MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 75

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The spear shone with silver flowers in his hand, and the thunderbolt and the wolf danced in the shadow of the man's spear.

However, when Li Ergou was immersed in his cultivation, someone suddenly kicked him from behind, causing him to stumble and almost fall.

Looking behind him vigilantly, there was a blond man who looked about twenty-five years old and was smoking a cigarette.

But he was nowhere near as young as he seemed, in fact he was in his forties.

"Boy, are you practicing?"

Breathing out a puff of smoke, Marshal Lian Qing said in a not very friendly tone.

"Nonsense, can't you read it yourself?"

Li Ergou also replied in a less friendly tone to the person who kicked him from behind.

"Tsk, did you make my daughter sad yesterday?"

Field Marshal Lian Qing, who was casually swallowing clouds and mist, said.

"If I pretended to say I love her, it would hurt her far more than if I told her frankly that I didn't love her earlier." Li Ergou's spear exuded a dazzling electric current and slashed towards Marshal Lianqing.

The flame blocked the current, and Marshal Lian Qing rubbed his head:

"You have some truth in what you said. The so-called love should really be a mutual affection."

"You can understand it."

Li Ergou's spear stabbed out the fire that was fired.

Although it was just a casual discussion, Li Ergou had clearly noticed the powerful magic power of Marshal Lian Qing.

"Come out for a walk with me." The marshal said in a casual tone, "Don't look at me like that. This time I'm not fighting with you, but I have something important to tell you."

"Important matter?"

Marshal Lianqing nodded heavily, then walked over to Li Ergou and said in a low voice:

"Before, Prince Louis said he wanted to give you a mercenary group? Now that they are in this city, I plan to take you to say hello first, and that mercenary group will become your own sword. , and that's one of the reasons I'm in this city."

"Aren't you afraid that after I own that mercenary group, it will become an uncontrollable existence?"

"Maybe as you said, you will become an uncontrollable existence, but Prince Louis told me that you are a man who cannot be controlled by chains. There is only one thing in the world that can restrain you, and that is kindness. Louis. The prince is a scumbag, but he always sees people very accurately."

Li Ergou couldn't help but smile bitterly.

If it is a chain, crush it with your teeth. But if it is kindness, you can only let yourself be bound by the shackles called "kindness" until you repay the kindness.

Marshal Lianqing stared at Li Ergou's face that seemed to have experienced countless vicissitudes and continued:

"What kind of experience does a prince from the Dongzhou royal family have to have such eyes? I'm really curious, you don't seem to have grown up with a golden spoon at all, but from hell, you I have seen many dead people, I must have been on the battlefield, I have seen the ugly villains on the battlefield in order to survive, and I have seen heroes who sacrificed their lives for justice."

Putting away the spear, Li Ergou kicked Marshal Lian Qing's **** without any hesitation.

"Why are you chattering? Let's go."

Marshal Lianqing wanted to fight back, but when he thought that he was the first to kick Li Ergou from behind, he seemed to be even with him.

As a high-ranking marshal and a respected nobleman, he was accustomed to flattery, but he didn't actually hate Li Ergou's attitude.

Chapter 104 The Mercenary in the Bar

"Hey, boy, don't panic, don't worry anymore," Field Marshal Lian Qing who was walking in front suddenly said, "Yesterday your ninja was surrounded by my army and sent back to the Dongzhou Empire. Well, if there is no accident, they should have arrived at the northern dock by now, and they will leave the land of Shengluer Kingdom by boat in the afternoon."

Hearing Marshal Lian Qing's arrangement, Li Ergou couldn't help frowning.

"Repatriation? Are you kidding me? Do you think Miss Xinchuan Fenghuazi and her subordinates will honestly return to the Dongzhou Empire? Have you ever wondered if they will take the opportunity to disembark? Then disembark at the port of a neighboring country, and then cross the border several times before appearing in front of us?"

"I thought about it, and I'm pretty sure that Xinchuan Fenghuazi will do that." Marshal Lianqing smiled mysteriously, turned his head and said, "At that time, she will disembark at the port of Lussen in the Federation of Fars, and then go to the current war. The front line. At that time, you and Ivy will meet them again and fight again."

Li Ergou's face was a little unsightly. When he thought of Xinchuan Fenghuazi's strength that almost crushed him, he felt as if something was strangling his throat.

For such an enemy, killing her is undoubtedly the best choice.

However, the little girl who was unwilling to kill her biological sister and tremblingly challenged the authority of the family appeared in her mind.

Later, after a series of experiences, the girl became the youngest "Shadow" in the history of the Eastern Continent Empire, and through a series of reforms abolished some extremely inhumane traditions in the Eastern Continent.

Because of this, Li Ergou knew that Xinchuan Fenghuazi was definitely not a villain. Even though she was as cold as an iceberg, she cherished the people around her from the bottom of her heart, and even treated her subordinates more sincerely than Miss Ivy.

