MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 83 Eighty-third time Raiders:

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It seems that Allen should also have been remembered by the missionee during the period, at least knowing that his body and behavior were out of his control for a period of time, and finally Lu Jianyan helped him get rid of that situation.

He was grateful ...

Lu Jianyan did not buy too much, because apart from the medicine, Lu Jianyan was indifferent to anyone who hated to break the relationship with the world: "I'm not for you, it's for myself."

So don't thank me, don't repay.

"But no matter what, the benefit is always me." Alan has his own theory of things, and will not be hit by Lu Jianyan's words. Simply put, what he determines will not change easily.

One second before Lu Jianyan's patience limit, Allen just released him sooner or later. With a sincere look and a friendly expression, he always keeps a good distance. As much as he feels like a person, he is not too close, and he is not alienated. He is as upright as a gun, and there is an upright Ling Ran righteousness.

"I will always be grateful to you. You can say nothing about this." Ellen doesn't even have the aggressive perfection similar to Lu Jianyan. He also has shortcomings in his character, like stubbornness, but he doesn't Don't mind showing it.

In a word, comfortable.

It was so comfortable that Lu Jianyan couldn't remember what his personality was like before he was crossed by the taskman. Before the taskmen wore them, they were like two completely strangers who were taking classes in the same place. There was no intersection between them, and they were not familiar at all, probably they would not be familiar in this life.

Then the quester appeared and everything changed. When Zuo Qing was renewed, he appeared next to Lu Jianyan because of changing seats. He smiled and said that he was totally unprepared for Lu Jianyan at the time: "Hello, my name is Zuo Qing, because I have changed a lot recently, I am afraid of you Didn't recognize me, so get to know me again? You can call me Qing Shi, or classmate Zuo. We will be at the same table from today. May I ask you to meet Yan? "

Lu Jianyan shook his head in his heart, and wanted to throw out his life together with the mood at that time and all the memories of Zuo Qingshi. That was not his real classmate. His classmate told him that his name was Allen and he is now an Interpol.

"I always wanted to see you and talk to you when I woke up, but because I was busy rehabilitating, getting back to normal life, and participating in a very important case, I still couldn't make it."

Father Lu and Mom Lu have gone to the study with the people left by the special group to exchange information about the case being covered up. Lou Yixian and Wu Yiyi are talking to the people left by the nine groups. Sister Lu looked at Brother Lu to prevent him from making troubles. Everyone has their own needs to do, and they do n’t know how it was formed. Anyway, that's what happened naturally, and Allen became a guest of Lu Jianyan.

"Between us ..." Before Lu Jianyan had time to say ‘nothing to talk about’, she was interrupted by an emergency call from Allen.

"What? I know, we're here!" Allen's expression changed when he called, putting away the kind of relaxed talk between the old friends, becoming serious and tense. After hanging up the phone, he only had time to say to Lu Jianyan, "Sorry, there are some new situations, we have to go. Can we contact you another day? I have something important to tell you."

Without giving Lu Jianyan the opportunity to refuse, Allen called the nine and special groups of people, no matter where the conversation between them went, they must end, just because Allen said: "11 appeared."

This is really a strange code.

No one can guess what it represents for the time being, but obviously the people in the nine groups and the special group know. They are like Allen, and their expressions change greatly after hearing. After borrowing a car from the Lu family, he hurried away and did not even tell the Lu family's people at the destination.

At this time, it's time for Brother Lu to whisper, What's wrong, what's wrong?

But today Brother Lu is extremely silent. He even asked to stay at home at night, and Lu Jianyan and Yao Wuyao stayed. Father Lu and Mother Lu really needed someone to accompany after all these things today.

At night, Wuyao sneaked into Lu Jianyan's room.

Lu Jianyan had already been waiting for him in bed. After Allen had been out during the day, it would be strange if the medicine was safe. Therefore, without waiting for the medicine, Lu Jianyan took the initiative to explain his relationship with Allen.

