MTL - Porter of Two Worlds-Chapter 1340 Everything is dry!

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Time will not stop because of someone. Sanyuan time is long, short and short, and time is in a hurry. The period of the three yuan in the declaration of Emperor Tianyuan is coming soon!

Standing on the top of the mountain in the Hulu Valley, Aspen looked out at the twisted place in the void, and a haze lingered in his heart.

Maybe the next moment, maybe today, maybe tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow ... the things to be done in the Emperor Tianyuan Declaration may happen at any time.

As soon as 'hui', Bai Yang stopped practicing. The Taoist scriptures, plus the tree of life and the experience of many predecessors on the eternal boat, Bai Yang's cultivation before a while reached the peak of the saint's realm. The eight-line supreme rule is completely merged. With the improvement of the poplar itself, the three thousand root system of the tree of life is also completely merged with the three-three supreme rule. However, even so, I do n’t know why. It is a seedling state, and it has not grown a trace ...

In order to ascend to the peak of the saints' realm, Xiu Yang could n’t get a little bit of progress no matter how he cultivated. He wanted to set foot in the realm of the main road and saw no hope, so he simply gave up his cultivation and lived a life like a wild cloud and crane. Now seize the opportunity for the Tao to set foot on the Tao.

But after a while, it was too short. After walking too many places, he didn't find the opportunity, so he returned to the valley and greeted the day of the Emperor Tianyuan's declaration.

In ternary time, there were not a few things worthy of attention in standing at the poplar. The only thing that paid attention to the poplar was that the struggle for the 'spring of life' came to an end.

Countless star powerhouses have competed for the ‘spring of life’. They have died too many, but the ending is a bit funny.

A while ago, the "Spring of Life" twitched the hands of countless people, and eventually fell into the hands of Tian Hou, who was closed by the emperor Tian Yuan. However, she was not happy enough to receive the "Spring of Life". Next, she was actually besieged and died ...

This is not over yet. After all, she is Emperor Tianyuan's wife, and she has loyal guards, so when she failed to feed the dead back to heaven, the ‘spring of life’ was fed to her by her guards.

At that time Aspen just went out looking for inspiration to set foot on the road. I encountered this matter. Considering that Tianhou is the mother of the baby, no matter what kind of person she is, Aspen has to manage it based on this relationship. Therefore, the rules of life are successfully integrated. Bai Yang, at the moment when Tianhou died, that is, when her guards served her the "spring of life", then the spirit of Tianhou did not dissipate, and Bai Yang secretly revived her with the rules of life ...

Therefore, the competition for the 'spring of life' has come to an end, and people have also seen the role of the 'spring of life', which can indeed make people 'resurrect'.

In fact, the fountain of life had no effect at all, and the resurrection of the queen of the sky was entirely thanks to the poplar.

The poplar completely integrated with the rules of life did not really resurrect a person who died after the death of the soul. The reason for the resurrection of the queen is entirely because she is in a state of near annihilation, and the poplar forcibly brought it over.

In this way, the 'Fountain of Life' is gone, and there is no dispute between the parties, and the farce is completely over.

Ternary time, if you count, nearly ten years have passed on the earth's side, Bai Yang's daughter Bai Feifei is also sixteen years old and seventeen years old.

Honestly, children at this age are rebellious, and Bai Feifei is no exception. Although she was trained under the education of kitten Qinghe and other people to become a proficient figure like a goddess, she is still inevitable. Feelings of all things love ...

This poplar has a headache. Although her daughter is going to marry sooner or later, she is only sixteen years old now. Do you know what **** romantic love is?

They all came from a young age. At the height of Poplar, he knows the reason why it is better to block, because it was discovered early. In order to keep his girlfriend from falling into the so-called romantic love, Poplar diverted her attention.

After unlocking the seal on her own daughter, she was exposed to cultivation. When Bai Feifei, a girl in the rebellious period, tasted the benefits of cultivation, she was silent and unable to extricate herself in the fun of cultivation. She shuddered in romantic love. Behind my head.

As a result, Bai Feifei was an innate holy body, and practiced diligently. He became more and more uncontrollable, and eventually became a cultivation maniac.

Using the proud statement of Bai Feifei's rebellious period, I will surpass my father in the shortest time!

Bai Yang laughed. He didn't hit his own daughter. He wanted to reach my height, even if you were an innate holy body, it would be enough for you to chase ...

This problem was temporarily resolved, and Poplar once again focused on the things that Emperor Tianyuan was about to start.

At this time, the atmosphere of the entire starry sky has become inexplicably suppressed. I do n’t know when it will start. Maybe before the Third Meeting or maybe before the Fourth Meeting. There was no tacit understanding.

Behind the weird calmness, every conscious being knows that a terrifying storm is coming!

Of these three yuans, the owner of the Great Wilderness Road, who is one with the two souls, jumped out three to five, but she didn't bother to ask Poplar. Every time she appeared, she looked at the twisted things on the sky and thought about it. What's on my mind.

"Fu Jun, don't worry, Father Huang will not do anything harmful to the life" At this moment the baby came to Bai Yang to comfort him.

She always accompanied Bai Yang with these three yuans, and she didn't even return home.

It's not that she doesn't want to go home, but that she can't feel the atmosphere of that palace anymore, because the declaration of Emperor Tianyuan of San Yuan Dynasty caused the atmosphere of the entire palace to be overwhelming.

Bai Yang gently took it into her arms and nodded: "Well, it's okay, no matter what the result, you will soon see the difference. I also believe that the emperor will not do anything harmful to the common people."

