MTL - Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey-Chapter 14 Government test

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Fu test

In the early morning, it was slightly white, the fog was still there, and the boat was sailing slowly in the river not far away.

"The seven counties of the government, line up by county, don't make any noise!" Three murmurs from the college faintly came.

The university is called Xu Li, the county is called the academic society, the government is called the college, the province is called the tribute school, and the central is called the academic palace.

Changzhou Fufu Academy has its own system for repairing velvets. It has its own system. It is cold in the early morning. There are always seven martyrdoms under the stars, and there are wooden fences. Candidates are holding test baskets and waiting in line.

Pei Ziyun found himself in the county gate of Jiangping County. When he saw a group of people standing in black, holding a lantern in his hand, someone said, "Brother Pei, you are here!"

Pei Ziyun saw that the person who spoke was Tang Zhen, while the surrounding kings and Li Tongsheng snorted and did not speak.

Pei Ziyun didn't take it for granted. He greeted Tang Zhen and smiled at Wang and Li. The other three invited themselves to the Wenhui a few days ago. When Pei Ziyun saw that the examination period was near, he refused. Tang Zhen still gave up, and the two men hated it.

"It's no surprise that you are so talented and mental." Pei Ziyun remembered that the two still thought that the text would get Xuezheng to leak a little question, and then cursed stupidly. With a handle, Kai Kai Chao's shocking fraud case has become a reality. "

At this moment, they saw that they were arching their hands and chatting for a few moments. Everyone was in no mood to speak and kept silent.

The big Xu system, the child test in the county, the talent test in the province, and the examination in the province are different from the imperial examinations of Pei Ziyun in the world, but this is normal and the same is strange.

Tong Sheng, not a name, is not exempt from empowerment, so the county magistrate led the county to teach the test, but Xiu Cai has the name, according to the Daxu system, is the prefecture, Fu Xuezheng (zhengbapin), and people sent from the province The three formed the chief examiner and deputy examiner to supervise, but one government only took thirty-three, which shows its difficulties.

"Puffy!" Murmured.

The sturgeon door slowly opened.

Tong Tongsheng searched.

Pei Ziyun remembered that after passing the county test, he thought, "Here!"

I saw that it was the name of the newspaper, and handed in the papers and test cards. The academic official looked at the papers of Jing Jing to identify people, and then looked at the portrait. There was text describing the physical appearance.

After confirming, it is inspection. Check the test basket first. The pen and paper must be checked. The associated **** must be torn apart to avoid entrainment. Pei Ziyun already has experience and knows the food at the test center. Do not be very greasy or greasy. It is easy to break, but the inspector tears it open, and there is contamination. If the stomach is eaten, it will be finished. Therefore, you will bring oil cakes and eggs. As for water, the test room provides it.

The next step is to undress and take off your shoes.

There was a commotion among candidates, and soon it was Pei Ziyun's turn. After inspection, the academic official stamped it and shouted, "Seat by number."

Pei Ziyun got the admission ticket, and in addition to his seat number, he also stamped a half mark on it. Once there was fraud in the examination room, he was directly investigated for the responsibility of inspecting academicians.

The entrance is to find your own number room. The number room is a row of small rooms connected together, and the opposite is also a row. The distance between the two rows is five meters. No matter how good the vision is, the opposite is not visible.

There is a couch, a table and a stool inside. There are three candles on the table and a brush with clear water.

"Well, the conditions are better than that of the county. One extra bed."

Probably the county test only takes one day, and the government test takes two days. It is said that the provincial test takes three days.

Pei Ziyun put all the ink and paper on the table. The opposite was a twenty-six-year-old young man. As the examinee's admission was over, the prefectural preached the words, and the examiner inspected everything. When the cloud board rang, the clerk issued the paper. under.

Pei Ziyun took the test. Seeing that in addition to the test, there was a stack of white paper as a draft. Pei Ziyun lit a candle. It was just dawn, and the room was still dim. He quickly looked at the test paper from beginning to end and found that there was no problem. Ambiguity, no mistakes, just rest assured.

This is past experience. If there is a problem, it must be raised quickly, and the volume can be changed, but if it is delayed, it will not work. Who knows what is going on.

After reading it, I thought to myself, "It is more difficult than the county test."

In the Yixian test, Mo Yi and Tie Jing had a large proportion.

Mo Yi is to fill in the blank questions, which need not be said more. The scripture is to write the question silently. The examiner selects a page from the scripture book, extracts a line from it and prints it on the examination paper. .

There are still Mo Yi and the scriptures in the government test, but there is only one roll of paper, Mo Yi only has five, and 20 scriptures, the proportion has dropped a lot. The test is memory. Vince, Pei Ziyun knows the book very well, there is no doubt.

Then there is clear calculation, clear law.

"Oh, is this big Xu Dynasty more practical than my original ancient dynasty!"

Ming is arithmetic, and Ming law is to understand the basic legal provisions. Although the proportion is not large, it also shows that the test object is not limited to the four books and five classics.

"But it doesn't bother me!" Arithmetic will not be said, this Ming law is also a memory problem, the original owner's memory is resolved.

"Let's solve these first!"

