MTL - Portable Space: The Group Favorite Milk Bag Brings the Whole Family To Open and Hang-Chapter 792 Wife is for pain

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  Chapter 792 Wife is for Pain

  Yan Shichang came here just to meet his family, slept all night, and left early in the morning.

  Xinbao had no choice but to let the ducks go.

   Still found a yard with a small haystack underneath, fearing that the ducks would fall, Yuan Shenjue and Xinbao sat on the top of the wall and let them down in small groups.

  After the release, the ducks just huddled here and would not go away, stretching their necks and quacking one by one, Doudou’s eyes were full of love.

  Xinbao waved his hands anxiously: "Let's go! Go quickly! Make room quickly! Your brothers and sisters are still waiting to come out!"

  She suddenly thought of the baby bird effect, and then turned her head down and said, "Xinbao is not your mother! You are mistaken! Although Xinbao is thin and beautiful, Xinbao is just a tool for raising ducks!"

  Hao Huashi couldn't help laughing.

  Every time I saw the little master speak in a soft and serious voice, I couldn't help laughing.

  Yuan Shenjue grabbed the back of her clothes with one hand, with a smile on his mouth, and didn't remind her that it might be because of Little Phoenix.

  While putting it on, Hao Huashi also remembered that Little Phoenix had come, and turned to ask: "Then when the empress and master leave, Little Phoenix will stay and help by himself, will it be happy?"

  Yuan Shen Juedao: "Auntie chose Xuanji and said that he should cultivate a relationship with Xiaofenghuang, and then see if he can stay with Xiaofenghuang for a while."

  Xinbao also remembered, and said: "Have you noticed that after the little phoenix came out, its tail grew long."

  Hao Huashi said: "It seems to be, and I look at it with color."

  Xinbao said: "It's a bit of color."

   While talking, he put down another group of ducks.

  Hao Huashi suddenly hugged the little master, jumped into the yard like flying, and said: "Master, let the group go!"

  Xinbao blinked his eyes wide and saw many ducks rushing over there, quickly put down a small group, and saw that the ducks hadn't come yet, let down another small group.

  Hao Huashi put one arm around the little master, and when she let her go, he backed away. Seeing that the duck was about to come, he tiptoed and jumped to the opposite side.

Xinbao reacted quickly this time, and released a large group of ducks with a wave of his hand. Watching the ducks turn around and run over again, Xin Baole screamed and laughed, his calves were thrashing, and Hao Hua took her to another duck. place.

  After bouncing around like a grasshopper for a long time, Yuan Shenjue said, "I'll do it."

  Hao Huashi said: "No need."

   Xinbao also said: "No need, my wife's hand is injured, my wife has a good rest."

  The little apprentice, who was showing his big white teeth while laughing, stopped laughing at that time, and began to whine: "Master, this apprentice is also injured, but this apprentice is still persevering."

  Xinbao paused for a moment, turned his hand back, and touched his apprentice's face to comfort him: "You two are different!"

  Hao Huashi said: "What's the difference?"

  Xinbao looked up at him.

  Hao Huashi: "...???"

   Did he read it wrong? Does this small look mean contempt?

   Then Xinbao was like a teacher and father, and said earnestly: "Now you know why you are so old and don't have a wife yet?"

  Hao Huashi: "...???"

Xinbao shook his little head, and waved his little hands: "Because the wife is for pain! Even if the wife is not hurt at all, she only needs to be responsible for her beauty! Xinbao is responsible for conquering the world and earning money to support the family! Xinbao will do all the dirty and tiring work! If Xinbao can't do it, Xinbao's apprentices and subordinates will do it. In order to make my wife happy, we must persevere no matter how painful or tiring it is! Xinbao will persevere with you!"

  Hao Huashi once again: "...???"

  Yuan Shen Jue laughed out loud.

  The more I think about it, the more funny it gets, I can't stop laughing.

  Hao·Toolman·Apprentice·Hua Shi jumped up and down silently, snatching the happiness of the little master, and just flew away.

  It has been released all morning, and finally the ducks are released.

   Then Yuan Shenjue persuaded the dumpling in the afternoon, took the dumpling with his arms around him, and let the chicken out again.

  There are too many chickens, ducks and geese combined are not half as many as chickens, so the prepared yard is not enough, so we can only rush to clear the yard.

   But this kind of thing, because it will eat an extra day of food for a day, so they are transported there quickly so that they can eat locusts.

   That's why Xinbao stayed for another night.

  Early in the morning, before Xinbao had breakfast, the shadow guard came to report: "Master, the big goose has been transported away overnight, you can let it go."

  Xinbao responded, while muttering: "Is it Xinbao's illusion? Why does everyone call geese big goose now? When they are called big goose, they will have a delicious feeling."

Hao Huashi laughed out loud: "It's not an illusion, the big goose was so fragrant that day, everyone remembers it... Yesterday a big goose slept under the grass and didn't move for a long time. Several people went to see if it was dead, but they didn't." Die, let them quarrel, staggered away, a group of people stared at the back of the big goose, those regretful eyes..."

   Several people couldn't help laughing.

Then Mrs. Lin came in with Xiao Fenghuang in her arms, and followed Xue Xuanji, and said to her: "Xinbao, no, Xiao Fenghuang refuses to be hugged by Xuan Ji, it's okay to play for a while, but not for a long time. I can't go back with you Alright, go back by yourself first."

  Xinbao was taken aback, he looked at Little Fenghuang with big eyes, and then at Xue Xuanji.

She took a bun and went over to ask it while eating: "Yan Xiaoyuan, why don't you like Xuanji? Xuanji is Xinbao's apprentice, which is equivalent to your senior brother. We are all acquaintances. Let him hold you for a few days." , This is a major matter for the country and the people, you have to be more enlightened! You have to learn from Xinbao!"

  Little Phoenix: "Jiujiujiujiu..."

  Xinbao listened, nodded, and translated for them: "Little Phoenix said the taste is wrong."

   "It doesn't smell right?" Xue Xuanji said, "Is it because my body smells like medicine?"

   "No," Yuan Shenjue said, "I think it might be because of blood relationship. After all, Little Phoenix is ​​not a mortal bird, so it shouldn't just be about smelling, right?"

  Ms. Lin said: "It's possible."

  She thought for a while, "It doesn't look good to let your father or brother hug a fat chicken. I'll stay for a few days. I heard from your second brother that the situation is not serious, so I probably won't need it, just in case."

  Tuanzi said silently: "Alright then."

  She finished her meal, and then went out to put the chicken.

   It was originally expected to leave yesterday afternoon, but it dragged on for another night. At this moment, Xiang Xiaodong and his party have packed up and are ready to leave.

  Xinbao put the last flock of chickens into the yard, came back and hugged Dad and A Niang, then got into the carriage directly, ready to go back to the capital.

  When I got into the car, I saw a big cage in the car ahead, Xinbao went over and looked at it strangely: "What is this?"

  Because the cages were tightly woven, she also got very close. When she got close, the boss was shocked: "Ah!"

  (end of this chapter)