The baby didn't say anything. She leaned on Bai Yanghuai to realize the tranquility of this moment. She was tangled inside, but she couldn't do anything, because she had never seen her father since ternary. Already.

"Yo, brother Bai, you can, where is this beautiful girl who turned a quilt again? Alas, this face and figure, even my woman can hardly hold it."

At this moment, a cynical voice sounded, and the sour taste of it was that Poplar couldn't help shivering.

Poplar looked up, and it wasn't Lan Xin who spoke?

I haven't seen her for nearly five yuan. She has already set foot on the emperor level. Bai Yang doesn't know what she has experienced in these five yuan, but from her eyes, Bai Yang can see that she has what she has achieved today, and her bitterness is not enough for humanity.

"Brother Lan, I haven't seen you in a long time," Bai Yang said as she looked at her.

The three yuan past, reunite for a long time, as before, do not need to say more, thousands of words are in silence.

For a moment, the eye circles became red. Brother Lan sucked his nose, looked at the baby with his chin raised, and said, "Not to introduce?"

This girl is so beautiful, I can't hold a woman, when did I find it? It was a miracle not to be squeezed out, irritating, another one, no, I have to sleep with Brother Bai tonight!

Lan Xin thought hard, and found a way. I haven't seen it in many years. I have to get drunk once, get drunk with poplar, and then my chance comes, hehe ...

"Baby, my wife ... one of them, Princess Tianxin, the daughter of Emperor Tianyuan, you know" Bai Yang embarrassed.

Lan Xin raised her eyebrows, and her eyes flashed with complexity. Then she gave her thumbs up and said, "You can, even Princess Tianxin is in your hands!"

Tianxin Princess Lan Xin knows that there was a period of communication, but I never thought that Zhenrong was so beautiful. When talking, Lan Xin looked at Bai Yang strangely, thinking that you were with Princess Tianxin. Nan's relationship?

The baby knows Lan Xin. She knows everything about Lan Xin and Poplar. She also understands Lan Xin's love and affection for Poplar. She thinks that one day Lan Xin will become Bai Yang's wife like herself. So I didn't hide my features at the moment, but greeted him kindly: "Sister Blue, we meet again"

The baby is much older than Lan Xin, so there is nothing wrong with calling her that.

"Polite and polite" Lan Xin nodded with a smile, but his heart was very upset, even if he co-authored Lao Bai to sleep tonight, is he just a small one? No, old white, old white, drunk you tonight, you can get out of bed and count me as a loser, although I am the first time, but you do n’t often say that, only tired cows ...!

Where did Poplar know what Lan Xin was thinking at the moment, what was going to say, and suddenly felt the atmosphere was wrong.

Turned around and found that on the other side, Jiang Nan was staring coldly here.

Jiang Nan has also set foot in the emperor level, at this time he looked at the baby's eyes full of killing intention, that killing intention is like a substance, without any concealment.

He didn't do it for the first time, but by the way, Bai Yang's eyes were too indifferent.

With a sigh, Bai Yang knew that it was finally time to face.

The baby is now his wife and Jiang Nan is his own good brother, but they have a life and death feud that cannot be resolved. What can we do?

"Princess Tianxin, do you still remember me? The grievance between you and me, it's time to end it, I don't care what relationship you have with Lao Bai, you dare to fight me alive!" Jiang Nan looked at the baby with a cold voice. Road.

"Brother Jiang ..." Bai Yang began, but didn't know what to say.

Jiang Nan looked at Bai Yang coldly and sneered, "Don't call me that, I don't have your brother!"

The baby smiled bitterly. She knew that the day would come, but she did not expect to come so quickly. She gently left the embrace of Poplar. She looked at Jiang Nan and said, "The grudge between you and me is not about the husband, I don't want to ruin your relationship because of me. You will have to fight a life or death. I will fulfill you. The fault of my youthfulness three thousand years ago is the time to end it! "

Hearing this sentence ~ ~ Bai Yang's face changed.

But before he said anything, the baby turned around and looked at her, and gently shook his head, "My husband, I am really happy to be your wife, but you are my husband, how can I make you difficult? Do? The next thing, let me handle it? In this three yuan, I never asked my husband what you did, this time, let me be willful once? "

Aspen opened his mouth, looked at the baby and Jiang Nan, and for a moment didn't know what to do.

"Rather than entangle your children's longevity and grievances here, you might as well pay attention to the surroundings!" Just then, a quiet voice sounded.

Everyone looked for their voices and found that they did not know when Shan Qiulin had appeared not far away.

Shan Qiulin was out of the game. At this time, he was still the same as before, but Bai Yang found that he couldn't see him through, and faced him as if he was facing the Dahuang Taoist who had stood quietly in the Dahuang City.

My heart was shaking, and Lao Dan actually created a miracle again ...

Extreme Realm!

He did it in ternary time!

"Shan Qiulin, what do you mean? Do you want to do peace with old things?" Jiang Nan looked at Shan Qiulin with a violent look and asked Shen Shen. He doesn't care what Shan Qiulin is doing now. Don't try to stop him from killing Princess Tianxin for revenge. Whoever dares to stop is his enemy of life and death!

Without answering Jiang Nan's words, Shan Qiulin crouched slowly, glanced at a small grass near his feet, and the horrible horror flashed in his eyes. Then he glanced at the surrounding plants again, and trembled. Taking a breath, he said, "Did you not realize that everything in this world is dying silently? The whole world is slowly losing its vitality. Do you know what this means? In the face of such things, what do you call What's the point of this grudge? "