MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 79

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It was raining continuously outside the carriage, and the land of the wasteland was soaked by the rain and became muddy. For the soldiers who walked on their legs, it was almost impossible for them to walk. They walked step by step with difficulty, their shoes were covered with mud, and their clothes Also completely soaked in rain.

Before the march this morning, Colonel Ney issued an order to arrive at General Grouchy's front-line command post before evening. No matter how bad the weather is, they can't be slow. Now is the rainy season in summer, the soldiers just happened to be Catch up with bad weather.

The warm and humid wind blew through the soldiers, and several soldiers had already started to sneeze. Under such a high-intensity march, it was inevitable that they would get sick.

A young boy who didn't pay attention fell into the mud, looking in a state of embarrassment, provoking a burst of ridicule.

"Let's take a break, my lord."

The old soldier leaned against the palm tree and begged, but the whip slapped him mercilessly.

Correspondingly, there is a warm carriage in the carriage, a comfortable backrest sofa for people to fall into sweet dreams, and if they are hungry, there are ham sandwiches and wine prepared in advance by the maid Charlene. If you are bored, there are all kinds of books to pass the time.

Inside the carriage is heaven, and outside the carriage is hell.

"I know it's cruel, but the fighter plane is fleeting, and it's not me who gave the order, it's Colonel Ney, are you trying to say that I should persuade Colonel Ney to arrive at General Grouchy a few days later Command post? Don’t be stupid, now the front line is urgent, we must arrive at the command post as soon as possible and accept the task assigned by General Grouchy.”

"No, I don't mean to say that there is anything wrong with Colonel Ney's order. Although it is not advisable to march quickly in bad weather, as a soldier, you should be mentally prepared to go up the mountain and go down the sea of ​​fire." Li Ergou squinted slightly. She stared at Miss Ivy's proud golden pupils, "But Miss, what I want to ask now is, as a lieutenant, why didn't you sit with your soldiers, but sat alone in the carriage, Let the soldiers get in the rain outside?"

"what do you mean?"

Ivy frowned.

"Miss, in my opinion, an officer who abandons his own soldiers and enjoys himself alone is not qualified at all. You are not qualified to command them, and they have no reason to respect you. What do you think? The noble daughter who enjoys alone in the comfortable carriage, after the war started, issued an order to let the soldiers die, what do you think they would think?"

Words of words were like lightning strikes.

Li Ergou planned to pursue the victory, and then said:

"You can also see that the soldiers under your command have no reverence for you, so have you ever done anything that moved them? Seeing the big from the small, the details determine success or failure. If you think comfort in the carriage Sitting comfortably on a velvet back and looking at a military map is something to be respected, and then I have nothing to say."

"But I'm the daughter of the marshal, how can I be with them? They're just a group of commoners. Nobles and commoners are different..." Miss Ivy whispered.

In this regard, Xia Leina also deeply agreed, and said loudly to Li Ergou:

"Let the eldest miss get in the rain with soldiers from civilians. You can't think of it! If the eldest lady catches a cold, who will be responsible? And the eyes of the soldiers looking at the eldest lady are abnormal, which is disgusting."

"Half-bloods won't catch a cold, idiot Charena." Demi, who had been sleeping with her eyes closed, suddenly said.

"Miss, this is the point, what you want to do is your freedom, but I still want to remind you, if you insist on treating the nobles as high-ranking commoners, it can only mean that your pattern has stopped there. At least, compared with your father Vitaro Sylph Lianqing, you are too far behind."

Miss Ivy pursed her lips and clenched her fists.

The rain outside the window was getting heavier and heavier, and Miss Ivy suddenly clenched her fists and shouted to Uncle Luen in the driver's seat:

"I want to get out of the car."

Immediately, the carriage stopped smoothly.

"Li, I accept your suggestion, thank you."

Opening the door, Miss Ivy jumped out of the carriage without hesitation.

The rain soaked her clothes immediately, although the blood of half-elf and half-blood flowed in her body, the feeling of being in the rain was still not very pleasant.

The heels also quickly got stuck in the muddy trail.

She feels a little cold.

At this moment, the attendant in the tuxedo also jumped out of the carriage.

Li Ergou showed an indifferent smile under the wind and rain.

"What are you doing down here?"

Seeing Li Ergou getting off the carriage, Miss Ivy was a little puzzled.

In her opinion, Li Ergou should spend more time with Aishwana, but at this moment he jumped out of the carriage to get in the rain with him, which was beyond Miss Ivy's expectations.

In addition to being shocked, joy immediately took over his heart.

"Oh, I see, you're here to accompany me, right?"

"Don't be too sentimental, Miss, I just think it's too stuffy in the car, so I just want to come out to get some air. Besides, it's me who told you to get out in the rain. It's not my style to leave you like this without authorization."