She is a good girl, at least she is far more worthy of love than Miss Ivy.

"What? Are you really in love with that Dongzhou's fiancée?"

"Not at all."

It's just that Li Ergou recalled what happened in her shadow last night and felt that everything was so real.

"To be honest I really don't want to fight that woman anymore."

"Boy, you and Ivy are still too weak," Marshal Lian Qing said very bluntly, "so, you need a competitor, and that ninja of the same age as you is undoubtedly the best sharpening stone. , when you successfully defeat Xinchuan Fenghuazi, you will become an existence enough to stand on your own. And I will secretly protect you from being killed or kidnapped by her."

While chatting, Li Ergou had already walked with Marshal Lian Qing for nearly an hour. The two of them walked extremely fast. Unknowingly, they thought they were walking in a race, as if the two men were eager to see it. The other party gasped early and begged for mercy and said "go slower", and then laughed at the other party.

But unfortunately, both Li Ergou and Marshal Lianqing looked good and walked steadily.

During this section of the road, the two talked about Baron Cain and about Ivy in addition to talking about Fenghuazi of Xinchuan. In a desolate street where birds don't shit, a large beer bottle is prominently drawn on the sign swaying in the wind. In front of him is a bar that looks very cheap, which reminds Li Ergou of the American West. Kind of a small bar.

"It's here, it's here, the good guys who will fight with you in the future are staying in this bar for the time being."

Although Marshal Lianqing is undoubtedly a man of noble birth, he doesn't seem to have any repulsion towards such cheap bars. Instead, he pushes open the wooden door of the bar generously. However, the wooden door is like an old man with a candle in the wind. , was pushed away by Marshal Lianqing with a little force.

"Huo, a good place." Li Ergou couldn't help jokingly said, "I didn't expect you, who is a marquis, to be so elegant."

"Except for the fact that the marquis is slightly better than the commoners in the skills of reincarnation, the other places are actually similar to the commoners."

While speaking, Marshal Lian Qing rewarded the smiling bunny girl with five gold coins, and then put twenty gold coins on the table to express his apologies for breaking the bar's door.

The bar owner gladly accepted the huge sum of money. Although repairing the door only cost about ten gold coins, he did not intend to look for the money.

Li Ergou also stepped into the bar, his boots stepped on the dark brown wooden floor, and the floor creaked. There were not many people in the bar. A few people who looked like coachmen were playing poker in front of the table. A few idle young men were playing pool, flies were flying over the shriveled cheese fries on the table, and the record machine was singing yellow songs.

"Let's talk a little bit."

Marshal Lian Qing walked to the corner of the room, where a stern man with wheat-colored skin was leaning on the column, holding a glass full of beer in his hand.

From the skin color, it could be seen that this man probably came from the same place as Aishwana, and he was also a demihuman with a pair of cat ears and a tail.

Seems to be a master.

This is Li Ergou's first impression of the demihuman man. People who have experienced battles often can see through the details of each other at a glance. This Sri Lankan must have also experienced danger after death.

And he was looking at himself with scrutiny eyes.

Marshal Lianqing called Li Ergou to him as well:

"This is Ami, who used to be the captain of the guards under the Zhangsi royal family of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka. Now he is an assassin in the mercenary squad of His Royal Highness Louis. Although it sounds unbelievable, the gun in his hand can accurately kill fifteen thousand. An enemy a hundred meters away."

Li Ergou glanced at the long stick-shaped luggage behind Ami and said:

"Are you a sniper?"

"You know sniper rifles?"

Ami narrowed her eyes slightly.

The sniper rifle is still in a state of secrecy. In order to develop this weapon, Prince Louis hired the most intelligent minds in the entire Western Continent at a high price, and it took about five years to develop the sniper rifle.

In most of the small countries in the Western Continent of the same era, due to the very difficult manufacturing process of rifling, they did not even have rifling in their barrels, and the effective range was less than 100 meters.

"It seems that Baron Cain has already told you about us, so that's fine, so we don't need to explain the weapons. From the current point of view, our weapons are enough to crush any army of the same era, including the Eastern Continent Empire, and even Even if they have magicians, they may not be able to defeat us. As long as they occupy favorable terrain and ensure logistical supplies, we can be competent for any combat mission. Then Mr. Li Zijin, please follow me upstairs, our mercenary team captain Tom. Lord Bryant and the rest of the team are waiting for you."

Chapter 105 Brothers from the Past

"Be careful, Ergou, RPG!!"

The voice that was shouting at Li Ergou at that time reappeared in his mind. In the battlefield full of ruins, Li Ergou and his old partner Tom, who was a friend in the Foreign Legion, participated in the final mission together.

I remember when on the plane, Li Ergou said to Tom:

"Tom, my sister has passed away, and now I don't care about the world anymore. After I die, let's change the insurance beneficiary to you. Jackson wants to form a band, and Ms. Tang, whom Miss Kuroki respects, is infected You are sick, and you also have family members who need to be taken care of. If you were born in an orphanage, you need a lot of money to renovate the walls of the orphanage, right? And most of those children are also old enough to study, and they need a lot of money to study.”