"Remember what I said to you. The first tasker I knew was to dress as my classmate and approach me. Because the interests were extremely consistent, I and him became friends who talked about everything. As a result, one day I suddenly Do you hear him talking to his system in his head? Allen is the classmate who was traversed. He is the original owner, not the tasker. The tasker has been discouraged and left. He has become a vegetative person and was taken away by a foreign coward Treated abroad. "

"How can you be sure that he is not the second tasker? How many of the original owners who became vegetatives can wake up?" The medicine was released without any pain and he pinched Lu Jianyan's clear right hand. He didn't even dare to weigh it, for fear Lu Jianyan felt pain.

"Although the probability is small, there are people who wake up."

"You're standing by his side ?!" Yao Wu widened his eyes inconceivably. The silver-smoked eyes were filled with injuries. "So, is he your childhood friend?"

"... You are, you will always be." Lu Jianyan reluctantly, "I did not stand with him, I did not even give him my mobile phone number."

Although Allen may not be the tasker, he may also be. Lu Jianyan has realized that he can't fully believe that he can hear whether there is a system in the other's mind. As the level of the taskman continues to increase, this most primitive method becomes increasingly ineffective. Therefore, even if he did not hear the sound of the system, Lu Jianyan did not intend to make further contact with Allen.

With no expression on his face, "It's almost the same," he finally fell asleep with satisfaction.

Lu Jianyan lay aside, looking at the delicate profile of Yaoyao who fell asleep, feeling that the other person was like a child: "How do you love coquetry so much?"

The medicine responded in my heart, otherwise, I don't know how to not hurt you.

For Lu Jianyan's appeasement, it is like food for beasts, which can comfort him for a short time, but also continuously promotes his growth. In order to prevent this beast from hurting Lu Jianyan after breaking out of the cage one day, the medicine can only try to get more spiritual comfort. Only in this way can he stop the thirst in his mind. More and more dangerous ideas.

He didn't want Lu Jianyan to see anyone, hear any voice, and feel any emotion that was not given by him. He wanted to imprison him on a tower that only he knew, like an ancient dragon guarding his dragon knight, if only there were two of them in this world.

He didn't even just think about it that simple. When the reaction came one day, the medicine was bought and the island was bought. He even designed the blueprint of the tower.

In the end, the blueprint and the property rights of the island proved that everything was shelved. At best, it just looks like a moving island in the game.

Wu Jianyan will never treat Lu Jianyan that way, even if he thinks so, but this is the difference between humans and animals. Animals obey the **** in their hearts, and people will restrain themselves with reason.

Without sleep overnight, Lu Jianyan's assistant called and said that a police officer named Allen would come to meet Lu Jianyan today.

Lu Jianyan: It turned out that you can still do this.

The medicine is safe: Ah, ah, I'll just kill Allen, it's a hundred.

But that's just thinking about it. After Lu Jianyan spent a very weird and quiet breakfast with his parents, brother and sister, Allen came to the door.

Originally still thinking about whether to tell Lu Jianyan the truth-what they heard from Brother Lu last night-Father Lu and Mother Lu finally didn't have to tangle, because even if they didn't say it, Allen would say it.

"Mind to talk privately?" Alan sent an invitation to Lu Jianyan. "Of course, if Mr. Yao intends, he can come together."

Before waiting for the medicine to be safe, Allen has already released enough goodwill for the medicine to be safe, and people will not collapse.

The medicine was innocent and looked back with a smile, and was not at a loss because of the other's unusual path. Except for Lu Jianyan, there are no changes in the world that he cannot cope with. Even if he is told that an alien is about to invade the earth the next moment, he will probably keep the expression unchanged.

The Lu family may lack a lot of things, but it is absolutely impossible to lack a room. Soon they found a lounge without people.

There is an oil painting that looks particularly tall and framed in the best wooden frame. The content is also full of intangible artistic atmosphere. No one would doubt the painting if you associate with the identity of the Lu family. Value, even if they can't tell which master the painting came from.

But when the medicine was harmless, I could recognize it at a glance. This is Lu Jianyan's paintings, with tender and lovely strokes, bright and vivid colors. When painting this picture, Lu Jianyan should not be too old, and still retain the original The heart of the child.

Don't ask how medicine can be seen. Art really speaks, at least to him.

Allen now looks awkward when he sees the painting: "Our art class assignment."

"Yes." Lu Jianyan always thought that he had no aesthetics and no artistic cells, but in fact, he had learned painting in the early years, music, equestrian, tennis, and any sports that could cultivate sentiment. He had studied at school. These are the contents of elective courses in schools. Lu Jianyan first chose the art of painting. What can I learn from it?

