MTL - Portable Space: The Group Favorite Milk Bag Brings the Whole Family To Open and Hang-Chapter 797 Yan Ji Wool

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  Chapter 797 Yan Ji Wool

  So early the next morning, Xinbao gave the small kitchen a pile of chickens, ducks and geese.

  Emperor Ming Pei also specially rewarded Yuan Xiang and a group of important officials, asking them to follow suit.

   As for himself, he went to Chengqian Palace with his little granddaughter. Xinbao tried again, but he still couldn't pull the fourth brother in, and he couldn't pull the little apprentice in, so only the three of them could go in.

   Then Hao Huashi could only cry outside, eating with Xue Xuanji. He has a good relationship with Lu Sanchi, and he specifically confessed to let him eat too.

  Because Emperor Ming Pei was away and didn't need anyone to wait on him, Fang Wuyou was also eating with Huashuang and the others, which was a rare leisure.

   At this time, the three of Xinbao were already walking in the fields.

  After the last time, Emperor Ming Pei came in for the second time.

  It's already summer outside and it's very hot, but once you enter the space, you feel a lot cooler.

  The plants inside are a bit out of season, but they all grow very well. Looking around, the flowers are blooming and the willows are green. The scenery is as beautiful as a picture scroll, which makes people feel refreshed and exhausted.

  Emperor Ming Pei couldn't help feeling: "It's really amazing."

  It is also really convenient. You can walk in the wilderness and experience miracles without leaving home. He is definitely the only one among the emperors throughout the ages.

  Xinbao took his hand happily: "Yeah, whenever you get tired and want to go out to play, just tell Xinbao, and Xinbao will bring you in to play."

  Emperor Ming Pei smiled and said, "Okay."

  They strolled around and watched the scenery for a while, and then spread a big mat in the field, moved all the vegetables in, and the three of them sat on the ground and ate.

Because of Xinbao's request, in addition to chicken, duck and goose, I also made roasted lamb chops and roasted pork chops, a large piece, with the roasted side burnt red, sprinkled with various seasonings, tearing it into a long strip, Xinbao's hands Hold and chew.

  The outer skin is burnt and crispy, with a tongue-piercing numb aroma, and the meat inside is tender and juicy, fat but not greasy. It is very enjoyable to bite into the teeth and cheeks.

Emperor Ming Pei saw that her face was full of oil, and her eyes were squinted, and she also had a good appetite. He tasted all the chicken, duck, and goose, and said: "It's really delicious, not only the cooking is good, but also the meat itself is delicious. A strange aroma."

While eating the meat, Xinbao said: "Yeah, this place is getting bigger and bigger. Xinbao wants to make a space to raise pigs, cattle, sheep, rabbits, chickens, ducks and geese. We can eat them when they grow up. In the event of natural disasters such as locust plagues, you can also provide disaster relief!"

  Emperor Ming Pei nodded, and said with a smile: "Yeah, I'm also working hard to make Xinbao's mustard seeds bigger. For such a good place, the bigger the better."

  He paused for a moment, and chatted with Yuan Shenjue: "Your son, if this place is getting bigger and bigger, where does the power of... growth come from?"

Yuan Shenjue had sharp eyes and quick hands, and while Xinbao was gnawing on the meat, he stuffed her with a small mouthful of pancakes, and said, "I feel that the so-called three thousand worlds here must come from another small world, or in other words, this is originally a small world." A small world."

He paused: "Besides, Yan Ji also said that this world is inherently infinite, but there are many places we can't get to, so... although we can't get in, it still exists, who knows, It or Dayan, who is bigger?"

  If outsiders hear this, they will be speechless. It is too bold and taboo.

   But here, no one heard it. Emperor Ming Pei didn't really care about this, so he nodded: "That's right."

   Xinbao nodded while eating, and helped to draw a conclusion: "So we have to work hard to squeeze his wool."

  What kind of wool... Although they have never heard of this stalk, they somehow understand the taste, and they can't help but laugh.

   That's true, since this place has no impact on their world, shouldn't they have to maximize their wool!

Emperor Ming Pei calculated the time in his heart, and said: "Xinbao, you...remind me a little bit, from now on, Xinbao will try to feel it every morning and night, to see if there is any change here, whether it is getting bigger or not. How about it, tell Yeye in time."

  Yuan Shen Jue responded, knowing that Emperor Ming Pei was going to deal with the earthquake, and was groping a little bit... how to squeeze the wool of the space.

  Yan Ji couldn't help but commented: "The emperor is really scary."

  Emperor Ming Pei raised his head and looked around.

   But that voice seemed to come from between heaven and earth, and it was impossible to tell where it came from.

Moreover, although there is such a voice, and they are under his "watching", it does not make people feel uncomfortable. The existence of Yan Ji is like every flower and tree here. Completely integrated.

  Xinbao didn't think there was anything to say, and nodded: "Yes, Xinbao's Yeye is so smart! It's so smart! Xinbao follows Yeye, and he's also terribly smart!"

  Emperor Ming Pei smiled without saying a word.

   Xinbao gnawed two big bones one after another, his little face was covered in oil, and his hands were also covered in oil.

  At the moment, there is no one to wait on her, so she can't wash it. Xinbao thought about it for a while, then stretched out her hands, sat up vigorously, walked over to Yuan Shenjue and sat down: "My wife has porridge."

Yuan Shenjue pushed her sleeves out to prevent her oily hands from getting on him, and while picking up the bowl, Xinbao approached her and drank half of the bowl in one go, and then it was over, eat When I was full, I went to the small courtyard to wash my hands.

  In her space, there is no danger, and there is no need to follow her, which is very worry-free.

  Xinbao washed his hands, and came over with a basket of grapes and strawberries, so the whole family spent the whole afternoon here. After eating some fruit, they strolled around again before coming out.

   Not to mention, after going out to play for such an afternoon, I don't know whether it is the good air or the good mood. Anyway, the whole person is in a much better state.

  Emperor Ming Pei secretly decided to go for a walk after a while.

Over there, Yan Shisheng got Ye Ye's instructions, and came to ask her: "Xinbao, Ye Ye said, let me find you some pigs, sheep, cows and rabbits? He also said that the inner government will buy some chickens and ducks from you every day, and what else?" Is there food?"

  Xinbao nodded, and suddenly remembered something: "Wait, where is Li Luoer?"

Yuan Shenjue smiled and said: "Don't worry, I haven't forgotten, Huashi arranged for Li Luoer to Mr. Gan. I heard that Mr. Gan helped them find a yard to live in. I also asked my father to write a letter and recommended Shi Minglei to the Imperial College." , I have already gone, but I haven't taken the exam yet, I will take the exam with those people next month."

  Xinbao said oh, and then said to the fourth brother: "That's right."

   "Okay," Yan Shisheng said, "Then I'll pick a few people, and every day you put things in one place, and then I'll ask someone to pick them up, the bill...let's talk about it at that time. I'll ask someone to buy things like pigs and sheep first."

  He spoke casually, Xinbao nodded, and suddenly asked: "Brother, do you have money? Is the palace rich?"

   "It's okay," Yan Shisheng said with a smile: "It's quite ample, what's the matter? Xinbao wants to use money?"

   "No!" Tuanzi shook his head: "Xinbao wants to make money! Earn private money!"

  (end of this chapter)