MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 106 106th Raiders:

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Brother Lu's suffocation operation led to Lu Jianyan having to visit Ye Nandao in person to apologize, and for some reason his brother Ye Nan was "being in love" once before the world.

Ye Nan has lived in Prince Period recently, and was strictly guarded by Prince Period to prevent him from contacting Sister Lu. Fortunately, Ye Nan's stupid white sweetheart did not collapse, and found nothing wrong with him. He thought that he lived in the Prince's period and was quite happy. He played holograms, looked at variety shows, and occasionally cooks and cooks himself. . Ye Nan was really at ease, for fear of bothering Prince Wang and Lu Jianyan, and said that by staying at home, he would be able to stay at home, as if he wanted to stay in the land.

When Lu Jianyan arrived with "Personal Medicine", Ye Nan happened to be watching the comprehensive version of "Killing Game" and learn about the recent progress of players in other countries.

After learning about Lu Jianyan's intent, Ye Nanlian repeatedly said that he did not need Lu Jianyan to apologize. He is really a very good person, sometimes so well-behaved that he is obviously older than Lu Jianyan, but Lu Jianyan can't help but want to praise him as a good boy.

It's not hypocrisy, there is no imagination, 100%, silly white sweet, this is rare.

"To be honest, I was really shocked when I heard that cheap talk at the beginning of the live broadcast." Ye Nanchang hasn't been in love at this age, whether it is a man or a woman, "but then I thought about it carefully , I think the cheap way is actually very good. Through me, my brother will believe more cheaply, get in touch early, and reduce the difficulty of rescue. "

On the screen, the E team and the C team joined together temporarily. As two of the most powerful teams in the show, they inevitably became the main object of defense for other national teams, and they even wanted to gather and attack.

Fortunately, the captain of the military had already expected such a situation, and secretly formed an alliance with the E team.

There is a blond player in the E team, who has been secretly showing up with Lu Xijian in secret, both competing and cooperating, and occasionally poisoning each other, feeling love and killing. It is a rare confrontation that does not arouse the audience's dislike. Instead, they will feel that there is a CP feeling between them. CP powder has sprung up.

When editing, AI also catered to the taste of this part of the market, but did not forget to use a small line of words, and apologized to Lu Nancang's boyfriend Ye Nan, whom the world thinks behind the screen. It means that this is just the effect of the program. Don't take it seriously. If you are not assured, you can watch the live broadcast.

For a time, Ye Nan and Lu Jianyan at the end of the screen were embarrassed.

As the two people most frequently mentioned by Brother Lu, they have been nicknamed by the audience of Country C as the 13th and 14th members of the C team. They gave Brother Lu unlimited courage and strength. Source.

Lu Jianyan was embarrassed to tell Ye Nan that he suspected that the E-nation who was constantly targeting Lu's brother was Ye Bei. Ye Bei ’s brother ’s name resounded throughout the world. After learning that his brother was in love, Ye Bei ’s response was obviously not as optimistic as Ye Nan described. He may believe in Brother Lu at the end, but he will definitely have trouble with Brother Lu in the early stage.

Ye Nan still believes stupidly now, after knowing that "he is in love with Lu Jianxi," his brother will definitely contact Lu Xianjian for the first time. It's just that they can't say it clearly because of the camera that follows them. If the situation is ideal, maybe they have been secretly connected.

After the conversation, Lu Jianyan left with a small medicine problem.

He has grown a bit more recently. He insists that he only restored the memory when he was in elementary school. This is how he looked when he was in elementary school. But according to Yaomo, his son was already in junior high school when he was so old.

In view of the manifestations of secondary disease from time to time, Lu Jianyan also tends to have the condition of junior high school.

As for why Yao Xiaowen refused to admit it, alas, his size has explained everything. The child recently tabooed words similar to "douding", "dwarf melon" and "mini". Even the little princess Chuchu called him "little brother" would get a look of "killing to die". .

Even though Lu Jianyan and Yao Xiaoren said that some boys are relatively late in development, they stood in the first row of the team when they were in junior high school, but they would suddenly reach the big men of 1.8 meters and 1.8 meters in high school. When he grows up, he will grow taller.

However, this comfort did not move the drug victim, but instead aroused his strange psychology to want to grow up with himself.

With the idea that "even if it is only 1cm taller than the same period, it is a victory." The drug maker recently started a series of heightening plans, such as drinking milk as water, trying various heightening ... mantras, and often I want Lu Jianyan to accompany him to swim outdoors and play basketball.

These are not the places where Lu Jianyan was worried about Xiaoyao. What really made Lu Jianyan a little worried was that one day when they returned from the basketball court in the community, Yaoxiao suddenly said: "You prefer me now, or in the future. I?"

This is a question that the drugstore will never ask in kindergarten and elementary school. He may despise himself when he grows up, but he will never feel that it is not himself and compare it.

"You are all alone, no matter what you are, I like it." Lu Jianyan told Xiaoyao.

