MTL - Portable Space: The Group Favorite Milk Bag Brings the Whole Family To Open and Hang-Chapter 758 so inhuman

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  Chapter 758 is too inhuman

  The order is passed on, and these talents will not enter the palace until the next day, so Xinbao is still a stake in practicing today. After practicing, change clothes and go to the Qing Palace to practice calligraphy.

   After a few days, the people below got used to it, and three tables had already been set up.

  Xinbao, Yuan Shenjue and Li Songqing practiced their own skills.

  Xinbao wrote a letter quietly first.

It was written to Xiang Xiaojun, saying that Yeye gave me and your brother an important task yesterday, and the two of us need to carry out this task together. Xinbao wanted to cooperate with him during the execution process, and his eyelids were all over the place. It's so frustrating, your brother doesn't understand at all, he is really too stupid, he doesn't take the task to heart at all.

Although Xinbao is close to you, so he didn't sue Yeye about your brother, but you must persuade him to learn to be smarter. How important is Yeye's side, there are countless smart people waiting to be in charge, he You can't relax just because you have been a commander. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. What is the difference between people who don't work hard and salted fish! What you waste today is the tomorrow that those who died yesterday long for...and so on.

  The writing is very long and sincere, and only a dozen famous sentences are used, which can be said to be very learned.

  Then Xinbao wrapped the letter, wrote Xiang Xiaojun's personal letter on it, called the little apprentice over, asked him to deliver it to him, and told Yeye not to see it.

  The little apprentice who didn't have any morals immediately took it apart and looked at it. Anyway, what the master said was not to let Emperor Mingpei see it, but it wasn't that he was not allowed to see it.

   Yeye, who is very moral, immediately called Hao Huashi and asked him to recite it. Anyway, what the little granddaughter said was not for him to read, but not for him to listen.

  Xinbao didn't know that she was a puppet princess, and she was surrounded by bad guys who were obsequious and obedient. She finally completed a major event, so she returned to practice calligraphy.

It may be because only a genius can understand a genius, so after Li Songqing's show off...she really realized the beauty of the word "body", fell in love with practicing calligraphy, and practiced with great interest. The biggest change is that even if she arrives She will definitely finish writing the sheet in hand before resting.

   Over there, Yuan Shenjue wrote an article and showed it to Li Songqing.

  He has a lot of respect for Li Songqing now.

  Although Li Songqing's reputation in the court was a mess, and everyone said he was a lunatic, a fool, and a nerd, but after really getting in touch with him, he found that he was really full of talent, amazingly talented.

  Li Songqing still looks lazy, he doesn't seem to care much about others respecting him or disrespecting him.

  Since Yuan Shenjue asked him to read it, he would not refuse, so he took it and took a look.

  Yuan Shen Jue wrote two things.

  One is the brain-dead Poison Zhou Jun from before, and the other is Zheng Ruoshui today.

  He was touched by Li Songqing's Guanshiwen. This article is quite different from what he wrote in the past.

  The whole article has Li Songqing's sense of calmness like that of a bystander, without a word of praise or criticism, and without strong feelings. It only writes the behavior and psychology of the two people in detail, peeling and tearing apart, and it is hearty.

  Li Songqing looked at it, picked up the pen, and corrected a few places for him, until the end, his pen tip nodded: "You... haven't finished writing!"

  Yuan Shen Jue was taken aback.

  When he wrote this article, he always felt that there was something more to say, but he didn't think about it deeply. After he said this, he felt... yes, I haven't finished writing.

  Li Songqing's article is "watching", while his article is "dissection".

   What about after it is cut open?

  Xinbao treats diseases, listens, smells, asks, and prescribes the right medicine.

  He governs the world with literature, pinpoints the ills of the time, breaks the muscles and divides the rules, but in the end he should also prescribe the right medicine.

  He said: "Thank you for your advice."

   While returning to the desk, start writing again.

  Xinbao had time to practice, washed his hands, sat down to eat snacks with Li Songqing, and asked Li Songqing, "Sir, what is my wife writing?"

   "Hush!" Li Songqing shushed her softly: "He's looking for his own way."