Li Ergou looked at the cloudy sky, felt the warm and humid wind, and had a feeling of being baptized.

Afterwards, he took steady steps and quietly followed behind Miss Ivy towards the marching troops.

Along the way, the soldiers all looked at Ivy, who voluntarily dismounted from the carriage and shared their hardships with them, with a look of surprise, and there was a hint of awe in their eyes.

"It seems that she is different from other nobles. She is willing to walk with us in the rain. It's amazing..."

The marching soldiers murmured.

"As expected of the daughter of Marshal Lian Qing."

An officer who can share weal and woe on weekdays will certainly not be a coward in war, and marching in the rain can be seen as a small thing.

But there are also smart soldiers who see through the essence. A soldier with a saber said coldly:


This is indeed a show, both Li Ergou and Ivy are very clear that their purpose of getting off the carriage and sharing weal and woe with the soldiers is not simple, but sometimes, some people refuse to even make a show.

The rain soaked Li Ergou and Ivy's clothes, but fortunately, the material of the clothes was still qualified, and Miss Ivy was not lost.

"It's not bad to get caught in the rain occasionally." The eldest lady walking side by side suddenly said with a sweet expression, "Of course, I mean the two of you get caught in the rain together."

"Let's be so-so." Li Ergou seemed a little indifferent.

Chapter 104 Arrive at General Grouchy's Command Post

The rain washed the muddy road, and Li Ergou quietly followed behind Miss Ivy.

Since she was the daughter of Marquis Lianqing, the story of her getting off the carriage and marching on her legs quickly spread to Colonel Ney, who was usually quite serious and frowned. He got off the carriage, rode a white horse, and rushed in front of Miss Ivy and Li Ergou, regardless of the wet uniform.

Looking at the sincere expression on his face, it was as if he was here to apologize.

Li Ergou thought it was quite funny. In the army, a colonel would show such an expression to a lieutenant, and it would not make people laugh out loud when it was spread outside?

"Miss Ivy, is there something I haven't done well enough to make you unhappy? If so, please tell me in time, and we will try our best to correct it, but please don't torture yourself, look at you It's not good to catch a cold if you've been soaked in the rain, so hurry back to the carriage."

"Colonel Ney, you treat me well, and I'm not unhappy. I just think that as an officer, I should share weal and woe with the soldiers, that's all."

Miss Ivy squinted her eyes slightly and smiled. There were crystal raindrops hanging on her eyelashes. Not only did the wet girl not look embarrassed, but she had a delicate feeling.

"We share weal and woe? How can you compare yourself to their group of soldiers? You are a noble, they are pariahs, and stepping on the same land as them is an insult to you." Colonel Ney said exaggeratedly.

He also came from a noble family, and seemed to be the son of a certain baron. Before he became a colonel, he was a knight. Judging from his resume, he seemed to be an elite class.

"Hahahaha." The untimely laughter interrupted Colonel Ney, and Li Ergou said lightly with contempt: "Please don't treat Miss Ivy as your kind, okay? You underestimate her too much. , Miss is not a flower in a greenhouse, she is a wilder, wilder beast who covets power. Also. You seem to despise pariahs, Mr. Colonel, but do you know that the sharpest weapon in the world is precisely you The most despised 'untouchables'."

"What are you? I'm talking to Miss. It's your turn to teach me?"

The whip whipped at Li Ergou, but his movements were ridiculously slow in Li Ergou's view.

He turned his neck, dodging the whip with slight movements.

At the same time, a high temperature rose up around, and the clothes that had been soaked by the rain were dried in an instant. Looking back, Miss Ivy, who was smiling but not smiling, was holding a red folding fan in her hand, fanning it gracefully. fan:

"Colonel Ney, even if my attendant talks a lot, it doesn't seem to be your turn to educate, right?"

Aware of Miss Ivy's golden eyes that intended to kill, Colonel Ney withdrew his whip.

"Also, it's my freedom to want to walk in the rain, and you have no right to interfere."

"But..." Colonel Ney was a little embarrassed, "If General Grouchy sees you..."

"I'll explain, Colonel Ney. You'd better come back. Don't be unable to fight because of the rain. Your body is very delicate."

Colonel Ney could hear Miss Ivy's teasing, and in the end he had to shake the long whip in his hand and walk away.

And what Miss Ivy just said about sharing weal and woe with the soldiers was heard by the soldiers around, and they all seemed extremely moved.

Li Ergou thought to himself, this show should bring a lot of benefits to the eldest lady, right?

Although she is wary of the eldest young lady in her heart, afraid that one day she will stay by her side forever when she is full of wings, but sometimes when she sees her incompetent appearance, she still has the idea of ​​helping her.

Maybe this is shit.

