MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 967 The War of Destroying the Nation (21)

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  Chapter 967 The Battle of Destroying the Nation (21)

Lin'an City has been decorated with lanterns and festoons these days, full of joy. The news that the Northwest Song Army has won consecutive victories in Xixia and has captured the city of Xingqing Prefecture has spread to Lin'an City, which makes Lin'an City full of joy. climax.

Similarly, the Great Victory of the Western Xia Dynasty was also extremely important to the emperor Zhao Gou, which quickly stabilized his throne and stopped the evil trend in the court supporting the restoration of the Supreme Emperor. Because of Zhu Shengfei's abstention, the proposal was passed in the Zhizheng Hall with a ratio of 3 to 2, and the emperor Zhao Gou immediately approved it, which means that the emperor's will can be promulgated without the countersignature of the Supreme Emperor , This is tantamount to blocking an important channel for the Supreme Emperor to interfere in the government.

  But this decree also means that the face between the emperor Zhao Gou and the Supreme Emperor Zhao Ji has been completely torn, and there is no room for maneuver between the two sides.

  However, with the wind of the Xixia Great Victory, the emperor Zhao Gou did suppress the increasingly arrogant arrogance of the Supreme Emperor Zhao Ji, and Zhao Ji fell silent for a while.

This morning, a painting boat stopped at the West Lake Wharf of Yinlong Mountain Villa. Yinlong Mountain Villa is also the other courtyard where the Supreme Emperor Zhao Ji lives. It has just been renamed Yinlong Mountain Villa. Two people got off the boat. Cheng Huang Qianshan, followed by one person, was Du Chong who was demoted to Mingzhou as a shipbuilder.

Although Huang Qianshan ruthlessly slaughtered the Du family for a sum of money, he is a family friend with the Du family after all. If Du is not compensated, it will be difficult to explain when the two families meet in the future. Huang Qianshan built a bridge for Du Chong and introduced him to the Supreme Emperor Zhao Ji.

Du Chong was also an old minister in Zhao Ji's era, and he was highly valued by Zhao Ji in the past. Although he is in charge of shipbuilding in Mingzhou now, he has a wide network of contacts in the court and still plays a certain role, so Zhao Ji is still very fond of him, which makes Du Chong very happy. Soon became a loyal member of Zhao Ji.

  The two came to the gate of the villa, and an **** came out with a smile and said: "The Supreme Emperor is receiving guests, please come with me, you two, rest for a while, and I will report for you two."

  Huang Qianshan felt a little strange. This time point was specially agreed upon by him before. Generally, the Supreme Emperor would not easily change the agreement. Who would come here? He couldn't help asking: "I don't know who the Supreme Emperor is receiving?"

  The **** smiled slightly, "I am receiving the Xixia envoy stationed in Lin'an."

   "Is it Andrea?"

   "It's him, he asked to see temporarily, so I have to wrong you two to wait for a while."

   "No problem! No problem!"

  Huang Qianshan was suspicious, could it be that the Supreme Emperor is going to intervene in Xixia? He didn't want to ask more questions, so he followed the **** to the resting place.

In the study, Zhao Jiduan was sitting on a high place, drinking tea while listening to the cry of An Deliang, the envoy of Xixia, "Xixia has been established for a hundred years, and it was born with the Song Dynasty. He has changed his mind and is willing to be a minister of the Great Song Dynasty. He is also willing to return the rewards of the Great Song Dynasty over the years and cede the fertile land in Hexi. However, the Northwest Song Army is pressing every step of the way. Xixia is seeing the disaster of destroying the country, the danger of destroying the country, and the loss of life. , Why do you want to impose on Xixia what you don't want? I implore His Majesty the Supreme Emperor to give Xixia a way out. The descendants of all the people of Xixia are willing to be the subjects of the Supreme Emperor, and my king is also willing to be the servant of the Supreme Emperor. It is extremely urgent, and I beg the Supreme Emperor to save lives in danger! "

Zhao Ji himself has no sympathy for Xixia. If he was in power, he would have reprimanded Li Yanqing for being too slow in destroying Xixia. His plan to abolish the emperor was severely frustrated, of course he hated Li Yanqing's great victory in Xixia, he wished that Li Yanqing would be defeated in Xixia, the whole army would be the best, then he could abolish the emperor in a grandiose manner.

The Battle of Xixia itself is a double-edged sword. Losing hurts the enemy, and winning hurts himself. Zhao Ji originally wanted to bet on Li Yanqing for a big defeat, but he didn't expect the final result to hit him hard, making him extremely depressed these days Moderately spent.

