MTL - Portable Space: The Group Favorite Milk Bag Brings the Whole Family To Open and Hang-Chapter 753 The greatest suffering of a scumbag

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  Chapter 753 The greatest suffering of a scumbag

  Xinbao was stunned, her grape eyes were wide open.

  She stood there looking across the river from the boy, at a loss for a while.

   Then she murmured: "Xinbao is not sad anymore, nor is she angry with others just because the bad guy is bad. As for the hanging pot, Xinbao..."

  She glanced at Emperor Ming Pei, and Emperor Ming Pei nodded to her, which meant that it was all right, whether she wanted to recover or not, everything was fine.

  Xinbao thought for a while, and said: "Or else it's like this, the hospital can send patients over in the future, and those who can't be cured by the hospital will be sent to Xuanhu, and Xinbao will treat them..."

   Before she could figure out how to do it, she glanced at her wife.

  Yuan Shen Jue took two steps forward, and said in a loud voice: "Since His Highness agrees, in the past two days, a notice will be posted on the hanging pot, telling how to receive treatment in the future."

  The man was overjoyed and thanked repeatedly.

   All the drug dealers also saluted together.

  Yuan Shenjue handed over his hands, and Xinbao and his party left.

In fact, it is simple to operate according to the idea of ​​Xinbao. The process is almost the same. If any medical clinic encounters a patient who cannot be cured, it will write a pulse case in the name of the medical clinic, "recommend" the patient to the hanging pot, and then hang the pot The department puts the imperial physician on duty every day. If the imperial physician can't cure her, she will report the situation to the palace, and Xinbao will come out to rescue her when she is free.

   Then write out the pulse case and prescription at the hanging pot, and let everyone copy and learn.

  The advantage of this is that it is more rigorous than before, saves manpower, and is less likely to be missed, and there should not be too many. After all, medical clinics also need reputation, and they open any medical clinics if they can’t cure everyone.

  The disadvantage is that the time is irregular, and you may have to leave the palace at any time.

  Hearing what he said, Xinbao suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed Emperor Ming Pei's hand, and whispered: "Yeah, in fact, not benevolent."

Emperor Ming Pei bent down and hugged his granddaughter, face to face, he said warmly: "Xinbao, you have to understand that just because a person has selfishness, it doesn't mean that she doesn't have a 'benevolent heart and benevolence', Xinbao loves her more." It is inevitable that family members should be more concerned about family members, but this does not conflict with whether Xinbao loves the world or not, whether he is "benevolent with heart and benevolent."

   "Xinbao, you once said that Yeye is wise and powerful, and has eyes to know people. Then, it's not because I am Xinbao's Yeye. I only said Xinbao. I think Xinbao is worthy of the people's love and respect."

  Xinbao looked at Yeye quietly with black grape eyes, and Emperor Ming Pei solemnly nodded to her.

  Tuanzi opened his arms, put his arms around Yeye, buried his little face in his arms, and said in a muffled voice, "But Xinbao is lazy."

  Emperor Ming Pei said: "No, Xinbao is busy with the imperial medicine workshop, Xinbao is not lazy."

  His voice is very gentle. At this time, he is not a high-ranking emperor, nor is he just a Yeye who loves his granddaughter.

   Li Songqing followed quietly, following along.

  When a little child feels the warm and sincere love of the people, his first reaction is to feel ashamed, feeling that he is not good enough and not worthy, which is really rare.

   This little princess always makes people feel warm.

  Back to Qianqing Palace, Xinbao practiced calligraphy, and Yuan Shenjue wrote notices there.

  Li Songqing also asked for a pen and paper, and wrote articles leisurely. Hao Uneducated Misfit Huashi sighed and went out to play.

  Li Songqing wrote very quickly, and the pen moved like flying. He finished writing in about a quarter of an hour, and then sat down to drink tea.

  After drinking some tea, I remembered my responsibilities again, so I wandered over to watch Xinbao practice calligraphy.

  In front of Xinbao is Wei Guogong’s copybook, but the writing is still fat head fish characters. It is obvious that when she wrote, she was just looking at the “words” and then wrote by herself, without paying attention to the “style” at all.

  Li Songqing didn't bother, and watched quietly until she finished writing, and then asked: "Since Your Highness doesn't like this font, why do you want to make this copybook?"

   Xinbao was stunned for a moment, then looked at the copybook in front of him: "Xinbao didn't dislike it, but Xinbao didn't know why it was written like this..."

  She glanced at him, and said weakly: "Xinbao should have her own style, right?"

   "Yes." Li Songqing was very calm, and then he took Xinbao's pen, and wrote down what she wrote.

   It was already time for Xinbao to practice calligraphy, and everyone couldn't wait to leave, but when he wrote this, Xinbao couldn't help but let out a gasp.

  He wrote it in imitation of her style, the font is round and soft, and he is also a fat fish...

  But I don’t know why, but it looks very good-looking. If Xinbao wrote about a fat-headed fish that can’t swim, at least he wrote about a fat-headed fish that can dance.

   Xinbao stared blankly, watching Li Songqing write the remaining half of the paper in a very leisurely manner.

  At this moment, the uneducated danzi, the danzi who has seen a lot of talented people, feels the charm of talented people for the first time inexplicably!

  She held his hand: "Master Li, why do you write so beautifully, Xinbao wants to learn."

   "Want to learn?" Li Songqing smiled and said, "Then you are so good at watching."

  He changed another piece of paper, tucked up his sleeves, and hung his wrists to do the book. He moved very slowly and said, "Look at the tip of the pen."

  Xinbao just stared at it intently. With the brush in his hand, he felt as if he could do whatever he wanted. Every stroke, every turn of the brush, and the traces left seemed to be just right and tight.

   Li Songqing is not good at teaching people, but he can copy his own successful experience.

  Let Xinbao feel the "beauty" of the font first, and then let her consciously try to do it.

  Yuan Shen Jue had already finished writing the notice, went out and confessed to his subordinates, and when he came in, he saw the two of them like this.

  He was about to go around to have a look, when he suddenly caught sight of the article written by Li Songqing on the table.

  Yuan Shen couldn't help but stopped, picked up the article and read it.

  Li Songqing's article is about what he saw and heard when he just went to Yuyaofang.

   But his article is special.

   It seems to be an understatement, and there is no such surging emotion at all, but after reading it carefully, it feels full of flavor and I will never tire of reading it.

  He is not condescending, but wandering around the world, looking at everyone at the same level. When I encounter good things, I will stay for a while and look more. If there are bad things, I will just watch them coldly and will not interfere.

But whether it is good or bad, he didn't add a word of praise or criticism, he didn't add a word of likes and dislikes, just like the world you pass by every day, he suddenly said "look" quietly, and when you look around in the blink of an eye, it's all landscape.

  Yuan Shenjue has never read such an article.

  He studied under Yuan Xiang.

Yuan Xiang is a man with scheming and strategy, but he also has ambitions and a great Confucianism with the world in mind. His articles are also very thick, and he cares about the country and the people. Even the wine poems and essays at the beginning were righteous in wine .

  Actually neither Liang Ruoxu nor Cheng Fuju is exactly like him, but Brother Dayuan, who is young, has a temperament quite like Naifu.

   And he...

Whether Yuan Shenjue wants to admit it or not, he really doesn't have the benevolent love for the people of his country, nor the surging emotions of the worldly talents. He can write articles that satisfy the examiner in the examination room, but He didn't feel happy.

  Writing articles is just a tool for him. He has mastered this tool proficiently, but he doesn't like it.

  But Li Songqing's article made him vaguely find something.

  He was in a daze.

  (end of this chapter)