MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 79 The 79th time Raiders:

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[One kill a day] returned to the game with a very novel and eye-catching posture. The famous players from the East and the West continent. The old players were busy posting memories of the past years. The heroic pose of a master.

He is electricity, he is light, and he is the only myth.

But in the third dimension, he is thinking deeply about his parents, why he immersed himself in the game all day after the holiday, even dare to deceive him to play the game secretly while sleeping.

Mother Lu has been a bit upset recently because of her ex-husband's affairs. Brother Lu is even more angry when she looks at this: "It ’s not for you not to play, but for your temperance, understand? What is it like to sleep in the holographic cabin? Look? That thing is connected to your brain. What if there is an accident? Don't tell me that the house owner does the same. He never used his brain. "

Theoretically, Brother Lu is in his twenties. Mother Lu should not continue to treat him as a child, but there is no way. No matter how old he is, he can treat himself as if he was three years old.

When Brother Lu tried to look at his father, his father's face was darker than his mother's.

Others' families are loving fathers and strict mothers, or loving mothers and strict fathers. Only their mothers are stricter, and fathers are more severe. The only siblings who were soft-hearted to him were at work at this moment and had no time to rescue him. QAQ

——I must have given it for free! Brother Lu shouted in his heart again, can not help but sadness from it, cabbage, yellow ground.

What Brother Lu didn't know was that none of his siblings were working honestly at this moment. One is seizing every opportunity to be able to seize the opportunity to date her boyfriend, even if he knows that Brother Lu has been taught again, he will pretend not to see it; one ... is the culprit for reporting that Brother Lu stays up all night playing games.

Others saw his handsome back from the story of brother Lu and Liu Siying, but Lu Jianyan saw the truth of the fact that brother Lu did not sleep all night, and he really did not care about his body!

There is also a concubine on the side saying: "Oh, I'm under-organized, he is under-organized!"

Lu Jianyan then told his parents ruthlessly that parents should take good care of the rudeness years ago, and can't relax because of the exam. Lu Jianxian has the magic skill of returning the door one hundred seconds a second, and quickly flop to the door the next second.

Lou Yixian is responsible for gagging: "Okay, okay, don't get angry, who are you doing this cheaply, not for you."

Lu Jianyan didn't say anything. If he didn't know the reason for the cheapness, he would definitely end up picking him up.

Although Fifth Yi didn't like Lu Xianjian, he still said, "The kid is still very good as long as he is serious, whether in the game or in learning."

Lu Jianyan still didn't speak, but the slightly raised chin had betrayed him, as if to say, my brother is certainly great!

Before the Spring Festival, most of the first batch of players who participated in the test of Xianzong all came to an end. Liu's double-ranked rankings were coincidentally dropped by eleven, and just happened to be stuck on the standard line of mission failure. It's no coincidence that he can be so inch. Brother Lu has gathered a group of his fans and sisters, and took the lead to keep the corpse and guard Liu all day, until the countdown to the test task was finished, he did not give him a chance to stand up.

In the end, a group of people seemed to be cheering for the coming of the New Year, and also played a countdown of 1987. After shouting "One" together, someone put the super-luxury fireworks in place, colorful, and the stars fell like rain.

Warmly celebrate the failure of Liu's test and enter the immortal gate.

In stark contrast to the embarrassing Liu, Lu Jianyan was on the TV again that night. He was the first before the test and the first after the test. He officially became the third-generation disciple of the Forgotten Immortal Sect and studied with the second-generation disciple Fengxi Daojun. Because he was the first player to become a personal disciple, Lu Jianyan not only got the treatment of being on a small TV, but also had the opportunity to become the only protagonist in the ceremony of worship on the mainland.

The official system broadcasts live throughout the game, and invites the majority of gamers to personally go to the seat of the Forgotten Immortal Sect in the depths of the 100,000 Mountains in Kunlun to participate in this unparalleled grand ceremony.

This is a small high tide after the game of Jianghu has been so long. Now they push Lu Jianyan so high to give players a daydream. As long as you continue to invest in the future, the next protagonist of the bright light may be is you. Everyone in the rivers and lakes has a chance to counterattack and become a great god. [See Zu Chan] is just the luckier one.

Of course, this worship ceremony is also to highlight the concept of the Ten Immortals once again for the players.

Forget the immortal Emperor Xianzong, the oldest immortal Emperor, holding Cang Shengniu and receiving such a big thing as the first generation of the third generation. Each is a very powerful plot character of each faction.

At the same time, these powers will bring their most outstanding new disciples.