At this time, the sky was already bright, and looked up. Seeing the students who were slow in raising, wondering whether they should do the question, they laughed and rubbed their pens and inks. Now they are on the manuscript, and they are writing about Mo Yi, Ting Jing, Ming Su, Ming law filled in the blanks, completed it, verified it, and wrote it down on the original manuscript.

"Who can write this test directly on the original manuscript without thinking about it, or it's genius or delusion." After completing this question, Pei Ziyun took a sigh of relief and felt that his back was a little sweaty and busy. Taking the towel out and wiping it off, the young man across the face looked a little pale and looked tired.

"Ah, noon." At a blink of an eye, it was noon. Pei Ziyun drank some water, ate some oil cakes, peeled an egg, and ate a piece of salty lean meat. There was no temperature at this time, but he couldn't ask for more. After having a rest break, I looked at the big question below.

"Here are the classics, the key points, there are three questions!"

The so-called Jingyi is a discussion centered on the philosophies of the book. Pei Ziyun looked at the first question: "Dangdang, the people are incompetent and famous; towering, its success is also its essay."

"This question is quite satisfactory!" Pei Ziyun thought secretly. This is what Confucius praised Yao in "The Analects of Confucius Taber", saying that Yao is too great.

I can't help but have the talent of an old talent, and the answer is immediately available.

“The core of this question is to praise the ancient sages’ meritorious deeds. The first paragraph is a quote from the scriptures, which points out what Yao has done and which sages have been used to achieve great achievements. ”

"The extension is that the ancestor of the dynasty was wise and powerful, and by the way, loyalty, said that he also needs to inspire and assist the holy class."

With this theory in mind, this question is resolved: "Stop it!"

Briefing the problem is concise and concise, the article is eloquent and imposing, Pei Ziyun just writes it and thinks about it in one go!

After writing, set the draft aside and go directly to the next question.

"There is no reason why you don't give up, you don't need to prepare for one person!"

The meaning of this question is very clear. It is Zhou Gong who said to his son that the bird was sealed in Lu Kingdom, that the old friends and old ministers are not wrong, so don't abandon them, and don't ask people to blame.

Pei Ziyun saw this question, and couldn't help but pat his own forehead. The sound of a "snap" was so loud that the people across him looked at it, and the inspector came over to see it.

"Don't be complacent, don't be complacent." Saying that Lao Xiu was at home, he didn't pass the test, what was his mind, don't abandon them, don't ask for full blame-I don't know how to write this topic a few times, I can just plagiarize it, to ensure the literary.

Luck is so good that you can burst into tears. As soon as Pei Ziyun looks at the topic, there are several articles in Pei Ziyun's head. One article is written down without adding a bit, which can be described as one go.

After blowing the ink, Pei Ziyun nodded with satisfaction, thinking, "This article didn't take much effort at all, it was a tired handwriting."

I still have the same draft as before. I put the draft on one side and look at the third question now.

"Water, fire, gold, wood, earth, 榖 Wei Xiu!"

"The postponement of the question is the most difficult." Pei Ziyun frowned analysis, this question is a bit difficult, from "Shangshu Dayu Mo".

"Water can be irrigated, fire can be cooked, gold can be cut, wood can be cultivated, soil can reproduce, and valley can be nourished. This is called the" six houses ", which is used by the heavens and the earth to nourish everything."

"These can be extended to" UU reading books at is not invincible when it does not violate agriculture ", and discusses the way of emphasizing agriculture and governing it, and then extends it to be" ethics and good governance, and government is supporting the people. " Virtue embodies here, and this is "Wei Xiu." "

Pei Ziyun completed the problem, and continued to write a little while groaning. This time, the speed was not as fast, but not slow. After finishing writing, rubbing his eyes, he found that it was dusk.

Pei Ziyun just felt dizzy, sweat soaked his clothes, laid the draft paper flat without copying, the sky was completely dark, and he lit candles. The test room was filled with the smell of candles, and the clerks lit the test room one by one. Lighting torches inside.

The examiner took the burden and took a bunch of examiners to slowly walk through the inspection. Pei Ziyun was already hungry at this time, and he didn't bother, just gobbling it. The examiner looked at it and couldn't help smiling.

Pei Ziyun bowed his head and pondered, waiting for the examiner to finish the tour. Pei Ziyun counted the time. Today is only the first night. The transcription can wait until tomorrow. After watching the papers are all dry, just stack them, blow out the candles and lie down. On the wooden couch, put a thin blanket brought on your body.

I also glanced at the opposite side before going to bed, and found that the young man was still writing a question in the candle. He closed his eyes and fell asleep in the sound of the flipping paper on the opposite side.

"It's different with plum blossoms." I don't know why. Maybe it's a side effect of the thing that was entrusted in the dream. In short, as long as you want to sleep, just a few breaths, you will go to sleep. This time, even in the test room, it is the same. Within a few minutes of lying down, a slight purring sound was made.

At this time, the examiner happened to visit again, and he was speechless. The atmosphere of the test room was tense. At night, although some people understood how to cultivate their spirits, most of them turned around and shook the bed crunching. Know if you have a good idea or a broken jar.