  Duanzi suddenly nodded: "Oh!"

  She took a bite and asked Li Songqing: "Sir, do you have the right way?"

  Li Songqing was silent for a moment, then smiled and said, "Does Your Highness have the right way?"

   "Yes!" Xinbao said: "My wife said that the family is Xinbao's way. Xinbao thinks what his wife said is right, and Xinbao wants everyone in the family to be well."

  Li Songqing raised his eyebrows slightly: "Then what if His Highness's way is contrary to the way of medicine, good and evil?"

  Xinbao said without hesitation: "No matter what the family members are in conflict with, Xinbao will choose the family members. Even if they do bad things and become bad people, even if they are sad, Xinbao still wants family members to be well!"

  Li Songqing was slightly surprised, and nodded after a while: "Then, indeed, this is His Highness's way."

Xinbao nodded, and thought for a while: "But... But what you said is wrong! If Xinbao's family members are bad people, then Xinbao must be a bad Xinbao, and Xinbao will not feel sad! Also, if it is said that Xinbao is a good Xinbao, and the family members insist on Xinbao doing bad things, and Xinbao is sad every day but the family members don’t care, it means that they don’t love Xinbao, then such family members should be fake family members, and they will not The way to become a heart treasure! So what you said is completely wrong!"

  Li Songqing had a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he didn't argue that he didn't say that, just nodded: "Your Highness is extremely intelligent, what he said is very reasonable."

  Xinbao was a little apprehensive, shook his little head, and took another bite of the dim sum.

  Emperor Ming Pei came in, several people greeted each other, and Emperor Ming Pei walked over familiarly, and showed Xinbao what he wrote today.

Xinbao rubbed back and forth beside her, and Emperor Ming Pei hugged her on his lap, and while slowly circling, he explained: "This one is well written, this one is too late to write, and this one is too late. Pen... The most common mistake you make is to pick up the pen late. Don’t pick up the pen when your eyes see that the strokes are completed. It will be too late. You have to remember the feeling of your wrist and fingers every time it’s just right..."

  Xinbao nodded repeatedly and listened carefully.

  After Emperor Ming Pei finished reading, he came over to drink tea with Xinbao in his arms. Xinbao saw Li Songqing at a glance, and remembered the topic just now: "Then what is Master Li's way?"

  Li Songqing smiled and said: "The minister's way, His Highness already said it when he met the minister for the first time!"

"What is it?" Xinbao blinked in bewilderment: "Xinbao didn't say anything, Xinbao just followed the feeling, I feel that you are such a person, Xinbao doesn't know what you have done, what kind of Tao you are pursuing 'ah!"

  Emperor Ming Pei's hand could not help but pause.

so? Is the granddaughter already talking about such a profound topic now?

Li Songqing is quite at ease. He is not restrained when Emperor Ming Pei sits next to him, and he is not perfunctory when talking to a child: "The way I want is to be mediocre. After all, the prosperity of the world is for profit; It's all for profit. Therefore, the minister is just entertaining himself now."

  Xinbao blinked her big eyes, trying to understand.

  He meant that he yearned for a perfect world, but he knew it was impossible from the very beginning, so he could only close the door and write for himself.

  Theoretical giant Tuan immediately put the snacks on the plate, and reached out to grab the handkerchief from Yeye's sleeve.

   But she never wears such a thing.

  Fortunately, Boss Fang had a sharp eye and noticed it quickly, and Fei Ye called someone over, wiped the dumpling's hands and face, Xinbao moved his little feet to the side of the chair, and pouted his little **** backwards.

  Ming Peidi understood in seconds, and moved to the chair, giving her a place to put her feet.

Xinbao sat on Yeye's lap, with his hands on his knees, facing Li Songqing, with a serious face: "Sir, it's too... too inhuman for you to ask for such a way. Just like Xinbao, Xinbao is very powerful, But Xinbao never seeks to 'heal every patient', because some diseases cannot be cured even if they are a miracle doctor. Therefore, at most Xinbao asks for 'do your best' and 'every day Get better,' or 'teach a lot of people'."

   She asked him, "Do you know why?"

  (end of this chapter)