MTL - Portable Space: The Group Favorite Milk Bag Brings the Whole Family To Open and Hang-Chapter 809 we are friends

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  Chapter 809 We are friends

"No." Hao Huashi jumped down to the ground, looked at them, and saw a small paper scroll tied to the bird's claw, Hao Huashi happily unwrapped it, and on it was written in beautiful characters , "Don't come to the half-year-old's music and books, every inch of the intestines is tens of thousands of knots."

  Hao Huashi wondered: "What is this for? Isn't this someone's poem... Who is it?"

  Yuan Shen Jue glanced at it: "Wei Zhuang."

  Hao Hua asked strangely: "What does this mean? This kind of bird can send messages?"

  He tied it back while talking, let go of his hand, touched it carefully twice, and the little bird flapped its wings and flew away.

Zhong Limin said: "The birds that came to Beijing this time don't seem to be very afraid of people, and they always land on people's windows. I wonder if this is a lady from some family. She is bored at home and writes a letter. Since I flew with it, I didn't think about passing it on to anyone?"

   "Yes, it's very possible," Hao Huashi took a few glances: "It's quite interesting, and it's good to have a pen pal."

  Zhong Limin nodded, Li Songqing was immediately interested, and looked up: "It's elegant to let it come and go."

  Hao Huashi smiled and said: "Mr. Li, if you want to pass it on, you can write it when you get back to the palace. After you write it, I will tie it up for you."

  Li Songqing smiled and said, "Thank you very much."

  He looked eager to try.

  When Zhong Limin saw his posture, he asked someone to bring him a pen and ink, and asked him to write on the spot. Anyway, he saw that he was not the same as them, and he couldn't get in the way when they were chatting.

  Hao Huashi was very interested and helped him cut the paper into thin strips.

  Li Songqing was also very interested, picked the thinnest pen, and wrote one by one.

  Xinbao finally finished talking with her Wangnian friend, and when she came over to take a look, she was immediately very interested, and turned her head and said, "Wife! Wife! Xinbao wants to write too!"

  Yuan Shen Jue knew this would happen. He had already picked out a pen, and without using a chair, he stood directly by the table, holding the small piece of paper with one hand: "What to write?"

  Xinbao thought for a while, and said, "As long as you like the little princess, we are friends!"

  Yuan Shen Jue: "..."

  Xinbao also said: "You must write boldly! Like a hero! Don't write this sentence."

  I understand, I'm not stupid.

  Yuan Shen Jue silently changed a piece of paper and wrote a sentence.

   Then Xinbao said again: "If you don't like the little princess, then we are enemies!"

  Yuan Shenjue again: "..."

  Xinbao glanced at him, rolled his eyes with a smile: "My wife is perfect, do you have a wife?"

   "You... No, my grandfather is the most intelligent in the world, where is your grandfather?"

   "My father is very handsome, where is your father?"

   "My mother..."

   "My brother..."

   "My apprentice..."

  Li Songqing silently put down the pen, and started from the table.

  Really, with a booth like the little princess, you can’t write a single line of poetry.

  Yuan Shen Jue wrote here that Hao Huashi went to catch birds.

  Caught dozens of birds in the afternoon, and finally the shadow guards also helped catch them. It was not until dinner time that everyone packed up and ate roast lamb.

  Warrior eats, the biggest style is... happy.

   Eat meat and drink heavily.

  Even Hao Huashi and Yan Shichang accompanied him for half a cup, and Shen Shouyan couldn't leave the cup even more. Zhong Limin looked gentle, but he was actually quite able to drink. He drank two or three catties by himself.

   After eating until the moon was in the middle of the sky, Emperor Ming Pei sent people to urge him twice, and only a few people from Xinbao returned to the palace.

  Going back to the palace, seeing Yeye, Xinbao's sleepy eyelids were glued together, but just after leaving Jinghemen, Xinbao suddenly got excited and grabbed Yuan Shenjue's hand: "Wife!"

  Yuan Shen Jue said: "What?"

Xinbao froze in his brother's arms, grabbed him closer, and whispered: "Last night, Xinbao saw a female ghost in the yard! It had no head or feet, and it was floating in the air... very scary!"

  The female ghost Hao Huashi: "..."

  He could only explain to her: "Master, you got it wrong, that was me last night, I heard the voice and came out to look, and seeing that you got it wrong, I didn't dare to come out."

  Xinbao was stunned: "Is that so?"

   "Yes," Hao Huashi was a little drunk, and turned around in front of him: "I'm like this..."

  Xinbao paused suddenly, grabbed his wife, trembling with fright: "You guys, did you see it?"

   Far away, there was a white shadow behind Hao Huashi, floating towards him, Yan Shichang was also very frightened: "Look, I saw it! What should we do! Let's run!"

  Yuan Shenjue said speechlessly: "That's Qing Ju!"

  Yan Shichang and his sister almost said in unison: "Then why doesn't he have feet!"

  Yuan Shen Jue: "..."

Not to mention, looking at it in such a dark place, you can only see the plain robe on his body, and you can't see his head and feet at all. When you get closer and closer, and reflected in the candlelight here, you can see his face, and gradually see it clearly. head, but still no feet.

  Xinbao didn't dare to look at it at all, tightly clutching his wife's hand and closing his eyes.

  Yan Shichang dared to look at it, he kept watching him approaching, and then said: "It's Qingju, don't be afraid, Xinbao, it's really Qingju."

  He turned his sister to the right, stretched out his hand and touched his face: "It's hot, don't worry!"

  Lin Qingju: "...??"

  Xinbao slowly revealed one eye, and looked at him carefully.

  Lin Qingju also guessed it, and said with a smile, "Master?"

  He explained on his own: "Your Highness just left me to talk. I was about to go back to the Imperial Hospital Department. I saw you coming from a long distance."

  Xinbao chrysalis again, exposing both big eyes.

  Hao Huashi smiled and said, "Did you listen to them play the piano this afternoon? How was it?"

  Lin Qingju said: "How should I put it... that Tang Siqi plays really well, it's really soul-stirring, and can really make people go crazy. But the others, it is said, just learned from him, so... it's hard to describe."

  Xinbao was relieved, relaxed his body, and said in a soft voice: "Then you talk, Xinbao is going back to sleep."

  Both of them agreed, and Yan Shichang went back with Xinbao in his arms.

  Early the next morning, when I went to the morning court, I began to discuss meritorious deeds and rewards.

   This time, Yan Shirong was mainly responsible for the affairs, so Emperor Ming Pei directly named him a county king, Ruimin County King.

  Although the six sons of the emperor did not come back, they also named a county king, Duanhe County King.

  Yan Shichang was regarded as an assistant, and he was named a general of the auxiliary country. This is a title, and he is not really asked to be a general.

  Cheng Fuju only added a false title of Doctor Guanglu, not a title, similar to Liang Ruoxu and He Wangzhou who came back from Jiangnan before.

  Shen Shouyan directly dialed into Longxiangwei and took the post of general. This is a military post, not a title.

  The titles of the Yan clan are slightly different from the titles of ordinary relatives.

  Generally speaking, as long as the prince doesn’t make big mistakes, even if he doesn’t make great achievements, he can earn a king no matter what, and then he will be promoted routinely if his brother ascends the throne or something.

  Like today's Gongkehou and Gongshunhou, the titles are so low, and they use the usual three titles of Duke, Hou, and Bo, which is really very rare.

  Of course, it is rare for the grandson of the emperor to become king.

  This is the real future.

  (end of this chapter)