Li Ergou teased himself in his heart.

"I'm really happy, Li. Thank you for not treating me like a flower in the greenhouse, but you call me a beast, which is a bit too much. I'm a lady for now..." Miss Ivy beside her seemed to be The shy girl whispered, "Even if I am really a beast, you can't say it so straightforwardly."

"You admit that you are a beast?"

"Yeah, I'm a beast, and you are a beast too. It's no accident that we can be together like this."

Her affectionate eyes wanted to express what she wanted to say, but Li Ergou pretended not to understand.

The marching troops were still moving forward slowly, and gradually passed through the muddy wasteland. The rain stopped around two in the afternoon. The wind was cold in the afternoon, and the army crossed another gentle hill and then crossed a cross bridge.

From time to time, there will be blind monsters attacking the army, several slow-moving soldiers died under the minions of the monsters, and the amputated limbs left by a few unlucky ghosts are like a prelude before the opening of the war.

But they were just too unlucky.

After killing the monsters, most of the soldiers think that the unlucky person will not be themselves, and the soldiers firmly believe that their country will eventually win the war.

During the break they laughed and sang great and loud songs. In their eyes, war was nothing but an exciting and joyful adventure. Ambitious soldiers believed that after the war, they would change from ordinary soldiers to become ordinary soldiers. Lieutenant, or in old age, the experience of this war can be used as a talking point after dinner.

Scene after scene was seen in Miss Ivy's eyes.

"This is the scene in front of you, but you can't see it in the carriage. The military topographic map in your hand cannot make you an excellent officer. Only by entering the army can you understand your army."

"Li, you used to be a prince, did you also experience in the army like me?"

"Miss, I repeat that I am not a prince. But it is a fact that I have experienced in the army."

After a little bit of calculation, Li Ergou thought that Tom had probably led the mercenary team to the designated position.

Recalling the **** he experienced in the past, scene after scene even made Li Ergou linger in fear.

Tom is lucky, but most people are unlucky.

Some of the names of the deceased Li Ergou can barely remember, but some have disappeared in the hippocampus with the wind and sand over time.

"There are stories in your eyes that I don't know. Although you are good at hiding your emotions on weekdays, I know you must have experienced very sad things in the past."

"Secretly guessing about others is really disrespectful."

"But you are different," Miss Ivy said. "Can I be the person you talk to?"


The two fell into silence again. Li Ergou just wanted to be Aishwana's only one now. Miss Ivy also discovered that Li Ergou's inner defense line was not as unbreakable as she imagined.

In three years, there will definitely be a chance for him to fall in love with him.

Before you know it, the city of the white palace comes into view.

It is less than 25 kilometers away from the border of the Fars Federal State. The civilians have been forcibly moved to the rear. This city is the base camp of the Eastern Front, and the White Palace is the command post of Admiral Grouchy.

After a long journey, the group finally reached their destination.

Chapter 105 Conservative General

The middle-aged man was standing in front of the city gate, and his stiff face seemed to have never had a smile, reminiscent of the knights who brutally slaughtered pagans in the Middle Ages. s face.

Presumably he must be General Grouchy.

If you want to ask why Li Ergou, who has never seen it before, can assert the identity of General Grouchy so much, it is because the uniforms of General Grouchy are covered with large and small medals, and the positions of the officers behind him are vague. There is a feeling like the stars hold the moon.

I saw General Grouchy draw his sword and wave it lightly towards the sky, and then the two columns of soldiers stood up together, and the salute followed.

"Miss, General Grouchy is very kind to you."

Miss Ivy didn't seem so happy, just looked indifferently at the army and the middle-aged man in military uniform in front of her.

Since Miss Ivy was walking in the queue of soldiers at the moment, General Grouchy did not find Miss Ivy immediately, but looked at the carriage with the emblem of the Lianqing family, and said Walk with strong steps.

It should be said that he was born in the military. Although he is called a "conservative general", he has no extra fat on his body. Moreover, "conservative general" is not a derogatory meaning, but a compliment, meaning that although General Grouchy will not have too much Overly brilliant performance, but will never make a major mistake.

In front of the carriage, General Grouchy squeezed out a very reluctant smile and said to the inside of the carriage:

"Welcome to your presence, Miss Ivy Sylph Lianqing, although I and your father, Vitaro Sylph Lianqing, have different opinions in some places, you can choose to follow me and let me very happy."

"Admiral Manuel Grouchy, I'm not sitting in the carriage."

A girl's crisp and sweet voice came from the queue of soldiers.

Grouchy, who was attracted by the voice, cast his eyes in the direction of Ivy and Li Ergou, and his dissatisfaction was immediately apparent.

His face was pale, and he seemed to have something to say. For about a minute, his mouth opened and closed like a fish blowing bubbles.