For example, it represents the innocence of Yousheng Xianzong and the fifth aspect of Ziji Xianzong.

Hey, the same new disciple of the Emperor Ziji Xianzong, Mingminglou is a secular sect with a main source of leisure, but failed to compare with Fifth Yi, so that the branch veins won the lead. Fortunately, Ziji Xianzong has a slow-moving personality from top to bottom. Walking and speaking are all types of individuals who are not sick and can be anxious to death. They do not blame the restlessness of the building, but instead chose to fail because of the idleness Being able to be an autobiography also gave him many benefits in private to appease him, making Lou Yixian the first shotgun changer in the Xianxia era.

But not all Xianzongs chose their relatives in three generations this time, so Lu Jianyan's worship ceremony was temporarily postponed.

To be precise, the original arrangement in the game was that after the test of Xianzong, some players became inner disciples, and then worked hard to become pro-disciples through a small task that followed. Whoever comes first will have a formal worship ceremony for each school. At the same time, Gao Wan of the other schools will be promoted to pass on disciples, so that everyone can get together to start the next task.

Who knows that Lu Jianyan ’s master Fengxi Daojun did not play cards according to common sense, and directly accepted Lu Jianyan ’s personal disciples, disrupting the entire game.

However, the planning team gave these NPCs great autonomy at the time of setting, and there was no way to recall them.

In addition, this is not an NPC convulsion of Fengxi Daojun. There are also masters of three players who have no problem with medicine, Allen, and thousands of miles away. Anyway, there are always people who want to go the usual way. In addition, Master Xianzong from Fifth Yi also complied with the current, and the game player could only start the backup plan urgently.

The other five immortals were given a time limit. Within the time limit, they chose their own disciples. Naturally, everything was fine. If they could not be selected, then the game team was no different.

This time limit was explained as the time needed to prepare for the ceremony.

Lu Jianyan, who is the center of everyone's discussions, is now familiar with the surrounding environment of the Immortal Sect under the leadership of her master. There is a female master who is just fine, careful and patient. According to Wushangwu, his neurological master just casually threw him a sentence: "Will he not look at the map?"

People have to throw more than people.

"Kunlun was actually not well-known before. It was Gonggong and Zhu Rong who lost the fight, the glass broke, and the immortal mountain that was broken in anger. Don't mention this to your ancestor, and mention him violently. "

"Why?" Lu Jianyan cooperated with Master's incarnation to be curious about the baby.

"Your ancestors lived at the highest point of the main peak of the Bu Zhou Mountains, Bu Zhou Shan, the place that supported the sky. Picking stars was not an exaggerated metaphor for him at the time, but documentary literature." As a result, Someone Shizuo meditated well in Dongfu, but the disaster came from the sky, and his own Tianzhu was broken by the neurosis of the co-worker. He left the house overnight without saying a word, and he saw a flood of earth. Know how angry he will be.

But Zhou Shan was already broken. The stricken part was still out when the ancestor went out to fight floods and disaster relief, but the turtle grandson was picked up and turned into his own magic weapon ...

What can Shizu do? You can only make a big wish for Tiandao, don't let him catch people, catching him will make that life worse than death!

In short, this black history of forced demolition is the thunder point of Shizu and his elderly. Whoever touched him died.

"Now the place we walked to is called Longquan Cave. Did you see the creek that was no more than knees? If you walk along the river, you can go to the deepest part of the cave, where there is a mirror lake with a seal in the lake. ... "

Mozun? Evil cultivation? Zong gate area? Lu Jianyan's mind flashed countless guesses.

"... your ancestor's friend."

"Huh?" Lu Jianyan worked hard to digest Master's words. What is this ghost setting? Do not seal a monster in the back mountain of his own immortal. What about the planning team ’s literacy in Xiuxian's novels? What's wrong with sealing a good friend? Can it be considered a good friend if everything is sealed? Is the brain circuit so chic?

"It wasn't your ancestor's seal, but your ancestor couldn't unlock the seal. The situation is very complicated."

Lu Jianyan nodded, which meant that he didn't ask, and he didn't speak again.

"The task of every newly-introduced disciple is to check this in the cave regularly, uh, you are called senior, and the specific name is not easy to disclose." It is accurate that even Fengxi Daojun did not know her What ’s the name of Master ’s good friend, all I know is that he was also a big man who stirred the wind and rain and stirred the situation in the world, and then he waved himself into the cave. "Seniors generally slept under the lake, and occasionally woke up. Do n’t be afraid to talk to him when he closes your eyes and wait for him to leave. ”

"Communicate?" What can you communicate with?

"You can say anything."

