MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 81

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Although I have only seen Greuchy in front of the city gate this evening, Li Ergou has already judged the military talent of General Greusey. In Li Ergou's eyes, the so-called conservative general is just a contemptible general. The vase used in China has the shelf of an aristocratic officer, but it does not have the strength of an aristocratic officer.

Li Ergou has some contradictions in his heart. Even if he and Miss Ivy may break completely one day, Li Ergou does not hope that Ivy will be influenced by General Grouchy and become an unworthy fool.

There was a towering city wall in front of me. I remembered the last time, I had climbed the wall with Aishwana on my back in a hail of bullets, and today I am going to climb the wall again.

After looking back and confirming that there was no one around, Li Ergou stepped on the eaves and hooked into the gap in the city wall with a grappling hook. It took less than five seconds to climb to the city wall.

"Don't worry, Aishwana, I'll be back when I go."

He jumped off the city wall, and the ramp in front of him was a little muddy due to the heavy rain. In order to prevent the eldest lady from discovering that he was going out at night when he returned to his temporary residence, he deliberately changed into cloth shoes that he did not usually wear instead of leather shoes. .

According to the location that Li Ergou marked on the map before, I remember that it was on a hillside less than three kilometers away from here. It is about one o'clock in the morning. Li Ergou still has plenty of time. His brain became very clear.

At this moment, it is already some distance away from the city that General Grouchy is guarding, but Li Ergou has already walked cautiously. Ergou is watching out for those enemy soldiers who may launch a sneak attack on him, but at the moment there is nothing but the sound of stepping on the muddy road and the rustling of the wind blowing the leaves, which gives Li Ergou a kind of output to the air. illusion.

- It should be safe here.

Just the next second this thought appeared in his mind, an explosion without warning exploded less than five meters in front of Li Ergou's eyes, and the huge wave set off by the explosion almost blew Li Ergou into the air.

This magic Li Ergou is very familiar, and the caster is Demi.

Sure enough, the girl who was not supposed to be here said in a whistling voice:

"As expected of the big brother Ergou, it's so boring~"

A petite and delicate girl like a ragdoll appeared in front of Li Ergou. She was wearing the magician's robe that she wore on weekdays. She was obviously not taller than Li Ergou's waist, but at this moment, the sense of oppression emanating from Demi caused Li Ergou. The dog has a sense of oppression like an enemy.

Is this really Demi?

Li Ergou couldn't help but feel puzzled.

The smooth forearm of the little magician who was bullied and ravaged by Charlene on weekdays raised his staff slightly, and red lines appeared on the surface. The intensity of the magic alone made Li Ergou realize the fact that Demi is very strong. .

Even more powerful than Miss Ivy, I am afraid that even if you face off against Xinchuan Fenghuazi, you can easily defeat him.

Under the strong pressure of magic, Li Ergou even had a feeling of wanting to bend his knees, as if an invisible big hand was firmly pinching Li Ergou's neck.

"Hey, Ergou brother, do you think I'm more tired than you?" Demi, like a little rabbit, ran towards Li Ergou and poked Li Ergou with her fleshy little finger. Ergou's nose, as if teasing a small animal, asked with a smile.

"You are indeed very strong, and you hide deep enough, little girl."

"Girls must have some sense of mystery, otherwise men will get bored soon." The contrast between that innocent voice and powerful strength made Li Ergou a little disgusted.

His face was pale, and he even had a feeling that as long as Demi thought about it, he might burst his blood vessels and die in an instant.

The chain of flames restrained Li Ergou's whole body, making him unable to move.

At this moment, there is only one possibility for Demi to show her true face and stand in front of her.

She either wants to let herself die here, or she wants to cooperate with herself.

In Li Ergou's view, Demi is more likely to kill herself.

Chapter 108 Bystander Demi

"Don't worry, people won't kill brother Ergou. Using magic to control elder brother Ergou is just for fear that elder brother Ergou will subconsciously treat him as an enemy to fight back. People are the most opposed to violence."

Demi seemed to see what Li Ergou was thinking, so he immediately put on a harmless smile, trying to make Li Ergou relax his vigilance.

But Li Ergou would not believe the girl who locked his body with control magic without authorization. He tried his best to break free, and his body was burned with scars by the flame chains.

Seeing this, Demi just sighed:

"Brother Ergou doesn't want to believe people, people are really sad, oh oh oh."

The tone of her speech made Li Ergou feel a little nauseated, and it was impossible for Li Ergou to believe the one-sided words of those who controlled him without authorization.

This is like a person putting a fish on a chopping board. If the fish can understand human speech, the human will probably say to him:

"Don't be nervous, man, I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just giving you a full body massage, don't struggle, it won't hurt, and the knife is just to scrape the dirt off your body."

Then the knife slashed into the belly of the fish, and by the time the fish was trying to struggle, it was too late.

must struggle.

Li Ergou didn't plan to die here, he wanted to have a happy future with Aishwana, and he wanted to burst out with amazing potential when the mountains and rivers were exhausted like the last time he was captured by Fenghuazi.

