MTL - Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow-Chapter 1042 Yuer special article: Master

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Chapter 1042: Yu Er's Special: Master

After a slap in the face, the quiet surroundings became silent.

Su Xiaoyu squinted and said nothing, personally went to collect the corpses for the evil dogs. When she handled the body of the evil dog and gave it to the next person, Hao Erye, who was curled up on the ground, finally made a squeaking voice, like crying.

Su Xiaoyu was not so easy to calculate. She said coldly to the servant. "Take this old animal and tie it to the prison. When the family of Hao family breaks through the bottleneck period, the repair is completed, and the lady goes to the door again. Go to the account! Don't bother now, it's a bad thing!"

This is a big deal! It is equivalent to exposing the big secrets of Hao's family, and also exposes the biggest weakness of Hao's family. It should be known that the bottleneck period of Hao Jiazhu is the last level in the whole process of gas repair, which is the most critical and dangerous. Once this kind of thing is passed to the enemy, and the heart of the person is gone, the owner of the family will have more trouble. A lot of trouble, not abruptly angry, Amitabha, and how can it break through?

Hao Erye even broke his life roots. After listening to Su Xiaoyu’s words, he couldn’t care for the pain. He just looked up and raised his finger to Su Xiaoyu, as if to warn her. Su Xiaoyu is born to be a child who is not afraid of fear, not to mention the many mountains behind her? She was cold and cold, giving the servant a look, and the servant took Hao Erye and took it away.

Su Xiaoyu wiped her hand and raised her hand inadvertently to see the spectators around her. I saw that everyone’s face was quite strange, obviously not very familiar, even disdain Su Xiaoyu but dare not speak. Su Xiaoyu’s mouth was more disfiguring than they were, and turned to go to the gate.

When passing by the gimmicks, she said loudly: "Is it just clear? Madame, I have more deceitful wrists. This is a pediatrics. Go, let me teach you later!"

At the gate of the Han House, the people’s criticism broke out. They don’t know the truth. They feel that Su Xiaoyu’s refusal to ask for help is the first thing to lose. It’s shameful to make the swindler’s disrespect. But listening to Su Xiaoyu’s last sentence, they are simply incredible. Fiercely condemned Su Xiaoyu.

The noise came again, and Su Xiaoyu was totally unacceptable. She only confessed to the servant's "Han Jiazhi's quick news Jinyang City", and then left alone from the back door, went straight to the ice.

Years are close, these years are not accompanied by the big master or accompanying the little master New Year, this year she wants to go to the ice sea, they said that the position where Master disappeared with Master for a good year.

Su Xiaoyu went all the way to the south, and did not know how many days later, the entire Xuankong mainland also drifted away from the small snow. I wanted to go to the southern part of the Xuankong with the Master over the ice, and it was also the season of snow in the South.

That year, she was thirteen years old, it was the cardamom. She was born short and thin, dressed in plain prostitute clothes, combing her double-headed clothes, often seen as a child from behind, but as long as she saw her face, everyone would not think so. Most people don't like it, and some people will be alert. As for Master, although it is nearly forty years old, it can be about 30 years old. He always wears a white robes, and the low-loading three thousand inks give a sense of dignity and coldness from any angle.

Yes, Master is a particularly cold-hearted person who is colder than His Royal Highness. The **** Buddha also has no desire, but the **** Buddha is compassionate, the **** Buddha has the heart, and the mercy is born. Master is like an unintentional person. I don't know if it was the first time I met the misunderstanding. She was so afraid that one of His Highness would not be afraid of him at all.

The wind and snow are getting bigger and bigger, drowning the hooves of Su Xiaoyu, and drowning the sound of the car more than 20 years ago. In the carriage, in the wide carriage, Han Chen closed his eyes and seemed to be practicing in the spirit of cultivation. It was only a matter of fists and feet, and Xiao Yuer, who knew nothing about the practice of infuriating, could not tell. However, she did not pay attention. At this time, she was dressed in a thin piece of clothes and her lips were purple and purple. The whole person curled up and kept giving her hands with her hands. She had words in her mouth and she didn’t know what to mutter.

The more she muttered. Finally, Han Chen blinked, and the eyes were as cool as the cold waters of the world. He said, "Quiet."

Xiao Yuer looked up at him and did not speak. He continued to mutter.

Han Chen specially looked at her.

Xiao Yuer muttered and squinted at him. The eyes were like the temper of a child, and more like a provocation against age.

Han Chen did not speak anymore, and the slow strips of tears peeled off a piece of cloth from the corner of the robe. Upon seeing it, Xiao Yuer hurriedly covered his mouth. Han Chen put the cloth group next to her, no doubt warning her.

Xiao Yuer said extremely reluctantly, "I am cold."

Han Chen did not look at her and said: "Know it."

Xiao Yuer hugs her knees, shrinks her body, her face is full of resentment, and she is a child who is not convinced. She stared at the cloth group beside her for a long time and suddenly said aloud, "Don't sleep, don't sleep, don't sleep..."

She has been muttering these three words, she does not want to die here. However, Han Chen quickly caught her chin and stuffed the cloth into her mouth. He said, "martial arts, will be the first."

As soon as he took her on the land of the Xuankong mainland, she immediately asked her to prepare for the school. He saw in the ice sea that she was very afraid of cold, and she trained her in the cold. She made it very clear that she did not want to learn Wu immediately. He wanted a reasonable reason, but she did not speak. So the exercise begins.

Xiao Yuer wants to take down the cloth group and immediately open the hand with Han Chen. Xiao Yuer’s eyes showed an angry look, and they struggled with both hands and feet. However, Han Chen can control her without any difficulty with one hand. Xiao Yuer tried to tell him that she had something to say. He understood it but did not give him a chance. Finally, Xiao Yuer pulled out a token, which is the token of the dragon non-night.

As for she is asking Han Chen to look at the face of the dragon and the night, let go of her, or threaten Han Chen with the token of the dragon and the night, this is only she knows, Han Chen immediately let go. Xiao Yuer quickly took off the cloth and spit a sigh of relief. Who knows, she has not spoken yet, and Han Chen has won the token in her hand. She was even more annoyed and angry. "A lot of ages still grab the little things, do you want to be old?"

This kind of roar is that the average elders will be angry when they listen to them. Han Chen, who is a master, still looks as if he is. He said coldly: "When I entered the wolf, I want to bring the token of the night emperor?"

Xiao Yuer took this token and brought a secret mission. He wanted to help Daqin’s male master to build the intelligence network of Xuankong’s mainland. If it wasn’t for this task, she didn’t want to be a disciple of Han Chen, and she came to this place without any reason!

Xiao Yuer said a lie: "If your old man forgets who I am, make a proof of my identity."

Han Chen put the token in the palm of his hand, and it was cold and infuriating. In a flash, the token was broken. He threw himself out of the window and said: "The deity has received you, and since then you have been a wolf. You used to be an identity task, you don't have to worry about it. You are not a weak person, tell the deity, why don't you learn Wu ?"