So casual?

Naturally, this is so casual, because the unfortunately sealed senior urged his predecessor to not speak, and he could not even maintain a human form, but only l0ng of it was sealed in the mirror-like lake water, and only the orange-yellow vertical pupil larger than Lu Jianyan's entire person could Wagging back and forth. Don't mention how scary it is.

However, Lu Jianyan was still very happy to be here, and even he couldn't come every day, because it was a long-term division task, sending money and equipment.

Of course, the rewards are different each time, and I don't know whether it depends on the face or the mood of the seniors. In short, it is a very good place to brush tasks.

Lu Jianyan and his predecessors met on both sides, and the Spring Festival came.

It is said that the rivers and lakes opened a Chinese New Year beast for half a month, and the rewards were very rich. Unfortunately, Lu Jianyan did not have time to participate.

Lunar New Year is the busiest time of the year. There are few people in Erlu's main house, but there are many, many people in this branch. In the same way, one by one came to visit in the seven days after thirty. As big as Lu Da Lu and as young as Lu Jian Yan, you have to attend every year, without anyone.

It is not who they need to look at, but they need to give outsiders a signal that their family is still in harmony. Otherwise, you may not know how many gossips will be spread.

For the two years that Sister Lu went to study abroad, because she had to take an exam during the Spring Festival, she could n’t return to China, and she could be distorted and transferred to Erlu. Eventually, he had to be inherited by a male heir. Lu Jianci has been exiled by the family, struck out.

Of course, when Sister Lu returned in the third year, she strongly beat everyone's face, but this is enough to explain some problems.

No matter who is absent, it may be said to be "out of favor", "outrage", "family disharmony", and I do n’t know what a Lutan tiger cave looks like in the eyes of others, or I ca n’t wait for Lujia ’s discord, okay Let them show a sense of superiority if they lose in all aspects.

Yaowu's parents deliberately flew back to spend the Spring Festival with Yaowu, just next to Lu's house.

Therefore, the pair of good friends, Lu Jianyan and Lu Jianyan, who used to sleep in the same bed, once again lived their childhood—most of the night, waiting for the kid next door to ring the window on their balcony.

One night, Sister Lu suddenly came to Lu Jianyan and was taken aback by the uninvited medicine.

"You are not Romeo and Juliet, are you?" Sister Lu was helpless.

Lu Jianyan and Yaowu looked at each other without answering.

"Okay, come back to the topic, help me find a way." Sister Lu wrapped a twill cardigan wrapped around her body. I always felt that my brother's room was a bit cold. Does central air conditioning and heating work?

"Do you really want to bring the prince period during Chinese New Year?" Why do all men and women like to throw a bomb at the family a year ago?

"Because if I don't take the Prince's period home, I will be asked to die by my third aunt and six aunts." Sister Lu, who was excellent since she was a child, has been better than others in all aspects, and other relatives want to find her Existence can only start with her marriage problems. This is a topic that cannot be escaped by the family or ordinary people.

"But I really don't think mothers can accept Prince."

It was the same question that Lu Jianyan said at the time. Regardless of whether the prince period was the overbearing president of the Wang family or the filigree flower attached to Sister Lu, what Ms. Lu disapproved was never the identity of the sister, but between them interactive. That always reminded Mom Lu and her ex-husband. The unequal relationship caused her pain all her life. She didn't want her children to try again.

"Of course I know, so I'm here to let you think of a way, not to create panic." Sister Lu and Lu Jianyan, the only weakness is family. Although the parents will not say anything about her choice, she can feel it. Their worries and disapprovals, she didn't want to make them so sad.

In the end, the Lu family sister and brother who are not good at dealing with their parents are still at a loss. This is more trouble than dealing with the group's affairs.

"I don't think I need to worry about it." Yaowuwen has taken Lu Jianyan's bedroom as his own, and he is sitting next to him and landing to meet Yan.

"What?" The sisters and brothers looked up together.

"Did you guys pay attention to the trumpet in the game?"

"He still has a trumpet?" This is Sister Lu.

"He still plays games?" This is Lu Jianyan.

Yao Wu Sui was taken by these two: "Do you know that your parents are also playing?"

Sister Lu family shook their heads together, totally ignorant, and ...: "Why do you know?"

"I usually look at 818 more." Yao Wushang did not intend to hide his gossip, "I have a forum post, I'll share it with you, you can see for yourself."

[Irrigation] [818] This hot chicken game of rivers and lakes will destroy my parents and harm the setting sun. Will your conscience not hurt?