Tom is a simple man. When he heard that Li Ergou said that he wanted to change the insurance beneficiary to them, he punched Li Ergou very happily. Under the big bull's eyes, there was a fierce face:

"You **** give me a good life, I don't need your money!"

Li Ergou looked at Tom and nodded heavily:

"Thanks, brother."

"Er dog, there is hope in life, don't think about death easily."

However, at that time, Tom did not let Li Ergou's eyes bring back the hope of life.

Thoughts returned to the present again.

At this moment, a black man with a height of more than two meters is sitting at the wooden table, and the clear outline has not changed as before.

In addition, his body seems to be stronger than before, he looks like a bull in a bullring, and his face is full of anger and arrogance, and it seems that once he rashly speaks unkindly to him, You will be smashed to death by fists like black iron.

But the man who seems to be fierce is actually a kind guy in essence, sometimes even too kind. Li Ergou still remembers one time, he even put himself in danger in order to save people, and finally he escaped from the surrounding He was rescued from the net.

Seeing himself, Tom stood up and said incredulously:

"Second dog, can't you? Are you still alive?"

"Yeah, I'm still alive, long time no see, brother."

Li Ergou stepped forward and bumped his fist as usual.

Marshal Lian Qing and the surrounding mercenaries did not expect that Tom and Li Ergou were old acquaintances.

"Baron Cain told me before that our boss is Mr. Li Zijin, right?" Tom said in an uncertain tone, "Have you finally given up on that name?"

"No, how could I give up the name 'Erdog', this name has a special meaning to me, and I want to bring this name into the coffin."

"Then I'll still call you Ergou. The name Li Zijin doesn't have the name Li Ergou, man." Tom smiled honestly.

Seeing that Tom was so friendly, the mercenaries also showed a friendly attitude.

Feeling the atmosphere of this mercenary squad, Li Ergou couldn't help but think of the foreign legion in the past.

Like the army they served in the past, this mercenary team is also from all over the world. Among them are Asians from Eastern Continent, orcs from Southern Continent, and elves from Western Continent.

"Everyone, listen to me, this is my best brother Li Ergou in the past. Even though he is thin, I can't necessarily beat him in terms of strength." Tom said in a strong voice, " So everyone, let my brother Li Ergou be the leader of the group, I guarantee that there will be no problems, I can use my personality to guarantee."

Tom seems to be very prestigious in this mercenary team, and the members of the mercenary team also stepped forward to shake hands with Li Ergou one by one.

According to their introduction, there are fifty-five people in this team, and only thirteen people are in the bar at the moment. Among them, there are four magicians, five assaulters, one sniper and three heavy armored soldiers. There are males and females, and it can be seen that Prince Louis's formation of mercenaries does not seem to be based on gender.

"Cheers, two dogs!"

Tom, who raised his beer mug, drank the wine in one breath.

Out of respect for his brother, Li Ergou also cheered boldly.

Suddenly, Li Ergou asked in French that people in another world could not understand:

"By the way, how did you come to this world?"

"At that time, I saw that you were attacked by those terrorists with rpg and exploded into ruins. I rushed over without thinking. What I thought at the time was that even if you died, you must keep your body intact. Bring it back, I remember you told me that you Chinese people believe in returning leaves to their roots, and I can't let my brother die in a foreign country..." Tom said in the same language while drinking, "But when I rushed over At the same time, a light illuminated the surroundings. When I recovered, I appeared in the forest and met many creatures I had never seen before. At that time, Baron Cain happened to be passing by, so I became his subordinate."

Li Ergou sighed softly, and he saw the sadness in Tom's eyes.

Tom has always regarded the orphans in the orphanage as his own brothers and sisters. In order for them to live a better life, Tom, who has no education, chose to join the army.

But now, he has traveled to another world for himself.

"Feel sorry."

"Why are you apologizing? It's my own opinion, it has nothing to do with you." Tom smiled, "And it's not bad to come to a new world, at least in this world, although there is discrimination, but there is no such thing as ours. The world is serious, at least it won't point my nose and yell at me nigga."

Li Ergou patted him on the shoulder, and the two fell silent.

In fact, Li Ergou can fully understand Tom's pain. If his sister travels to another world while still alive, Li Ergou will definitely be in great pain. And Tom's family is still there, but he was forced to teleport to another world, the pain can be imagined.

Finally, Li Ergou said in French:

"Brother, I will definitely find a way to bring you back to the original world."

Tom didn't say anything, just smiled helplessly.

After reminiscing about the old times, the two continued to talk in the Western Continental language that people from another world could understand:

"Okay, Ergou, there are still tasks to come. To tell you the truth, next, we are going to the frontline battlefield. Baron Cain ordered us to help the Fars Federation to win the war, and you will become Our commander, what are your plans next?"