In the words of the man whose part-time teacher is a contemporary artist in their art class, Lu Jianyan's paintings have no soul, only the artisan skills taught in books.

At that time, Lu Jianyan was still very unconvinced. When he was angry, he did something special about the second disease—when he had an art exchange exhibition at the school with a sister school abroad, he replaced the work he should have submitted with An apple.

Real. Apple, the kind that can be eaten, juicy and full, washed with water and red, placed on a vacuum stand that looks particularly tall. The small spotlights at the four corners give this apple a soft touch. Light makes it look so different. This is not the end. Lu Jianyan even changed a homemade white-plate on the booth and wrote a series of award-winning experiences for this apple.

After an exchange show, I did n’t dare to point out that this is really just an apple, a big bag of ten dollars in the supermarket.

Some people even analyzed the symbols of a large number of apples, what is the forbidden fruit of Eden, what is a rot that can be seen, and it is the performance art BALBALA ... Lu Jianyan who heard it almost didn't stop smiling . His idea was learned from the Internet. An art student from a foreign university tried it with pineapple. No one found it for three days. It was the emperor's new clothes.

Lu Jianyan also felt that the report was too nonsense, but later found that the reality would only be more ridiculous.

So, after the art teacher who accused Lu Jianyan of having no soul in his paintings and expressed appreciation for the apple, Lu Jianyan pierced him in public.

"I will never forget the expression of Teacher T at all times in my life." Allen also thought about this past, and smiled a little less kindly. Their teacher, who claims to be an artist, doesn't like people calling him by name, and has always used T as a self-proclaimed artist. He doesn't know what it means.

Lu Jianyan also evoked the corners of his lips, which was a wonderful memory, probably his biggest adolescent rebellion.

At the time, Allen had been worn by the tasker, and he can still think of it now. It seems that he really has the memory of the time when the tasker traversed, but he doesn't know how he thinks about the task traversal.

Lu Jianyan was cautious about this and would not discuss it casually.

Allen sat down at the small round table, drank a cup of strong tea, warmed his spleen and stomach in a busy morning, and then said to Lu Jianyan, "But I didn't expect you to keep this work that should be turned in. . "

Lu Jianyan had almost painted at that time, all under the guidance of an art teacher. One day, the teacher suddenly went crazy after a hangover and criticized Lu Jianyan's painting for nothing, which only angered Lu Jianyan.

"Did you know?" Lu Jianyan finally had some interest in speaking. "This inscrutable painting that was criticized at that time is already a 'world famous painting' among many people." Of course Lu Jianyan's rebellion was not just in an art exchange exhibition. At that point, he is not a simple imitator, but also likes his own creativity.

In front of him is his art.

How many people do not know how to pretend to understand Lu Jianyan's parents when they came to visit Lu's house?

Everything was said at the time, and some people have said they want to pay for it. But both were rejected by Father Lu and Mother Lu, saying that this was a non-sale product, and it was a treasure, for Lu Jianyan's parents.

But this answer actually made everyone more enthusiastic about this painting. People who saw it blew it into a famous family painting. People who had never seen it really yearned for it.

But if anyone is bold enough, if you go over and open one side of the frame, you can see Lu Jianyan's signature on the back. It is not a masterpiece or a century-old history. It is just an art assignment for Lu Jianyan when he was in middle school. He wanted to draw it so carefully, and even thought that he might be a bit artistically talented.

Since then, Lu Jianyan has closed down the mountain and has no plans to develop anything in the art world.

The reason is simple. After experiencing those things, Lu Jianyan was even more certain that he did not understand art. Although most people do n’t understand it, that ’s not why he fooled art, it ’s disrespect for this gem industry, and he ca n’t continue.

However, in Lu Jianyan's mind, there are still some doubts about art. It wasn't until Lu Jianyan reunited with Yao Wushen that he invited Yao Wushou to Lu's house. Yao Wuyan recognized this is Lu Jianyan's work at a glance and expressed his sincere praise for Lu Jianyan's childhood painting skills. Someone can still distinguish the difference between children's graffiti and real art.