Just when Li Ergou was about to use his strength, Demi sighed softly and said:

"Brother Ergou, I will let you go now, but you are not allowed to do anything to me. I can assure you that I am not your enemy. Whether you betray the eldest lady or be loyal to the eldest lady, it has nothing to do with me at all. I'm not interested in that at all."

Demi's little hand lightly placed on the chain of flames, the chain disappeared immediately, and Demi kept her promise.

Li Ergou understood one thing from the brief confrontation just now. Demi only wanted to send a signal by releasing magic to herself. In her eyes, she was just an ant.

In other words, Demi wants to make herself obedient through her great strength.

Li Ergou is a smart person. After Demi's control magic was lifted, he naturally knew that he could no longer take action on him. He rationally told him to listen to what this deeply hidden girl found her for.

"It's really contradictory." Demi muttered and said, "In fact, compared to the obedient and obedient brother Ergou at the moment, I prefer to see the mad brother Ergou, a man like Brother Ergou is suitable for Be a wolf, not an obedient kitten."

"Are you arrogant? It also depends on the target. Being arrogant in front of someone whose strength is far superior to you is tantamount to digging your own grave."

A flower-like smile appeared on the girl's face, and she walked up to Li Ergou and said:

"Tonight you are going to do something bad in a place that the eldest miss doesn't know, right?"


"I'm going with you too."

Not far from here, his own mercenary squad is waiting.

But at this moment, Li Ergou still didn't know Demi's attitude.

But in the eyes of Li Ergou now, Demi doesn't seem to be as loyal to Miss Ivy as Xia Leina, she has her own ideas and goals.

So let her know indirectly what Prince Louis is planning, let her understand that there is a mercenary team armed to the teeth in the place where the army of Shengluer Kingdom is less than a few kilometers, then how will she react?

Although Demi has no plans to kill herself now, will she change her mind after seeing that mercenary team?

If Tom was also killed because of this, Li Ergou would definitely die.

When Li Ergou fell into deep thinking again, Demi said again:

"Is it difficult for Ergou brother? Don't be embarrassed, cute Ergou brother, you have seen it too, people are very strong, if it makes me happy, even if I am happy, it is not a problem to beat Fei Xinchuan Fenghuazi. Remember That night when you were engulfed by the shadow of Xinchuan Fenghuazi, right? If it wasn't for people using magic to turn your soul into a wolf, do you really think you could escape from the shadow's shackles? Stop dreaming, Brother Ergou, compared with ordinary people, you are indeed more than a little bit stronger, but compared with the real strong people, you are still weak."

"It turned out to be you..."

"Hee hee, of course it's me, but at that time I only played a role in catalyzing brother Ergou to become stronger. If brother Ergou's soul was too weak at that time, he would really be taken away by Xinchuan Fenghuazi. Slightly."


What happened that night, Li Ergou still has lingering fears.

Demi leaned beside him:

"Okay, brother Ergou, stop gossip, let's go together, don't worry, I don't care about the survival of this country as much as you think, and I don't care who wins or loses this war. In my eyes, the country also It is nothing but a concept of nothingness that brings together a group of unrelated people through culture, religion, or blood. The so-called glory is nothing but a lie deliberately fabricated by the rulers to make the inferiors willingly sacrifice themselves. So I don't care what you're going to do, I'm just a bystander, sitting silently in the audience watching you actors dance, I'll clap my hands when your performances make me happy, and when you're bad, I'll face you Throwing rotten eggs. And I already know that, not far away, there is a mercenary team waiting for Brother Ergou."

"You already know?"

"I've known it for a long time, lovely people. I also know that the mercenary team worked for Prince Louis in the past. Under Prince Louis's command, there are no less than twenty mercenary teams hidden in the Western Continent like this. They Everyone has a miracle weapon that crosses the era. If he wants to, he can launch a coup in any corner of any country in the Western Continent. He really deserves to be him, if not because he wants to become the next king of Shengluer Kingdom, I really want to let him go to Stigma Academy as a student, if he can also go to Stigma Academy, it must be very interesting."

Demi giggled, looking very innocent.

"But it's a pity that Prince Louis can't go to Stigma Academy, because after he became a king, he also lost his qualification to be a student. It's a pity, it makes me want to cry, this feeling is like a beloved It's like the toy was taken away, why did Louis XIII die so quickly? It's irritating, don't you think?"

Staring at Demi's petite and weak body and what she said just now, Li Ergou vaguely knew there seemed to be some connection between Demi and Stigma Academy.

"Forget it, don't say so much, or if I go on, the smart brother Ergou will know my true identity. Girls still have to remain mysterious. Although it's a bit regrettable, it's fortunate that brother Ergou is here. After this war is over, I will follow Miss Ivy to report to Stigma Academy, which is a fortune among misfortunes."

Suddenly, she put her face in front of Li Ergou:

"Hey, Brother Ergou, in order to repay your kindness, you will follow the eldest lady until she graduates from Stigma Academy, right? Brother Ergou, you must go to Stigma Academy, otherwise, I'll be true kill you~"

Chapter 109 Mercenaries on the Hillside

In the dead of night, a black-haired man in a tuxedo and a petite loli in a magician's robe walked together. Such a combination appeared in such a place at such a time, no matter how you looked at it, it seemed a little weird.

