy. First, Dad doesn't believe it, then Dad doesn't believe it ...

"Let ’s go, I'll send you the wood directly to the factory. I think you can do it if you want, but don't I turn around and pull it away?"

This is the simplest and rude way that Aspen can think of.

"I think your kid is a liar more and more. Your boss can make you behave like this? Or leaf sandalwood? I'm afraid it can't be like compressing wooden boards ..." Bai Jianjun still despised it.

"Then you leave it alone, anyway, I'll get you over there anyway, um, it's so happy to decide, then what, I'll go first, bye bye to you".

Tossing such a word, Poplar got up and walked away, saying more mistakes. A lie must be added to countless lies. He went to a ghost place to get a trading company to trade with Dad, and rented a big truck to pull him the wood. Finish the past, don't let me be a firewood!

"Oh, don't forget that kind of wine ...", a warning from Bai Jianjun came from behind.

"Can't forget, I'll take it with you".

I waved my hand and closed the door.

Riding a motorcycle to the rented villa, I encountered a few little farts playing with a motorcycle and wanted to invite him to participate.

On a section with sparse street lights, several locomotives roared nearby, and Aspen's heart was depressed.

"Several grandsons are not over yet, right, I can't scare you to death, anyway, I can't see clearly!"

While pouting in his mouth, Bai Yang stepped on the brakes of the motorcycle, and disappeared into the night ...

Buzz Buzz ... BangBang ...

In the face of the inexplicably disappearing Aspen, a few little farts didn't respond in panic, and they crackled and fell to the ground.

"Oh, ghost ..."

Several grandchildren got up and stepped onto the locomotive dog.

One minute later, Bai Yang appeared on the spot again on a motorcycle, looking at the debris on the ground, leaving his mouth wide, and a haunting legend spread from this section of the road. Those little farts never dare to come here at night. It's a car ...

Back to the rented villa, Aspen scratched his head, what did he do next?

入 It's not long after night here, and it's night at the same time. Maybe the night is longer than here. I don't feel drowsy. I patted my head and gotta do the business first.

Search the Internet to find where to rent that big truck, thank you Almighty Network again.

This is not difficult to find, and soon he found a private car rental phone. The other party was impatient to say that it was all night, but when he heard Bai Yang said that he rented a large truck for 10,000 yuan a day, he said he was waiting ... ...

Nothing can be done by saving money!

"I will be completely bankrupt without this 10,000 yuan, but I don't believe I can give my dad to pull the leaflet rosewood into the factory, he will have money then!"

As soon as he thought about it, he was able to do this. He turned around and rode his motorcycle to go out. He first went to the cash machine and took 10,000 yuan. Then he saw that the balance of the bank card was only three digits and almost no tears ...

When I arrived at the agreed place, UU read a book A barbecue stall in the suburbs. There were more than a dozen trucks with more than wheels on the roadside. The phone was connected. .

"Brothers drink"? The other side looked at Bai Yang and said.

"Brother Yang, right, I won't drink alcohol, isn't it urgent, what about the car I want?" Aspen waved and said.

When he talked on the phone before, this guy called himself Yang Biao. This look is really pretty, but it is still a weak chicken compared to the big guy over there ...

The other party got on the road, but looked at Bai Yang seriously and said, "Give me the money first and give you the car key. I don't care what you pull, let me say first, you have to be responsible for what happened to the car"!

"That is necessary, the money is for you, and the car key"? Poplar decisively paid for his ink.

I am not afraid of being pitted by the other party. So many people around the world are waiting to pit me. Lao Tzu doesn't bring his own aura of hatred wherever he goes.

过程 The process is actually very simple. Pay the money, take the keys, put the motorcycle on the other side, and take it when you return the car. You can also play if you want. Do n’t break it, but you have to give back the oil.

The relationship between people is actually not as much as I imagined. I can live a stable life. Who wants to play those unpleasant ghost tricks? At least for most people ...

"The young people now don't know what ghost tricks to play," Yang Biao watched as Bai Yang drove away with a heavy truck, shook his head and muttered, and then stared at the cool running horse left to Bai Yang ...

(For collection recommendation)

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