Although most modern art has been ruined by fame and fortune, it does not mean that it does not exist. It exists in the hearts of everyone who truly loves art. Only time will prove its value.

This is probably one of the reasons why most well-known painters' paintings have doubled in value after death.

Allen didn't know that these small interactions between Lu Jianyan and Yao Wushang, so he could only speculate on Lu Jianyan's behavior of hanging this picture here: "You are still so cynical, eh?"

"It used to be." Lu Jianyan looked up and looked at his past.

But now it's just a painting, a middle school work that belongs to Lu Jianyan and is admired by Lu Wuyan and Lu's father and mother. It does have a lot of shortcomings, rough lines, and uneven coloring, but it is indeed the young Lu Jianyan sitting in front of the drawing board, devoting all his love and intentions.

"So far, what's the matter with you about me?" Lu Jianyan wasn't a person who liked to look back at the past, especially that period of middle school which was not too pleasant.

Allen always knew when it was time to stop. He turned on his mobile phone and projected the screen on the round table, which was enough for Lu Jianyan and Yao Wu to see the content clearly. Many side-by-side files, Allen opened the last file named "10", which contained a lot of information, and some **** photos. Allen chose the one that was most acceptable to the senses: " This is a picture of Liu En's murder at the scene. "

The blood was dripping, and there was no good piece of meat on the body, but the body magically maintained a straight tightness.

"What do you think he looks like?"

"Uh, 1?" Lu Jianyan exerted his imagination, and could only think of this step.

"I blame me for not telling you the previous summary," Allen temporarily closed the **** photo. Although he had chosen a slightly more beautiful one as much as possible, it was still not very comfortable. He brought the picture back to the original one, with eleven files juxtaposed.

Lu Jianyan seemed to feel something. 11, he only heard this number yesterday.

Yao Wushang has guessed: "This is not a case, but a serial murder? And it has already happened to the eleventh." That's why so many police forces were dispatched, and the Interpol was also connected.

Allen nodded: "Yes, the tenth such vicious crime has occurred. Liu En is the tenth, and the tenth was found yesterday. The dead died in different places and have nothing in common. So far, three have been involved. Countries, that ’s why the international police intervened. I ’ve been in charge of this case for a while. We can be sure that this is indeed a serial murder, because the methods of torture are the same. The special tenacity is very thin, and the knots are very l-ing \ 'le: n. We have not published these photos to the public. Even within the police, there are no more than ten people who know how knots are hit. "

Allen was one of the ten insiders, and he went to the scene yesterday to recognize this kind of knotting.

Those who can do these cases can only be the prisoners themselves, there is no imitation crime, or there is no way to mischief.

"Does the victims have anything in common?" Lu Jianyan suddenly understood something about the inexplicable transcripts of the previous inquiry. Those were the time of death of other serial cases!

"In fact, there is nothing in common, both men and women, a wide range of ages, and different identities and classes. We can only make all kinds of cross-contrasts. What does country C say? Please verify. "Allen clicked on a file marked" 11 "," Is there any impression on this person? "

"Singer Ann ?!" Lu Jianyan can be said to be very impressed.

One year and a half after the singer An incident, singer An died like this, and died so miserably. When Lu Jianyan heard Allen calling yesterday, she never expected that the person on the other end of the phone was singer An. I don't know what the idea of ​​Su Yingdi would be, but what is certain is that after the system task person dies again, he is really dead and there is no possibility of resurrection.

"You should probably have some impressions of the other dead people. The only thing they have in common is that they have offended you more or less, or have upset you."

Lu Jianyan: "..."

No medicine: "..."

"But we believe this is not what you did." Allen's first thing to do was to calm Lu Jianyan's emotions. "It's not pointless for these people to pose in this position."

Alan adjusted a piece of white paper and started drawing with his hands in the air, very simple stick figure.

"The first deceased was put in a longer 'one'."

"The second deceased is the same '1' as Liu En."

"The third deceased is a shorter‘ one ’.”

"The fourth deceased is an arc that bulges to the left."


The picture shifted a little bit, and when the seventh deceased appeared, it formed a very obvious "For" word. The eighth, ninth, and Liu En's tenth pendulum became "Y", and the eleventh singer An was like a curved arc protruding to the left ... If there is still a crime, the victim will be placed next can not imagine.


For you.