From the beginning of the recovery of junior high school's memory, Yao Xiaoren's personality has changed a lot. The only thing that probably does not change is that he is still so tired of landing and seeing Yan, and wants to stay with Lu Jianyan all the time. His affection for Lu Jianyan, as the poem says, loves like a river and never stops.

But in other respects, irreversible changes have occurred in patients with medicine. Lu Jianyan was puzzled by this. He clearly wanted to take this opportunity to give his patients a happier childhood.

However, the drug sufferer became gloomy, and also increased some nervousness. He doesn't even laugh, it's harder than growing up.

"Then if I said, I will always stay at this age, would you agree?" Yao Xiaochan raised a pair of silvery eyes, staring straight at Lu Jianyan with a slight provocation.

Lu Jianyan is too familiar with this routine, and it is the same as that of Brother Lu during the second phase.

"If this is what you really want, I won't stop you." Lu Jianyan sat down with Yao Xiaoqi and was ready to talk openly with him. He wanted to understand why Yao Xiaoqiang didn't want to grow up. He was so expectant when he was a kid, he had planned for a lot of benefits for himself when he grew up.

He suddenly didn't want to talk about medicine. He was more difficult to communicate than the emotionally sensitive teenagers. Because of his illness, Lu Jianyan had already prepared for it.

"If you don't want to talk, don't talk, I can wait for you."

Yao Xiaowen looked at Lu Jianyan uncertainly, not knowing how long he would retain this patience with him.

"I understand you, I came from your age, too." Lu Jianyan's rebellious period did not show up in the three dimensions, but the activity in the brain is still very exciting. He had seriously considered the feasibility of sharing with the taskman, "If you don't want to live with me recently, I'll let someone clean the room next door ..."

Lu Jianyan's words have not been spoken yet, and the drug victim has exploded: "Not only do you want others to replace me, you have to rush me to the next door? No! Never! Unless I die! The other half of your bed will always be belong to me!"

Lu Jianyan was stunned by the sudden outbreak of Xiaoyao.

Then he couldn't laugh or cry, he didn't know whether he should be angry or happy at this time. No one will not like the feeling of being favored. Yao Xiaoyuan's idea of ​​"even if quarreling, even in the Cold War, don't want to be separated from Lu Jianyan," just happens to poke Lu Jianyan's strange cuteness. In terms of insecurity, Lu Jianyan is actually no worse than the medicine.

For the drug lord, when he was so angry, Lu Jianyan laughed. He, he ...

Well, he smiled too _ (: з) ∠) _

That's how it stands. As long as Lu Jianyan is happy, no matter what the situation, the drug lord will not be able to control Lu Jianyan happy, and his emotion control is really a mess,

The two looked at each other like this, and somehow smiled for a long time.

After the medicine boy laughed, he sat back to Lu Jianyan and broke the jar and shouted, "I dreamed that you and others had gone away laughing and laughing, and I even sat in the car without even looking at me. I I did n’t even have time to say hello to you, and I heard you say that you and that talent are the best friends in the world. But you have promised me that we are the best friends of each other in this world. You ca n’t you lied."

Talking about it, Xiaoyao almost cried.

Why didn't Lu Jianyan think that there was such a sentimental age for the medicine, but wait: "Did you dream?"

"I will remember my past memories in my dreams." Yao Xiaodan finally said the problems that have really bothered him during this time. He didn't want to lose Lu Jianyan, but in his memory, he still seemed to have to lose him.

"When did you return to China?" Lu Jianyan had no memory at all.

"I don't remember much. I only know that I came back with my parents. I am very happy to go to your school to wait for you to leave school, but you come out with another boy ..."

Zuo Qingshi, to be precise, was being crossed by another tasker at that time.

"Why didn't you stop me?" Lu Jianyan did have a good relationship with Zuo Qingshi for a while before she heard the system's voice. He really thought that he had met his best friends in this life. They have the same hobbies, the same joy, and the tacit understanding of the telepathy.

"I ..." Yao Xiao lost his voice for a while, and said for a while, "I thought that was what you really wanted, that was what made you happy. You can stay up all night playing games together, playing basketball together, together Do whatever you want. And I ... "

For a long time, the drug problem will only become a trouble for others, and even life is not guaranteed.

"I want you to be happy, even if it's not me who makes you happy." For Malkavian patients who can't control their emotions, it is incredible that Luanyan can make such a concession for Lu Jianyan. How to hold back, "I don't want to hurt you."

If doing something makes Lu Jianyan happy, but he is not happy, Wu Jianyan is willing to do it, because only when Lu Jianyan laughs, he will laugh.

This almost silly thought is the most authentic thought from the bottom of your heart.

It can only be said that, regardless of the age, the loveliness of the medicine is always the same. He just hid them in the deepest place in his heart, and didn't even mention it, for fear that Lu Jianyan would think he was naive. Some things are indeed the same. If you miss the current context, it will only appear to be sensational if you mention it again.

Lu Jianyan was glad that Xiaoyao finally told him this.

Without the experience of becoming smaller, Lu Jianyan knew that it would always be just such a small drug problem that turned into such a large drug problem because of the devourer, and ignored many equally important details.