Suddenly, Demi waved her fingers without warning, and in a blink of an eye, a chameleon with a **** mouth ignited a high temperature flame not far from Li Ergou.

"Brother Ergou, in the wilderness far away from the city, it is not only necessary to pay attention to the soldiers of the enemy country, but sometimes even the monsters lurking in the dark night will become a deadly existence."

Seeing that the monster that was burned by the flames could not even let out a whimper and turned into a pool of black dust, Li Ergou couldn't help but have some lingering fears.

Looking back, Demi's smile is still as innocent and cute, as if killing with magic has long been a commonplace.

In the distance, a white flash suddenly caught Li Ergou's attention. Through Li Ergou's years of experience on the battlefield, he naturally knew what a white flash was.

It was the reflection from the scope of the sniper rifle. When Demi used magic to kill the monster just now, it should have been discovered by the scouts of the mercenary squad.

"Brother Ergou, is that our destination? The road seems to be a long way off, why don't you carry others behind your back? They can't walk anymore~"

Demi said in her usual coquettish tone.

However, Li Ergou rejected Demi's request:

"Sorry, I don't want to have too many senseless physical contact with you."

"Really, Ergou brother is so handsome, but he is abstinent. It's really annoying. But it's no wonder that abstinence Ergou elder brother is much more attractive than those male animals who think with their lower bodies. , no wonder the eldest miss and Xia Lena like it."

"Demi, you said that the eldest miss likes me, I can barely understand, but Charena seems to hate me, right?"

"Stupid brother Ergou, if Xia Lena hates you, she will never pay attention to you, she will simply ignore you and treat you like air, don't look at her always quarreling with you, in fact, that is Recognize your performance."

Li Ergou frowned and then stepped forward.

The next road is not very far, and the remaining one kilometer is all uphill. In Li Ergou's opinion, although this distance is a bit rough, it is not difficult to walk.

So he deliberately quickened his pace, wanting to see how Demi would keep up with him.

And Demi, who was tired just now, suddenly flew into the air. She lay lazily in the air, yawning, and flew towards the distant hillside, even faster than Li Ergou.

About ten minutes later, Li Ergou and Demi finally reached the top of the hillside.

"Are you here?"

The Sri Lankan demi-human is holding a heavy sniper rifle, and the light just now should be reflected from this sniper rifle.

Li Ergou remembered his name.

Ami. Acha.

He was the captain of the Royal Guard of Sri Lanka in the past. After his sister, who was a dancer, died generously as a substitute for the princess, Ami Acha also coincidentally became one of the members of the mercenary team for Prince Louis.

In fact, Ami was very resistant at the beginning. He wanted to kill all Shengluer people to vent his anger, but Prince Louis said this:

"The Kingdom of Sri Lanka no longer exists. The murderer is the ruler of the Kingdom of Shengluer, not the civilians of the Kingdom of Shengluer. The voice of anti-war in our country has always been loud, so if you desire revenge, help me Overthrow the current ruler, and I will give you back a free and independent kingdom of Sri Lanka."

This was Prince Louis' promise to Ami Acha back then. Whenever Ami was blowing the evening wind alone, she would face southeast, which is the direction of her hometown.

Ami's eyes swept to the blond Loli in a magic robe standing aside, and she couldn't help frowning:

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be Demi Holgerst, the granddaughter of the chief magician at the court of the Shengluer Kingdom, right?"

"is her."

"Why did you bring her here?" Ami's face showed obvious displeasure.

Originally, the actions of their mercenary team should be kept strictly confidential, especially from Ivy Sylph Lianqing, because although Ivy has ambitions, she also has far more than ordinary people in the Kingdom of Shengluer. The sense of honor and patriotism will never allow the defeat of the Shengluer Kingdom.

In Ami's opinion, it was an absolute mistake for Li Ergou to bring Demi. If Demi knew their plan and then relayed it to Ivy, then all plans would be in vain.

Li Ergou couldn't help but smile bitterly:

"It's a long story, but let me see Tom first."

"Big brother Tom is in the cave now. Most of the team members have rested. Please keep your voice down." Ami's tone was rather cold.

Li Ergou naturally knew that he was blaming himself in his heart, so he said:

"Demi won't tell what's going on in front of her, she's just a dispensable bystander, but it's my fault, I'm sorry..."

"Forget it, I hope this kind of mistake won't happen again, Mr. Li Ergou. Now, we are all mercenaries working for you. If you are too weak, it will be difficult to convince the public."

In this regard, Li Ergou was speechless, because the fault was indeed his.

Walking into the cave, he faintly heard the snoring of the mercenaries sleeping, and a small number of mercenaries were talking in low voices. In order to ensure that the mercenary team would not be attacked by the enemy at all times, there would always be at least ten people in the team to stay awake, and Tom is one of them.

At the moment, Tom is maintaining his weapon.


Li Ergou looked at the dark back and lowered his voice.