Now the Xixia envoy came to beg him, which made him realize that the reputation of his son Zhao Gou is not over yet. If Li Yanqing really destroys Xixia, Zhao Gou's reputation will be like the sky, and he will completely secure the throne. He will find an excuse to abolish it It's almost impossible for him.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ji said slowly: "The Great Song Dynasty is a country of benevolence and righteousness, and will not do things that will make people lose their descendants. If Xixia can change his mind and become a vassal state of the Great Song Dynasty with peace of mind, the Great Song Dynasty is also willing to let Xixia survive. I can agree to this matter, please envoy An to reply to your king, so that he can rest assured that Xixia will not be destroyed."

  An Deliang was overjoyed and kowtowed, "The kindness of the Supreme Emperor will be remembered by all the people of Xixia for generations to come!"

   "Go! I will notify the emperor and let him end the Xixia War immediately."

  An Deliang wept bitterly, thanked him again and again and left.

   Zhao Ji walked in the study with his hands behind his hands for a while, thinking about how to put pressure on his son Zhao Gou. At this moment, an **** whispered at the door: "Your Majesty, Huang Zuocheng and Du Chuanshi have been waiting for a long time!"

  Zhao Ji remembered that he was going to meet these two people today, and suddenly his mind changed, maybe he could just use them.

  Zhao Ji hurriedly said: "Quickly announce that they are coming to see me!"

   Not long after, Huang Qianshan and Du Chong were ushered in by the eunuch, and they bowed to salute, "I see His Majesty the Supreme Emperor!"

   "The two lovers are free!"

   "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Ji and the two of them sat down again, and he sat back on his high seat. This is a seat specially designed by Zhao Ji. It is taller and wider than ordinary seats. Looking up at him gave Zhao Ji a sense of satisfaction of being king when he received his courtiers.

  Two court ladies came in to serve tea, Zhao Ji smiled and asked Du Chong, "How is the shipbuilding situation in Mingzhou?"

  Mingzhou is today's Ningbo. It is the nearest big port and the largest shipbuilding site in the Song Dynasty. It has been almost two years since Du Chong was demoted to Mingzhou to build ships.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, four thousand-stone ships have been built, twenty five-thousand-stone ships have been built, and now we are doing our best to build three-thousand-stone ships. Sea trade merchant ships are enough."

In order to open up financial resources, the imperial court planned to form a semi-official caravan to various countries in Southeast Asia, so the demand for seagoing ships was extremely high, which made Du Chong extremely busy in the past two years, but Du Chong wanted to return to the imperial power center as soon as possible, so During this period of time, he almost stayed in Lin'an.

  Du Chong changed the subject and said again: "Your Majesty, the shipbuilding has come to an end. I am very willing to serve Your Majesty. I implore Your Majesty to give me a chance."

  Zhao Ji nodded, but did not answer Du Chong's entreaty, and turned to Huang Qianshan, "What's the matter with Zhu Shengfei?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it should be related to Zhang Ji, the former transfer envoy of the capital of Chengdu. He is Zhu Shengfei's in-laws, and was originally Zeng Xiulin's right-hand man. After Zeng Xiulin was liquidated, Li Yanqing did not use Zhang Ji as the transfer envoy of Sanchuan. , the officials also readily approved, this favor must be returned by Zhu Sheng, should it be for this reason?"

   "So he stabbed me at a critical moment. His favor is really generous!"

   "Your Majesty, it is probably related to Li Yanqing's victory in Xixia. Zhu Shengfei saw the momentum of the official family rising, so he had the idea of ​​taking refuge in the official family."

   "Hmph! A two-faced and three-cutting wall, after I reset, I will be the first to clean him up."

  Speaking of this, Zhao Ji said again: "I have something for you two to do?"

   "Your Majesty, please order, I will wait for death!"

Although these words are a bit exaggerated, Zhao Ji was very satisfied with their attitude, so he said to the two of them: "You go to contact the officials, ask for peace from Xixia, initiate a proposal, and oppose the destruction of Xixia. Virtue, the momentum must be bigger, and the prophecies of destroying the country will be released among the people, so as to create conditions for me to put pressure on that rebellious son!"

  The two quickly bowed and said, "My minister obeys the order!"

  Zhao Ji said to Du Chong again: "If you do this well, I will transfer you back to the capital and appoint you an important post!"

  Du Chong was very excited, and quickly kowtowed, "I will definitely not disappoint Your Majesty, I will mobilize all my connections and contribute to your Majesty's efforts to make this happen!"

  (end of this chapter)