MTL - Portable Space: The Group Favorite Milk Bag Brings the Whole Family To Open and Hang-Chapter 770 what you see is not the world

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  Chapter 770 What you see is not the world

  Some medical clinics are close, while others are far away. When Xinbao arrives, more than half of them have not yet arrived.

  Xinbao went to look around first, and was not in a hurry, so he sat down and waited, while making pills in the space.

  Shen Zhuocheng was outside, and couldn't help gossiping with Xiaodong: "Look, we didn't pay attention at first, but now we see that there are really too many birds!"

   looked up at Xiaodong.

  Sure enough, I saw many birds flying around on the eaves. Thinking of the wonderful sight I saw in the bird forest, I couldn't help but nodded.

  Fang Baiju was a little older, and he was very calm. Seeing them pointing at the bird, he couldn't help but leaned over to inquire: "Master Xiang, you protect Your Highness all the way... Is this scene often seen?"

  Xiang Xiaodong said: "I never noticed."

   Actually, I really didn’t pay attention, because the place of the little princess is so lively that I can’t even watch the little princess. Who has time to watch the birds outside.

   But of course Fang Baiju wouldn't believe it, he laughed and didn't say anything.

  A group of doctors got the notice and hurried over. When they heard that His Royal Highness was waiting for them, they broke out in a sweat from fright.

   When all the people were gathered, He Wangzhou invited two more doctors on the spot, and there was a large group of people all at once.

  Because Xinbao had already seen it, he carried out the patients according to the severity of the disease, and diagnosed and treated them one by one in the hall.

  These doctors still take the pulse one by one first, and then tell the pulse case, whether it is right or not, Xinbao will talk about it again.

   Xinbao is actually not good at teaching her apprentices, but fortunately her apprentices are quite talented, such as Xue Xuanji, although he has not been a teacher for a long time, he has already learned Xinbao's acupuncture, so he is the one who performs acupuncture.

  Xue Xuanji is also calm, explaining while performing needles.

  Nuoda's hall was extremely quiet, except for the occasional groans and groans that the patients couldn't help.

  When these people came, it was already close to noon. After treating two of them, it was already noon. They ordered food to be delivered here, and they ate it hastily. The treatment continued in the afternoon.

   There were already crowds of people watching the excitement outside. Fortunately, Long Xiangwei and Hubenwei had brought enough people, and it seemed that they were still in order.

  The front is fine, but the sixth person, Xinbao took out the pill directly, and someone couldn't help but said: "May I ask your Highness, when can I teach the art of alchemy to the doctors of the world?"

  Yuan Shen Juedao: "The announcement from the Ministry of Medicine and Daoism has been issued long ago. Anyone who has a new medicine is offered, can learn alchemy."

  Someone said: "How difficult is a new medicine! There is no one in a million! I want to learn alchemy, but also to cure diseases and save lives."

   "Exactly, learning alchemy is to cure diseases and save lives!"

   This is obviously something that everyone has been looking forward to for a long time. As soon as someone started talking, everyone immediately talked about it.

   Then everyone saw Bai Shengsheng's soft little girl standing up, turning around, and waving her hands.

  Everyone quickly quieted down.

The little girl raised her face and said in a soft voice: "Alchemy is a very high threshold. Although it is true that alchemy can cure many diseases that cannot be cured by medicine pills, you must understand that if your medical skills Not tall enough, not good enough, then just judging what kind of disease this person is, whether to use pills, what kind of pills to can’t do it, then, I only teach you alchemy, and you are only an alchemist after learning it. will not become a very good doctor."

"No matter how good the pill is, if it is in the hands of a quack doctor, it will not be able to exert its medicinal effect. Instead, it will make people think that the pill is not easy to use... This is not good for anyone. And the person who makes a new medicine must love it. Medical skills, at least intensive medical skills, so we can create new medicines by standing on the shoulders of predecessors, I think it is very appropriate to do so."

  Everyone couldn't help being dumbfounded.

It's really... Just like the people who use alchemy now, in their eyes, it is an incurable disease. They don't know what medicine to use, and they don't know what medicine can be used. Then, even if they learn alchemy, they can skip the process. Do you use the right medicine right away?

   One saluted and said, "Thank you Your Highness for your clarification, I will understand later."

  Xinbao nodded, with little hands behind his back, very stylish.

  The sixth person was carried away, and everyone was waiting for the seventh person to be lifted up, when they saw a young man in a plain robe, walking in by himself, saluting everyone, smiling lightly, with picturesque eyes.

  Everyone was a little strange, and someone asked, "Is this the seventh patient?"

  The young master nodded and said, "Xiaosheng Wu Xiurong."

  Everyone was puzzled, and each took his own pulse, but they couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. This man was extremely healthy.

Xue Xuanji said: "Master and I went to see it just now. Mr. Wu said that he is insane. He often feels that many things are very small. For example, a carriage is as small as a lock. Sometimes it feels big, and sometimes I get a headache."

   Several doctors were very strange, one doctor said: "This old man has never heard of such a disease, you can't be..."

   He swallowed, looking at him suspiciously.

  Wu Xiurong has an innocent face, his eyebrows are like distant mountains and his eyes are like autumn waters, he really has a good appearance.

   Xue Xuanji turned his head to look at Master without being in a hurry.

The little girl took a step forward and said seriously: "What Xinbao dislikes to hear the most is to use 'I've never heard of it' or 'I've never seen it' to judge whether this disease exists, because I don't know it. It’s not good to suspect that others are lying. There are so many patients in this world, it’s impossible for anyone to know everything, but what you see is not the world, so you should be humble.”

  The old doctor's face turned red, and he pleaded guilty again and again.

Xinbao said: "This disease, called microopsia, is a neurologically highly deceptive phenomenon... It is a very, very rare eye disease. Generally speaking, large objects will be seen as small, For example, a horse will feel that it is as small as a mouse, and sometimes, it will feel unclear and distorted."

"Some of these diseases are caused by lesions in the brain, such as brain tumors, or epilepsy... But first, this kind of disease is mostly caused by staring for a long time; second, this kind of patients themselves know that it is a fake, it is a hallucination. , so there is usually no danger; third, this kind of disease mostly occurs in childhood, and it usually heals itself in two or three months."

  She pointed at him with her little hand, "For example, you, you are already healed now, so why did you come here?"

  Wu Xiurong's face changed slightly.

He quickly knelt down: "Your Highness, forgive me, Cao Min is only worried about relapse, so I heard that His Highness specializes in treating incurable diseases, and when Cao Min suffers from such diseases, no one can cure them, and no one even knows about them. That's why I recommended myself to come here , Your Highness, please don't take offense!"

   Xinbao tilted his head: "Is that so? Then you don't have to worry, this kind of thing usually won't recur."

  Wu Xiurong thanked you repeatedly.

  Yuan Shenjue glanced at him, without saying much, then turned to look at Liang Ruoxu.

  Liang Ruoxu nodded, and Yuan Shenjue said: "Your Highness, since it is cured, let's go back."

  Xue Xuanji also said: "Master, go first, I will write down the pulse case, and please read it together, if there are any mistakes or omissions."

  (end of this chapter)