0L: As the question. The landlord's occupation is not important, and the grade is not important. The important thing is that I am dying of hunger now, but once told my mother who loves her mother and claimed to devote the rest of her life to the square dance career, she is playing I do n’t have time to cook, so do n’t I order takeaway manually? The old father who once told my father that he loved the mountains and taught me not to play with things, is n’t there still much nutrition in the holographic cabin? When you come to play the game together, you will not feel hungry. With so many delicious things in Luoyang, don't worry about getting fat. What are you still hesitating about?

God, earth, why have I felt the plight of children who can't control the Internet without even getting married? !!

Hey, all these evil reasons have to start with a girlfriend aunt in my mother's business. This aunt's family has something to do with Wang's family, you know, that's the royal family of the holographic cabin developer. To catch up with the trend, it is said that for a very cheap price, we sent our family of three, one person and one holographic cabin.

I was really happy about this, or a VIP player. [Background screenshot self-certification, jpg]

The only concern is how do I teach my parents to play games. Who knows that my husband and I have already learned from that auntie and her husband, and I don't need to worry about it. So, I just let go of it completely, thinking that my parents used the holographic cabin to play at most holographic d0u'di'zhu or something ...

——If time can go backwards, I will not be so naive!

... Can anyone think of a strong woman who looks so reliable in her auntie's daily life, she even loves to play online games! With my parents became a veteran player.

I wo n’t talk about the aunt ’s specific worth. I ca n’t earn a small amount of money in the aunt ’s hands by selling our whole family and selling it. Auntie's husband is even better. But now the company is already in charge of children. Auntie and husband are both semi-retired. After leisure, they have developed a new direction of entertainment.

Auntie and her husband just took my parents to fight together _ (: з) ∠) _ They also have a fixed team.

Fixed upgrade team!

It ’s not that ordinary grandparents stole a dish, or a sheep, or played rivers and lakes as XX farms, simulated life, but actually upgraded the monster.

I met in qualifying and got down on my knees and called dad.

As we all know, a team of five people is the most stable. There are four people in total, aunts and wife, and my parents. Where is the fifth person of God? It's definitely not me anyway. I don't know where to play a neurosis. Knowing the age of my parents (they did n’t change their appearance much, they could see the traces of the years at a glance), and they were particularly happy to bind an upgrade team with them. After a long time, they changed to a telephone contact! Open mouth and shut up are all blood bars, attack value.

My parents are over a hundred, so suddenly there is a netizen.

It is said that this online game is still a disabled person, and physically disabled Jianjian also plays games, because he can communicate like a normal person in the game, and touch my parents. If the other party never wants money, he is still very much in the game. Generous, will the landlord call the police? !!

The most terrible thing is that my parents have to talk to that young man about the same age! What am I? !! As soon as you go online, you have to know that a guy who is not in elementary school before you is called Uncle. Can you understand the heart of the landlord?

No, you don't understand!


The post is very long, and there are a lot of voicings, even if the landlord has blurred a lot of information, but the enthusiastic players have made specific game numbers. Fortunately, the landlord did not feel that this was something to cover up, so he did not apply for a pumping building, and anyone could see it.

The landlord and his parents Lu Jianyan are not very familiar, but the landlord's mother's girlfriend, Lu Jianyan is no longer familiar, isn't this his mother? !! Who else is the **** husband besides his dad? The young man who is willing to accompany a group of seniors to play games and is physically weak is simply the princehood? !! Don't think you changed your face a little, I won't recognize it!

All in all, sisters and brothers of the Lu family do not have to worry about the princehood, they have already started to save the country on a curve.

After reading the post, you can know that the young man with a disability has been distressed recently. He has a sweetheart and a loved girlfriend, but his parents who are afraid of his girlfriend do not like him and are trying to learn from the elderly. Yet.

The landlord once again said with blood, that as a single dog, she still killed her unwilling to go on a blind date, and her parents have almost despised the center of the earth: "Why can't you learn like your uncle? Learn more Distressed parents, good kids planning for marriage early! "

This little abacus in the prince period is also a must. Others may not be able to meet their prospective father-in-law and mother-in-law in the game so accurately, but the princehood is definitely not this other person.

Take the advice given by Lu Dalu and Lu Ma to guide Lu Dalu and Lu Ma, it is difficult to succeed.

Even if Lu Damu Lu mother pierced this little Jiu Jiu, it was nothing, at least he had clearly expressed his deep love for Lu Jianci, and Lu Dalu and Lu Ma knew him as well. I'm sure I won't draw conclusions between him and Lu Jianci easily, at least I won't be beaten out when we celebrate the New Year.

Happy ~